talimat 996 B

  1. # Tanım: The Browser Exploitation Framework that focuses on the web browser
  2. # URL: http://beefproject.com/
  3. # Paketçi: yakar
  4. # Gerekler: ruby ruby-bundler sqlite python
  5. # Grup: güvenlik
  6. isim=beef
  7. surum=
  8. devir=2
  9. kaynak=
  10. derle() {
  11. if [ ! -d $DERLEME_KAYNAKDIZIN/$isim ];then
  12. git clone http://github.com/beefproject/$isim.git $DERLEME_KAYNAKDIZIN/$isim
  13. else
  15. git pull
  16. cd -
  17. fi
  18. git clone "$DERLEME_KAYNAKDIZIN/$isim" "$PKG/usr/share/$isim"
  19. cd "$PKG/usr/share/$isim"
  20. # beef
  21. mkdir -p "$PKG/usr/bin"
  22. cat > "$PKG/usr/bin/$isim" << EOF
  23. #!/bin/sh
  24. cd /usr/share/$isim
  25. exec ruby $isim "\${@}"
  26. EOF
  27. chmod +x "$PKG/usr/bin/$isim"
  28. rm "$PKG/usr/share/$isim/install"
  29. # desktop
  30. mkdir -p "$PKG/usr/share/applications/"
  31. cat > $PKG/usr/share/applications/$isim.desktop << BASLA
  32. [Desktop Entry]
  33. Name=Beef
  34. Exec=gksu "sh -c "beef;${SHELL:-bash}""
  35. Terminal=true
  36. Icon=beef
  37. Type=Application
  38. Categories=Network;X-Komutan;
  39. Version=1.0
  40. BASLA
  41. }