123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297 |
- // CubeScript survival mode in a nutshell:
- //
- // * All official maps support it.
- // * Each map has a unique "zone" that the player must stay in, to continue playing.
- // * Every "zone" is located somewhere other than the usual two bases.
- // * When the player first enters the "zone", the timers/counters start.
- // * If the player has not found the "zone" within the set timeframe, they are automatically teleported there.
- // * The difficulty is "increased" over time, by spawning more and increasing the skill level of bots at "checkpoints".
- // * If the player dies, or leaves the "zone" for too long of a duration, the game ends.
- // * Total seconds survived, total number of enemies killed during, average amount of time between kills, and total damage dealt while alive are reported as stats when the game ends.
- persistidents 0 // don't save default values
- // set defaults - may be overwritten by saved.cfg
- looplist [
- spamSurvMsgs 0
- survDifficulty 0
- nonSurvDefaults 0
- survBotsToAdd 1
- survDamageEffects 1
- survNumBots 6
- survMaxBots 20
- timeBetChkPts 60000
- timeUntilTele 90000
- ] [ a v ] [ alias $a $v ]
- alias survMap (rnd (listlen $__defaultmaps))
- // reset working variables
- const survResetAliases [gotCheckPoint lastCheckPoint survIsFinished startedSurvival startedOBCount startPreSurvMillis startSurvMillis survKills survTeleported survTotalDmg survOrigSets backInZone changingspeed changinggamma]
- const resetSurvAliases [ looplist $survResetAliases a [ tempalias $a 0 ] ]
- //checkinit afterinit resetSurvAliases
- resetSurvAliases
- // build menus
- const survSetsList [survNumBots survBotsToAdd timeBetChkPts timeUntilTele survMaxBots]
- const survDifList ["6 1 60000 90000 20" "8 2 45000 60000 30" "10 3 30000 45000 40" "12 5 10000 20000 50"]
- const survSetDif [if (checkrange $arg1 0 3) [ survDifficulty = $arg1; loop sdl 5 [ (at $survSetsList $sdl) = (at (at $survDifList $survDifficulty) $sdl) ] ] [ sleep 1000 [ echo "\f3Error: \f5invalid difficulty, defaulting to" (genSurvDifStr 0) ] 1; survSetDif 0 ]; nonSurvDefaults = 0 ]
- newmenu [Survival Mode]
- menuitemslider "Map: " 0 -1 "$survMap" [ac_aqueous ac_arabian ac_arctic ac_arid ac_avenue ac_cavern ac_complex ac_depot ac_desert ac_desert2 ac_desert3 ac_douze ac_edifice ac_elevation ac_gothic ac_iceroad ac_industrial ac_ingress ac_keller ac_lainio ac_mines ac_outpost ac_power ac_rattrap ac_scaffold ac_shine ac_snow ac_stellar ac_sunset ac_swamp ac_terros ac_toxic ac_urban ac_venison ac_wasteland ac_werk] [ survMap = $arg1 ]
- menuitemslider "Difficulty: " 0 3 "$survDifficulty" [easy intermediate hard impossible] [ survSetDif $arg1 ]
- menuitem [] -1
- menuitem "\t\t Customize..." [ showmenu [Survival Mode - Customize] ]
- menuitem "\t\t\f2 [ Start! ]" [ survival (at $__defaultmaps $survMap) ]
- newmenu [Survival Mode - Customize]
- menuitemcheckbox "Enable survival damage effects (uses gamespeed/gamma)" "$survDamageEffects" [ survDamageEffects = $arg1 ]
- menuitemslider "# of bots to spawn on start: " 6 20 "$survNumBots" 1 [ survNumBots = $arg1; nonSurvDefaults = 1 ]
- menuitemslider "# of bots to spawn at checkpoints: " 1 5 "$survBotsToAdd" 1 [ survBotsToAdd = $arg1; nonSurvDefaults = 1 ]
- menuitemslider "# of milliseconds between checkpoints: " 10000 120000 "$timeBetChkPts" 10000 [ timeBetChkPts = $arg1; nonSurvDefaults = 1 ]
- menuitemslider "# of milliseconds before teleporting: " 10000 180000 "$timeUntilTele" 10000 [ timeUntilTele = $arg1; nonSurvDefaults = 1 ]
- menuitemslider "Maximum # of bots in survival mode: " 10 50 "$survMaxBots" 2 [ survMaxBots = $arg1; nonSurvDefaults = 1 ]
- menuitemslider "Spam survival mode messages: " 0 1 "$spamSurvMsgs" [ no yes ] [ spamSurvMsgs = $arg1 ]
- menuitem [] -1
- menuitem "\t\t\t\f2 [ Back ]" [ closecurmenu ]
- const genSurvDifStr [
- if $nonSurvDefaults [ result "[CUSTOM]" ] [
- tempalias tmpstrlist (concat (concatword (green) "[EASY]") (concatword (yellow) "[INTERMEDIATE]") (concatword (orange) "[HARD]") (concatword (dred) "[IMPOSSIBLE]"))
- if (&& $numargs (checkrange $arg1 0 3)) [ result (at $tmpstrlist $arg1) ] [ result (at $tmpstrlist $survDifficulty) ]
- ]
- ]
- const survOnKill [
- if (&& (= $arg1 (player1 cn)) (!= $arg1 $arg2)) [ // Player1 was actor and was not suicide
- += survKills 1 // Increment enemies killed counter
- if (! (listlen $survTimeBetKills)) [ // First kill
- tempalias survTimeBetKills (- (millis) $startSurvMillis) //
- ] [ add2list survTimeBetKills (- (millis) $survLastKill) ] // Other kills
- tempalias survLastKill (millis) // Update last kill
- ] [
- if (= $arg2 (player1 cn)) [
- add2list tmpSurvSets (concat $arg1 $arg2 $arg3 $arg4 (player $arg1 name)) // Player1 was target, pass arguments/data along for use in the after game results/stats messages.
- ]
- ]
- ]
- const survOnHit [
- if (&& (= $arg1 (player1 cn)) (!= $arg1 $arg2)) [
- += survTotalDmg $arg3
- ]
- ]
- checkinit onKill [if $startedSurvival [survOnKill $arg1 $arg2 $arg3 $arg4]]
- checkinit onHit [if $startedSurvival [survOnHit $arg1 $arg2 $arg3 $arg4]]
- const survival [
- if (> $numargs 1) [ survSetDif $arg2 ]; kickallbots; if (! (player1 team)) [ team RVSF ]
- tempalias tmpSurvSets $survNumBots; tempalias curSurvDifficulty 0; tempalias survLastKill []; tempalias survTimeBetKills []; resetSurvAliases
- checkinit mapstartonce [
- tempalias startPreSurvMillis (millis); add2list tmpSurvSets (curmap); sleep 3 [ storesets gamma survOrigSets ]
- echo (genSurvDifStr) (yellow)Bot survival mode prepared, gather items and find the arena to start! (orange)You have (white) (div $timeUntilTele 1000) (orange)seconds to prepare!
- setOfcZones; checkzone
- ]
- btdm $arg1 $MAX_BOT_MATCH_LENGTH
- ]
- const startSurvival [
- tempalias startedSurvival 1; tempalias startSurvMillis (millis); addnbot $survNumBots CLA bad
- sleep 1000 [ if $survTeleported [ echo (orange)You were teleported to the zone. ]; echo (red)Starting survival mode, good luck! ]
- sleep $timeBetChkPts [ tempalias gotCheckPoint 1; increaseDifficulty ]
- ]
- const setzone [ if (> (listlen $arg1) 3) [ tempalias zone []; loop szl 4 [ add2list zone (at $arg1 $szl) ] ]; drawzone (at $arg1 0) (at $arg1 1) (at $arg1 2) (at $arg1 3) ]
- // Zones consist of two points on a grid. Any area within these points are considered "inner zone".
- // The order of the arguments given to setzone are important: setzone "minX maxX minY maxY"
- // Hint: Use /whereami to find the two points.
- const survOfcZones [
- ac_aqueous 159 198 128 142
- ac_arabian 128 196 93 146
- ac_arctic 81 120 137 176
- ac_arid 133 184 88 144
- ac_avenue 156 230 64 145
- ac_cavern 129 201 77 122
- ac_complex 105 150 129 181
- ac_depot 137 166 205 262
- ac_desert 70 133 110 178
- ac_desert2 65 98 149 190
- ac_desert3 25 62 97 134
- ac_douze 99 140 153 190
- ac_edifice 33 80 82 120
- ac_elevation 61 102 66 121
- ac_gothic 47 83 41 83
- ac_iceroad 325 374 244 274
- ac_industrial 319 357 180 244
- ac_ingress 133 181 66 112
- ac_keller 66 100 222 244
- ac_lainio 92 204 95 135
- ac_mines 95 167 136 193
- ac_outpost 84 126 74 137
- ac_power 155 216 211 244
- ac_rattrap 145 185 57 102
- ac_scaffold 34 73 38 99
- ac_shine 168 207 120 200
- ac_snow 17 54 102 127
- ac_stellar 81 144 47 160
- ac_sunset 107 152 48 183
- ac_swamp 136 180 159 188
- ac_terros 122 168 64 137
- ac_toxic 72 114 120 147
- ac_urban 135 200 45 90
- ac_venison 224 280 195 243
- ac_wasteland 92 128 100 185
- ac_werk 121 147 110 150
- ]
- // Add zones for custom maps in the alias below...
- const survCstZones [
- test 93 163 94 162
- ]
- const setOfcZones [
- tempalias survMapIndex (findlist $survOfcZones (curmap))
- if (!= $survMapIndex -1) [
- tempalias tmpSurvZone []
- loop soz 4 [ add2list tmpSurvZone (at $survOfcZones (+ $survMapIndex (+ $soz 1))) ]
- setzone $tmpSurvZone
- ] [
- survMapIndex = (findlist $survCstZones (curmap))
- if (!= $survMapIndex -1) [
- tempalias tmpSurvZone []
- loop soz 4 [ add2list tmpSurvZone (at $survCstZones (+ $survMapIndex (+ $soz 1))) ]
- setzone $tmpSurvZone
- ]
- ]
- ]
- const findCenter [
- tempalias midZoneX (+f (divf (-f (at $tmpSurvZone 1) (at $tmpSurvZone 0)) 2) (at $tmpSurvZone 0))
- tempalias midZoneY (+f (divf (-f (at $tmpSurvZone 3) (at $tmpSurvZone 2)) 2) (at $tmpSurvZone 2))
- ]
- const teleportPlayer [
- if (&& (! $survIsFinished) (&& $startPreSurvMillis (>= (- (millis) $startPreSurvMillis) 500))) [
- if (! (player1 alive)) attack
- if (!= $gamespeed 100) [ gamespeed 100 ]
- survTeleported = 1
- findCenter
- if (! $editing) edittoggle
- gotoposition $midZoneX $midZoneY
- sleep 25 edittoggle
- ]
- ]
- const isInZone [ result (&& (checkrange (player1 x) (at $zone 0) (at $zone 1)) (checkrange (player1 y) (at $zone 2) (at $zone 3))) ]
- tempalias changingspeed 0
- tempalias changinggamma 0
- const changespeed [
- if (= $connected 0) [
- if (&& (>= $arg1 10) (<= $arg1 1000)) [
- changingspeed = 1; tempalias curspeed $gamespeed; tempalias targetspeed $arg1; tempalias increments $arg2
- if (!= $curspeed $targetspeed) [
- if (> $curspeed $targetspeed) [
- tempalias loops (- $curspeed $targetspeed)
- ] [ tempalias loops (- $targetspeed $curspeed) ]
- loop CSL $loops [
- sleep (* $CSL $increments) [ gamespeed ((at [+ -] (> $curspeed $targetspeed)) $gamespeed 1) ]
- ]
- sleep (* $loops $increments) [ changingspeed = 0 ]
- ] [ changingspeed = 0 ]
- ] [
- echo "valid range for gamespeed is 10..1000"
- ]
- ] [
- echo "operation not available in multiplayer"
- ]
- ]
- const changegamma [
- changinggamma = 1; tempalias curgamma $gamma; tempalias targetgamma $arg1; tempalias incrementss $arg2
- if (!= $curgamma $targetgamma) [
- if (> $curgamma $targetgamma) [
- tempalias loopss (- $curgamma $targetgamma)
- ] [ tempalias loopss (- $targetgamma $curgamma) ]
- loop CGL $loopss [
- sleep (* $CGL $incrementss) [ gamma ((at [+ -] (> $curgamma $targetgamma)) $gamma 1) ]
- ]
- sleep (* $loopss $incrementss) [ changinggamma = 0 ]
- ] [ changinggamma = 0 ]
- ]
- const applySurvDamageEffects [
- if (&& (!= $gamespeed (* (player1 health) 2)) (&& (! $changingspeed) (>= (player1 health) 5))) [
- changespeed (* (player1 health) 2) 10
- ]
- if (&& (checkrange (player1 health) 15 32) (&& (!= $gamma (* (player1 health) 3)) (! $changinggamma))) [
- changegamma (* (player1 health) 3) 10
- ]
- ]
- const checkzone [
- if (! $survIsFinished) [
- if (! $startedSurvival) [
- if (! (player1 team)) [ team RVSF ]
- if (isInZone) startSurvival
- if (>= (- (millis) $startPreSurvMillis) $timeUntilTele) teleportPlayer
- ] [
- if (>= (- (millis) $startSurvMillis) 500) [
- if (|| $editing (|| (idlebots 2) (! (botsshoot 2)))) [ endSurvival (concatword (genSurvDifStr) (red) [ Error: editmode, idlebots, and botsshoot are not allowed in bot survival mode.]) 1 ]
- if (! (player1 alive)) [ tempalias finalSurvMillis (- (millis) $startSurvMillis); endSurvival (concatword (genSurvDifStr) (red) [ You survived for ] (white) (divf $finalSurvMillis 1000) (red) [ seconds, killed ] (white) $survKills (red) [ enemies. Average: ] (white) (divf (listaverage $survTimeBetKills) 1000) (red) [ seconds between kills. Total Damage Dealt: ] (white) $survTotalDmg) ]
- ]
- if (&& (! (isInZone)) (! $startedOBCount)) startOBCount [
- if (&& (isInZone) (&& $startedOBCount (! $backInZone))) [ backInZone = 1 ]
- ]
- if (&& (>= (- (millis) $lastCheckPoint) $timeBetChkPts) $gotCheckPoint) increaseDifficulty
- if $survDamageEffects [
- if (>= (player1 health) 50) [ if (&& (!= $gamespeed 100) (! $changingspeed)) [ changespeed 100 10 ] ]
- if (> (player1 health) 32) [ if (!= $gamma (at $survOrigSets 0)) [ if (! $changinggamma) [ changegamma (at $survOrigSets 0) 10 ] ] ]
- if (< (player1 health) 50) applySurvDamageEffects
- ]
- ]
- sleep 0 checkzone
- ]
- ]
- const startOBCount [
- if (&& (! $survIsFinished) $startedSurvival) [
- tempalias startedOBCount 1; tempalias startOBMillis (millis); tempalias backInZone 0; tempalias tmpSCtr 5
- echo (red)Get back into the arena! (white)You only have (red)5 (white)seconds to return.
- loop soc 5 [ sleep (* $soc 1000) [ if (&& (! $survIsFinished) (&& (! (isInZone)) (! $backInZone))) [ if $spamSurvMsgs [ hudecho (concatword (orange) $tmpSCtr ...) ] [ echo (concatword (orange) $tmpSCtr ...) ]; -= tmpSCtr 1 ] [ backInZone = 1 ] ] ]
- sleep 5000 [ if (&& (! (isInZone)) (&& (! $backInZone) (>= (- (millis) $startOBMillis) 5000))) [ endSurvival (concatword (genSurvDifStr) (red) [ You took too long to return to the arena!]) 1 ] [ startedOBCount = 0 ] ]
- ]
- ]
- const increaseDifficulty [
- tempalias lastCheckPoint (millis)
- if (curmodeattr bot) [
- if (<= (+ $survNumBots $survBotsToAdd) $survMaxBots) [ += survNumBots $survBotsToAdd; addnbot $survBotsToAdd CLA best ] [ tmpSurvInt = (- $survMaxBots $survNumBots); += survNumBots $tmpSurvInt; addnbot $tmpSurvInt CLA best ]
- if (< $curSurvDifficulty 4) [ += curSurvDifficulty 1 ; botskillall (at [bad worse medium good best] $curSurvDifficulty) ]
- ]
- ]
- const endSurvival [
- if (! $survIsFinished) [
- tempalias tmp_survstr $arg1; tempalias tmp_nargs $numargs; tempalias survIsFinished 1; tempalias startedSurvival 0; tempalias survNumBots (at $tmpSurvSets 0)
- checkinit mapstartonce [
- gamespeed 100
- if (< $tmp_nargs 2) [
- echo (green)Bot Survival results for map: (white) (at $tmpSurvSets 1)
- if (!= (at $tmpSurvSets 2) (at $tmpSurvSets 3)) [
- if (= (at $tmpSurvSets 5) 1) [ sleep 5 [ echo (concatword (yellow) (format [you were %1 by %2] (gibmessage (at $tmpSurvSets 4)) (at $tmpSurvSets 6))) ] ] [
- sleep 5 [ echo (concatword (yellow) (format [you were %1 by %2] (fragmessage (at $tmpSurvSets 4)) (at $tmpSurvSets 6))) ]
- ]
- ] [ sleep 5 [ echo (concatword (yellow) [you suicided!]) ] ]
- ]
- echo $tmp_survstr
- if (&& $spamSurvMsgs $survKills) [ hudecho (green)GG ]
- ]
- if (curmodeattr bot) kickallbots
- tdm (rndmap)
- ]
- ]