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- Packaging AssaultCube:
- 1. fresh svn checkout (Don't start AC afterwards to avoid any changes)
- 2. delete config/saved.cfg if existent
- 3. make sure config/servers.cfg is empty
- 4. delete contents of folder screenshots/
- 5. delete contents of folder demos/
- 6. delete the whole source/ folder
- 7. delete the whole docs/autogen/ folder
- 8. Copy shadow files (.dat) from another working AC installation (SVN) into the freshly exported directory
- 9. Delete the bin_*/ folders that are not needed by your platform
- 10.Package AC (.exe/.tgz/etc) and name it like AssaultCube_vMAJOR.MINOR.BUILD.REVISION.FORMAT on Windows this could be AssaultCube_v1.0.0.0.exe
- This steps can be automatized, see source\vcpp\buildEnv\*.bat for examples.