123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265 |
- (* Copyright © 2019 Ariadne Devos
- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 or GPL-3.0 *)
- Require Import Trace.
- Require Import Coq.Setoids.Setoid.
- Require Import Coq.Sets.Ensembles.
- Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms.
- Require Import Coq.Arith.PeanoNat.
- Require Import Lattice.
- (* A composable definition of regular expression
- applied to possibly infinite strings.
- Leibniz equality of symbols is assumed *)
- Section Language.
- (* equality: leibniz *)
- Variable A : Type.
- Definition word := trace A.
- (* Equivalency of languages.
- A language is a set of allowed words. *)
- Definition language := Ensemble word.
- (* The level is a wild guess, correct in case of
- strange parsings. *)
- Local Notation "a 'l∈' l" := ((l : language) (a : word)) (at level 50).
- (* Languages are equivalent if they accept the same words *)
- Definition lang_eqv (a : language) (b : language) :=
- forall k : word, k l∈ a <-> k l∈ b.
- Local Notation "a '≣' b" := (lang_eqv (a : language) (b : language)) (at level 30).
- Lemma lang_eqv_refl a : a ≣ a.
- Proof. unfold lang_eqv. tauto. Qed.
- Lemma lang_eqv_sym a b : a ≣ b -> b ≣ a.
- Proof. unfold lang_eqv. firstorder. Qed.
- Lemma lang_eqv_trans a b c : a ≣ b -> b ≣ c -> a ≣ c.
- Proof. unfold lang_eqv. firstorder. Qed.
- Add Parametric Relation: (language) lang_eqv
- reflexivity proved by (lang_eqv_refl)
- symmetry proved by (lang_eqv_sym)
- transitivity proved by (lang_eqv_trans)
- as lang_equiv.
- (* epsilon, constant symbols and concatenation *)
- Section Little.
- (* only a single word *)
- Definition fixed_string : word -> language := Singleton word.
- (* empty word *)
- Definition epsilon : language := fixed_string (Done A).
- Theorem fixed_string_empty_eqv_epsilon : fixed_string (Done A) ≣ epsilon.
- Proof. unfold epsilon. reflexivity. Qed.
- Theorem fixed_string_self (w : word) : w l∈ fixed_string w.
- Proof. unfold fixed_string. constructor. Qed.
- Inductive concat : language -> language -> language :=
- | ConcatMatch (a : language) (b : language) (t : word) (u : word) (match_at : t l∈ a) (match_bu : u l∈ b)
- : concat a b (seq A t u).
- Add Parametric Morphism : concat with
- signature (lang_eqv ==> lang_eqv ==> lang_eqv) as concat_morphism.
- Proof. (* Somewhat brute-force, but quite effective *)
- unfold lang_eqv.
- firstorder.
- all : (inversion H1; subst k; constructor).
- all : firstorder.
- Qed.
- Theorem fixed_string_match_equal (v : word) (u : word) : u l∈ fixed_string v -> u = v.
- Proof. simpl. intro K; inversion K; reflexivity. Qed.
- (* bring constants together *)
- Theorem concat_single (v : word) (w : word) : concat (fixed_string v) (fixed_string w) ≣ (fixed_string (seq A v w)).
- Proof.
- split. all : intro H.
- + inversion H; clear H H2 H1 H0.
- inversion match_at; clear match_at H.
- rewrite (fixed_string_match_equal w u match_bu).
- reflexivity.
- + inversion H; clear H H0.
- constructor.
- all : reflexivity.
- Qed.
- (* concat, epsilon is a monoid *)
- (* epsilon is neutral *)
- Theorem concat_epsilon_l (a : language) : concat epsilon a ≣ a.
- Proof.
- split. all : intro K.
- + inversion K.
- inversion match_at.
- rewrite seq_nil_l.
- assumption.
- + rewrite <- seq_nil_l.
- constructor.
- - constructor.
- - assumption.
- Qed.
- Theorem concat_epsilon_r (a : language) : concat a epsilon ≣ a.
- Proof.
- split. all : intro K.
- + inversion K.
- inversion match_bu.
- rewrite seq_nil_r.
- assumption.
- + rewrite <- seq_nil_r.
- constructor.
- - assumption.
- - constructor.
- Qed.
- (* concat is associative *)
- Lemma concat_assoc a b c : concat (concat a b) c ≣ concat a (concat b c).
- Proof.
- split. all : intro H.
- + inversion H; clear H H2 H1 H0.
- inversion match_at; clear match_at H1 H0 H.
- rewrite seq_assoc.
- constructor.
- assumption.
- constructor.
- all : assumption.
- + inversion H; clear H H2 H1 H0.
- inversion match_bu; clear match_bu H1 u H0 H.
- rewrite <- seq_assoc.
- constructor.
- constructor.
- all : assumption.
- Qed.
- End Little.
- Section Choice.
- (* recognise everything *)
- Definition anything : language := fun _ => True.
- (* recognise nothing *)
- Definition nothing : language := fun _ => False.
- (* a choice between two languages *)
- Definition or these those : language := fun (w : word) => these w \/ those w.
- (* both languages at the same time *)
- Definition and these those : language := fun (w : word) => these w /\ those w.
- Add Parametric Morphism : or with
- signature (lang_eqv ==> lang_eqv ==> lang_eqv) as or_morphism.
- Proof. firstorder. Qed.
- Add Parametric Morphism : and with
- signature (lang_eqv ==> lang_eqv ==> lang_eqv) as and_morphism.
- Proof. firstorder. Qed.
- (* or, and have a minimum and a maximum *)
- Lemma or_and_lattice_bottom_top : bounded_lattice_theory language lang_eqv or and nothing anything.
- Proof. firstorder. Qed.
- (* or, and are joins and meets *)
- Lemma or_and_lattice : lattice_theory language lang_eqv or and.
- Proof. exact (lattice _ _ _ _ _ _ or_and_lattice_bottom_top). Qed.
- (* or, and distribute over each other *)
- Lemma or_and_distr : distributive_theory language lang_eqv or and.
- Proof. firstorder. Qed.
- End Choice.
- Section Repetition.
- (* repeatedly concat a language, a finite number of times *)
- Inductive repeatN : nat -> language -> language :=
- | Repeat0 r : (Done _) l∈ repeatN 0 r
- | RepeatS r n u v : u l∈ r -> v l∈ repeatN n r -> seq _ u v l∈ repeatN (S n) r.
- Theorem repeat0 r : repeatN 0 r ≣ epsilon.
- Proof.
- split.
- all : (intro P; inversion P; constructor).
- Qed.
- Theorem combine_repeatNM r : forall n m t u, repeatN n r t -> repeatN m r u -> repeatN (n + m) r (seq _ t u).
- Proof.
- intro n.
- induction n.
- all : intros.
- + rewrite Nat.add_0_l.
- inversion H.
- rewrite seq_nil_l.
- assumption.
- + inversion H; clear H.
- clear H4 r0.
- rewrite Nat.add_succ_l.
- rewrite seq_assoc.
- constructor.
- - assumption.
- - apply IHn.
- all : assumption.
- Qed.
- (* An unbounded but finite number of repetitions.
- (TODO: how is the Kleene closure defined?
- From a quick look at his paper and some reminiscences
- of articles, he might even have conceived regular languages
- for checking infinite traces of events to match a safe
- pattern) *)
- Definition finiteStar r : language := fun w => exists k, w l∈ repeatN k r.
- Theorem finiteStar_epsilon_ok r w : w l∈ epsilon -> w l∈ finiteStar r.
- Proof.
- intro P; destruct P.
- cbv.
- refine (ex_intro _ 0 _).
- constructor.
- Qed.
- Theorem finiteStar_epsilon : finiteStar epsilon ≣ epsilon.
- Proof.
- split. all : intro P.
- 2 : apply (finiteStar_epsilon_ok _ _ P).
- destruct P.
- induction x.
- - inversion H. constructor.
- - inversion H.
- destruct H1.
- rewrite seq_nil_l in H4.
- subst v.
- rewrite seq_nil_l.
- apply IHx.
- assumption.
- Qed.
- Theorem finiteStar_seq r : concat (finiteStar r) (finiteStar r) ≣ finiteStar r.
- Proof.
- split. all : intro P.
- + unfold finiteStar.
- unfold finiteStar in P.
- inversion P; clear P.
- destruct match_at, match_bu.
- refine (ex_intro _ (x + x0) _).
- apply combine_repeatNM.
- all : assumption.
- + inversion P.
- rewrite <- seq_nil_r.
- constructor.
- - exact (ex_intro _ x H).
- - eapply finiteStar_epsilon_ok.
- constructor.
- Qed.
- (* And, in principle, r** = r*, although I don't believe
- the former occurs in practice *)
- (* TODO: infinite repeating, without vacuousity
- (RFCs don't specify those, for it is rather
- incomputable), closure operator (which one, exactly?)
- (* not really a priority *) *)
- End Repetition.
- End Language.