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- (* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 or GPL-3.0
- Copyright © 2019 Ariadne Devos *)
- Require Import Coq.Program.Basics.
- Require Import S.Lucid.Lift.
- (* Define some pure ‘glue’ arrows, manipulating
- pre- and post-conditions and reordering data.
- They are not that useful on theirselves, but
- are great for composition. *)
- Section pure_constructions.
- (* The indexed pure identity arrow.
- The precondition P must imply the postcondition Q.
- When sequenced, this can be used to transform
- the pre- and post-conditions. *)
- Program Definition hoareA_sig_pure A (P : A -> Prop) (Q : A -> Prop) (sense : forall a : A, P a -> Q a) : PureSig A A
- := {| P := P;
- Q := Q;
- f := id |}.
- (* The indexed pure identity arrow,
- with equal pre- and post-conditions *)
- Program Definition identityA_sig_pure0 A P : PureSig A A := hoareA_sig_pure A P P _.
- (* Reverse an input and output pair and the condition *)
- Program Definition revA_sig_pure A B P : PureSig (A * B) (B * A)
- := {| P := P;
- Q := prod_curry (flip (prod_uncurry P));
- f := prod_curry (flip pair) |}.
- Definition assoc_pairs A B C : A * (B * C) -> (A * B) * C
- := fun p => match p with (a, (b, c)) => ((a, b), c) end.
- Definition assoc_pairs_reverse A B C : (A * B) * C -> A * (B * C)
- := fun p => match p with ((a, b), c) => (a, (b, c)) end.
- (* Change the association of nested products.
- This can be neccessary due to use of parA and seqA. *)
- Program Definition assocA_sig_pure A B C (P : (A * (B * C)) -> Prop) : PureSig (A * (B * C)) ((A * B) * C)
- := {| P := P;
- Q := compose P (assoc_pairs_reverse A B C);
- f := assoc_pairs A B C; |}.
- Program Definition assocA_sig_pure_reverse A B C (P : (A * B) * C -> Prop) : PureSig ((A * B) * C) (A * (B * C))
- := {| P := P;
- Q := compose P (assoc_pairs A B C);
- f := assoc_pairs_reverse A B C; |}.
- End pure_constructions.