Slackware note for a laptop 559 B

  1. ## 3-21-18 Installed Slackware after years of using Arch,
  2. ## and a brief use of Korora linux (derived from Fedora), Used 1 week.
  3. ## Thanks Klaatu on Mastodon.xzy for helping me.
  4. ## Access printer on CUPS web interface
  5. #Listen localhost:631 ## default is uncommented
  6. Listen ## added this
  7. ## Added to avoid message that this page is Forbidden
  8. su
  9. usermod -a -G lp mark
  10. ## Added
  11. Allow From after Order allow,deny where needed
  12. ## Added to .bashrc
  13. ## Tmux would not clear the screen with C-l
  14. bind -x '"\C-l": clear'