#44 (Just a note to anyone looking for cias)

otvorené 5 rokov pred užívateľom BannerBomb · 0 komentárov
BannerBomb okomentoval 5 rokov pred

Anyone that is still looking for installable CIA's for both the O3DS and N3DS (cartridge, eshop titles and roms), you may find a bunch here https://drive.google.com/open?id=1n2twfTuCxsf-DedxgVxncaFAeEr7WWc1. You may install the CIA's to your 3DS using FBI.

Anyone that is still looking for installable CIA's for both the O3DS and N3DS (cartridge, eshop titles and roms), you may find a bunch here https://drive.google.com/open?id=1n2twfTuCxsf-DedxgVxncaFAeEr7WWc1. You may install the CIA's to your 3DS using FBI.
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