#42 Suggestion: Drag & drop to set priority.

7 سال پیش باز شده توسط Shadd · 0 دیدگاه

I sometimes have issues organizing which things to download first (especially when I'm in a hurry) and that arrow that moves the download to the top gets kind of annoying when trying to organize. A simple drag and drop to set which things get downloaded first would make it much easier organizing which things to download first. Especially if you are trying to download anything at the last second.

I sometimes have issues organizing which things to download first (especially when I'm in a hurry) and that arrow that moves the download to the top gets kind of annoying when trying to organize. A simple drag and drop to set which things get downloaded first would make it much easier organizing which things to download first. Especially if you are trying to download anything at the last second.
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