#27 App freezes when home button is pressed while Sapphire is installed

Cralex7 년 전을 오픈 · 1개의 코멘트
Cralex 코멘트됨, 7 년 전

Not sure if this goes here or on Sapphire's page. Anyway, the app seems to be unable to close properly or return to the home screen while the sysmodule Sapphire is installed. N3DS, Luma 8.1 with L2 and Clock, FS 3.1.2 and Sapphire.

Uninstalling Sapphire, which was tricky to do because I had to check the makefile to find the product code, instantly fixed the problem.

Edit: Needs clarification: Is Sapphire meant to be installed separately, or is it's functionality included somehow?

Not sure if this goes here or on Sapphire's page. Anyway, the app seems to be unable to close properly or return to the home screen while the sysmodule Sapphire is installed. N3DS, Luma 8.1 with L2 and Clock, FS 3.1.2 and Sapphire. Uninstalling Sapphire, which was tricky to do because I had to check the makefile to find the product code, instantly fixed the problem. Edit: Needs clarification: Is Sapphire meant to be installed separately, or is it's functionality included somehow?
KevinBlue18 코멘트됨, 7 년 전

It freezes with me too N3DS, Luma 8.1.1 without L2 and Clock, FS 3.1.4 and Sapphire. So, I'm wondering is it still required.

It freezes with me too N3DS, Luma 8.1.1 without L2 and Clock, FS 3.1.4 and Sapphire. So, I'm wondering is it still required.
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