en-GB.toml 9.4 KB

  1. # ‘amuse’ translation note:
  2. # as the name it must not be translated; the name comes both from amusement, and a muse (godess).
  3. # as a verb (esp. in `let_amuse_you`) it should not imply happiness, rather entertainment (cf. Oxford Dictionary of English ‘amuse’, sense 2)
  4. # missing strings are taken from `default.toml`
  5. # titles, characters, and quotes should come from official translations
  6. # quotes must include quotation marks, titles must not
  7. [global]
  8. # format as per POSIX date(1p) without %c, %r, %x, %X
  9. date_format = "%d %B %Y"
  10. date_format_full = "%d %B %Y, %H:%M"
  11. date_format_time = "%H:%M"
  12. experience_format_today = "today"
  13. experience_format_yesterday = "yesterday"
  14. experience_format_ereyester = "ereyester"
  15. experience_format_week = "last %A"
  16. experience_format_year = "on %b %d"
  17. experience_format_earlier = "on %d %B %Y"
  18. Monday = "Monday"
  19. Tuesday = "Tuesday"
  20. Wednesday = "Wednesday"
  21. Thursday = "Thursday"
  22. Friday = "Friday"
  23. Saturday = "Saturday"
  24. Sunday = "Sunday"
  25. Monday_short = "Mon"
  26. Tuesday_short = "Tue"
  27. Wednesday_short = "Wed"
  28. Thursday_short = "Thu"
  29. Friday_short = "Fri"
  30. Saturday_short = "Sat"
  31. Sunday_short = "Sun"
  32. January = "January"
  33. February = "February"
  34. March = "March"
  35. April = "April"
  36. May = "May"
  37. June = "June"
  38. July = "July"
  39. August = "August"
  40. September = "September"
  41. October = "October"
  42. November = "November"
  43. December = "December"
  44. January_short = "Jan"
  45. February_short = "Feb"
  46. March_short = "Mar"
  47. April_short = "Apr"
  48. May_short = "May"
  49. June_short = "Jun"
  50. July_short = "Jul"
  51. August_short = "Aug"
  52. September_short = "Sep"
  53. October_short = "Oct"
  54. November_short = "Nov"
  55. December_short = "Dec"
  56. search = "search…"
  57. unknown = "unknown"
  58. log_in = "Log in"
  59. sign_up = "Sign up"
  60. log_out = "Log out"
  61. account = "Account"
  62. watchlist = "Watchlist"
  63. tv_queue = "TV Queue"
  64. readlist = "Readlist"
  65. experiences = "Experiences"
  66. empty_quote = "‘Nothing to see here! Please disperse!’"
  67. empty_character = "Lt. Frank Drebin"
  68. empty_title = "The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!"
  69. too_far_quote = "‘Grunkle Stan, you’ve gone too far this time!’"
  70. too_far_character = "Mabel Pines"
  71. too_far_title = "Gravity Falls"
  72. too_far_code = "S01E13"
  73. too_far_episode = "Boss Mabel"
  74. [index]
  75. # `{}` is replaced with search field
  76. let_amuse_you = "Let {} amuse You"
  77. source_link_title = "source code"
  78. about_link_title = "about a·muse"
  79. [search]
  80. next_link_title = "next page"
  81. prev_link_title = "previous page"
  82. not_found_quote = "‘Empty!’"
  83. not_found_character = "Maurice Moss"
  84. not_found_title = "The IT Crowd"
  85. not_found_code = "S01E02"
  86. not_found_episode = "‘Calamity Jen’"
  87. too_far_quote = "‘You have gone too far.’"
  88. too_far_character = "Moriticia Addams"
  89. too_far_title = "Addams Family Values"
  90. film = "Film"
  91. tvserie = "TV Series"
  92. person = "Person"
  93. author = "Author"
  94. book = "Book"
  95. bookserie = "Books series"
  96. droids = "Are this not the droids You are looking for?"
  97. [film]
  98. minutes = "min"
  99. in_this_collection = "In this collection"
  100. cast = "Cast"
  101. crew = "Crew"
  102. rating = "Rating"
  103. votes = "votes"
  104. # to be disclosed
  105. TBD = "TBD"
  106. genre = "Genre"
  107. based_on = "Based on"
  108. source = "Source"
  109. runtime = "Runtime"
  110. status = "Status"
  111. empty_payroll = "Empty payroll"
  112. watched = "Watched"
  113. Watchlist = "Watchlist"
  114. onWatchlist = "You want to watch this film"
  115. want_watch = "Want to watch"
  116. [serie]
  117. season = "Season"
  118. cast = "Cast"
  119. crew = "Crew"
  120. rating = "Rating"
  121. votes = "votes"
  122. no_rating = "TBD"
  123. genre = "Genre"
  124. source = "Source"
  125. status = "Status"
  126. based_on = "Based on"
  127. latest_episode = "Latest episode"
  128. empty_payroll = "Empty payroll"
  129. no_episodes = "This season is empty"
  130. watched = "Watched"
  131. next_episode = "Next episode"
  132. episodes = "Episodes"
  133. skipped = "Skipped"
  134. want_watch = "Want to watch"
  135. skip_specials = "Skip all specials"
  136. watched_whole_season = "Watched whole season"
  137. [person]
  138. cast = "Cast"
  139. crew = "Crew"
  140. as = "as"
  141. born = "Born"
  142. died = "Died"
  143. source = "Source"
  144. unknown = "Unknown"
  145. empty_payroll = "Empty payroll"
  146. [book]
  147. author = "Author"
  148. genre = "Genre"
  149. source = "Source"
  150. serie = "Series"
  151. part = "Part"
  152. want_read = "Want to read"
  153. read = "Read"
  154. Readlist = "Readlist"
  155. onReadlist = "You want to read this book"
  156. [bookSerie]
  157. author = "Author"
  158. genre = "Genre"
  159. source = "Source"
  160. in_this_collection = "In this series"
  161. [about]
  162. title = "About a·muse"
  163. explain_header = '‘EXPLAIN!’'
  164. explain_character = "Dalek Caan"
  165. explain_title = "Doctor Who"
  166. explain_code = "S03E04"
  167. explain_episode_title = "‘Daleks in Manhattan’"
  168. explain_paragraph ="a·muse is a no-JavaScript frontend for The Movie Database. It is also a system that connects films with books which the former are based on, thanks to using data from Wikidata. Finally, a·muse is also a place to collect ideas which films, books, and series watch or read next, and which of those have already been watched or read."
  169. name_header = "‘What’s in a name?’"
  170. name_character = "Juliet"
  171. name_title = "Romeo and Juliet"
  172. name_paragraph1 = "The name of the system is ‘a·muse.’ The name of the program, command, any package is ‘amuse.’"
  173. name_paragraph2 = "Both are pronounced the same–[æˈʔmjuːz]."
  174. name_paragraph3 = "It’s a play of words—amuse as a verb, and a muse as a goddess."
  175. sources_header = "‘Where did it come from?’"
  176. sources_character = "Shrek"
  177. sources_title = "Shrek"
  178. sources_paragraph1 = "Information about films, persons, and series comes from The Movie Database; as I’m required to disclaim, this product uses the TMDb API but is not endorsed or certified by TMDb. If something should be missing or be wrong, https://www.themoviedb.org/bible[contribute to TMDb]."
  179. sources_paragraph2 = "Information about books and connections between books and films or series comes from Wikidata. The data is available under https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/[Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication (CC0)]. If something should be missing or be wrong, https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:Contribute[contribute to Wikidata]."
  180. sources_paragraph3 = "Book covers … (something, something, Inventaire)"
  181. credits_header = "‘Give yourself some credit, please.’"
  182. credits_paragraph = "Apart from invaluable sources, this system would not exist without"
  183. credits_title = "The Avengers"
  184. credits_character = "Tony Stark"
  185. license_header = "‘Can I have that’"
  186. license_paragraph1 = "You sure can! a·muse is available under https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html[GNU AGPL] version 3 or later. You can do whatever You want, but You must release the source code."
  187. license_paragraph2 = "Now go, host Your own instance."
  188. license_title = "The Amazing Spider-Man"
  189. license_character = "Peter Parker"
  190. [signup]
  191. title = "a·muse — sign in"
  192. swear = "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."
  193. user_exists = "Username already taken"
  194. passwords_dont_match = "Passwords don’t match"
  195. sfa_not_confirmed = "2FA not confirmed"
  196. sfa_code_not_correct = "Wrong 2FA code"
  197. required_info_missing = "Required data missing"
  198. username = "Username"
  199. password = "Password"
  200. confirm_pass = "Confirm password"
  201. enable_sfa = "Enable second factor authentication"
  202. use_totp_app = "Use Your favourite TOTP app"
  203. confirm_sfa = "Confirm second factor authentication"
  204. sign_up = "Sign up"
  205. registration_closed = "Registrations are closed on this instance."
  206. already_have_account = "Already have an account?"
  207. log_in = "Log in"
  208. [signedup]
  209. title = "a·muse — signed up"
  210. welcome = "‘Welcome to Rivendell, Frodo Baggins.’"
  211. sfa_codes = "Your 2FA recovery codes are:"
  212. copy_and_keep = "Copy them and keep safe."
  213. youll_need = "You’ll need them if You lose Your 2FA device"
  214. now_you_can = "Now, You can"
  215. log_in = "log in"
  216. and_be_amused = "and be amused."
  217. [login]
  218. title = "a·muse — log in"
  219. alohomora = "Alohomora!"
  220. error = "Authentication error"
  221. username = "Username"
  222. password = "Password"
  223. sfa = "Second factor"
  224. sfa_description = "Required if You have enabled during signup" # or later in Your account
  225. log_in = "Log in"
  226. doesnt_have_account = "Doesn’t have an account?"
  227. sign_up = "Sign up"
  228. [loggedout]
  229. title = "a·muse — logged out"
  230. mischief = "‘Mischief managed’"
  231. see_you = "See You next time…"
  232. [watchlist]
  233. title = "Watchlist — a·muse"
  234. filter = "filter watchlist"
  235. [readlist]
  236. title = "Readlist — a·muse"
  237. filter = "filter readlist"
  238. [tvqueue]
  239. title = "TV queue — a·muse"
  240. filter = "filter TV queue"
  241. [experiences]
  242. title = "Experiences — a·muse"
  243. filter = "filter experiences"
  244. [error]
  245. error = "Error"
  246. 400_quote ="‘Wenk wenk.’"
  247. 400_character = "Gunter"
  248. 400_title = "Adventure Time"
  249. #untranslatable
  250. 400_name = "Bad request"
  251. 401_quote = "‘You shall not pass!’"
  252. 401_character = "Gandalf"
  253. 401_title = "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring"
  254. #untranslatable
  255. 401_name = "Unauthorized"
  256. 403_quote = "‘Who do you think you are, Pilgrim?’"
  257. 403_character = "Gideon Gordon Graves"
  258. 403_title = "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World"
  259. #untranslatable
  260. 403_name = "Forbidden"
  261. 404_quote = "‘I couln’t find my Buzz. I know I left him right there.’"
  262. 404_character = "Andy"
  263. 404_title = "Toy Story"
  264. #untranslatable
  265. 404_name = "Not found"
  266. 410_quote = "‘It’s not here, Jack."
  267. 410_character = "Lord Cutler Beckett"
  268. 410_title = "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End"
  269. #untranslatable
  270. 410_name = "Gone"
  271. 422_quote = "‘I don’t know. I don’t understand.’"
  272. 422_character = "The Narrator"
  273. 422_title = "Fight Club"
  274. #untranslatable
  275. 422_name = "Unprocessable Entity"
  276. 423_quote = "‘I can’t accept this.’"
  277. 423_character = "Kristoff"
  278. 423_title = "Frozen"
  279. #untranslatable
  280. 423_name = "Locked"
  281. 500_quote = "‘Houston, we may have a problem’"
  282. 500_character = "Henry Brown"
  283. 500_title = "Paddington"
  284. #untranslatable
  285. 500_name = "Server error"