1. = Changelog
  2. All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
  3. The format is based on[Keep a Changelog], but uses AsciiDoc instead of Markdown,
  4. and this project adheres to[Semantic Versioning].
  5. == Unreleased
  6. === Added
  7. * User account
  8. * Watchlist, Readlist
  9. * Experience logging (watched, read)
  10. * Next episode to watch in series
  11. * Upcoming episodes and films from watchlist
  12. * Film and series discovery
  13. * Manpages
  14. * Verify wd:Q… items
  15. * Tv series episode page (with episode cast and experiences)
  16. * a11n
  17. * RTL
  18. * Nigmas (search filters)
  19. * API
  20. * Read position sync (Koreader integration)
  21. * Watch position sycn (mpv integration)
  22. === Changed
  23. * Search pagination based on films *and* books
  24. * Show books not available in Wikidata, from Inventaire
  25. * Further optimisation (minify css, caching)
  26. * Improve based-on
  27. * Limit tv series episode description length
  28. == [0.2.0] - 2020-02-10
  29. == Added
  30. * Searching books (from Wikidata only).
  31. * Showing books (from Wikidata only).
  32. * Searching book series (from Wikidata only).
  33. * Showing book series (from Wikidata only).
  34. * Showing books/book series that film/tv series is based on.
  35. * Showing last aired episode.
  36. * Showing cast and crew from all episodes in tv series.
  37. * Links to sources in TMDb, Wikidata, and Inventaire.
  38. * Empty states of cast, crew, season, genre, rating, birthday.
  39. * Caching requests to TMDb.
  40. * Caching images, style, font.
  41. * Partial it-IT translation.
  42. * Partial de-DE translation.
  43. * Setting custom port.
  44. * Setting custom data path.
  45. * `install` and `uninstall` targets in `mkfile`.
  46. === Changed
  47. * Visual indicators of selected search results.
  48. * Visual indicators of selected persons.
  49. * Visual indicators of selected parts.
  50. * Showing tv series end year (if exists).
  51. * Lazy rendering images (by browser).
  52. * Rendering SVGs with resvg instead of Inkscape.
  53. * Code refactoring.
  54. === Removed
  55. * No more `makefile`.
  56. == [0.1.0] - 2020-01-22
  57. === Added
  58. * Searching films.
  59. * Searching TV series.
  60. * Showing films.
  61. * Showing TV series.