9.7 KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/env drgn
  2. #
  3. # Copyright (C) 2019 Tejun Heo <>
  4. # Copyright (C) 2019 Facebook
  5. desc = """
  6. This is a drgn script to monitor the blk-iocost cgroup controller.
  7. See the comment at the top of block/blk-iocost.c for more details.
  8. For drgn, visit
  9. """
  10. import sys
  11. import re
  12. import time
  13. import json
  14. import math
  15. import drgn
  16. from drgn import container_of
  17. from drgn.helpers.linux.list import list_for_each_entry,list_empty
  18. from drgn.helpers.linux.radixtree import radix_tree_for_each,radix_tree_lookup
  19. import argparse
  20. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc,
  21. formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
  22. parser.add_argument('devname', metavar='DEV',
  23. help='Target block device name (e.g. sda)')
  24. parser.add_argument('--cgroup', action='append', metavar='REGEX',
  25. help='Regex for target cgroups, ')
  26. parser.add_argument('--interval', '-i', metavar='SECONDS', type=float, default=1,
  27. help='Monitoring interval in seconds')
  28. parser.add_argument('--json', action='store_true',
  29. help='Output in json')
  30. args = parser.parse_args()
  31. def err(s):
  32. print(s, file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
  33. sys.exit(1)
  34. try:
  35. blkcg_root = prog['blkcg_root']
  36. plid = prog['blkcg_policy_iocost'].plid.value_()
  37. except:
  38. err('The kernel does not have iocost enabled')
  39. IOC_RUNNING = prog['IOC_RUNNING'].value_()
  40. NR_USAGE_SLOTS = prog['NR_USAGE_SLOTS'].value_()
  41. HWEIGHT_WHOLE = prog['HWEIGHT_WHOLE'].value_()
  42. VTIME_PER_SEC = prog['VTIME_PER_SEC'].value_()
  43. VTIME_PER_USEC = prog['VTIME_PER_USEC'].value_()
  44. AUTOP_SSD_FAST = prog['AUTOP_SSD_FAST'].value_()
  45. AUTOP_SSD_DFL = prog['AUTOP_SSD_DFL'].value_()
  46. AUTOP_SSD_QD1 = prog['AUTOP_SSD_QD1'].value_()
  47. AUTOP_HDD = prog['AUTOP_HDD'].value_()
  48. autop_names = {
  49. AUTOP_SSD_FAST: 'ssd_fast',
  50. AUTOP_SSD_DFL: 'ssd_dfl',
  51. AUTOP_SSD_QD1: 'ssd_qd1',
  52. AUTOP_HDD: 'hdd',
  53. }
  54. class BlkgIterator:
  55. def blkcg_name(blkcg):
  56. return'utf-8')
  57. def walk(self, blkcg, q_id, parent_path):
  58. if not self.include_dying and \
  59. not (blkcg.css.flags.value_() & prog['CSS_ONLINE'].value_()):
  60. return
  61. name = BlkgIterator.blkcg_name(blkcg)
  62. path = parent_path + '/' + name if parent_path else name
  63. blkg = drgn.Object(prog, 'struct blkcg_gq',
  64. address=radix_tree_lookup(blkcg.blkg_tree, q_id))
  65. if not blkg.address_:
  66. return
  67. self.blkgs.append((path if path else '/', blkg))
  68. for c in list_for_each_entry('struct blkcg',
  69. blkcg.css.children.address_of_(), 'css.sibling'):
  70. self.walk(c, q_id, path)
  71. def __init__(self, root_blkcg, q_id, include_dying=False):
  72. self.include_dying = include_dying
  73. self.blkgs = []
  74. self.walk(root_blkcg, q_id, '')
  75. def __iter__(self):
  76. return iter(self.blkgs)
  77. class IocStat:
  78. def __init__(self, ioc):
  79. global autop_names
  80. self.enabled = ioc.enabled.value_()
  81. self.running = ioc.running.value_() == IOC_RUNNING
  82. self.period_ms = ioc.period_us.value_() / 1_000
  83. self.period_at = ioc.period_at.value_() / 1_000_000
  84. self.vperiod_at = ioc.period_at_vtime.value_() / VTIME_PER_SEC
  85. self.vrate_pct = ioc.vtime_rate.counter.value_() * 100 / VTIME_PER_USEC
  86. self.busy_level = ioc.busy_level.value_()
  87. self.autop_idx = ioc.autop_idx.value_()
  88. self.user_cost_model = ioc.user_cost_model.value_()
  89. self.user_qos_params = ioc.user_qos_params.value_()
  90. if self.autop_idx in autop_names:
  91. self.autop_name = autop_names[self.autop_idx]
  92. else:
  93. self.autop_name = '?'
  94. def dict(self, now):
  95. return { 'device' : devname,
  96. 'timestamp' : now,
  97. 'enabled' : self.enabled,
  98. 'running' : self.running,
  99. 'period_ms' : self.period_ms,
  100. 'period_at' : self.period_at,
  101. 'period_vtime_at' : self.vperiod_at,
  102. 'busy_level' : self.busy_level,
  103. 'vrate_pct' : self.vrate_pct, }
  104. def table_preamble_str(self):
  105. state = ('RUN' if self.running else 'IDLE') if self.enabled else 'OFF'
  106. output = f'{devname} {state:4} ' \
  107. f'per={self.period_ms}ms ' \
  108. f'cur_per={self.period_at:.3f}:v{self.vperiod_at:.3f} ' \
  109. f'busy={self.busy_level:+3} ' \
  110. f'vrate={self.vrate_pct:6.2f}% ' \
  111. f'params={self.autop_name}'
  112. if self.user_cost_model or self.user_qos_params:
  113. output += f'({"C" if self.user_cost_model else ""}{"Q" if self.user_qos_params else ""})'
  114. return output
  115. def table_header_str(self):
  116. return f'{"":25} active {"weight":>9} {"hweight%":>13} {"inflt%":>6} ' \
  117. f'{"dbt":>3} {"delay":>6} {"usages%"}'
  118. class IocgStat:
  119. def __init__(self, iocg):
  120. ioc = iocg.ioc
  121. blkg = iocg.pd.blkg
  122. self.is_active = not list_empty(iocg.active_list.address_of_())
  123. self.weight = iocg.weight.value_()
  124. =
  125. self.inuse = iocg.inuse.value_()
  126. self.hwa_pct = iocg.hweight_active.value_() * 100 / HWEIGHT_WHOLE
  127. self.hwi_pct = iocg.hweight_inuse.value_() * 100 / HWEIGHT_WHOLE
  128. self.address = iocg.value_()
  129. vdone = iocg.done_vtime.counter.value_()
  130. vtime = iocg.vtime.counter.value_()
  131. vrate = ioc.vtime_rate.counter.value_()
  132. period_vtime = ioc.period_us.value_() * vrate
  133. if period_vtime:
  134. self.inflight_pct = (vtime - vdone) * 100 / period_vtime
  135. else:
  136. self.inflight_pct = 0
  137. # vdebt used to be an atomic64_t and is now u64, support both
  138. try:
  139. self.debt_ms = iocg.abs_vdebt.counter.value_() / VTIME_PER_USEC / 1000
  140. except:
  141. self.debt_ms = iocg.abs_vdebt.value_() / VTIME_PER_USEC / 1000
  142. self.use_delay = blkg.use_delay.counter.value_()
  143. self.delay_ms = blkg.delay_nsec.counter.value_() / 1_000_000
  144. usage_idx = iocg.usage_idx.value_()
  145. self.usages = []
  146. self.usage = 0
  147. for i in range(NR_USAGE_SLOTS):
  148. usage = iocg.usages[(usage_idx + i) % NR_USAGE_SLOTS].value_()
  149. upct = usage * 100 / HWEIGHT_WHOLE
  150. self.usages.append(upct)
  151. self.usage = max(self.usage, upct)
  152. def dict(self, now, path):
  153. out = { 'cgroup' : path,
  154. 'timestamp' : now,
  155. 'is_active' : self.is_active,
  156. 'weight' : self.weight,
  157. 'weight_active' :,
  158. 'weight_inuse' : self.inuse,
  159. 'hweight_active_pct' : self.hwa_pct,
  160. 'hweight_inuse_pct' : self.hwi_pct,
  161. 'inflight_pct' : self.inflight_pct,
  162. 'debt_ms' : self.debt_ms,
  163. 'use_delay' : self.use_delay,
  164. 'delay_ms' : self.delay_ms,
  165. 'usage_pct' : self.usage,
  166. 'address' : self.address }
  167. for i in range(len(self.usages)):
  168. out[f'usage_pct_{i}'] = str(self.usages[i])
  169. return out
  170. def table_row_str(self, path):
  171. out = f'{path[-28:]:28} ' \
  172. f'{"*" if self.is_active else " "} ' \
  173. f'{self.inuse:5}/{} ' \
  174. f'{self.hwi_pct:6.2f}/{self.hwa_pct:6.2f} ' \
  175. f'{self.inflight_pct:6.2f} ' \
  176. f'{min(math.ceil(self.debt_ms), 999):3} ' \
  177. f'{min(self.use_delay, 99):2}*'\
  178. f'{min(math.ceil(self.delay_ms), 999):03} '
  179. for u in self.usages:
  180. out += f'{min(round(u), 999):03d}:'
  181. out = out.rstrip(':')
  182. return out
  183. # handle args
  184. table_fmt = not args.json
  185. interval = args.interval
  186. devname = args.devname
  187. if args.json:
  188. table_fmt = False
  189. re_str = None
  190. if args.cgroup:
  191. for r in args.cgroup:
  192. if re_str is None:
  193. re_str = r
  194. else:
  195. re_str += '|' + r
  196. filter_re = re.compile(re_str) if re_str else None
  197. # Locate the roots
  198. q_id = None
  199. root_iocg = None
  200. ioc = None
  201. for i, ptr in radix_tree_for_each(blkcg_root.blkg_tree):
  202. blkg = drgn.Object(prog, 'struct blkcg_gq', address=ptr)
  203. try:
  204. if devname =='utf-8'):
  205. q_id =
  206. if blkg.pd[plid]:
  207. root_iocg = container_of(blkg.pd[plid], 'struct ioc_gq', 'pd')
  208. ioc = root_iocg.ioc
  209. break
  210. except:
  211. pass
  212. if ioc is None:
  213. err(f'Could not find ioc for {devname}');
  214. # Keep printing
  215. while True:
  216. now = time.time()
  217. iocstat = IocStat(ioc)
  218. output = ''
  219. if table_fmt:
  220. output += '\n' + iocstat.table_preamble_str()
  221. output += '\n' + iocstat.table_header_str()
  222. else:
  223. output += json.dumps(iocstat.dict(now))
  224. for path, blkg in BlkgIterator(blkcg_root, q_id):
  225. if filter_re and not filter_re.match(path):
  226. continue
  227. if not blkg.pd[plid]:
  228. continue
  229. iocg = container_of(blkg.pd[plid], 'struct ioc_gq', 'pd')
  230. iocg_stat = IocgStat(iocg)
  231. if not filter_re and not iocg_stat.is_active:
  232. continue
  233. if table_fmt:
  234. output += '\n' + iocg_stat.table_row_str(path)
  235. else:
  236. output += '\n' + json.dumps(iocg_stat.dict(now, path))
  237. print(output)
  238. sys.stdout.flush()
  239. time.sleep(interval)