2018-06-18-video-header.md 848 B

title: "Bootstrap Header with HTML5 Video Background" slug: video-header src: /snippets/video-header description: "A HTML5 video used as a background video for a basic Bootstrap header with a mobile image fallback - CSS Only, no JavaScript!" bump: "HTML5 Video Background Header with Mobile Fallback" img-thumbnail: /assets/img/screenshots/snippets/video-header.jpg img-desc: "CSS Only HTML5 Video Background Snippet for Bootstrap 4" layout: overview-snippet type: snippet

rank: 3


  • Bootstrap 4.3.1

updated: 2019-05-08

jsfiddle-id: "enajc82d"

meta-title: "Bootstrap 4 Video Background Snippet"

meta-description: "A CSS only, Bootstrap 4 snippet with an HTML5 video used as the background for a page header"