2013-09-17-big-plans-for-start-bootstrap.markdown 2.3 KB

layout: post title: "Big Plans for Start Bootstrap" date: 2013-09-17 category: News description: "Well it’s been over a month since Start Bootstrap was founded..." tags: update

meta-title: "Big Plans for Start Bootstrap" meta-description: "Well it’s been over a month since Start Bootstrap was founded..."

author: "David Miller" author-slug: david-miller author-desc: "David Miller is the creator of Start Bootstrap. He is a front end web designer and developer working out of sunny Orlando, Florida." author-url: http://davidmiller.io author-twitter: davidmillerskt author-github: davidtmiller


  • /articles/2013/09/17/big-plans-for-start-bootstrap/ ---

Well it’s been over a month since Start Bootstrap was founded, and the initial response has been pretty great. I want to personally thank everyone who has upvoted my posts on Reddit and, of course, all of the people who have visited my site. The word is out that Start Bootstrap is here, and there are definitely some improvements to be made when it comes to the organization and content featured on the site.

As the project has progressed, it has been managed by me adding new templates to the site one by one. Now for only 15 templates, which is where we are at right now, featuring them all stacked up in three columns on the home page works fine, but my plan is to get a lot more templates out there.

Since the scope of this project is going to be expanding, I’ll be implementing an organization system. I intend to organize the different templates by category (for example: home pages, blog pages, menu customizations, minimal) and go from there. I also plan to start offering entire site templates that you can download as a pre-packaged .zip file. I even intend to release some styled templates in the future.

All that being said, I’m going to be staying true to the original purpose of this site - which is to offer a variety of free HTML starter templates for anyone to use.

The next step is coming, and we’ll be updating you every step of the way. Stay tuned for bigger and better updates from Start Bootstrap in the coming months.

Again, thanks to everyone who has supported this project thus far. Every tweet, star, like, share, or visit is just more motivation for me to keep on going!