2013-09-06-two-new-templates-small-business-half-slider.markdown 2.4 KB

layout: post title: "Two New Templates - Small Business and Half Slider" date: 2013-09-06 category: News description: "Hi Start Bootstrap users! I just added two new templates to the mix..." tags: update

meta-title: "Two New Templates - Small Business and Half Slider" meta-description: "Hi Start Bootstrap users! I just added two new templates to the mix..."

author: "David Miller" author-slug: david-miller author-desc: "David Miller is the creator of Start Bootstrap. He is a front end web designer and developer working out of sunny Orlando, Florida." author-url: http://davidmiller.io author-twitter: davidmillerskt author-github: davidtmiller


  • /articles/2013/09/06/two-new-templates-small-business-half-slider/ ---

Hi Start Bootstrap users!

I just added two new templates to the mix, ‘Small Business’ and 'Half Slider’! Be sure to check them out and use them in your projects! If you want a breakdown of the two templates, read below!

'Small Business’ Template

So this template was inspired by a project that I had done for a client a few years ago. I intentionally left out the slider in favor of a single image for the main visual on the page. I am also making use of the 'Logo Nav’ starter template for the menu bar.

You will probably want to, if anything, increase the font size of the text within the well. It’s a great place for a company tagline and/or phone number, but we kept it small just to cut down on too much customization of the CSS (we can’t do all the work!). We rounded out the edges on the picture with Bootstrap’s handy img-rounded selector, but you can change it back if you want. For the logo, we recommend using a logo with a transparent background! Use navbar-default instead of navbar-inverse if you need a lighter background, or just customize the background color of the navbar completely.

'Half Slider’ Template

There isn’t too much to say about this template. It’s fulfilling an email request we got for a half-page height slider instead of a full-page height slider as seen in the 'Full Slider’ template. In the custom CSS, you can change the percentage height of .carousel to change the height of the slider.

I hope you enjoy these two new templates! If you have an idea for a layout you would like to see added to the mix, please shoot me an email at feedback@startbootstrap.com and I will see if I can bring your idea to life!