2013-09-22-structural-updates.markdown 2.2 KB

layout: post title: "Structural Updates" date: 2013-09-22 category: News description: "As we stated in our last post, we have started rolling out some major structural changes..." tags: update

meta-title: "Structural Updates" meta-description: "As we stated in our last post, we have started rolling out some major structural changes..."

author: "David Miller" author-slug: david-miller author-desc: "David Miller is the creator of Start Bootstrap. He is a front end web designer and developer working out of sunny Orlando, Florida." author-url: http://davidmiller.io author-twitter: davidmillerskt author-github: davidtmiller


  • /articles/2013/09/22/structural-updates/ ---

As we stated in our last post, we have started rolling out some major structural changes to Start Bootstrap. We now have a templates section with a few different categories, which will allow us to scale up the project a bit better as we start adding more and more templates.

In addition, each template now has its own home, which gives a larger image preview of the template, a live preview link, a download link (a complete .zip file with the template, its custom CSS, and Bootstrap 3 core components), and links to the raw HTML and CSS on GitHub. Each page also featured some design recommendations to help you get started, as well as links to similar templates to the one being viewed.

These few design changes will help to organize the site a bit better as we keep adding more and more templates, and it allows for us to support the project by use of some quality, content-relevant ads. We’d like to thank Carbon Ads for allowing us to use, and customize their advertising solution.

Finally, you’ll notice a section we’ve added called ‘Full Website Templates.’ This section will feature fully functional, multi-page, pre-packaged website templates that are ready to download and customize. We’ll be adding these in the near future as well!

Stay tuned, we’ll be adding more and more content as time goes on. If you have any special requests for templates you’d like to see featured on Start Bootstrap, send us a message at feedback@startbootstrap.com! Thanks everyone!