pyproject.toml 896 B

  1. []
  2. line-length = 100
  3. target-version = ['py38', 'py39']
  4. exclude = '(\.eggs|\.git|\.mypy_cache|\.venv|venv|env|_build|build|build|dist|eggs)'
  5. [tool.isort]
  6. line_length = 100
  7. profile = "black"
  8. use_parentheses = true
  9. skip = '.eggs/,.mypy_cache/,.venv/,venv/,env/,eggs/'
  10. [tool.pylint]
  11. [tool.pylint.master]
  12. py-version = 3.9
  13. [tool.pylint.messages-control]
  14. disable=[
  15. 'C',
  16. 'R',
  17. # Redundant with mypy
  18. 'typecheck',
  19. # There are many places where we want to catch a maximally generic exception.
  20. 'bare-except',
  21. 'broad-except',
  22. # Pylint is by default very strict on logging string interpolations, but the
  23. # (performance-motivated) rules do not make sense for infrequent log messages (like error reports)
  24. # and make messages less readable.
  25. 'logging-fstring-interpolation',
  26. 'logging-format-interpolation',
  27. 'logging-not-lazy',
  28. 'too-many-arguments',
  29. 'duplicate-code',
  30. ]