#1 Improve exception safety in critical code

anarchisttech atvēra 6 gadi atpakaļ · 2 komentāri

Most code provides none or basic exception safety. This has to be improved to reach a stable release.

Most code provides **none** or **basic** exception safety. This has to be improved to reach a stable release.
anarchisttech komentēja 5 gadi atpakaļ

Most functions now provide a normal or strong exception safety. External tools may be used in the future to check the library's stability.

Most functions now provide a normal or strong exception safety. External tools may be used in the future to check the library's stability.
anarchisttech komentēja 5 gadi atpakaļ

Tools found to leak:

  • enumhost
  • tcpclient
**Tools found to leak:** - enumhost - tcpclient
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