#4 Clarify setup process

otvorené 3 rokov pred užívateľom 2br-2b · 0 komentárov
2br-2b okomentoval 3 rokov pred

After the program was installed, it took me a while to realize the app was asking for my access token (found on the top right of https://dev.groupme.com/) rather than my password. Is there a way to clarify this?

You already add the Email Address label by running g_hash_table_insert(table, "login_label", (gpointer) _("Email address..."));, so is there a way to do this for the password?

After the program was installed, it took me a while to realize the app was asking for my access token (found on the top right of https://dev.groupme.com/) rather than my password. Is there a way to clarify this? You already add the Email Address label by running `g_hash_table_insert(table, "login_label", (gpointer) _("Email address..."));`, so is there a way to do this for the password?
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