alkostuchkov e213563541 Modified: .profile; .bashrc; .c/fish/ (added exprot ANDROID_SDK and path to adb). hace 2 años
airline e213563541 Modified: .profile; .bashrc; .c/fish/ (added exprot ANDROID_SDK and path to adb). hace 2 años
clap e213563541 Modified: .profile; .bashrc; .c/fish/ (added exprot ANDROID_SDK and path to adb). hace 2 años
lightline e213563541 Modified: .profile; .bashrc; .c/fish/ (added exprot ANDROID_SDK and path to adb). hace 2 años
gruvbox_material.vim e213563541 Modified: .profile; .bashrc; .c/fish/ (added exprot ANDROID_SDK and path to adb). hace 2 años
onedark.vim e213563541 Modified: .profile; .bashrc; .c/fish/ (added exprot ANDROID_SDK and path to adb). hace 2 años
palenight.vim e213563541 Modified: .profile; .bashrc; .c/fish/ (added exprot ANDROID_SDK and path to adb). hace 2 años
plug.vim e213563541 Modified: .profile; .bashrc; .c/fish/ (added exprot ANDROID_SDK and path to adb). hace 2 años