alkostuchkov e5b869333d Modified: .c/qt5(6)ct/qt5(6).conf (IosevkaCC). 5 bulan lalu
Kvantum d17f6d4b17 Added: .c/Kvantum/(new themes) 8 bulan lalu
Thunar 6218982c38 configs 1 tahun lalu
Typora 1d90b7848b Added: .c/VSCodium/User/snippets/javascript.json 3 tahun lalu
VSCodium 0a168611b6 Modified: .c/VSCodium/User/settings.json (added code formatter for Python in Prettier). 9 bulan lalu
alacritty 31ab7fc2bd Modified: alacritty kitty 5 bulan lalu
awesome 8d9ee98d1b Modified: .c/awesome/rc.lua .c/qtile/ (Engrampa's compress dialog as floating). 5 bulan lalu
bat 1acbdfe988 Modified: .myS/dmenu/ added some configs. 2 tahun lalu
bspwm 758f6959aa Modified: configs cause moved to Void. 8 bulan lalu
compton f29a7c4429 Init commit: added my dotfiles 3 tahun lalu
deadbeef 08bc7543b1 Added-Modified: .c/yazi/yazi.toml awesomeWM qtileWM run yazi with --cwd-file option. 6 bulan lalu
fish 571a7741c7 Added-Modified: .c/kitty/* .c/yazi/* awesomeWM qtileWM for kitty and yazi. 6 bulan lalu
fontconfig 2628d79e0d Modified: .c/qtile/ (my_nerd_font instead my_font for widgets). 8 bulan lalu
gtk-3.0 b9a1fd3ccb .c/yazi/yazi.toml 5 bulan lalu
helix dfa4530cdc Modified: .myS/dmscripts/ (helix is an editor) .c/helix/config.toml (added 7 bulan lalu
i3 758f6959aa Modified: configs cause moved to Void. 8 bulan lalu
i3blocks f29a7c4429 Init commit: added my dotfiles 3 tahun lalu
i3pystatus f29a7c4429 Init commit: added my dotfiles 3 tahun lalu
i3status f29a7c4429 Init commit: added my dotfiles 3 tahun lalu
kitty 31ab7fc2bd Modified: alacritty kitty 5 bulan lalu
micro 749d363375 Added-Modified: .myS/dmscripts/ .myS/dmscripts/ (to run 8 bulan lalu
nvim d09c94c10a Modified: .c/nvim/init.vim (like on the Laptop) .c/nvim/ginit.vim 5 bulan lalu
picom a7026ac902 Fixed: .c/qtile/modules/ (Everforest is brighter for group names) .c/qtile/ (fixed border_width=1 for Floating). 8 bulan lalu
polybar f1234e3627 Added: .c/awesome/themes/myotto/* and changed WMs' configs. 9 bulan lalu
pypoetry 401cc26a14 Added: .c/pypoetry/config.toml 2 tahun lalu
qt5ct e5b869333d Modified: .c/qt5(6)ct/qt5(6).conf (IosevkaCC). 5 bulan lalu
qt6ct e5b869333d Modified: .c/qt5(6)ct/qt5(6).conf (IosevkaCC). 5 bulan lalu
qtile 8d9ee98d1b Modified: .c/awesome/rc.lua .c/qtile/ (Engrampa's compress dialog as floating). 5 bulan lalu
qutebrowser f29a7c4429 Init commit: added my dotfiles 3 tahun lalu
ranger 117f6847c6 Added-Modified: added .c/fish/functions/set_colorscheme_ayu_Mirage(Dark).fish; added some aliases to shells' configs. 2 tahun lalu
redshift 0d94fee5b6 Added: .c/redshift/redshift.conf 8 bulan lalu
rofi b9b761f441 Fixed: .c/qtile/modules/ .c/awesome/themes/myeverforest.theme.lua .myS/dmscripts/* .c/rofi/themes/everforest.rasi .c/picom/picom.conf (Everforest theme). 8 bulan lalu
smplayer 08bc7543b1 Added-Modified: .c/yazi/yazi.toml awesomeWM qtileWM run yazi with --cwd-file option. 6 bulan lalu
terminator 8d9ee98d1b Modified: .c/awesome/rc.lua .c/qtile/ (Engrampa's compress dialog as floating). 5 bulan lalu
udiskie 7b51aa0242 Modified: .c/fish/ (no duplicates in the /home/alexander/.opam/default/bin:/home/alexander/.asdf/shims:/home/alexander/.asdf/bin:/home/alexander//.local/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/lib/jvm/default/bin:/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl:/home/alexander/.local/bin:/home/alexander/.cargo/bin:/home/alexander/.config/vifm/scripts:/home/alexander/Programs/AppImageApplications); .c/udiskie/config.yml (automount is true); .c/qtile/ (floating mode for some PyCharm's windows). 2 tahun lalu
vifm 561d178037 Added-Modified: .c/awesome/themes/myeverforest/* .c/awesome/rc.lua .c/qtile/modules/ .c/qtile/ .c/vifm/vifmrc .c/vifm/colors/my_everforest.vifm (Everforest theme). 8 bulan lalu
vlc de1cb7294d Added-Modified: .c/awesome/themes/* (added), .c/awesome/rc.lua (modified). 11 bulan lalu
volumeicon 5df53fafa6 Modified: .myS/volume_down(up).sh (Volume and Громкость). 11 bulan lalu
xfce4 b9a1fd3ccb .c/yazi/yazi.toml 5 bulan lalu
yazi 258965484f Modified: .c/yazi/yazi(keymap).toml (added create/extract archive with Engrampa). 5 bulan lalu
zathura 0295673fe5 Added: .c/zathura/zathurarc 10 bulan lalu
birdtray-config.json 81c2509e6a Modified: .c/awesome/rc.lua (added an icon into calendar widget). 11 bulan lalu
brave-flags.conf 2826b7a5fa Added: .c/brave-flags.conf 1 tahun lalu
compton.conf f29a7c4429 Init commit: added my dotfiles 3 tahun lalu
mimeapps.list b9a1fd3ccb .c/yazi/yazi.toml 5 bulan lalu
user-dirs.dirs 2e79321540 Added: .c/awesome/rc.lua 2 tahun lalu
user-dirs.locale 2e79321540 Added: .c/awesome/rc.lua 2 tahun lalu