Modus_Operandi_Tinted.conf 1.1 KB

  1. # vim:ft=kitty
  2. ## name: Modus Operandi Tinted
  3. ## author: Protesilaos Stavrou
  4. ## license: GNU GPLv3
  5. ## blurb: Highly accessible themes made for GNU Emacs, conforming with the highest
  6. ## standard for colour contrast between background and foreground values (WCAG AAA)
  7. # The basic colors
  8. foreground #000000
  9. background #fbf7f0
  10. selection_foreground #000000
  11. selection_background #bcbcbc
  12. # Cursor colors
  13. cursor #000000
  14. cursor_text_color #fbf7f0
  15. # kitty window border colors
  16. active_border_color #193668
  17. inactive_border_color #9f9f9f
  18. # Tab bar colors
  19. active_tab_foreground #000000
  20. active_tab_background #c9b8b1
  21. inactive_tab_foreground #585858
  22. inactive_tab_background #dfd6cd
  23. # The basic 16 colors
  24. # black
  25. color0 #000000
  26. color8 #585858
  27. # red
  28. color1 #a60000
  29. color9 #972500
  30. # green
  31. color2 #006800
  32. color10 #316500
  33. # yellow
  34. color3 #6f5500
  35. color11 #884900
  36. # blue
  37. color4 #0031a9
  38. color12 #354fcf
  39. # magenta
  40. color5 #721045
  41. color13 #531ab6
  42. # cyan
  43. color6 #00538b
  44. color14 #005a5f
  45. # white
  46. color7 #c9b8b1
  47. color15 #585858