123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263 |
- ##############################################################################
- # Changes the prompt to a Debian-style one that truncates pwd to a max length
- # depending on the terminal column width. Also uses the prompt_callback
- # function of bash-git-prompt to set the window title to almost the same
- # Debian-style. This version has been tweaked for Ubuntu standard terminal
- # fonts.
- #
- # The prompt will use a Debian-style on the form
- #
- # relative-path-from-git-toplevel-dir bash-git-prompt-info <exit status>
- # HH:MM:SS ▶
- #
- # The window title will have the form
- # relative-path-from-git-toplevel-dir
- #
- # Example usage:
- # if [ -f ~/.bash-git-prompt/gitprompt.sh ]; then
- # source ~/.bash-git-prompt/gitprompt.sh
- # fi
- #
- # Imbibinebe <imbibinebe@gmail.com> [https://github.com/imbibinebe]
- ##############################################################################
- override_git_prompt_colors() {
- #Overrides the prompt_callback function used by bash-git-prompt
- function prompt_callback {
- GIT_CONTAINER_FOLDER_FULLPATH=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2> /dev/null)
- gp_set_window_title "$PS1"
- echo -n "${BoldYellow}${PS1}${ResetColor}"
- }
- Time12a="\$(date +%H:%M:%S)"
- GIT_PROMPT_BRANCH="${BoldMagenta}" # the git branch that is active in the current directory
- GIT_PROMPT_MASTER_BRANCH="${GIT_PROMPT_MASTER_BRANCH}" # used if the git branch that is active in the current directory is $GIT_PROMPT_MASTER_BRANCHES
- GIT_PROMPT_PREFIX="" # start of the git info string
- GIT_PROMPT_SUFFIX="" # the end of the git info string
- GIT_PROMPT_SEPARATOR="" # separates each item
- GIT_PROMPT_STAGED=" ${Green}●" # the number of staged files/directories
- GIT_PROMPT_CONFLICTS=" ${BoldRed}✖" # the number of files in conflict
- GIT_PROMPT_CHANGED=" ${BoldBlue}✚" # the number of changed files
- # GIT_PROMPT_REMOTE=" " # the remote branch name (if any) and the symbols for ahead and behind
- GIT_PROMPT_UNTRACKED=" ${Cyan}…" # the number of untracked files/dirs
- GIT_PROMPT_STASHED=" ${BoldCyan}⚑" # the number of stashed files/dir
- GIT_PROMPT_CLEAN=" ${BoldGreen}✔" # a colored flag indicating a "clean" repo
- local gp_end="_LAST_COMMAND_INDICATOR_\n${White}${Time12a}${ResetColor}"
- GIT_PROMPT_END_USER="${gp_end} ▶ "
- GIT_PROMPT_END_ROOT="${gp_end} /!!!\ "
- GIT_PROMPT_COMMAND_OK="${Green} ✔ " # indicator if the last command returned with an exit code of 0
- GIT_PROMPT_COMMAND_FAIL="${BoldRed} ✘-_LAST_COMMAND_STATE_" # indicator if the last command returned with an exit code of other than 0
- }
- reload_git_prompt_colors "Minimal"