123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748 |
- // * generic.styl
- @require mixins
- // Generic rules for sites
- // ** HTML elements
- *
- border-color()
- // HACK: Don't apply A color to GitHub issue labels. This should not
- // be done here, but to do otherwise would require removing the A rule
- // from this file and adding it to all other sites manually. The
- // issue is that GitHub assigns label colors in <SPAN STYLE=...> tags
- // depending on the label's background color, so we don't want to
- // override label A colors, but there is no way in CSS to negate
- // !important for certain selectors.
- // But apparently Stylus (or the version I have, at least, who knows)
- // doesn't support :not(), and it removes it from the CSS files it
- // compiles. So while this hack might work in the future, it appears
- // that, for now, the GitHub CSS must be edited manually after
- // generation. What an awful idea...
- // a:not(.IssueLabel)
- a
- a()
- a:visited
- a visited
- body
- background-color()
- color()
- html
- // Apparently some people set the bgcolor for HTML, not BODY...
- background-color()
- input
- textarea
- background-color highlight
- color()
- blockquote,
- pre
- background-color highlight
- color()