leaf_light.conf 2.1 KB

  1. # vim:ft=kitty
  2. ## name: Leaf Light
  3. ## author: qewer33, brought to kitty by KodiakWeb
  4. ## license: GPLv3
  5. ## upstream:
  6. ## blurb: A green accent, forest colored light theme, adapted from leaf kde
  7. #: All the settings below are colors, which you can choose to modify, or use the
  8. #: defaults. You can also add non-color based settings if needed but note that
  9. #: these will not work with using kitty @ set-colors with this theme. For a
  10. #: reference on what these settings do see https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/conf/
  11. #: The basic colors
  12. foreground #2e2c2f
  13. background #e1e4dc
  14. # selection_foreground #000000
  15. # selection_background #fffacd
  16. #: Cursor colors
  17. # cursor #2e2c2f
  18. # cursor_text_color #e1e4dc
  19. #: URL underline color when hovering with mouse
  20. #url_color #2e2c2f
  21. #: kitty window border colors and terminal bell colors
  22. # active_border_color #00ff00
  23. # inactive_border_color #cccccc
  24. # bell_border_color #ff5a00
  25. # visual_bell_color none
  26. #: OS Window titlebar colors
  27. # wayland_titlebar_color system
  28. # macos_titlebar_color system
  29. #: Tab bar colors
  30. active_tab_foreground #2e2c2f
  31. active_tab_background #729B79
  32. inactive_tab_foreground #2e2c2f
  33. inactive_tab_background #b1b3ad
  34. # tab_bar_background none
  35. # tab_bar_margin_color none
  36. #: Colors for marks (marked text in the terminal)
  37. # mark1_foreground black
  38. # mark1_background #98d3cb
  39. # mark2_foreground black
  40. # mark2_background #f2dcd3
  41. # mark3_foreground black
  42. # mark3_background #f274bc
  43. #: The basic 16 colors
  44. #: black
  45. color0 #2e2c2f
  46. color8 #403f42
  47. #: red
  48. color1 #BA5860
  49. color9 #9d4b53
  50. #: green
  51. color2 #729B79
  52. color10 #59795f
  53. #: yellow
  54. color3 #CCAA6C
  55. color11 #a78a58
  56. #: blue
  57. color4 #5292C6
  58. color12 #40739a
  59. #: magenta
  60. color5 #8C6AA8
  61. color13 #715688
  62. #: cyan
  63. color6 #489CA5
  64. color14 #3b8187
  65. #: white
  66. color7 #e1e4dc
  67. color15 #b1b3ad
  68. #: You can set the remaining 240 colors as color16 to color255.