alkostuchkov eab4707d3b Modified: .c/awesome/awesome-wm-widgets/* .c/awesome/rc.lua (available pass user_args for all my widgets). 1 rok pred
.. b6d58ad0a5 Added: .c/awesome/awesome-wm-widgets/pacman-widget/* (modified for myself). 1 rok pred
pacman.lua eab4707d3b Modified: .c/awesome/awesome-wm-widgets/* .c/awesome/rc.lua (available pass user_args for all my widgets). 1 rok pred
pacman.lua_Default cef7231d7f Added_Modified: .c/awesome/awesome-wm-widgets/ram-widget(pacman-widget)/* 1 rok pred
upgrade d585dd2d26 Modified: .c/awesome/rc.lua (added keybindings to Show/Hide titlebars for All clients). 1 rok pred

Pacman widget for AwesomeWM

This widget displays the number of upgradable Pacman packages. Clicking the icon reveals a scrollable list of available upgrades. A full system upgrade can be performed from the widget via Polkit.


lxpolkit is the default Polkit agent.

The widget also uses the checkupdates script from the pacman-contrib package.


Clone the repo under ~/.config/awesome/ and add the following to rc.lua:

local pacman_widget = require('awesome-wm-widgets-pacman-widget.pacman')
s.mytasklist, -- Middle widget
	{ -- Right widgets
    	layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal,
        -- default
        -- custom (shown with defaults)
        pacman_widget {
            interval = 600,	-- Refresh every 10 minutes
            popup_bg_color = '#222222',
            popup_border_width = 1,
            popup_border_color = '#7e7e7e',
            popup_height = 10,	-- 10 packages shown in scrollable window
            popup_width = 300,
            polkit_agent_path = '/usr/bin/lxpolkit'