@@ -372,480 +372,206 @@ alias emacs="emacsclient -c -a 'emacs'"
# source ~/.asdf/asdf.fish
# opam configuration ----------------------------------------------------------
source /home/alexander/.opam/opam-init/init.fish >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; or true
-# # Icons for lf file manager ---------------------------------------------------
-# set LF_ICONS "\
-# fi=:\
-# di=:\
-# ln=:\
-# pi=|:\
-# so=ﯲ:\
-# db=:\
-# cd=c:\
-# or=:\
-# su=:\
-# sg=:\
-# tw=:\
-# ow=w:\
-# st=:\
-# ex=:\
-# *.7z=:\
-# *.a=:\
-# *.aac=:\
-# *.ace=:\
-# *.ai=:\
-# *.alz=:\
-# *.apk=:\
-# *.arc=:\
-# *.arj=:\
-# *.asf=:\
-# *.asm=:\
-# *.asp=:\
-# *.au=:\
-# *.aup=:\
-# *.avi=:\
-# *.avi=:\
-# *.awk=:\
-# *.bash=:\
-# *.bat=:\
-# *.bmp=:\
-# *.bz2=:\
-# *.bz=:\
-# *.c++=:\
-# *.c=:\
-# *.cab=:\
-# *.cbr=:\
-# *.cbz=:\
-# *.cc=:\
-# *.cgm=:\
-# *.class=:\
-# *.clj=:\
-# *.cljc=:\
-# *.cljs=:\
-# *.cmake=:\
-# *.cmd=:\
-# *.coffee=:\
-# *.conf=:\
-# *.cp=:\
-# *.cpio=:\
-# *.cpp=:\
-# *.cs=:\
-# *.css=:\
-# *.cue=:\
-# *.csh=:\
-# *.cvs=:\
-# *.cxx=:\
-# *.d=:\
-# *.dart=:\
-# *.db=:\
-# *.deb=:\
-# *.diff=:\
-# *.dl=:\
-# *.dll=:\
-# *.doc=:\
-# *.docx=:\
-# *.dump=:\
-# *.dwm=:\
-# *.dz=:\
-# *.ear=:\
-# *.edn=:\
-# *.eex=:\
-# *.efi=:\
-# *.ejs=:\
-# *.elf=:\
-# *.elm=:\
-# *.emf=:\
-# *.epub=:\
-# *.erl=:\
-# *.esd=:\
-# *.ex=:\
-# *.exe=:\
-# *.exs=:\
-# *.f#=:\
-# *.fifo=|:\
-# *.fish=:\
-# *.flac=:\
-# *.flc=:\
-# *.fli=:\
-# *.flv=:\
-# *.flv=:\
-# *.fs=:\
-# *.fsi=:\
-# *.fsscript=:\
-# *.fsx=:\
-# *.gem=:\
-# *.gif=:\
-# *.git=:\
-# *.gl=:\
-# *.go=:\
-# *.gz=:\
-# *.gzip=:\
-# *.h=:\
-# *.hbs=:\
-# *.hh=:\
-# *.hpp=:\
-# *.hrl=:\
-# *.hs=:\
-# *.htaccess=:\
-# *.htm=:\
-# *.html=:\
-# *.htpasswd=:\
-# *.ico=:\
-# *.img=:\
-# *.ini=:\
-# *.iso=:\
-# *.jar=:\
-# *.java=:\
-# *.jl=:\
-# *.jpeg=:\
-# *.jpg=:\
-# *.js=:\
-# *.json=:\
-# *.jsx=:\
-# *.key=:\
-# *.ksh=:\
-# *.less=:\
-# *.lha=:\
-# *.lhs=:\
-# *.log=:\
-# *.lrz=:\
-# *.lua=:\
-# *.lz4=:\
-# *.lz=:\
-# *.lzh=:\
-# *.lzma=:\
-# *.lzo=:\
-# *.m2v=:\
-# *.m4a=:\
-# *.m4v=:\
-# *.markdown=:\
-# *.md=:\
-# *.mid=:\
-# *.midi=:\
-# *.mjpeg=:\
-# *.mjpg=:\
-# *.mka=:\
-# *.mkv=:\
-# *.ml=λ:\
-# *.mli=λ:\
-# *.mng=:\
-# *.mov=:\
-# *.mp3=:\
-# *.mp4=:\
-# *.mp4v=:\
-# *.mpc=:\
-# *.mpeg=:\
-# *.mpg=:\
-# *.msi=:\
-# *.mustache=:\
-# *.nix=:\
-# *.nuv=:\
-# *.o=:\
-# *.oga=:\
-# *.ogg=:\
-# *.ogm=:\
-# *.ogv=:\
-# *.ogx=:\
-# *.opus=:\
-# *.pbm=:\
-# *.pcx=:\
-# *.pdf=:\
-# *.pgm=:\
-# *.php=:\
-# *.pl=:\
-# *.pm=:\
-# *.png=:\
-# *.ppk=:\
-# *.ppm=:\
-# *.ppt=:\
-# *.pptx=:\
-# *.pro=:\
-# *.ps1=:\
-# *.psb=:\
-# *.psd=:\
-# *.pub=:\
-# *.py=:\
-# *.pyc=:\
-# *.pyd=:\
-# *.pyo=:\
-# *.qt=:\
-# *.ra=:\
-# *.rar=:\
-# *.rb=:\
-# *.rc=:\
-# *.rlib=:\
-# *.rm=:\
-# *.rmvb=:\
-# *.rom=:\
-# *.rpm=:\
-# *.rs=:\
-# *.rss=:\
-# *.rtf=:\
-# *.rz=:\
-# *.s=:\
-# *.sar=:\
-# *.scala=:\
-# *.scss=:\
-# *.sh=:\
-# *.slim=:\
-# *.sln=:\
-# *.so=:\
-# *.spx=:\
-# *.sql=:\
-# *.styl=:\
-# *.suo=:\
-# *.svg=:\
-# *.svgz=:\
-# *.swm=:\
-# *.t7z=:\
-# *.t=:\
-# *.tar=:\
-# *.taz=:\
-# *.tbz2=:\
-# *.tbz=:\
-# *.tga=:\
-# *.tgz=:\
-# *.tif=:\
-# *.tiff=:\
-# *.tlz=:\
-# *.ts=:\
-# *.twig=:\
-# *.txz=:\
-# *.tz=:\
-# *.tzo=:\
-# *.tzst=:\
-# *.vim=:\
-# *.vimrc=:\
-# *.vob=:\
-# *.war=:\
-# *.wav=:\
-# *.wav=:\
-# *.webm=:\
-# *.wim=:\
-# *.wmv=:\
-# *.xbm=:\
-# *.xbps=:\
-# *.xcf=:\
-# *.xhtml=:\
-# *.xls=:\
-# *.xlsx=:\
-# *.xml=:\
-# *.xpm=:\
-# *.xspf=:\
-# *.xul=:\
-# *.xwd=:\
-# *.xz=:\
-# *.yaml=:\
-# *.yml=:\
-# *.yuv=:\
-# *.z=:\
-# *.zip=:\
-# *.zoo=:\
-# *.zsh=:\
-# *.zst=:\
-# *.src=:\
-# *.ebuild=:\
-# "
+# Fuzzy finder ----------------------------------------------------------------
+source /usr/share/fzf/key-bindings.fish
+# ### key-bindings.fish ###
+# # ____ ____
+# # / __/___ / __/
+# # / /_/_ / / /_
+# # / __/ / /_/ __/
+# # /_/ /___/_/ key-bindings.fish
+# #
+# # - $FZF_ALT_C_OPTS
+# status is-interactive; or exit 0
+# # Key bindings
+# # ------------
+# function fzf_key_bindings
+# function __fzf_defaults
+# test -n "$FZF_TMUX_HEIGHT"; or set FZF_TMUX_HEIGHT 40%
+# echo "--height $FZF_TMUX_HEIGHT --bind=ctrl-z:ignore" $argv[1]
+# command cat "$FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS_FILE" 2> /dev/null
+# echo $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS $argv[2]
+# end
+# # Store current token in $dir as root for the 'find' command
+# function fzf-file-widget -d "List files and folders"
+# set -l commandline (__fzf_parse_commandline)
+# set -lx dir $commandline[1]
+# set -l fzf_query $commandline[2]
+# set -l prefix $commandline[3]
+# test -n "$FZF_TMUX_HEIGHT"; or set FZF_TMUX_HEIGHT 40%
+# begin
+# set -lx FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS (__fzf_defaults "--reverse --walker=file,dir,follow,hidden --scheme=path --walker-root='$dir'" "$FZF_CTRL_T_OPTS")
+# eval (__fzfcmd)' -m --query "'$fzf_query'"' | while read -l r; set result $result $r; end
+# end
+# if [ -z "$result" ]
+# commandline -f repaint
+# return
+# else
+# # Remove last token from commandline.
+# commandline -t ""
+# end
+# for i in $result
+# commandline -it -- $prefix
+# commandline -it -- (string escape $i)
+# commandline -it -- ' '
+# end
+# commandline -f repaint
+# end
+# function fzf-history-widget -d "Show command history"
+# test -n "$FZF_TMUX_HEIGHT"; or set FZF_TMUX_HEIGHT 40%
+# begin
+# set -l FISH_MAJOR (echo $version | cut -f1 -d.)
+# set -l FISH_MINOR (echo $version | cut -f2 -d.)
+# # merge history from other sessions before searching
+# if test -z "$fish_private_mode"
+# builtin history merge
+# end
+# # history's -z flag is needed for multi-line support.
+# # history's -z flag was added in fish 2.4.0, so don't use it for versions
+# # before 2.4.0.
+# if [ "$FISH_MAJOR" -gt 2 -o \( "$FISH_MAJOR" -eq 2 -a "$FISH_MINOR" -ge 4 \) ];
+# if type -P perl > /dev/null 2>&1
+# set -lx FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS (__fzf_defaults "" "-n2..,.. --scheme=history --bind=ctrl-r:toggle-sort --wrap-sign '"\t"↳ ' --highlight-line $FZF_CTRL_R_OPTS +m")
+# builtin history -z --reverse | command perl -0 -pe 's/^/$.\t/g; s/\n/\n\t/gm' | eval (__fzfcmd) --tac --read0 --print0 -q '(commandline)' | command perl -pe 's/^\d*\t//' | read -lz result
+# and commandline -- $result
+# else
+# set -lx FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS (__fzf_defaults "" "--scheme=history --bind=ctrl-r:toggle-sort --wrap-sign '"\t"↳ ' --highlight-line $FZF_CTRL_R_OPTS +m")
+# builtin history -z | eval (__fzfcmd) --read0 --print0 -q '(commandline)' | read -lz result
+# and commandline -- $result
+# end
+# else
+# builtin history | eval (__fzfcmd) -q '(commandline)' | read -l result
+# and commandline -- $result
+# end
+# end
+# commandline -f repaint
+# end
+# function fzf-cd-widget -d "Change directory"
+# set -l commandline (__fzf_parse_commandline)
+# set -lx dir $commandline[1]
+# set -l fzf_query $commandline[2]
+# set -l prefix $commandline[3]
+# test -n "$FZF_TMUX_HEIGHT"; or set FZF_TMUX_HEIGHT 40%
+# begin
+# set -lx FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS (__fzf_defaults "--reverse --walker=dir,follow,hidden --scheme=path --walker-root='$dir'" "$FZF_ALT_C_OPTS")
+# eval (__fzfcmd)' +m --query "'$fzf_query'"' | read -l result
+# if [ -n "$result" ]
+# cd -- $result
+# # Remove last token from commandline.
+# commandline -t ""
+# commandline -it -- $prefix
+# end
+# end
+# commandline -f repaint
+# end
+# function __fzfcmd
+# test -n "$FZF_TMUX"; or set FZF_TMUX 0
+# test -n "$FZF_TMUX_HEIGHT"; or set FZF_TMUX_HEIGHT 40%
+# if [ -n "$FZF_TMUX_OPTS" ]
+# echo "fzf-tmux $FZF_TMUX_OPTS -- "
+# else if [ $FZF_TMUX -eq 1 ]
+# echo "fzf-tmux -d$FZF_TMUX_HEIGHT -- "
+# else
+# echo "fzf"
+# end
+# end
+# bind \cr fzf-history-widget
+# if not set -q FZF_CTRL_T_COMMAND; or test -n "$FZF_CTRL_T_COMMAND"
+# bind \ct fzf-file-widget
+# end
+# if not set -q FZF_ALT_C_COMMAND; or test -n "$FZF_ALT_C_COMMAND"
+# bind \ec fzf-cd-widget
+# end
+# if bind -M insert > /dev/null 2>&1
+# bind -M insert \cr fzf-history-widget
+# if not set -q FZF_CTRL_T_COMMAND; or test -n "$FZF_CTRL_T_COMMAND"
+# bind -M insert \ct fzf-file-widget
+# end
+# if not set -q FZF_ALT_C_COMMAND; or test -n "$FZF_ALT_C_COMMAND"
+# bind -M insert \ec fzf-cd-widget
+# end
+# end
+# function __fzf_parse_commandline -d 'Parse the current command line token and return split of existing filepath, fzf query, and optional -option= prefix'
+# set -l commandline (commandline -t)
+# # strip -option= from token if present
+# set -l prefix (string match -r -- '^-[^\s=]+=' $commandline)
+# set commandline (string replace -- "$prefix" '' $commandline)
+# # eval is used to do shell expansion on paths
+# eval set commandline $commandline
+# if [ -z $commandline ]
+# # Default to current directory with no --query
+# set dir '.'
+# set fzf_query ''
+# else
+# set dir (__fzf_get_dir $commandline)
+# if [ "$dir" = "." -a (string sub -l 1 -- $commandline) != '.' ]
+# # if $dir is "." but commandline is not a relative path, this means no file path found
+# set fzf_query $commandline
+# else
+# # Also remove trailing slash after dir, to "split" input properly
+# set fzf_query (string replace -r "^$dir/?" -- '' "$commandline")
+# end
+# end
+# echo $dir
+# echo $fzf_query
+# echo $prefix
+# end
+# function __fzf_get_dir -d 'Find the longest existing filepath from input string'
+# set dir $argv
+# # Strip all trailing slashes. Ignore if $dir is root dir (/)
+# if [ (string length -- $dir) -gt 1 ]
+# set dir (string replace -r '/*$' -- '' $dir)
+# end
+# # Iteratively check if dir exists and strip tail end of path
+# while [ ! -d "$dir" ]
+# # If path is absolute, this can keep going until ends up at /
+# # If path is relative, this can keep going until entire input is consumed, dirname returns "."
+# set dir (dirname -- "$dir")
+# end
+# echo $dir
+# end
-# # set LF_ICONS "\
-# # tw=:\
-# # st=:\
-# # ow=:\
-# # dt=:\
-# # di=:\
-# # fi=:\
-# # ln=:\
-# # or=:\
-# # *.7z=:\
-# # *.a=:\
-# # *.ai=:\
-# # *.apk=:\
-# # *.asm=:\
-# # *.asp=:\
-# # *.aup=:\
-# # *.avi=:\
-# # *.awk=:\
-# # *.bash=:\
-# # *.bat=:\
-# # *.bmp=:\
-# # *.bz2=:\
-# # *.c=:\
-# # *.c++=:\
-# # *.cab=:\
-# # *.cbr=:\
-# # *.cbz=:\
-# # *.cc=:\
-# # *.class=:\
-# # *.clj=:\
-# # *.cljc=:\
-# # *.cljs=:\
-# # *.cmake=:\
-# # *.coffee=:\
-# # *.conf=:\
-# # *.cp=:\
-# # *.cpio=:\
-# # *.cpp=:\
-# # *.cs=:\
-# # *.csh=:\
-# # *.css=:\
-# # *.cue=:\
-# # *.cvs=:\
-# # *.cxx=:\
-# # *.d=:\
-# # *.dart=:\
-# # *.db=:\
-# # *.deb=:\
-# # *.diff=:\
-# # *.dll=:\
-# # *.doc=:\
-# # *.docx=:\
-# # *.dump=:\
-# # *.edn=:\
-# # *.eex=:\
-# # *.efi=:\
-# # *.ejs=:\
-# # *.elf=:\
-# # *.elm=:\
-# # *.epub=:\
-# # *.erl=:\
-# # *.ex=:\
-# # *.exe=:\
-# # *.exs=:\
-# # *.f#=:\
-# # *.fifo=|
-# # *.fish=:\
-# # *.flac=:\
-# # *.flv=:\
-# # *.fs=:\
-# # *.fsi=:\
-# # *.fsscript=:\
-# # *.fsx=:\
-# # *.gem=:\
-# # *.gemspec=:\
-# # *.gif=:\
-# # .git=:\
-# # *.go=:\
-# # *.gz=:\
-# # *.gzip=:\
-# # *.h=:\
-# # *.haml=:\
-# # *.hbs=:\
-# # *.hh=:\
-# # *.hpp=:\
-# # *.hrl=:\
-# # *.hs=:\
-# # *.htaccess=:\
-# # *.htm=:\
-# # *.html=:\
-# # *.htpasswd=:\
-# # *.hxx=:\
-# # *.ico=:\
-# # *.img=:\
-# # *.ini=:\
-# # *.iso=:\
-# # *.jar=:\
-# # *.java=:\
-# # *.jl=:\
-# # *.jpeg=:\
-# # *.jpg=:\
-# # *.js=:\
-# # *.json=:\
-# # *.jsx=:\
-# # *.key=:\
-# # *.ksh=:\
-# # *.leex=:\
-# # *.less=:\
-# # *.lha=:\
-# # *.lhs=:\
-# # *.log=:\
-# # *.lua=:\
-# # *.lzh=:\
-# # *.lzma=:\
-# # *.m4a=:\
-# # *.m4v=:\
-# # *.markdown=:\
-# # *.md=:\
-# # *.mdx=:\
-# # *.mjs=:\
-# # *.mkv=:\
-# # *.ml=λ:\
-# # *.mli=λ:\
-# # *.mov=:\
-# # *.mp3=:\
-# # *.mp4=:\
-# # *.mpeg=:\
-# # *.mpg=:\
-# # *.msi=:\
-# # *.mustache=:\
-# # *.nix=:\
-# # *.o=:\
-# # *.ogg=:\
-# # *.pdf=:\
-# # *.php=:\
-# # *.pl=:\
-# # *.pm=:\
-# # *.png=:\
-# # *.pp=:\
-# # *.ppt=:\
-# # *.pptx=:\
-# # *.ps1=:\
-# # *.psb=:\
-# # *.psd=:\
-# # *.pub=:\
-# # *.py=:\
-# # *.pyc=:\
-# # *.pyd=:\
-# # *.pyo=:\
-# # *.r=ﳒ:\
-# # *.rake=:\
-# # *.rar=:\
-# # *.rb=:\
-# # *.rc=:\
-# # *.rlib=:\
-# # *.rmd=:\
-# # *.rom=:\
-# # *.rpm=:\
-# # *.rproj=鉶:\
-# # *.rs=:\
-# # *.rss=:\
-# # *.rtf=:\
-# # *.s=:\
-# # *.sass=:\
-# # *.scala=:\
-# # *.scss=:\
-# # *.sh=:\
-# # *.slim=:\
-# # *.sln=:\
-# # *.so=:\
-# # *.sql=:\
-# # *.styl=:\
-# # *.suo=:\
-# # *.swift=:\
-# # *.t=:\
-# # *.tar=:\
-# # *.tex=ﭨ:\
-# # *.tgz=:\
-# # *.toml=:\
-# # *.ts=:\
-# # *.tsx=:\
-# # *.twig=:\
-# # *.vim=:\
-# # *.vimrc=:\
-# # *.vue=﵂:\
-# # *.wav=:\
-# # *.webm=:\
-# # *.webmanifest=:\
-# # *.webp=:\
-# # *.xbps=:\
-# # *.xcplayground=:\
-# # *.xhtml=:\
-# # *.xls=:\
-# # *.xlsx=:\
-# # *.xml=:\
-# # *.xul=:\
-# # *.xz=:\
-# # *.yaml=:\
-# # *.yml=:\
-# # *.zip=:\
-# # *.zsh=:\
-# # "
+# end
+# ### end: key-bindings.fish ###
+# fzf_key_bindings