Commit History

Author SHA1 Message Date
  alkostuchkov 268e5b3435 Refact: .myS/dmscripts/ 5 months ago
  alkostuchkov 5d97932c94 Added: .myS/dmscripts/ 5 months ago
  alkostuchkov 758f6959aa Modified: configs cause moved to Void. 5 months ago
  alkostuchkov 02835b5722 configs 6 months ago
  alkostuchkov 0a168611b6 Modified: .c/VSCodium/User/settings.json (added code formatter for Python in Prettier). 6 months ago
  alkostuchkov 99ee78a18e Added: _usr_share_xxkb_ru(us)22++.xpm (flags for xxkb). 6 months ago
  alkostuchkov 903f3e2875 Added: .bash-git-prompt 6 months ago
  alkostuchkov a9f5f1e597 configs 6 months ago
  alkostuchkov af5b751e67 Added: .c/alacritty/colors/... .c/nvim/colors(autoload)/... new colorschemes. 6 months ago
  alkostuchkov 2a93a1844a Modified: .c/qtile/ (Switch between current and previous group by Mod+Escape (like in Awesome, BSPWM and i3 WMs). 6 months ago
  alkostuchkov f1234e3627 Added: .c/awesome/themes/myotto/* and changed WMs' configs. 6 months ago
  alkostuchkov f7657171c4 Modified-Fixed: .c/awesome/rc.lua (Switch back to the prev tag if pressed the current tag (like in Qtile), placement property in Rules). 6 months ago
  alkostuchkov 2315795b71 Modified: .c/nvim/init.vim (No comments when go onto the new line). 6 months ago
  alkostuchkov 7025fe8ab7 Modified: .c/nvim/init.vim (Colorizer plugin instead of vim-css-color). 6 months ago
  alkostuchkov f6b4d1ef5f Modified: .c/qtile/ (colors.get(color_name, default_color) instead of colors[color_name]). 6 months ago
  alkostuchkov 7dc586f42f Modified: .c/qtile/ (get more beautiful TaskList). 6 months ago
  alkostuchkov ef5e74fc5e Modified: .c/qtile/ (TaskList widget instead of WindowName). 6 months ago
  alkostuchkov b409bed830 Modified: .c/qtile/ (TaskList widget instead of WindowName). 6 months ago
  alkostuchkov 6828fdfaaf Modified: .c/qtile/modules/ (changed colors for fg_date and fg_windowname). 6 months ago
  alkostuchkov 98b81ffe85 Modified: .c/qtile/ (icon_size for Systray widget). 6 months ago
  alkostuchkov 69d615269d Added: .c/qt6ct/qt6ct.conf 6 months ago
  alkostuchkov e5da3c93d3 configs 6 months ago
  alkostuchkov 27290a67b5 Modified: .xxkbrc (added US flags). 6 months ago
  alkostuchkov 0295673fe5 Added: .c/zathura/zathurarc 6 months ago
  alkostuchkov f971989827 configs 7 months ago
  alkostuchkov eab4707d3b Modified: .c/awesome/awesome-wm-widgets/* .c/awesome/rc.lua (available pass user_args for all my widgets). 7 months ago
  alkostuchkov 4fd9faf1f4 Fixed: .c/awesome/rc.lua .c/awesome/awesome-wm-widgets/weather-widget/weather-widget.lua (font_name for widget). 7 months ago
  alkostuchkov 4c4ac05079 Refact: .c/awesome/rc.lua (rules_any for openning several apps on the same tag). 7 months ago
  alkostuchkov 9ac5a9d4c7 Modified: .c/qtile/ .c/awesome/rc.lua .c/bspwm/sxhkd/sxhkdrc (the same keybindings to run terminator, xfce4-terminal. Increased font size for Qtile bar and widgets); .c/polybar/config.ini .c/bspwm/bspwmrc (use xxkb BSPWM). 7 months ago
  alkostuchkov be6ff35f8b Modified: .c/qtile/ (Move/Resize floating window keybindings like in BSPWM an AwesomeWM). 7 months ago