Commit History

Author SHA1 Message Date
  alkostuchkov 1acbdfe988 Modified: .myS/dmenu/ added some configs. 2 years ago
  alkostuchkov 4f5bd172b2 Added: .c/fontconfig/fonts.conf 2 years ago
  alkostuchkov fbdec8d925 Modified: .c/VSCodium/(keybindings.json, settings.json) changed undo/redo for vscodevim extention. 2 years ago
  alkostuchkov 8959129460 Modified: .c/terminator/config FIXED of changes background color from #282c34 to #263238 in Material theme. 2 years ago
  alkostuchkov 47a95e56d9 Modified: .c/terminator/config changed background color from #282c34 to #263238 in Material theme. 2 years ago
  alkostuchkov 6679b3bd61 Modified: .c/ranger/rc.conf set preview_(files, images, hidden) to true. 2 years ago
  alkostuchkov 926dae02b4 Modified: .c/qtile/ changed my_term_extra from terminator to xfce4-terminal. 2 years ago
  alkostuchkov 865be39d2c Modified: .c/VSCodium/settings.json). 2 years ago
  alkostuchkov 3cbfa73353 Added: ~/.config/VSCodium/User/keybindings.json 2 years ago
  alkostuchkov 092538793e Modified: theme to Adapta-Nokto-Eta-Maia. 2 years ago
  alkostuchkov b901452f48 Modified: .c/picom/picom.conf changed shadow-exclude (breaktimer, megasync). 3 years ago
  alkostuchkov 1712854b83 Modified: .c/qtile/ added floating mode for BreakTimer. 3 years ago
  alkostuchkov 37c626d4c5 Modified: .c/qtile/ added Key to launch Tor. 3 years ago
  alkostuchkov 89e4d67c2d Modified: .c/bat/config changed theme to 'gruvbox-dark'. 3 years ago
  alkostuchkov 6f5ff0353d Modified: .c/qtile/ commented function: focus_new_floating_window(window). 3 years ago
  alkostuchkov 00f493e766 Modified: .c/terminator/config changed all profiles themes to the 'Gruvbox Material Dark'. 3 years ago
  alkostuchkov dbd78daefe Modified: .c/alacritty/alacritty.yml .c/terminator/config changed themes to Gruvbox Material Dark Medium. 3 years ago
  alkostuchkov fe2d4490f6 Modified: .c/config/rofi/config to config.rasi (rofi 1.7.0) .myS/dmenu/ for rofi's config.rasi. 3 years ago
  alkostuchkov ca3c253345 Modified: .c/config/rofi/config to config.rasi (rofi 1.7.0) .myS/dmenu/ for rofi's config.rasi. 3 years ago
  alkostuchkov c5dcf24629 Modified: .c/qtile/ changed floating mode for some programs. 3 years ago
  alkostuchkov 0a33d5376b Add: added .myS/dmenu/ and transcription.txt; added shotcut for Dmenu in .c/qtile/ 3 years ago
  alkostuchkov 7b614a4e7e Add-Modify: theme for bat moved from bashrc,, zshrc and profile to the added .c/bat/config 3 years ago
  alkostuchkov d0f5e52a50 Delete: deleted .c/dolphinrc 3 years ago
  alkostuchkov f29a7c4429 Init commit: added my dotfiles 3 years ago