Version 2.7.1-alkeon
- Changed colors for messages even for darker themes. What a genius xd
Version 2.7.1
- Fix avatar selection on some Android 10 devices
- Fix file transfer for larger files
Version 2.7.0
- Provide PDF preview on Android 5+
- Use 12 byte IVs for OMEMO
Version 2.6.4
- Support automatic theme switching on Android 10
Version 2.6.3
- Support for ?register and ?register;preauth XMPP uri parameters
Version 2.6.2
- let users set their own nick name
- resume download of OMEMO encrypted files
- Channels now use '#' as symbol in avatar
- Quicksy uses 'always' as OMEMO encryption default (hides lock icon)
Version 2.6.1
- fixes for Jingle IBB file transfer
- fixes for repeated corrections filling up the database
- switched to Last Message Correction v1.1
Version 2.6.0
- Introduce expert setting to perform channel discovery on local server instead of
- Enable delivery check marks by default and remove setting
- Enable ‘Send button indicates status’ by default and remove setting
- Move Backup and Foreground Service settings to main screen
Version 2.5.12
- Jingle file transfer fixes
- Fixed OMEMO self healing (after backup restore) on servers w/o MAM
Version 2.5.11
- Fixed crash on Android <5.0
Version 2.5.10
- Fixed crash on Xiaomi devices running Android 8.0 + 8.1
Version 2.5.9
- fixed minor security issues
- Share XMPP uri from channel search by long pressing a result
Version 2.5.8
- fixed connection issues over Tor
- P2P file transfer (Jingle) now offers direct candidates
- Support XEP-0396: Jingle Encrypted Transports - OMEMO
Version 2.5.7
- fixed crash when scanning QR codes on Android 6 and lower
- when sharing a message from and to Conversations insert it as quote
Version 2.5.6
- fixes for Jingle file transfer
- fixed some rare crashes
Version 2.5.5
- allow backups to be restored from anywhere
- bug fixes
Version 2.5.4
- stability improvements for group chats and channels
Version 2.5.3
- bug fixes for peer to peer file transfer (Jingle)
- fixed server info for unlimited/unknown max file size
Version 2.5.2
Version 2.5.1
- minor bug fixes
- Set own OMEMO devices to inactive after not seeing them for 14 days. (was 7 days)
Version 2.5.0
- Added channel search via
- Reworked onboarding screens
- Warn when trying to enter domain address or channel address in Add Contact dialog
Version 2.4.3
- Fixed display of private messages sent from another client
- Fixed backup creation on long time installations
Version 2.4.2
- Fix image preview on older Android version
Version 2.4.1
- Fixed crash in message view
Version 2.4.0
- New Backup / Restore feature
- Clearly distinguish between (private) group chats and (public) channels
- Redesigned participants view for group chats and channels
- Redesigned create new contact/group chat/channel flow in Start Conversation screen
Version 2.3.12
- Fixed rare crash on start up
- Fixed avatar not being refreshed in group chats
Version 2.3.11
- Support for Android 9 'message style' notifications
- OMEMO stability improvements
- Added ability to destroy group chats
- Do not show deleted files in media browser
- Added 'Keep Original' as video quality choice
Version 2.3.10
- lower minimum required Android version to 4.1
- Synchronize group chat join/leaves across multiple clients
- Fixed sending PGP encrypted messages from quick reply
Version 2.3.9
- OMEMO stability improvements
- Context menu when long pressing avatar in 1:1 chat
Version 2.3.8
- make PEP avatars public to play nice with Prosody 0.11
- Fixed re-sending failed files in group chats
Version 2.3.7
- long press on 'allow' or 'add back' snackbar to bring up 'reject'
- bug fixes for Android 9
Version 2.3.6
- Improved handling of bookmark nicks
- Show send PM menu entry in anonymous MUCs
Version 2.3.5
- Fixed group chat mentions when nick ends in . (dot)
- Fixed Conversations not asking for permissions after direct share
- Fixed CVE-2018-18467
Version 2.3.4
- Fixed sending OMEMO files to ChatSecure
Version 2.3.3
- Fixed connection issues with user@ip type JIDs
Version 2.3.2
- Fixed OMEMO on Android 5.1 & 6.0
- Added setting for video quality
- bug fixes
Version 2.3.1
- Stronger compression for video files
- Use SNI on STARTTLS to fix gtalk
- Fix Quiet Hours on Android 8+
- Use Consistent Color Generation (XEP-0392)
Version 2.3.0
- Preview and ask for confirmation before sending media files
- View per conversation media files in contact and conference details screens
- Enable foreground service by default for Android 8 (notification can be disabled by long pressing it)
- Audio player: disable screen and switch to ear piece
- Support TLSv1.3 (ejabberd ≤ 18.06 is incompatible with openssl 1.1.1 - Update ejabberd or downgrade openssl if you get ›Stream opening error‹)
Version 2.2.9
- Store bookmarks in PEP if server has ability to convert to old bookmarks
- Show Jabber IDs from address book in Start Conversation screen
Version 2.2.8
- fixed regression that broke XMPP uris
Version 2.2.7
Version 2.2.6
- support old MAM version to work with Prosody
Version 2.2.5
- Persist MUC avatar across restarts / show in bookmarks
- Offer Paste as quote for HTML content
Version 2.2.4
- Use group chat name as primary identifier
- Show group name and subject in group chat details
- Upload group chat avatar on compatible servers
Version 2.2.3
- Introduce Expert Setting to enable direct search
- Introduce Paste As Quote on Android 6+
- Fixed issues with HTTP Upload
Version 2.2.2
- Fixed connection problems with TLS1.3 servers
- Attempt to delete broken bundles from PEP
- Use FCM instead of GCM
Version 2.2.1
- improved recording quality
- load map tiles over Tor if enabled
Version 2.2.0
- Integrate Voice Recorder
- Integrate Share Location
- Added ability to search messages
Version 2.1.4
Version 2.1.3
- Do not process stanzas with invalid JIDs
Version 2.1.2
- Fixed avatars not being displayed on new installs
Version 2.1.1
- Improved start up performance
- bug fixes
Version 2.1.0
- Added configurable font size
- Added global OMEMO preference
- Added scroll to bottom button
- Only mark visible messages as read
Version 2.0.0
- OMEMO by default for everything but public group chats
- Integrate QR code scanner (requires camera permission)
- Removed support for OTR
- Removed support for customizable resources
- Removed slide out panel for conversation overview
- Add ability to change status message
- Highlight irregular unicode code blocks in Jabber IDs
- Conversations now requires Android 4.4+
Version 1.23.8
Version 1.23.7
- Improved MAM support + bug fixes
Version 1.23.6
- Fixed crash on receiving invalid HTTP slot response
Version 1.23.5
Version 1.23.4
- keep screen on while playing audio
- send delivery receipts after MAM catch-up
- reduce number of wake locks
Version 1.23.3
- Fixed OMEMO device list not being announced
Version 1.23.2
- Removed NFC support
- upload Avatars as JPEG
- reduce APK size
Version 1.23.1
- Show icon instead of image preview in conversation overview
- fixed loop when trying to decrypt with YubiKey
Version 1.23.0
- Support for read markers in private, non-anonymous group chats
Version 1.22.1
- Disable swipe to left to end conversation
- Fixed 'No permission to access …' when opening files shared from the SD card
- Always open URLs in new tab
Version 1.22.0
- Text markup bold, italic,
and ~strikethrough~
- Use same emoji style on all Android versions
- Display emojis slightly larger within continuous text
Version 1.21.0
- Inline player for audio messages
- Stronger compression for long videos
- Long press the 'add back' button to show block menu
Version 1.20.1
- fixed OTR encrypted file transfer
Version 1.20.0
- presence subscription no longer required for OMEMO on compatible servers
- display emoji-only messages slightly larger
Version 1.19.5
- fixed connection loop on Android <4.4
Version 1.19.4
- work around for OpensFire’s self signed certs
- use VPN’s DNS servers first
Version 1.19.3
- Do not create foreground service when all accounts are disabled
- bug fixes
Version 1.19.2
Version 1.19.1
- Made DNSSEC hostname validation opt-in
Version 1.19.0
- Added 'App Shortcuts' to quickly access frequent contacts
- Use DNSSEC to verify hostname instead of domain in certificate
- Setting to enable Heads-up notifications
- Added date separators in message view
Version 1.18.5
- colorize send button only after history is caught up
- improved MAM catchup strategy
Version 1.18.4
- fixed UI freezes during connection timeout
- fixed notification sound playing twice
- fixed conversations being marked as read
- removed 'copy text' in favor of 'select text' and 'share with'
Version 1.18.3
- limited GPG encryption for MUC offline members
Version 1.18.2
- added support for Android Auto
- fixed HTTP Download over Tor
- work around for MUCs
Version 1.18.1
Version 1.18.0
- Conversations <1.16.0 will be unable to receive OMEMO encrypted messages
- OMEMO: put auth tag into key (verify auth tag as well)
- offer to block entire domain in message from stranger snackbar
- treat URL as file if URL is in oob or contains key
Version 1.17.1
- Switch Aztec to QR for faster scans
- Fixed unread counter for image messages
Version 1.17.0
- Do not notify for messages from strangers by default
- Blocking a JID closes the corresponding conversation
- Show message sender in conversation overview
- Show unread counter for every conversation
- Send typing notifications in private, non-anonymous MUCs
- Support for the latest MAM namespace
- Icons for attach menu
Version 1.16.2
- change mam catchup strategie. support mam:1
- bug fixes
Version 1.16.1
- UI performance fixes
- bug fixes
Version 1.16.0
- configurable client side message retention period
- compress videos before sending them
Version 1.15.5
- show nick as bold text when mentioned in conference
- bug fixes
Version 1.15.4
Version 1.15.3
- show offline contacts in MUC as grayed-out
- don't transcode gifs. add overlay indication to gifs
- bug fixes
Version 1.15.2
Version 1.15.1
- support for POSH (RFC7711)
- support for quoting messages (via select text)
- verified messages show shield icon. unverified messages show lock
Version 1.15.0
- New Blind Trust Before Verification mode
- Easily share Barcode and XMPP uri from Account details
- Automatically deactivate own devices after 7 day of inactivity
- Improvements fo doze/push mode
- bug fixes
Version 1.14.9
- warn in account details when data saver is enabled
- automatically enable foreground service after detecting frequent restarts
- bug fixes
Version 1.14.8
Version 1.14.7
- error message accessible via context menu for failed messages
- don't include pgp signature in anonymous mucs
- bug fixes
Version 1.14.6
- make error notification dismissable
- bug fixes
Version 1.14.5
- expert setting to delete OMEMO identities
- bug fixes
Version 1.14.4
Version 1.14.3
- XEP-0377: Spam Reporting
- fix rare start up crashes
Version 1.14.2
- bug fixes
Version 1.14.1
- Press lock icon to see why OMEMO is deactivated
- bug fixes
Version 1.14.0
- Improvments for N
- Quick Reply to Notifications on N
- Don't download avatars and files when data saver is on
- bug fixes
Version 1.13.9
Version 1.13.8
- show identities instead of resources in selection dialog
- allow TLS direct connect when port is set to 5223
- bug fixes
Version 1.13.7
Version 1.13.6
- thumbnails for videos
- bug fixes
Version 1.13.5
Version 1.13.4
- support jingle ft:4
- show contact as DND if one resource is
- bug fixes
Version 1.13.3
Version 1.13.2
- new PGP decryption logic
- bug fixes
Version 1.13.1
- changed some colors in dark theme
- fixed fall-back message for OMEMO
Version 1.13.0
- configurable dark theme
- opt-in to share Last User Interaction
Version 1.12.9
- make grace period configurable
Version 1.12.8
Version 1.12.7
Version 1.12.6
Version 1.12.5
- new create conference dialog
- show first unread message on top
- show geo uri as links
- circumvent long message DOS
Version 1.12.4
- show offline members in conference (needs server support)
- various bug fixes
Version 1.12.3
- make omemo default when all resources support it
- show presence of other resources as template
- start typing in StartConversationsActivity to search
- various bug fixes and improvements
Version 1.12.2
- fixed pgp presence signing
Version 1.12.1
Version 1.12.0
- new welcome screen that makes it easier to register account
- expert setting to modify presence
Version 1.11.7
- Share xmpp uri from conference details
- add setting to allow quick sharing
- various bug fixes
Version 1.11.6
- added preference to disable notification light
- various bug fixes
Version 1.11.5
- check file ownership to not accidentally share private files
Version 1.11.4
- fixed a bug where contacts are shown as offline
- improved broken PEP detection
Version 1.11.3
- check maximum file size when using HTTP Upload
- properly calculate caps hash
Version 1.11.2
- only add image files to media scanner
- allow to delete files
- various bug fixes
Version 1.11.1
- fixed some bugs when sharing files with Conversations
Version 1.11.0
- OMEMO encrypted conferences
Version 1.10.1
- made message correction opt-in
- various bug fixes
Version 1.10.0
- Support for XEP-0357: Push Notifications
- Support for XEP-0308: Last Message Correction
- introduced build flavors to make dependence on play-services optional
Version 1.9.4
- prevent cleared Conversations from reloading history with MAM
- various MAM fixes
Version 1.9.3
- expert setting that enables host and port configuration
- expert setting opt-out of bookmark autojoin handling
- offer to rejoin a conference after server sent unavailable
- internal rewrites
Version 1.9.2
- prevent startup crash on Sailfish OS
- minor bug fixes
Version 1.9.1
- minor bug fixes incl. a workaround for
Version 1.9.0
- Per conference notification settings
- Let user decide whether to compress pictures
- Support for XEP-0368
- Ask user to exclude Conversations from battery optimizations
Version 1.8.4
- prompt to trust own OMEMO devices
- fixed rotation issues in avatar publication
- invite non-contact JIDs to conferences
Version 1.8.3
- brought text selection back
Version 1.8.2
- fixed stuck at 'connecting...' bug
- make message box behave correctly with multiple links
Version 1.8.1
- enabled direct share on Android 6.0
- ask for permissions on Android 6.0
- notify on MAM catchup messages
- bug fixes
Version 1.8.0
- TOR/ORBOT support in advanced settings
- show vcard avatars of participants in a conference
Version 1.7.3
- fixed PGP encrypted file transfer
- fixed repeating messages in slack conferences
Version 1.7.2
- decode PGP messages in background
Version 1.7.1
- performance improvements when opening a conversation
Version 1.7.0
- CAPTCHA support
- SASL EXTERNAL (client certifiates)
- fetching MUC history via MAM
- redownload deleted files from HTTP hosts
- Expert setting to automatically set presence
- bug fixes
Version 1.6.11
- tab completion for MUC nicks
- history export
- bug fixes
Version 1.6.10
- fixed facebook login
- fixed bug with ejabberd mam
- use official HTTP File Upload namespace
Version 1.6.9
Version 1.6.8
- reworked 'enter is send' setting
- reworked DNS server discovery on lolipop devices
- various bug fixes
Version 1.6.7
Version 1.6.6
Version 1.6.5
Version 1.6.4
- setting to enable white chat bubbles
- limit OMEMO key publish attempts to work around broken PEP
- various bug fixes
Version 1.6.3
Version 1.6.2
- fixed issues with connection time out when server does not support ping
Version 1.6.1
Version 1.6.0
- new multi-end-to-multi-end encryption method
- redesigned chat bubbles
- show unexpected encryption changes as red chat bubbles
- always notify in private/non-anonymous conferences
Version 1.5.1
- fixed rare crashes
- improved otr support
Version 1.5.0
- upload files to HTTP host and share them in MUCs. requires new HttpUploadComponent on server side
Version 1.4.5
- fixes to message parser to not display some ejabberd muc status messages
Version 1.4.4
- added unread count badges on supported devices
- rewrote message parser
Version 1.4.0
- send button turns into quick action button to offer faster access to take photo, send location or record audio
- visually separate merged messages
- faster reconnects of failed accounts after network switches
- r/o vcard avatars for contacts
- various bug fixes
Version 1.3.0
- swipe conversations to end them
- quickly enable / disable account via slider
- share multiple images at once
- expert option to distrust system CAs
- mlink compatibility
- bug fixes
Version 1.2.0
- Send current location. (requires plugin)
- Invite multiple contacts at once
- performance improvements
- bug fixes
Version 1.1.0
- Typing notifications (must be turned on in settings)
- Various UI performance improvements
- bug fixes
Version 1.0.4
- load avatars asynchronously on start up
- support for XEP-0092: Software Version
Version 1.0.3
- load messages asynchronously on start up
- bug fixes
Version 1.0.2
Version 1.0.1
Version 1.0
- MUC controls (Affiliaton changes)
- Added download button to notification
- Added check box to hide offline contacts
- Use Material theme and icons on Android L
- Improved security
- bug fixes + code clean up
Version 0.10
- Support for Message Archive Management
- Dynamically load message history
- Ability to block contacts
- New UI to verify fingerprints
- Ability to change password on server
- removed stream compression
- quiet hours
- fixed connection issues on ipv6 servers
Version 0.9.3
Version 0.9.2
Version 0.9.1
- bug fixes including some that caused Conversations to crash on start
Version 0.9
- arbitrary file transfer
- more options to verify OTR (SMP, QR Codes, NFC)
- ability to create instant conferences
- r/o dynamic tags (presence and roster groups)
- optional foreground service (expert option)
- added SCRAM-SHA1 login method
- bug fixes
Version 0.8.4
Version 0.8.3
- increased UI performance
- fixed rotation bugs
Version 0.8.2
- Share contacts via QR codes or NFC
- Slightly improved UI
- minor bug fixes
Version 0.8.1
Version 0.8
- Download HTTP images
- Show avatars in MUC tiles
- Disabled SSLv3
- Performance improvements
- bug fixes
Version 0.7.3
- revised tablet ui
- internal rewrites
- bug fixes
Version 0.7.2
- show full timestamp in messages
- brought back option to use JID to identify conferences
- optionally request delivery receipts (expert option)
- more languages
- bug fixes
Version 0.7.1
- Optionally use send button as status indicator
Version 0.7
- Ability to disable notifications for single conversations
- Merge messages in chat bubbles
- Fixes for OpenPGP and OTR (please republish your public key)
- Improved reliability on sending messages
- Join password protected Conferences
- Configurable font size
- Expert options for encryption
Version 0.6
- Support for server side avatars
- save images in gallery
- show contact name and picture in non-anonymous conferences
- reworked account creation
- various bug fixes
Version 0.5.2
Version 0.5.1
- couple of small bug fixes that have been missed in 0.5
- complete translations for Swedish, Dutch, German, Spanish, French, Russian
Version 0.5
- UI overhaul
- MUC / Conference bookmarks
- A lot of bug fixes
Version 0.4
- OTR file encryption
- keep OTR messages and files on device until both parties or online at the same time
- XEP-0333. Mark whether the other party has read your messages
- Delayed messages are now tagged properly
- Share images from the Gallery
- Infinit history scrolling
- Mark the last used presence in presence selection dialog
Version 0.3
- Mostly bug fixes and internal rewrites
- Touch contact picture in conference to highlight
- Long press on received image to share
- made OTR more reliable
- improved issues with occasional message lost
- experimental conference encryption. (see FAQ)
Version 0.2.3
- regression fix with receiving encrypted images
Version 0.2.2
- Ability to take photos directly
- Improved openPGP offline handling
- Various bug fixes
- Updated Translations
Version 0.2.1
- Various bug fixes
- Updated Translations
Version 0.2
- Image file transfer
- Better integration with OpenKeychain (PGP encryption)
- Nicer conversation tiles for conferences
- Ability to clear conversation history
- A lot of bug fixes and code clean up
Version 0.1.3
- Switched to minidns library to resolve SRV records
- Faster DNS in some cases
- Enabled stream compression
- Added permanent notification when an account fails to connect
- Various bug fixes involving message notifications
- Added support for DIGEST-MD5 auth
Version 0.1.2
- Various bug fixes relating to conferences
- Further DNS lookup improvements
Version 0.1.1
- Fixed the 'server not found' bug
Version 0.1