Save point positions in a ring-like history

Alex Kost 442bccb407 README: Mention other similar packages (Fix #2) 7 years ago
.gitignore 4f140bd085 gitignore: Add "tmp" and "autoloads.el" 8 years ago
Makefile 4cd0f8c8d1 Add Makefile 8 years ago 442bccb407 README: Mention other similar packages (Fix #2) 7 years ago
point-pos.el f4126b6456 Handle the case when position is dead 8 years ago

file: file: file:


Emacs package for saving point positions in a ring-like history.

I know about C-u C-SPC, registers and bookmarks and I use all of those, but it's not enough for me, so I wrote this little package.



This package can be installed from MELPA (with M-x package-install or =M-x list-packages=).


For the manual installation, clone the repo, add the directory to =load-path= and autoload for point-pos-save command:

(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/point-pos-dir")
(autoload 'point-pos-save "point-pos" nil t)


To save current position, use point-pos-save command.

To go to a saved position, use point-pos-goto / point-pos-next / =point-pos-previous=.

To delete current position, use point-pos-delete (with C-u delete all).

Similar packages

Note that point-pos is a very simple package: it just provides several commands to save / move to / delete positions and that's all!

There is a much more featureful package – history. Along with similar commands, it provides a minor mode with keys and menus, also you can conveniently choose a history item from minibuffer and do other stuff.

Finally, if you just want to add a history button to the Emacs toolbar, you may look at back-button package.