1. -*- org -*-
  2. * Introduction
  3. In this joke, [[][The Evolution of a Haskell Programmer]], it is said that an
  4. Interpretive Haskell programmer never "met a language" he didn't like. This
  5. project tries to do the same for C. We provide a Scheme interpreter embeddable
  6. in C so that you can "write Scheme" in project requiring you to write C.
  7. (Okay, in fact this is a toy project and an excuse for me to learn implementing
  8. Scheme in C ...)
  9. Currently, a prototype is implemented in Haskell (since Haskell's type system
  10. is good for catching errors). It will be translated to C after I figure out how
  11. to do tail call optimization, parsing and garbage collection in C. See ROADMAP
  12. for future plans.
  13. * Building
  14. Just run =make=.
  15. * Depedencies
  16. These are the depedencies needed for building:
  17. - [[][Mostly POSIX-compliant OS]]
  18. - [[][GHC 8]]
  19. - [[][Make]]
  20. * Tutorials
  21. These are the tutorials I followed:
  22. - [[][Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs]]
  23. - [[][Write Yourself a Scheme in 48 Hours]]
  24. * Bug Reporting
  25. Please report bugs using the issue tracker.