4_building.md 1006 B

🛠️ Building from source

This page will guide you through building ReVanced Manager from source.

  1. Download Java SDK 17 (Azul JDK or OpenJDK) and add it to path

  2. Clone the repository

   git clone https://github.com/revanced/revanced-manager.git && cd revanced-manager
  1. Create a GitHub personal access token with the read:packages scope here

  2. Add your GitHub username and the token to ~/.gradle/gradle.properties

   gpr.user = YourUsername
   gpr.key = ghp_longrandomkey
  1. Set the sdk.dir property in local.properties to your Android SDK location
   sdk.dir = /path/to/android/sdk
  1. Build the APK


   ./gradlew assembleDebug


   ./gradlew assembleRelease -Psign