1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465666768697071 |
- plugins {
- kotlin("jvm") version "1.9.10"
- alias(libs.plugins.shadow)
- }
- group = "app.revanced"
- repositories {
- mavenCentral()
- mavenLocal()
- google()
- maven { url = uri("https://jitpack.io") }
- }
- dependencies {
- implementation(libs.revanced.patcher)
- implementation(libs.revanced.library)
- implementation(libs.kotlinx.coroutines.core)
- implementation(libs.picocli)
- testImplementation(libs.kotlin.test)
- }
- kotlin { jvmToolchain(11) }
- tasks {
- test {
- useJUnitPlatform()
- testLogging {
- events("PASSED", "SKIPPED", "FAILED")
- }
- }
- processResources {
- expand("projectVersion" to project.version)
- }
- shadowJar {
- manifest {
- attributes("Main-Class" to "app.revanced.cli.command.MainCommandKt")
- }
- minimize {
- exclude(dependency("org.jetbrains.kotlin:.*"))
- exclude(dependency("org.bouncycastle:.*"))
- exclude(dependency("app.revanced:.*"))
- }
- }
- build {
- dependsOn(shadowJar)
- }
- /*
- Dummy task to hack gradle-semantic-release-plugin to release this project.
- Explanation:
- SemVer is a standard for versioning libraries.
- For that reason the semantic-release plugin uses the "publish" task to publish libraries.
- However, this subproject is not a library, and the "publish" task is not available for this subproject.
- Because semantic-release is not designed to handle this case, we need to hack it.
- RE: https://github.com/KengoTODA/gradle-semantic-release-plugin/issues/435
- */
- register<DefaultTask>("publish") {
- group = "publishing"
- description = "Dummy task to hack gradle-semantic-release-plugin to release ReVanced CLI"
- dependsOn(build)
- }
- }