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adam j hartz a74f94668a fix page template for CAT-SOOP 13 6 tahun lalu
catsoop a74f94668a fix page template for CAT-SOOP 13 6 tahun lalu
config cd1ae4fb02 Fix syntax errors in config and scripts 8 tahun lalu
git_hooks eebafecf7b Add git hooks dir and dev setup script 8 tahun lalu
imports 773b985105 Implement data part of staff check-in 8 tahun lalu
scripts 0ba648d1c0 Make gulpfile run scripts as executables 8 tahun lalu
server 7f5419826e update checkoffs for new catsoop 7 tahun lalu
test 3be0e12eab Update params to include CAT-SOOP template directories 8 tahun lalu
www 384a541965 fix whitespace 6 tahun lalu
.babelignore 0ded26bdd0 Add babel and revert www/js to ES2015 8 tahun lalu
.babelrc 0ded26bdd0 Add babel and revert www/js to ES2015 8 tahun lalu
.gitignore 1874ee5d78 Add more/better logging 8 tahun lalu
LICENSE 8ef635c631 Add AGPLv3 license text to project 7 tahun lalu
README.md a7c297ebf9 Document tools and frameworks (close #10) 8 tahun lalu
gulpfile.js 0ba648d1c0 Make gulpfile run scripts as executables 8 tahun lalu
package.json 14b9a2d3a0 Bump version number in package.json 7 tahun lalu


The CAT-SOOP Queue

The Queue is a web application that provides a better way for students in a laboratory setting to request help or assessment in an orderly fashion without interrupting the flow of their work. This queue is intended to be run alongside a CAT-SOOP instance, but it can probably be tweaked to run without one.

You can follow the development of this application at https://notabug.org/jdkaplan/catsoop-queue.

Installation Instructions

  1. Install the following dependencies:

    • CAT-SOOP (Make sure to create at least one course)
    • RethinkDB (No extra setup required)
    • Node.js (Only versions >=6.2 have been tried so far)
    • NGINX (Or any other reverse proxy)
  2. Clone this repository somewhere (I'll call that location $QUEUE in these instructions)

  3. Edit $QUEUE/config/params.js and $QUEUE/config/www_params.js to fit your use case.

  4. Configure the queue user

    1. The following script will initialize the API token for a user. Replace /path/to/cat-soop and COURSE_ID with the relevant strings for your setup. The username __queue__user__ can be replaced with anything that won't be a valid username for anyone in your system:
    import sys
    import catsoop.api as api
    import catsoop.loader as loader
    ctx = loader.spoof_early_load(['COURSE_ID'])
    tok = api.initialize_api_token(ctx, {
        'username': '__queue_user__',
        'name': 'Fake Queue User',
        'email': "doesn't matter",
    1. Run the script, save the token it prints out, and create the file $QUEUE/config/passwords.js with the following contents:
    module.exports = {
    1. If your queue needs to be able to submit questions or otherwise interact with your course, make sure the queue user has the necessary permissions in the course. To be able to perform checkoffs, for example, the queue user needs the "impersonate" permission.
  5. Configure NGINX

    Add the following snippet to your config (probably /etc/nginx/sites-avaliable/foo.conf or /etc/nginx.conf, depending on your setup). Replace COURSE_NAME and PORT with the name of your CAT-SOOP course and the port from the previous step. Make sure to leave the trailing slashes!

    location /queue/COURSE_NAME/ {
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;
        proxy_pass http://localhost:PORT/;
  6. In $QUEUE, run npm install to install all of the node dependencies.

  7. Set up the CAT-SOOP plugin and queue pages

    Some of the queue's functionality is in the form of a CAT-SOOP plugin and a CAT-SOOP page (or multiple pages, if you have multiple rooms). The build system will generate these from your params.js file, and it will generate new ones each time your configuration changes. To use the new versions each time they generate, make the following symlinks:

    • symlink $QUEUE/dist/catsoop/plugin to $COURSE_ROOT/__PLUGINS__/queue (or whatever you'd like to name the plugin)

    • symlink $QUEUE/dist/catsoop/pages to $COURSE_ROOT/queue (or wherever you'd like your queue to be)

    You may prefer not to use these auto-generated files. In that case, you can build them manually by running npm run gulp build-catsoop. The files will be created in $QUEUE/dist/catsoop, and you can copy or move them to the locations listed above.

  8. In $QUEUE, run npm start to start the queue.

Common Issues

  • npm start quits after printing "Finished 'build'" without starting.

Sometimes RethinkDB doesn't like to quit when asked to, so it needs to be manually SIGKILLed. I usually accomplish this by running ps to get a list of processes, and running kill -9 to stop them all simultaneously.

  • CAT-SOOP errors with "csq_display_name not defined"

The queue depends on a question's csq_display_name in order to show something meaningful to students and staff members. It also depends on csq_name to submit checkoffs, but CAT-SOOP can auto-generate that for you. I recommend setting both variables yourself in each question.

Hacking on the Queue

Here's a general layout of how the queue's modules are broken up and what you need to know to start tweaking things to fit your use case.

server has everything that runs on the server side of the application. The entry point is server/index.js, which starts an Express server and a socket.io server to listen for client connections. server/queue.js is where all the socket.io handlers get added. server/entry_types.js is where all the entry operations are specified. The db object that each of these import comes from server/rethinkdb.js, which is a tiny wrapper around the configuration for rethinkdbdash. server/authentication.js has all the auth flow that sets queue permissions.

The web frontend lives in www. The entry point is www/js/queue.js, which contains everything related to setting up hooks and handlers for queue data operations. www/js/view.js contains everything related to the display of the queue as a table view, claim view, and student views. It mainly works using the Ractive templating and component framework. The template HTML files all live in www/templates/. www/scss contains all the SCSS files that get built into flat CSS, and www/audio gets included without modification.

The client that the web frontend imports is in imports/client.js.

Tests live in test and use the Mocha test framework with Chai for assertions.

Building and running is configured using Gulp.