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- <p>This page lists both onsite and offsite resources for programmers
- trying to understand GPS technology.</p>
- <p>In the descriptions below, the adjective "evil" applied to the
- distribution terms of a standard or technical specification means that
- (a) it is not available for free download, and (b) it cannot legally
- be redistributed. The phrase "extremely evil" means that not only are
- the distribution terms evil, but that attack lawyers for the document
- publisher have been known to threaten people who quote it on the
- Web.</p>
- <p>This was a selection of the files available at GPSD's Google Code
- document repository. Those are looking for a new home.</p>
- <h1>GPS standards</h1>
- <dl>
- <dt><a href='http://www.nmea.org/'>NMEA 0183</a></dt>
- <dd>This is the official standard from the National Maritime
- Electronics Association describing how GPSes are supposed to
- report to computers over a serial or USB link. The distribution terms
- are extremely evil. Consequently, nobody on the GPSD project has ever
- looked at it.</dd>
- <dt><a href='NMEA.html'>NMEA sentences</a></dt>
- <dd>Because the NMEA 0183 standard itself is extremely evil, the GPSD
- project has collated comprehensive information on the prescriptions of
- that standard from various Web resources written by people who have
- read it and/or studied the behavior of GPSes claiming to conform to
- it. This is the result.</dd>
- <dt><a href="http://www.gpsinformation.org/dale/nmea.htm">NMEA data</a></dt>
- <dd>This is one of the sources for the above. Includes some
- information on vendor-specific quirks that we don't.</dd>
- <dt><a href='https://www.navcen.uscg.gov/pdf/gps/IS_GPS_200J.pdf'>Navstar
- Global Positioning Interface Specification IS-GPS-200J (2018)</a></dt>
- <dd>This is the official specification for interpreting radio
- transmission from GPS satellites. You do not need to read this
- unless you are trying to make sense of the raw 50BPS subframe
- data. Be warned: though this specification is not evil, it
- is complex and nasty.</dd>
- <dt><a href='https://www.navcen.uscg.gov/pdf/gps/geninfo/2008SPSPerformanceStandardFINAL.pdf'>Standard Positioning Service
- Performance Specification</a> (2008)</dt>
- <dd>This document defines the levels of performance the U.S. Government makes
- available to civil users through the GPS Standard Positioning Service
- (SPS).</dd>
- <dt><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Geodetic_System">World Geodetic System</a></dt>
- <dd>Technical and historical summary of WGS84.</dd>
- <dt><a href='http://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/ato/service_units/techops/navservices/gnss/library/documents/media/waas/2892bC2a.pdf'>WAAS System Specification</a></dt>
- <dd>This is the official specification for the FAA's Wide Area
- Augmentation System.</dd>
- <dt><a href='https://ssl29.pair.com/dmarkle/puborder.php?show=3'>RTCM
- Recommended Standards for Differential GNSS</a></dt>
- <dd>This is the ordering page for the official RTCM SC-104 standards,
- both the obsolescent 2.x and current 3.x versions. The distribution
- terms are evil. At least one of the GPSD project members has purchased
- official copies, so we do have full details of the message format.
- Copies of some of these have leaked onto the Web and may be found by
- searching for <a
- href='https://www.google.com/search?q=RTCM+10402.3'>"RTCM
- 10402.3"</a> or <a href='https://www.google.com/search?q=RTCM+10402.1'>"RTCM
- 10403.1"</a>.</dd>
- <dt><a
- href='https://www.itu.int/rec/recommendation.asp?type=items&lang=e&parent=r-rec-m.823-2-199710-i'>ITU-R M.823-2</a></dt>
- <dd>This specification documents some of the murky depths of
- rtcm-104, the specification used for broadcasting differential-gps
- corrections. Unfortunately, its distribution terms are also evil.</dd>
- <dt><a href='http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/policies/satnav/galileo/files/galileo-os-sis-icd-issue1-revision1_en.pdf'>Galileo Open Service SIS
- ICD (2010)</a></dt>
- <dd>This is issue 1 revision 1 0 of the Galileo Open Service Signal In Space
- Interface Control Document. The latest version of the official
- standard found <a
- href='http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/policies/satnav/galileo/open-service/index_en.htm'>here</a>.</dd>
- <dt><a href='http://igs.ifag.de/index_ntrip.htm'>Ntrip home page</a></dt>
- <dd>NTRIP is a protocol for shipping DGPS corrections that uses HTTP
- as a transport layer. The distribution terms for the NTRIP standard
- are evil, but a stripped down version of the document is freely
- available on the home page. Version 1.0 of the standard is poorly
- written, confusing and leaves too much open to the interpretation of
- the implementor. With the help of examples in the official standard
- (missing in the online version) and the C and Perl reference
- implementations, it is however possible to develop a working Ntrip
- client.</dd>
- <dt><a href='AIVDM.html'>AIVDM/AIVDO protocol decoding</a></dt>
- <dd>This document describes AIVDM, a standard layered on top of NMEA
- 0183 and used for the marine Automatic Identification System (AIS).
- The core AIVDM standard is no longer evil (see below), but complete
- information on AIS and its addenda remains otherwise difficult to
- collect from scattered and rather impenetrable standards
- documents.</dd>
- <dt><a href="https://www.itu.int/rec/R-REC-M.1371-4-201004-I/en">M.1371
- : Technical characteristics for an automatic identification system
- using time-division multiple access in the VHF maritime mobile band</a></dt>
- <dd>The official standard descrcribing AIS.</dd>
- <dt><a href='https://www.topografix.com/gpx.asp'>GPX Exchange Format</a></dt>
- <dd>GPX (the GPS Exchange Format) is a light-weight
- XML data format for the interchange of GPS data (waypoints, routes,
- and tracks) between applications and Web services on the Internet. The
- GPSD suite includes a client, <code>gpxlogger</code>, that makes logs
- in this format.</dd>
- </dl>
- <h1>GPS operation</h1>
- <dl>
- <dt><a href='https://web.archive.org/web/20080625111519/http://www.usace.army.mil/publications/eng-manuals/em1110-1-1003/entire.pdf'>NAVSTAR
- Global Positioning and Surveying</a></dt>
- <dd>US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Manual 1110-1-1003 "provides
- technical specifications and procedural guidance for surveying and
- mapping with the NAVSTAR Global Positioning System (GPS). ... Procedural
- and quality control standards are defined to establish... uniformity
- in the use of GPS..." This document offers significant insight into
- error modelling; anyone who dares to ask "so how accurate is my GPS?"
- should be gently encouraged to study it.</dd>
- <dt><a href='http://www.mx-marine.com/downloads/Worldwide_Beacon_DGPS_Status.pdf'>Worldwide Beacon DGPS Status</a></dt>
- <dd>This paper dates from 1999 and some of the information in it is therefore
- probably out of date. Nevertheless, it's the best public documentation on the
- history and architecture of the worldwide DGPS beacon system we've found.</dd>
- <dt><a href="http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2009/01/assisted-gps/">Inside
- assisted GPS: helping GPS help you</a></dt>
- <dd>Good article on techniques for cutting GPS startup latency and
- increasing precision, mostly focused on assistance via cellphone networks.</dd>
- <dt><a href="http://www.rtcm-ntrip.org/home">Worldwide list of NTRIP
- Casters</a></dt>
- <dd>Master list of sites that provide RTCM correction info over the
- Internet.</dd>
- </dl>
- <h1>Vendor protocols</h1>
- <p>Due to the inadequacies of NMEA, GPS chipset vendors have invented
- NMEA extensions or their own more tightly-designed reporting formats.
- This is a collection of descriptions of them. Many of these have
- already been used in the implementation of <code>gpsd</code>; others
- may be used in the future.</p>
- <p>If you have access to a GPS vendor manual we don't already carry,
- please send it to us. If it's live on the web, mailing the URL will
- be sufficient. The names in this <a href='checksums'>SHA1 checksums
- file</a> should be a good clue which ones we already have.</p>
- <p>Good manuals generate customer interest and loyalty. Judging by the
- legal notices in them, either (a) many GPS vendors are run by people
- who think that making their documentation hard to get and illegal to
- redistribute doesn't damage their sales prospects, or (b) many GPS
- vendors unthinkingly slap in a boilerplate notice that makes them look
- like they are run by the aforementioned sort of idiot. We are blithely
- ignoring all this nonsense here. If you are a GPS vendor
- representative, be advised that if you so request, we will (a) remove
- your manuals, and then (b) laugh at and publicly mock you
- for having been so stupid as to demand this.</p>
- <h2>SiRF and SiRF variants</h2>
- <dl>
- <dt><a href='http://usglobalsat.com/downloads/SiRF_Binary_Protocol.pdf'>SiRF
- Binary Protocol Reference Manual</a> (2.4, November 2008) </dt>
- <dd>The
- binary protocol for the chip used by over 80% of consumer-grade GPS
- mice. For comparison we also have older versions:
- <a href="http://gpsd.googlecode.com/files/SiRF-SiRF-v2_3.pdf">2.2</a>
- (December 2007),
- <a href='http://gpsd.googlecode.com/files/SiRF-SiRF-v1_7.pdf'>1.7</a>
- (October 2005) and <a
- href='http://gpsd.googlecode.com/files/SiRF-SiRF-v1_6.pdf'>1.6</a>
- (April 2005) .</dd>
- <dt><a href='https://www.element14.com/community/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadBody/13410-102-1-42402/40.Sirf%20nmea%20ref%20manual.pdf'>SiRF
- NMEA Protocol Reference Manual</a> (2.2, November 2008) </dt>
- <dd><a href='https://www.sparkfun.com/datasheets/GPS/NMEA%20Reference%20Manual-Rev2.1-Dec07.pdf'>SiRF
- NMEA Protocol Reference Manual</a> (2.1, December 2007) </dd>
- <dt><a href='http://gpsd.googlecode.com/files/SiRF-Sectron.pdf'>SiRF GPS Protocol
- Reference Manual</a> (revision 1.30, undated)</dt>
- <dd>This what SiRF gives OEMs as a reference for SiRF's NMEA 0183
- extensions. Notably, it describes the commands for switching to SiRF
- binary mode.</dd>
- <dt><a
- href='https://www.linkwave.co.uk/assets/GPS.G2-X-01003-E1.pdf'>TIM GPS
- Receiver Macro-Component (offsite link)</a> (version E1, April 2003)</dt>
- <dd> Describes the SiRFstarII chipset used by u-blox and some others.
- <code>gpsd</code> supports it. While obsolete, this file documents certain
- aspects of the protocol that SiRF has removed from current versions of the
- protocol documentation.</dd>
- <dt><a href='http://gps.0xdc.ru/static/sirf/doc/SirfStar/gpsd.berlios.de/vendor-docs/sirf/uBlox.pdf'>u-blox extension to SiRF binary protocol</a> (March 2002)</dt>
- <dd>u-blox was an OEM-enhanced firmware variant of the SiRF-1 chip.
- <code>gpsd</code> supports it. It's been rendered obsolete by the SiRF 2
- and 3 chips.</dd>
- <dt><a href='https://www.ublox.com/images/downloads/Product_Docs/u-bloxM8_ReceiverDescriptionProtocolSpec_%28UBX-13003221%29_Public.pdf'>u-blox M8</a> Rev 08 (December 2014)</dt>
- <dd>he u-blox M8 support GPS, GLONASS and BeiDou.
- <code>gpsd</code> supports it.</dd>
- </dl>
- <h2>Fastrax</h2>
- <dl>
- <dt><a href='https://gpsd.googlecode.com/files/itrax02-NMEA-1.31.pdf'>NMEA Protocol
- Specification for iTrax02 Evaluation Kit</a> (Rev 1.11, June
- 2003)</dt>
- <dd>Describes the NMEA extensions for the iTrax chipset
- used by Fastrax GPSes. Supported by <code>gpsd</code>.</dd>
- <dt><a href='https://gpsd.googlecode.com/files/iTalk-1.5.pdf'>iTALK protocol specification</a>
- (Rev 1.5, March 2002)</dt>
- <dd>Describes the binary protocol for the iTrax chipset used by
- Fastrax GPSes. This documents version 2; version 3, which is not
- actually backward compatible, is documented at the <a
- href='http://isuite.fastrax.fi/sdk/341/index.html'>iSuite developer
- website</a>, iTrax2 is not supported by <code>gpsd</code>, iTrax3 is
- somewhat functional.</dd>
- </dl>
- <h2>Garmin</h2>
- <dl>
- <dt><a
- href='http://www.garmin.com/manuals/470_GPS16_17TechnicalSpecification.pdf'>
- GPS 16/17 Series Technical Specification (offsite link)</a> (Revision
- C, October 2005)</dt> <dd>Describes the extended NMEA, with GARMIN
- proprietary sentences PGRMB, PGRME, PGRMF, PGRMM, PGRMT, and PGRMV
- (and optional GPALM sentence), emitted by the Garmin GPS16 and 17. For
- programming purposes, effectively identical to their earlier reference
- on the Garmin 15H and 15L.</dd>
- <dt><a href='http://www8.garmin.com/support/text_out.html'>Garmin Simple
- Text Protocol</a></dt> <dd>Some digital cameras are alleged to use
- this very simple textual report format.</dd>
- </dl>
- <h2>Novatel</h2>
- <dl>
- <dt><a
- href='https://www.novatel.com/assets/Documents/Manuals/om-20000077.pdf'>Novatel Superstar II User Manual (2005)</a></dt>
- <dd>Describes the OEM board, include some good general overview
- material on GPS technology. Doesn't describe control or reporting
- commands.</dd>
- </dl>
- <h2>San Jose Navigation</h2>
- <dl>
- <dt><a href='https://gpsd.googlecode.com/files/fv-25_manual.pdf'>FV25 user manual</a> (January 2005)</dt>
- <dd>Describes UBX binary protocol and NMEA extensions supported by the
- San Jose Navigation FV-25 (u-blox ANTARIS) GPS chipset. UBX is now supported
- by <code>gpsd</code>.</dd>
- </dl>
- <h2>Other Current GPSes</h2>
- <dl>
- <dt><a href='https://gpsd.googlecode.com/files/cxd2951-commands.pdf'>CXD2951 Communication Command Specification</a> (Version 1.7, 2004)</dt>
- <dd>Describes the extension command set supported by the Sony GPS
- CXD2951 chipset. Supported by <code>gpsd</code>.</dd>
- <dt><a href='https://gpsd.googlecode.com/files/GPS-210-Manual-E.pdf'>Holux GM-210 GPS Receiver User's
- Guide</a> (May 2003)</dt>
- <dd>Describes NMEA as emitted by the Holux GM210. This is a very
- generic NMEA GPS. Supported by <code>gpsd</code>.</dd>
- <dt><a href='https://gpsd.googlecode.com/files/Emt_GPS_User_Protocol_Rev_D.pdf'
- >GM-X205 GPS Receiver Module User's Guide</a> (Issue D, August 2003)</dt>
- <dd>Describes the binary protocol emitted
- by EverMore GM-X205 GPS chipset. Supported by <code>gpsd</code>.</dd>
- <dt><a href='http://gpsd.googlecode.com/files/crescent-sdx-3.pdf'>Crescent Integrator's Manual</a> (November 2005)</dt>
- <dd>Reference for the Hemisphere GPS from CSI Wireless. Has both an NMEA mode
- and a binary protocol. We have not been able to test with one of these, but the
- manual suggests <code>gpsd</code> should handle the NMEA mode just fine.</dd>
- <dt><a href='ftp://ftp.ashtech.com/OEM_Sensor_ADU/Legacy%20products/A12,%20%20B12,%20%26%20AC12/Reference%20Material/A12,%20B12%20%26%20AC12%20RM%20rev%20E.pdf'>Thales A12/B12/C12 Reference Manual</a> (Revision D, 2005)</dt>
- <dd>Reference for a line of Thales GPS modules apparently designed
- for embedded vehicle and cargo tracking. Uses a very extended dialect
- of NMEA they call the <q>standard Ashtech command set</q>. We
- have not been able to test with one of these, but the manual suggests
- <code>gpsd</code> should handle the NMEA mode just fine.</dd>
- <dt><a href='http://gpsd.googlecode.com/files/truenorth-reference.pdf'>True North Revolution Compass Technical
- Reference</a> (Revision B, August 2003)</dt>
- <dd>Interface spec for a digital magnetic compass that reports in NMEA. <code>gpsd</code> had support for this in versions up to 2.33; whether it keeps
- that status in later releases will depend on whether we can get test hardware.</dd>
- <dt><a href='http://gpsd.googlecode.com/files/WD-G-ZX4120.pdf'>WD-G-ZX4120 User's Manual</a> (Version 1.0)</dt>
- <dd>This file documents a module based on NemeriX chips, and the
- NMEA extensions used. <code>gpsd</code> should just work in NMEA mode.</dd>
- <dt><a href='http://www.manualsdir.com/manuals/281891/rainbow-electronics-eb-230.html'>EB-230 User's Manual</a> (Version 1.2)</dt>
- <dd>This file documents one elusive Mediatek GPS module, and the proprietary
- NMEA extensions used. <code>gpsd</code> should just work in NMEA mode.</dd>
- <dt><a href='http://gpsd.googlecode.com/files/MTK_NMEA_Packet_0.71_Sanav.pdf'>Mediatek Packet User's Manual</a> (Version 0.7)</dt>
- <dd>This file documents the proprietary Mediatek NMEA-ish protocol.
- <code>gpsd</code> should just work in NMEA mode.</dd>
- <dt><a href='http://gpsd.googlecode.com/files/GT320F-LS-Binary-Message-Protocol-v1.5.pdf'>LocSense Binary Message Protocol</a> (Version 1.5)</dt>
- <dd>This file documents the LocSense binary message protocol. This protocol
- is currently unsupported. <code>gpsd</code> should just work in NMEA mode
- with LocSense based receivers.</dd>
- <dt><a href='http://gpsd.googlecode.com/files/Navcom%2096-312001-3001%20%28rev%20K%29.pdf'>Navcom Technical Reference Manual</a> (rev. K, Aug 2008)</dt>
- <dd>Technical reference and protocol specifications for Navcom receivers.</dd>
- </dl>
- <h2>Obsolete products</h2>
- <dl>
- <dt><a href='http://users.rcn.com/mardor/serial.pdf'>Zodiac Serial Data Interface Specification</a> (Revision 11, September 1996)</dt>
- <dd>Describes the binary protocol used by Rockwell/Conexant Zodiac chipsets.
- Supported by <code>gpsd</code>. Now obsolete; SiRF ate their lunch.</dd>
- <dt><a href='http://code.google.com/p/gpsd/downloads/detail?name=SiRF-Axiom.pdf&can=2&q='>Axiom Sandpiper II Documentation</a> [broken link] (August 2000)</dt>
- <dd>We have archived the most complete available documentation on the Axiom
- Sandpiper II OEM module (discontinued, vendor has gone out of
- business). Supported by <code>gpsd</code>.</dd>
- </dl>
- <h1>Other</h1>
- <dl>
- <dt><a href='http://gpsd.googlecode.com/files/XYZ-NED.pdf'>ECEF-to-Geodetic C Code</a></dt>
- <dd>Sample C code for conversion from the Earth Centered-Earth Fixed
- coordinates reported by many vendor binary protocols to ordinary
- geodetic coordinates.</dd>
- <dt><a href="http://williams.best.vwh.net/avform.htm">Aviation
- Formulary</a></dt>
- <dd>Compendium of formulas related to geodetic navigation, with examples.</dd>
- </dl>
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