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  102. <p><code>gpsd</code> should work with any GPS or AIS receiver using an
  103. RS232C or USB interface that advertises NMEA-0183 compliance. Here
  104. are some notes on hardware we have tested. Hyperlinks lead to
  105. technical information. The "Tested with" column is the last
  106. <code>gpsd</code> version with which this receiver is known to have
  107. been successfully tested. It is likely that later releases will
  108. support the receiver, especially if there is a
  109. <img src="regression.png" alt="Regression icon"> in this column;
  110. this means we have a regression test load for the
  111. device that is checked before each release.
  112. </p>
  113. <p>Vendors are listed in alphabetical order.</p>
  114. <p><b>Warning:</b> the baudrate-hunting code in <code>gpsd</code>
  115. tickles serious firmware bugs on some Bluetooth and USB devices.
  116. These bugs may send affected GPSes catatonic. See this <a
  117. href="upstream-bugs.html#bluetooth">bug warning</a> for a description
  118. of the problem. Where possible, we indicate this in the device table.</p>
  119. <p>Icons used in the table:</p>
  120. <ul>
  121. <li><img src="star.png" alt="Star icon"><img src="star.png" alt="Star
  122. icon"><img src="star.png" alt="Star icon"><img src="star.png"
  123. alt="Star icon"> marks devices with <b>Excellent</b> performance: gpsd
  124. recognizes the receiver rapidly and reliably, reports are complete and
  125. correct.</li>
  126. <li><img src="star.png" alt="Star icon"><img src="star.png" alt="Star
  127. icon"><img src="star.png" alt="Star icon"> marks devices with
  128. <b>Good</b> performance: <code>gpsd</code> has minor problems or lag
  129. recognizing the device, but reports are complete and correct.</li>
  130. <li><img src="star.png" alt="Star icon"><img src="star.png" alt="Star
  131. icon"> marks devices with <b>Fair</b> performance: reports have minor
  132. dropouts or problems, including occasional transient nonsense
  133. values.</li>
  134. <li><img src="star.png" alt="Star icon"> marks devices with
  135. <b>Poor</b> performance: reports frequently have values that are wrong
  136. or nonsense.</li>
  137. <li><img src="bomb.png" alt="Bomb icon"> marks devices which are <b>Broken</b>;
  138. gpsd frequently fails to recognize the device at all.</li>
  139. <li><img src="noconfigure.png" alt="No-configure icon"> marks devices
  140. that needed the <code>gpsd -b</code> option when tested. Usually these are
  141. Bluetooth devices with defective firmware that does not handle
  142. baud-rate changes properly. Some poorly-designed USB devices choke if
  143. they are fed too many probe strings; these may work better with recent
  144. versions of <code>gpsd</code>, which interleaves probe writes with the
  145. first few packet reads.</li>
  146. <li><img src="regression.png" alt="Regression-test icon"> marks
  147. devices for which we have a regression-test load. These are checked on
  148. every release.</li>
  149. <li><img src="discontinued.png" alt="Discontinued icon"> marks
  150. devices that have been discontinued by their manufacturers.</li>
  151. <li><img src="hotplug.png" alt="Hotplug icon"> marks devices which
  152. will be recognized by the Linux hotplug system when they are plugged
  153. in. If you installed <code>gpsd</code> from a binary package,or did "scons
  154. udev-install" from the source distribution, this should mean you never
  155. have to launch <code>gpsd</code> manually; the udev system will launch it
  156. for you when it sees a device of this kind go active.</li>
  157. </ul>
  158. <p>Note that in most cases (including the <img src="noconfigure.png"
  159. alt="No-configure icon"> bug), poor ratings reflect problems not in
  160. <code>gpsd</code> but rather in device design and firmware so badly
  161. botched that <code>gpsd</code> cannot compensate.</p>
  162. <p>In the PPS column of the table table, if just one number is given
  163. it is the manufacturer's claimed timing accuracy. If a second number
  164. is given it is a measured NTP offset.</p>
  165. <p>This table is generated from a capability database in the
  166. <code>gpsd</code> source tree. Please help us enrich the database with
  167. new devices by filling out <a href="@WEBFORM@">this form</a>.</p>
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