NMEA.adoc 90 KB

  1. = NMEA Revealed =
  2. :description: A programmer's guide to NMEA0183, the GPS protocol reporting standard
  3. :keywords: NMEA0183, GPS, standard, protocol
  4. Eric S. Raymond <esr@thyrsus.com>
  5. v2.23, Mar 2019
  6. NMEA 0183 is a proprietary protocol issued by the National Marine
  7. Electronics Association for use in boat navigation and control
  8. systems. Because early GPS sensors were designed for compatibility
  9. with these systems, GPS reporting protocols are often a small
  10. subset of NMEA 0183 or mutated from such as subset. AIS, the
  11. Marine Automatic Identification system, also uses NMEA0183-like
  12. packet formats.
  13. This document is a list of NMEA 0183 sentences with field descriptions.
  14. It is primarily intended to help people understand GPS reports, but
  15. also exists because the author finds life-critical protocols with
  16. only closed/proprietary documentation deeply offensive.
  17. The master of this document is in asciidoc format at the GPSD project
  18. website; you are probably seeing it as a web page. You may encounter
  19. versions of it, in plain ASCII, that do not have a revision number and
  20. do not list an editor. These are older and should be considered
  21. obsolescent.
  22. == Sources and Applicable Standards ==
  23. This collection may originally have been redacted from the document
  24. cited as <<BETKE>>; see the list of sources at the end of this
  25. document. The official NMEA 0183 standard was not consulted at any
  26. point, thus this document is not a derivative work of that standard
  27. and is not controlled by the rapacious lawyers of NMEA.
  28. It appears there is an international standard, IEC 61162-1, published
  29. in 2000, that is essentially NMEA 0183. <<IEC61162-1>> says it "is closely
  30. aligned with NMEA 0183 version 2.30". Unfortunately, it costs money
  31. and is not redistributable.
  32. This collection of sentences is originally from the gpsdrive
  33. distribution, but adds more information on the following topics:
  34. * Old and new forms of VTG
  35. * Units used in GGA
  36. * Vendor extensions PRWIZCH and PMGNST
  37. * FAA Mode Indicator field for RMC, RMB, VTG, GLL, BWC, XTE.
  38. * New documentation on BWC, DTM, GBS, GNS, GRS, GST, MSK, and MSS sentences.
  39. * Sentence examples merged from <<GIDS>>
  40. * Sentence explanations from <<GIDS>> and elsewhere
  41. * Corrected badly mangled ZDA description.
  42. * Corrected DPT titling
  43. * Common talker IDs
  44. * Sentences HFB, ITS, TPC, TDS, TFI, TPC, TPR, TPT from GLOBALSAT.
  45. * Sentence PASHR from <<PASHR>>.
  46. * Satellite IDs: PRN vs NMEA-ID.
  47. * Error status indications.
  48. == Relationship to NMEA 2000 ==
  49. Recently the National Marine Electronics Association has attempted to
  50. replace NMEA 0183 with a very differently structured protocol named
  51. NMEA 2000. It is binary rather than textual, a profile or
  52. interpretation of the Controller Area Network (CAN) protocol used in
  53. automotive networking. Unlike NMEA 0183 it is frame-based and cannot
  54. be transmitted over serial links.
  55. While newer marine electronics uses this protocol, general-purpose
  56. GPSes have not adopted it. Thus we do not attempt to document NMEA
  57. 2000 here; see <<CANBUS>>, <<NMEA2000>>, and <<KEVERSOFT>> instead.
  58. == NMEA version timeline ==
  59. |========================================================================
  60. |NMEA 2.00 | January 1992
  61. |NMEA 2.01 | August 1994
  62. |NMEA 2.10 | October 1995
  63. |NMEA 2.20 | January 1997
  64. |NMEA 2.30 | March 1998
  65. |NMEA 3.00 | July 2000
  66. |NMEA 3.01 | January 2002
  67. |NMEA 4.00 | November 2008
  68. |NMEA 4.10 | July 2012
  69. |========================================================================
  70. No version earlier than 2.00 is listed or archived on the NMEA website.
  71. The NMEA 4.00 standard states, provocatively, that it is "in theory"
  72. backwards compatible to 2.00, and that versions before 2.00 are not
  73. forward-compatible <<ANON>>.
  74. == NMEA 0183 physical protocol layer ==
  75. The NMEA specification requires a physical-level protocol compatible
  76. with RS422 at 4800bps, 8N1 or 7N2. It is RS422 rather than RS232
  77. because NMEA expects many navigational devices to feed a common serial
  78. bus. The data encoding is ASCII with the high data bit not used and
  79. zeroed.
  80. Consumer-grade GPS sensors normally report over an RS232 port or a USB
  81. port emulating an RS232 serial device; some use Bluetooth. Baud rate
  82. is variable, with 9600 probably the most common. Most devices use
  83. 8N1; there are rare exceptions that use 7N2 (San Jose Navigation) or
  84. even 8O1 (Trimble).
  85. == Sentence Mixes and NMEA Variations ==
  86. Most GPS sensors emit only RMC, GSA, GSV, GLL, VTG, and (rarely) ZDA.
  87. Newer ones conforming to NMEA 3.x may emit GBS as well. Other NMEA
  88. sentences are usually only emitted by high-end maritime navigation
  89. systems.
  90. The form of VTG is incompatibly variable with NMEA version. See
  91. the detailed description of that sentence for details.
  92. In NMEA 2.3, several sentences (APB, BWC, BWR, GLL, RMA, RMB, RMC,
  93. VTG, WCV, and XTE) got a new last field carrying the signal integrity
  94. information needed by the FAA. (The values in the GGA mode field were
  95. extended to carry this information as well.) Here are the values:
  96. FAA Mode Indicator
  97. A = Autonomous mode
  98. D = Differential Mode
  99. E = Estimated (dead-reckoning) mode
  100. F = RTK Float mode
  101. M = Manual Input Mode
  102. N = Data Not Valid
  103. P = Precise (4.00 and later)
  104. R = RTK Integer mode
  105. S = Simulated Mode
  106. This field may be empty. In pre-2.3 versions it is omitted. <<NTUM>> says
  107. that according to the NMEA specification, it dominates the Status field --
  108. the Status field will be set to "A" (data valid) for Mode Indicators A
  109. and D, and to "V" (data invalid) for all other values of the Mode
  110. Indicator. This is confirmed by <<IEC>>.
  111. In NMEA 3.0, the GBS sentence reports a complete set of error estimates. Note
  112. however that many receivers claiming to emit "3.0" or "3.01" don't
  113. actually ship this sentence.
  114. == NMEA Encoding Conventions ==
  115. Data is transmitted in serial async, 1 start-bit, 8 data-bits,
  116. 1 stop-bit, no parity. Data-bits are in least-significant-bit
  117. order. The standard specifies 4800 as the speed, but this is no
  118. longer common. The most-signifacant-bit is always zero.
  119. An NMEA sentence consists of a start delimiter, followed by a
  120. comma-separated sequence of fields, followed by the character '*'
  121. (ASCII 42), the checksum and an end-of-line marker.
  122. The start delimiter is normally '$' (ASCII 36). Packets of AIVDM/AIVDO
  123. data, which are otherwise formatted like NMEA, use '!'. Up to 4.00
  124. these are the only permitted start characters <<ANON>>.
  125. The first field of a sentence is called the "tag" and normally
  126. consists of a two-letter talker ID followed by a three-letter
  127. type code.
  128. Where a numeric latitude or longitude is given, the two digits
  129. immediately to the left of the decimal point are whole minutes, to the
  130. right are decimals of minutes, and the remaining digits to the left of
  131. the whole minutes are whole degrees.
  132. Eg. 4533.35 is 45 degrees and 33.35 minutes. ".35" of a minute is
  133. exactly 21 seconds.
  134. Eg. 16708.033 is 167 degrees and 8.033 minutes. ".033" of a minute is
  135. about 2 seconds.
  136. In NMEA 3.01 (and possibly some earlier versions), the character "^"
  137. (HEX 5E) is reserved as an introducer for two-character hex escapes
  138. using 0-9 and A-F, expressing an ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) character <<ANON>>.
  139. The Checksum is mandatory, and the last field in a sentence. It is
  140. the 8-bit XOR of all characters in the sentence, excluding the "$", "I",
  141. or "*" characters; but including all "," and "^". It is encoded as
  142. two hexadecimal characters (0-9, A-F), the most-significant-nibble
  143. being sent first.
  144. Sentences are terminated by a <CR><LF> sequence.
  145. Maximum sentence length, including the $ and <CR><LF> is 82 bytes.
  146. According to <<UNMEA>>, the NMEA standard requires that a field (such as
  147. altitude, latitude, or longitude) must be left empty when the GPS has
  148. no valid data for it. However, many receivers violate this. It's
  149. common, for example, to see latitude/longitude/altitude figures filled
  150. with zeros when the GPS has no valid data.
  151. == Dates and times ==
  152. NMEA devices report date and time in UTC, aka GMT, aka Zulu time (as
  153. opposed to local time). But the way this report is computed results
  154. in some odd bugs and inaccuracies.
  155. Date and time in GPS is represented as number of weeks from the start
  156. of zero second of 6 January 1980, plus number of seconds into the
  157. week. GPS time is not leap-second corrected, though satellites also
  158. broadcast a current leap-second correction which may be updated on
  159. three-month boundaries according to rotational bulletins issued by the
  160. International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS).
  161. The leap-second correction is only included in the multiplexed satellite
  162. subframe broadcast, once every 12.5 minutes. While the satellites do
  163. notify GPSes of upcoming leap-seconds, this notification is not
  164. necessarily processed correctly on consumer-grade devices, and may not
  165. be available at all when a GPS receiver has just cold-booted. Thus,
  166. reported UTC time may be slightly inaccurate between a cold boot or leap
  167. second and the following subframe broadcast.
  168. GPS date and time are subject to a rollover problem in the 10-bit week
  169. number counter, which will re-zero every 1024 weeks (roughly every 19.6
  170. years). The first rollover since GPS went live in 1980 was in Aug-1999,
  171. followed by Apr-2019, the next will be in Nov-2038 (the 32-bit and POSIX
  172. issues will probably be more important by then). The new "CNAV" data
  173. format extends the week number to 13 bits, with the first rollover
  174. occurring in Jan-2137, but this is only used with some newly added GPS
  175. signals, and is unlikely to be usable in most consumer-grade receivers
  176. currently.
  177. For accurate time reporting, therefore, a GPS requires a supplemental
  178. time references sufficient to identify the current rollover period,
  179. e.g. accurate to within 512 weeks. Many NMEA GPSes have a wired-in
  180. assumption about the UTC time of the last rollover and will thus report
  181. incorrect times outside the rollover period they were designed in.
  182. For these reasons, NMEA GPSes should not be considered high-quality
  183. references for absolute time. Some do, however, emit pulse-per-second
  184. RS232 signals which can be used to improve the precision of an
  185. external clock. See <<PPS>> for discussion.
  186. == Error status indications
  187. The NMEA sentences in the normal GPS inventory return four kinds of
  188. validity flags: Mode, Status, the Active/Void bit, and in later
  189. versions the FAA indicator mode. The FAA mode field is legally
  190. required and orthogonal to the others. Here's how the first three used
  191. in various sentences:
  192. [frame="topbot",options="header"]
  193. |========================================================
  194. | | GPRMC | GPGLL | GPGGA | GPGSA
  195. |Returns A/V | Yes | Yes | No | No
  196. |Returns mode | No | No | No | Yes
  197. |Returns status | No | Yes | Yes | No
  198. |========================================================
  199. The "Navigation receiver warning" is 'A' for Active and 'V' for Void.
  200. (or warning). You will see it when either there is no satellite lock,
  201. or to indicate a valid fix that has a DOP too high, or which fails an
  202. elevation test. In the latter case the visible satellites are below some
  203. fixed elevation of the horizon (usually 15%, but some GNSS receivers make this
  204. adjustable) making position unreliable due to poor geometry and more
  205. variable signal lag induced by lengthened atmosphere transit.
  206. Mode is associated with the GSA sentence associated with the last fix.
  207. It reports whether the fix was no good, sufficient for 2D, or
  208. sufficient for 3D (values 1, 2, and 3).
  209. Status will be 0 when the sample from which the reporting
  210. sentence was generated does not have a valid fix, 1 when it has
  211. a valid (normal-precision) fix, and 2 when the fig is DGPS corrected
  212. (reducing the base error).
  213. In addition, some sentences may use empty fields to signify invalid
  214. data. It is not clear whether NMEA 0183 allows this, but real-world
  215. software must cope.
  216. .FAA Mode Indicator
  217. |================================================================
  218. |A | Autonomous mode
  219. |D | Differential mode
  220. |E | Estimated (dead reckoning) mode
  221. |M | Manual input mode
  222. |S | Simulator mode
  223. |N | Data not valid
  224. |================================================================
  225. == Talker IDs ==
  226. NMEA sentences do not identify the individual device that issued
  227. them; the format was originally designed for shipboard multidrop
  228. networks on which it's possible only to broadcast to all devices, not
  229. address a specific one.
  230. NMEA sentences do, however, include a "talker ID" a two-character
  231. prefix that identifies the type of the transmitting unit. By far the
  232. most common talker ID is "GP", identifying a generic GPS, but all of
  233. the following are well known:
  234. .Common talker IDs
  235. |================================================================
  236. |BD | BeiDou (China)
  237. |CD | Digital Selective Calling (DSC)
  238. |EC | Electronic Chart Display & Information System (ECDIS)
  239. |GA | Galileo Positioning System
  240. |GB | BeiDou (China)
  241. |GL | GLONASS, according to IEIC 61162-1
  242. |GN | Combination of multiple satellite systems (NMEA 1083)
  243. |GP | Global Positioning System receiver
  244. |II | Integrated Instrumentation
  245. |IN | Integrated Navigation
  246. |LC | Loran-C receiver (obsolete)
  247. |QZ | QZSS regional GPS augmentation system (Japan)
  248. |GI | NavIC (IRNSS) (India)
  249. |Pxxx | Proprietary (Vendor specific)
  250. |================================================================
  251. EC -- ECDIS is a specialized geographical information system intended
  252. to support professional maritime navigation. NMEA talker units
  253. meeting the ECDIS standard use this prefix. Some of these emit GLL.
  254. II -- II is emitted by the NMEA interfaces of several widely-used lines
  255. of marine-navigation electronics. One is the AutoHelm system by
  256. Raymarine; see also <<SEATALK>> for the native protocol of these
  257. devices.
  258. IN -- Some Garmin GPS units use an IN talker ID.
  259. CD -- Modern marine VHF radios use conventions collectively known as
  260. Digital Selective Calling (DSC). These radios typically take data
  261. from a local position indicating device. This data is used in
  262. conjunction with a unique (FCC assigned) ID to cause your radio to
  263. broadcast your position data to others. Conversely, these radios are
  264. capable of receiving position data of other stations and emitting
  265. sentences indicating other station positions. This lets you plot the
  266. position of other vessels on a chart, for instance. There has been at
  267. least one instance of a DSC enabled radio overloading (misusing) the
  268. LC talker prefix for this purpose. Otherwise they use the CD prefix.
  269. A vessel's nav system is likely to have both CD and some other
  270. position indicating talker on its bus(es).
  271. LC -- Loran-C is a marine navigation system formerly run by many
  272. governments (USA, Canada, Russia, etc.). It was shut down in most
  273. countries by the end of 2010. Norway and France shutdown their's in
  274. 2015. Some non-Loran devices emit GLL but use this talker ID for
  275. backward-compatibility reasons, so it outlasted the actual Loran-C
  276. system.
  277. Until the U.S. Coast Guard terminated the Omega Navigation System in
  278. 1997, another common talker prefix was "OM" for an Omega Navigation
  279. System receiver.
  280. Here is a more complete list of talker ID prefixes. Most are not
  281. relevant to GPS systems.
  282. Note that talker IDs made obsolete by newer revisions of the
  283. standards may still be emitted by older devices. Support
  284. for them may be present in the GPSD project.
  285. .Big list of talker IDs
  286. |================================================================
  287. |AB | Independent AIS Base Station
  288. |AD | Dependent AIS Base Station
  289. |AG | Autopilot - General
  290. |AP | Autopilot - Magnetic
  291. |BD | BeiDou (China)
  292. |BN | Bridge navigational watch alarm system
  293. |CC | Computer - Programmed Calculator (obsolete)
  294. |CD | Communications - Digital Selective Calling (DSC)
  295. |CM | Computer - Memory Data (obsolete)
  296. |CS | Communications - Satellite
  297. |CT | Communications - Radio-Telephone (MF/HF)
  298. |CV | Communications - Radio-Telephone (VHF)
  299. |CX | Communications - Scanning Receiver
  300. |DE | DECCA Navigation (obsolete)
  301. |DF | Direction Finder
  302. |DM | Velocity Sensor, Speed Log, Water, Magnetic
  303. |DU | Duplex repeater station
  304. |EC | Electronic Chart Display & Information System (ECDIS)
  305. |EP | Emergency Position Indicating Beacon (EPIRB)
  306. |ER | Engine Room Monitoring Systems
  307. |GA | Galileo Positioning System
  308. |GB | BeiDou (China)
  309. |GL | GLONASS, according to IEIC 61162-1
  310. |GN | Mixed GPS and GLONASS data, according to IEIC 61162-1
  311. |GP | Global Positioning System (GPS)
  312. |HC | Heading - Magnetic Compass
  313. |HE | Heading - North Seeking Gyro
  314. |HN | Heading - Non North Seeking Gyro
  315. |II | Integrated Instrumentation
  316. |IN | Integrated Navigation
  317. |LA | Loran A (obsolete)
  318. |LC | Loran C (obsolete)
  319. |MP | Microwave Positioning System (obsolete)
  320. |NL | Navigation light controller
  321. |OM | OMEGA Navigation System (obsolete)
  322. |OS | Distress Alarm System (obsolete)
  323. |P | Vendor specific
  324. |QZ | QZSS regional GPS augmentation system (Japan)
  325. |RA | RADAR and/or ARPA
  326. |SD | Depth Sounder
  327. |SN | Electronic Positioning System, other/general
  328. |SS | Scanning Sounder
  329. |ST | Skytraq debug output
  330. |TI | Turn Rate Indicator
  331. |TR | TRANSIT Navigation System
  332. |U# | '#' is a digit 0 ... 9; User Configured
  333. |UP | Microprocessor controller
  334. |VD | Velocity Sensor, Doppler, other/general
  335. |VW | Velocity Sensor, Speed Log, Water, Mechanical
  336. |WI | Weather Instruments
  337. |YC | Transducer - Temperature (obsolete)
  338. |YD | Transducer - Displacement, Angular or Linear (obsolete)
  339. |YF | Transducer - Frequency (obsolete)
  340. |YL | Transducer - Level (obsolete)
  341. |YP | Transducer - Pressure (obsolete)
  342. |YR | Transducer - Flow Rate (obsolete)
  343. |YT | Transducer - Tachometer (obsolete)
  344. |YV | Transducer - Volume (obsolete)
  345. |YX | Transducer
  346. |ZA | Timekeeper - Atomic Clock
  347. |ZC | Timekeeper - Chronometer
  348. |ZQ | Timekeeper - Quartz
  349. |ZV | Timekeeper - Radio Update, WWV or WWVH
  350. |================================================================
  351. The canonical list of Talkers is available at <<TALKERS>> .
  352. == Satellite IDs ==
  353. Satellites may be identified by one of two different numbers in
  354. sentences such as GSV: a PRN number associated with their radio code,
  355. or an NMEA-ID.
  356. For satellites 1-32, the GPS constellation, these numbers are the
  357. same. For satellites associated with WAAS (Wide Area Augmentation
  358. System), EGNOS (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service),
  359. and MSAS (Multi-functional Satellite Augmentation System), they are
  360. different.
  361. Here is a table of NMEA-ID allocations above 32 as of March 2010:
  362. [frame="topbot",options="header"]
  363. |====================================================
  364. |System |Satellite |PRN |NMEA-ID
  365. |EGNOS |AOR-E |120 |33
  366. |EGNOS |Artemis |124 |37
  367. |EGNOS |IOR-W |126 |39
  368. |MSAS |MTSAT-1 |129 |42
  369. |EGNOS |IOR-E |131 |44
  370. |WAAS |AMR |133 |46
  371. |WAAS |PanAm |135 |48
  372. |MSAS |MTSAT-2 |137 |50
  373. |WAAS |Anik |138 |51
  374. |====================================================
  375. Theoretically, all NMEA emitting devices should emit NMEA-IDs. In
  376. practice, some pass through PRNs.
  377. To avoid possible confusion caused by repetition of satellite ID
  378. numbers when using multiple satellite systems, the following
  379. convention has been adopted:
  380. a. GPS satellites are identified by their PRN numbers, which range from 1 to 32.
  381. b. The numbers 33-64 are reserved for WAAS satellites. The WAAS system
  382. PRN numbers are 120-138. The offset from NMEA WAAS SV ID to WAAS PRN
  383. number is 87. A WAAS PRN number of 120 minus 87 yields the SV ID of 33.
  384. The addition of 87 to the SV ID yields the WAAS PRN number.
  385. c. The numbers 65-96 are reserved for GLONASS satellites. GLONASS
  386. satellites are identified by 64+satellite slot number. The slot
  387. numbers are 1 through 24 for the full constellation of 24 satellites,
  388. this gives a range of 65 through 88. The numbers 89 through 96 are
  389. available if slot numbers above 24 are allocated to on-orbit spares.
  390. Other sources such as <<SATSTAT>> confirm that the NMEA standard
  391. assigns NMEA IDs 65-96 to GLONASS. The following
  392. table is our best guess of NMEA usage in 2018:
  393. [frame="topbot",options="header"]
  394. |====================================================
  395. | 1 - 32 | GPS
  396. | 33 - 54 | Various SBAS systems (EGNOS, WAAS, SDCM, GAGAN, MSAS)
  397. | 55 - 64 | not used (might be assigned to further SBAS systems)
  398. | 65 - 88 | GLONASS
  399. | 89 - 96 | GLONASS (future extensions?)
  400. | 97 - 119 | not used
  401. | 120 - 151 | not used (SBAS PRNs occupy this range)
  402. | 152 - 158 | Various SBAS systems (EGNOS, WAAS, SDCM, GAGAN, MSAS)
  403. | 159 - 172 | not used
  404. | 173 - 182 | IMES
  405. | 193 - 197 | QZSS
  406. | 196 - 200 | QZSS (future extensions?)
  407. | 201 - 235 | BeiDou (u-blox, not NMEA)
  408. | 301 - 336 | GALILEO
  409. | 401 - 437 | BeiDou (NMEA)
  410. |====================================================
  411. GLONASS satellite numbers come in two flavors. If a sentence
  412. has a GL talker ID, expect the skyviews to be GLONASS-only and
  413. in the range 1-32; you must add 64 to get a globally-unique
  414. NMEA ID. If the sentence has a GN talker ID, the device emits
  415. a multi-constellation skyview with GLONASS IDs already in
  416. the 65-96 range.
  417. QZSS is a geosynchronous (*not geostationary*) system of three
  418. (possibly four) satellites in highly elliptical, inclined,
  419. orbits. It is designed to provide coverage in Japan's
  420. urban canyons.
  421. BeiDou-1 consists of 4 geostationary satellites operated by China,
  422. operational since 2004. Coverage area is the Chinese mainland.
  423. gpsd does not support this, as this requires special hardware,
  424. and prior arrangements with the operator, who calculates and
  425. returns the position fix.
  426. BeiDou-2 (earlier known as COMPASS) is a system of 35 satellites,
  427. including 5 geostationary for compatibility with BeiDou-1.
  428. As of late 2015, coverage is complete over most of Asia and the
  429. West Pacific. It is expected to be fully operational by 2020, by
  430. when coverage area is expected to be worldwide.
  431. Note that the PRN system is becoming increasingly fragmented and
  432. unworkable. New GPS denote each satellite, and their signals, by their
  433. constellation (gnssID), satellite id in that constellation (svId), and
  434. signal type (sigId). NMEA, as of version 4, has not adapted.
  435. == Obsolete sentences ==
  436. Note that sentences made obsolete by newer revisions of the
  437. standards may still be emitted by devices.
  438. Support for them may be present in the GPSD project.
  439. The following NMEA sentences have been designated "obsolete" in a
  440. publicly available NMEA document dated 2009.
  441. |================================================================
  442. |APA | Autopilot Sentence "A"
  443. |BER | Bearing & Distance to Waypoint, Dead Reckoning, Rhumb Line
  444. |BPI | Bearing & Distance to Point of Interest
  445. |DBK | Depth Below Keel
  446. |DBS | Depth Below Surface
  447. |DRU | Dual Doppler Auxiliary Data
  448. |GDA | Dead Reckoning Positions
  449. |GLA | Loran-C Positions
  450. |GOA | OMEGA Positions
  451. |GXA | TRANSIT Positions
  452. |GTD | Geographical Position, Loran-C TDs
  453. |GXA | TRANSIT Position
  454. |HCC | Compass Heading
  455. |HCD | Heading and Deviation
  456. |HDM | Heading, Magnetic
  457. |HDT | Heading, True
  458. |HVD | Magnetic Variation, Automatic
  459. |HVM | Magnetic Variation, Manually Set
  460. |IMA | Vessel Identification
  461. |MDA | Meteorological Composite
  462. |MHU | Humidity
  463. |MMB | Barometer
  464. |MTA | Air Temperature
  465. |MWH | Wave Height
  466. |MWS | Wind & Sea State
  467. |Rnn | Routes
  468. |SBK | Loran-C Blink Status
  469. |SCY | Loran-C Cycle Lock Status
  470. |SCD | Loran-C ECDs
  471. |SDB | Loran-C Signal Strength
  472. |SGD | Position Accuracy Estimate
  473. |SGR | Loran-C Chain Identifier
  474. |SIU | Loran-C Stations in Use
  475. |SLC | Loran-C Status
  476. |SNC | Navigation Calculation Basis
  477. |SNU | Loran-C SNR Status
  478. |SPS | Loran-C Predicted Signal Strength
  479. |SSF | Position Correction Offset
  480. |STC | Time Constant
  481. |STR | Tracking Reference
  482. |SYS | Hybrid System Configuration
  483. |================================================================
  484. == NMEA Standard Sentences ==
  485. Here are the NMEA standard sentences we know about:
  486. === AAM - Waypoint Arrival Alarm ===
  487. This sentence is generated by some units to indicate the status of
  488. arrival (entering the arrival circle, or passing the perpendicular of
  489. the course line) at the destination waypoint.
  490. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  491. 1 2 3 4 5 6
  492. | | | | | |
  493. $--AAM,A,A,x.x,N,c--c*hh<CR><LF>
  494. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  495. Field Number:
  496. 1. Status, BOOLEAN, A = Arrival circle entered, V = not passed
  497. 2. Status, BOOLEAN, A = perpendicular passed at waypoint, V = not passed
  498. 3. Arrival circle radius
  499. 4. Units of radius, nautical miles
  500. 5. Waypoint ID
  501. 6. Checksum
  502. Example: GPAAM,A,A,0.10,N,WPTNME*43
  503. WPTNME is the waypoint name.
  504. === ALM - GPS Almanac Data ===
  505. This sentence expresses orbital data for a specified GPS satellite.
  506. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  507. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
  508. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
  509. $--ALM,x.x,x.x,xx,x.x,hh,hhhh,hh,hhhh,hhhh,hhhhhh,hhhhhh,hhhhhh,hhhhhh,hhh,hhh,*hh<CR><LF>
  510. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  511. Field Number:
  512. 1. Total number of messages
  513. 2. Sentence Number
  514. 3. Satellite PRN number (01 to 32)
  515. 4. GPS Week Number
  516. 5. SV health, bits 17-24 of each almanac page
  517. 6. Eccentricity
  518. 7. Almanac Reference Time
  519. 8. Inclination Angle
  520. 9. Rate of Right Ascension
  521. 10. Root of semi-major axis
  522. 11. Argument of perigee
  523. 12. Longitude of ascension node
  524. 13. Mean anomaly
  525. 14. F0 Clock Parameter
  526. 15. F1 Clock Parameter
  527. 16. Checksum
  528. Fields 5 through 15 are dumped as raw hex.
  529. Example:
  530. $GPALM,1,1,15,1159,00,441d,4e,16be,fd5e,a10c9f,4a2da4,686e81,58cbe1,0a4,001*5B
  531. === APA - Autopilot Sentence "A" ===
  532. This sentence is sent by some GPS receivers to allow them to be used
  533. to control an autopilot unit. This sentence is commonly used by
  534. autopilots and contains navigation receiver warning flag status,
  535. cross-track-error, waypoint arrival status, initial bearing from
  536. origin waypoint to the destination, continuous bearing from present
  537. position to destination and recommended heading-to-steer to
  538. destination waypoint for the active navigation leg of the journey.
  539. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  540. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
  541. | | | | | | | | | | |
  542. $--APA,A,A,x.xx,L,N,A,A,xxx,M,c---c*hh<CR><LF>
  543. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  544. Field Number:
  545. 1. Status
  546. V = Loran-C Blink or SNR warning
  547. V = general warning flag or other navigation systems when a reliable
  548. fix is not available
  549. 2. Status
  550. V = Loran-C Cycle Lock warning flag
  551. A = OK or not used
  552. 3. Cross Track Error Magnitude
  553. 4. Direction to steer, L or R
  554. 5. Cross Track Units (Nautical miles or kilometers)
  555. 6. Status
  556. A = Arrival Circle Entered
  557. 7. Status
  558. A = Perpendicular passed at waypoint
  559. 8. Bearing origin to destination
  560. 9. M = Magnetic, T = True
  561. 10. Destination Waypoint ID
  562. 11. checksum
  563. Example: $GPAPA,A,A,0.10,R,N,V,V,011,M,DEST,011,M*82
  564. === APB - Autopilot Sentence "B" ===
  565. This is a fixed form of the APA sentence with some ambiguities removed.
  566. Note: Some autopilots, Robertson in particular, misinterpret "bearing
  567. from origin to destination" as "bearing from present position to
  568. destination". This is likely due to the difference between the APB
  569. sentence and the APA sentence. for the APA sentence this would be the
  570. correct thing to do for the data in the same field. APA only differs
  571. from APB in this one field and APA leaves off the last two fields
  572. where this distinction is clearly spelled out. This will result in
  573. poor performance if the boat is sufficiently off-course that the two
  574. bearings are different.
  575. 13 15
  576. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  577. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12| 14|
  578. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
  579. $--APB,A,A,x.x,a,N,A,A,x.x,a,c--c,x.x,a,x.x,a*hh<CR><LF>
  580. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  581. Field Number:
  582. 1. Status
  583. A = Data valid
  584. V = Loran-C Blink or SNR warning
  585. V = general warning flag or other navigation systems when a reliable
  586. fix is not available
  587. 2. Status
  588. V = Loran-C Cycle Lock warning flag
  589. A = OK or not used
  590. 3. Cross Track Error Magnitude
  591. 4. Direction to steer, L or R
  592. 5. Cross Track Units, N = Nautical Miles
  593. 6. Status
  594. A = Arrival Circle Entered
  595. 7. Status
  596. A = Perpendicular passed at waypoint
  597. 8. Bearing origin to destination
  598. 9. M = Magnetic, T = True
  599. 10. Destination Waypoint ID
  600. 11. Bearing, present position to Destination
  601. 12. M = Magnetic, T = True
  602. 13. Heading to steer to destination waypoint
  603. 14. M = Magnetic, T = True
  604. 15. Checksum
  605. Example: $GPAPB,A,A,0.10,R,N,V,V,011,M,DEST,011,M,011,M*82
  606. === BOD - Bearing - Waypoint to Waypoint ===
  607. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  608. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  609. | | | | | | |
  610. $--BOD,x.x,T,x.x,M,c--c,c--c*hh<CR><LF>
  611. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  612. Field Number:
  613. 1. Bearing Degrees, True
  614. 2. T = True
  615. 3. Bearing Degrees, Magnetic
  616. 4. M = Magnetic
  617. 5. Destination Waypoint
  618. 6. origin Waypoint
  619. 7. Checksum
  620. Example 1: $GPBOD,099.3,T,105.6,M,POINTB,*01
  621. Waypoint ID: "POINTB" Bearing 99.3 True, 105.6 Magnetic This sentence
  622. is transmitted in the GOTO mode, without an active route on your
  623. GPS. WARNING: this is the bearing from the moment you press enter in
  624. the GOTO page to the destination waypoint and is NOT updated
  625. dynamically! To update the information, (current bearing to waypoint),
  626. you will have to press enter in the GOTO page again.
  627. Example 2: $GPBOD,097.0,T,103.2,M,POINTB,POINTA*52
  628. This sentence is transmitted when a route is active. It contains the
  629. active leg information: origin waypoint "POINTA" and destination
  630. waypoint "POINTB", bearing between the two points 97.0 True, 103.2
  631. Magnetic. It does NOT display the bearing from current location to
  632. destination waypoint! WARNING Again this information does not change
  633. until you are on the next leg of the route. (The bearing from POINTA
  634. to POINTB does not change during the time you are on this leg.)
  635. This sentence has been replaced by BWW in NMEA 4.00 (and possibly
  636. earlier versions) <<ANON>>.
  637. === BWC - Bearing & Distance to Waypoint - Great Circle ===
  638. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  639. 12
  640. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11| 13 14
  641. | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
  642. $--BWC,hhmmss.ss,llll.ll,a,yyyyy.yy,a,x.x,T,x.x,M,x.x,N,c--c,m,*hh<CR><LF>
  643. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  644. Field Number:
  645. 1. UTC Time or observation
  646. 2. Waypoint Latitude
  647. 3. N = North, S = South
  648. 4. Waypoint Longitude
  649. 5. E = East, W = West
  650. 6. Bearing, degrees True
  651. 7. T = True
  652. 8. Bearing, degrees Magnetic
  653. 9. M = Magnetic
  654. 10. Distance, Nautical Miles
  655. 11. N = Nautical Miles
  656. 12. Waypoint ID
  657. 13. FAA mode indicator (NMEA 2.3 and later, optional)
  658. 14. Checksum
  659. Example 1: $GPBWC,081837,,,,,,T,,M,,N,*13
  660. Example 2: GPBWC,220516,5130.02,N,00046.34,W,213.8,T,218.0,M,0004.6,N,EGLM*11
  661. === BWR - Bearing and Distance to Waypoint - Rhumb Line ===
  662. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  663. 11 14
  664. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | 12 13 |
  665. | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
  666. $--BWR,hhmmss.ss,llll.ll,a,yyyyy.yy,a,x.x,T,x.x,M,x.x,N,c--c,m*hh<CR><LF>
  667. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  668. Field Number:
  669. 1. UTC Time of observation
  670. 2. Waypoint Latitude
  671. 3. N = North, S = South
  672. 4. Waypoint Longitude
  673. 5. E = East, W = West
  674. 6. Bearing, degrees True
  675. 7. T = True
  676. 8. Bearing, degrees Magnetic
  677. 9. M = Magnetic
  678. 10. Distance, Nautical Miles
  679. 11. N = Nautical Miles
  680. 12. Waypoint ID
  681. 13. FAA mode indicator (NMEA 2.3 and later, optional)
  682. 14. Checksum
  683. === BWW - Bearing - Waypoint to Waypoint ===
  684. Bearing calculated at the FROM waypoint.
  685. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  686. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  687. | | | | | | |
  688. $--BWW,x.x,T,x.x,M,c--c,c--c*hh<CR><LF>
  689. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  690. Field Number:
  691. 1. Bearing, degrees True
  692. 2. T = True
  693. 3. Bearing Degrees, Magnetic
  694. 4. M = Magnetic
  695. 5. TO Waypoint ID
  696. 6. FROM Waypoint ID
  697. 7. Checksum
  698. === DBK - Depth Below Keel ===
  699. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  700. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  701. | | | | | | |
  702. $--DBK,x.x,f,x.x,M,x.x,F*hh<CR><LF>
  703. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  704. Field Number:
  705. 1. Depth, feet
  706. 2. f = feet
  707. 3. Depth, meters
  708. 4. M = meters
  709. 5. Depth, Fathoms
  710. 6. F = Fathoms
  711. 7. Checksum
  712. === DBS - Depth Below Surface ===
  713. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  714. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  715. | | | | | | |
  716. $--DBS,x.x,f,x.x,M,x.x,F*hh<CR><LF>
  717. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  718. Field Number:
  719. 1. Depth, feet
  720. 2. f = feet
  721. 3. Depth, meters
  722. 4. M = meters
  723. 5. Depth, Fathoms
  724. 6. F = Fathoms
  725. 7. Checksum
  726. === DBT - Depth below transducer ===
  727. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  728. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  729. | | | | | | |
  730. $--DBT,x.x,f,x.x,M,x.x,F*hh<CR><LF>
  731. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  732. Field Number:
  733. 1. Water depth, feet
  734. 2. f = feet
  735. 3. Water depth, meters
  736. 4. M = meters
  737. 5. Water depth, Fathoms
  738. 6. F = Fathoms
  739. 7. Checksum
  740. In real-world sensors, sometimes not all three conversions are reported.
  741. So you might see something like $SDDBT,,f,22.5,M,,F*cs
  742. Example: $SDDBT,7.8,f,2.4,M,1.3,F*0D
  743. === DCN - Decca Position ===
  744. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  745. 11 13 16
  746. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10| 12| 14 15| 17
  747. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
  748. $--DCN,xx,cc,x.x,A,cc,x.x,A,cc,x.x,A,A,A,A,x.x,N,x*hh<CR><LF>
  749. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  750. Field Number:
  751. 1. Decca chain identifier
  752. 2. Red Zone Identifier
  753. 3. Red Line Of Position
  754. 4. Red Master Line Status
  755. 5. Green Zone Identifier
  756. 6. Green Line Of Position
  757. 7. Green Master Line Status
  758. 8. Purple Zone Identifier
  759. 9. Purple Line Of Position
  760. 10. Purple Master Line Status
  761. 11. Red Line Navigation Use
  762. 12. Green Line Navigation Use
  763. 13. Purple Line Navigation Use
  764. 14. Position Uncertainty
  765. 15. N = Nautical Miles
  766. 16. Fix Data Basis
  767. - 1 = Normal Pattern
  768. - 2 = Lane Identification Pattern
  769. - 3 = Lane Identification Transmissions
  770. 17. Checksum
  771. (The DCN sentence is obsolete as of 3.01)
  772. === DPT - Depth of Water ===
  773. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  774. 1 2 3 4
  775. | | | |
  776. $--DPT,x.x,x.x,x.x*hh<CR><LF>
  777. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  778. Field Number:
  779. 1. Water depth relative to transducer, meters
  780. 2. Offset from transducer, meters
  781. positive means distance from transducer to water line
  782. negative means distance from transducer to keel
  783. 3. Maximum range scale in use (NMEA 3.0 and above)
  784. 4. Checksum
  785. This sentence was incorrectly titled "Heading - Deviation & Variation"
  786. in <<BETKE>>. It's documented at
  787. <http://www.humminbird.com/normal.asp?id=853>
  788. Example: $INDPT,2.3,0.0*46
  789. === DTM - Datum Reference ===
  790. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  791. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
  792. | | | | | | | | |
  793. $ --DTM,ref,x,llll,c,llll,c,aaa,ref*hh<CR><LF>
  794. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  795. Field Number:
  796. 1. Local datum code.
  797. 2. Local datum subcode. May be blank.
  798. 3. Latitude offset (minutes)
  799. 4. N or S
  800. 5. Longitude offset (minutes)
  801. 6. E or W
  802. 7. Altitude offset in meters
  803. 8. Datum name. What's usually seen here is "W84", the standard
  804. WGS84 datum used by GPS.
  805. 9. Checksum.
  806. Example: $GPDTM,W84,C*52
  807. === FSI - Frequency Set Information ===
  808. Set (or report) frequency, mode of operation and transmitter power level of a
  809. radiotelephone.
  810. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  811. 1 2 3 4 5
  812. | | | | |
  813. $--FSI,xxxxxx,xxxxxx,c,x*hh<CR><LF>
  814. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  815. Field Number:
  816. 1. Transmitting Frequency
  817. 2. Receiving Frequency
  818. 3. Communications Mode (NMEA Syntax 2)
  819. 4. Power Level (0 = standby, 1 = lowest, 9 = highest)
  820. 5. Checksum
  821. === GBS - GPS Satellite Fault Detection ===
  822. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  823. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
  824. | | | | | | | | |
  825. $--GBS,hhmmss.ss,x.x,x.x,x.x,x.x,x.x,x.x,x.x*hh<CR><LF>
  826. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  827. Field Number:
  828. 1. UTC time of the GGA or GNS fix associated with this sentence
  829. 2. Expected 1-sigma error in latitude (meters)
  830. 3. Expected 1-sigma error in longitude (meters)
  831. 4. Expected 1-sigma error in altitude (meters)
  832. 5. ID of most likely failed satellite (1 to 138)
  833. 6. Probability of missed detection for most likely failed satellite
  834. 7. Estimate of bias in meters on most likely failed satellite
  835. 8. Standard deviation of bias estimate
  836. 9. Checksum
  837. Note: Source <<MX521>> describes a proprietary extension of GBS with
  838. a 9th data field. The 8-field version is in NMEA 3.0.
  839. Example: $GPGBS,125027,23.43,M,13.91,M,34.01,M*07
  840. === GGA - Global Positioning System Fix Data ===
  841. This is one of the sentences commonly emitted by GPS units.
  842. Time, Position and fix related data for a GPS receiver.
  843. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  844. 11
  845. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | 12 13 14 15
  846. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
  847. $--GGA,hhmmss.ss,llll.ll,a,yyyyy.yy,a,x,xx,x.x,x.x,M,x.x,M,x.x,xxxx*hh<CR><LF>
  848. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  849. Field Number:
  850. 1. UTC of this position report
  851. 2. Latitude
  852. 3. N or S (North or South)
  853. 4. Longitude
  854. 5. E or W (East or West)
  855. 6. GPS Quality Indicator (non null)
  856. - 0 - fix not available,
  857. - 1 - GPS fix,
  858. - 2 - Differential GPS fix
  859. (values above 2 are 2.3 features)
  860. - 3 = PPS fix
  861. - 4 = Real Time Kinematic
  862. - 5 = Float RTK
  863. - 6 = estimated (dead reckoning)
  864. - 7 = Manual input mode
  865. - 8 = Simulation mode
  866. 7. Number of satellites in use, 00 - 12
  867. 8. Horizontal Dilution of precision (meters)
  868. 9. Antenna Altitude above/below mean-sea-level (geoid) (in meters)
  869. 10. Units of antenna altitude, meters
  870. 11. Geoidal separation, the difference between the WGS-84 earth
  871. ellipsoid and mean-sea-level (geoid), "-" means mean-sea-level
  872. below ellipsoid
  873. 12. Units of geoidal separation, meters
  874. 13. Age of differential GPS data, time in seconds since last SC104
  875. type 1 or 9 update, null field when DGPS is not used
  876. 14. Differential reference station ID, 0000-1023
  877. 15. Checksum
  878. Example:
  879. $GNGGA,001043.00,4404.14036,N,12118.85961,W,1,12,0.98,1113.0,M,-21.3,M,,*47
  880. === GLC - Geographic Position, Loran-C ===
  881. This sentence is obsolete over most of its former coverage area. The
  882. US/Canadian/Russian Loran-C network was shut down in 2010; it is still
  883. as of 2015 in limited use in Europe. Loran-C operations in Norway
  884. will cease from 1st Jan 2016. <<NORWAY>>
  885. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  886. 12 14
  887. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11| 13|
  888. | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
  889. $--GLC,xxxx,x.x,a,x.x,a,x.x,a.x,x,a,x.x,a,x.x,a*hh<CR><LF>
  890. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  891. Field Number:
  892. 1. GRI Microseconds/10
  893. 2. Master TOA Microseconds
  894. 3. Master TOA Signal Status
  895. 4. Time Difference 1 Microseconds
  896. 5. Time Difference 1 Signal Status
  897. 6. Time Difference 2 Microseconds
  898. 7. Time Difference 2 Signal Status
  899. 8. Time Difference 3 Microseconds
  900. 9. Time Difference 3 Signal Status
  901. 10. Time Difference 4 Microseconds
  902. 11. Time Difference 4 Signal Status
  903. 12. Time Difference 5 Microseconds
  904. 13. Time Difference 5 Signal Status
  905. 14. Checksum
  906. === GLL - Geographic Position - Latitude/Longitude ===
  907. This is one of the sentences commonly emitted by GPS units.
  908. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  909. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
  910. | | | | | | | |
  911. $--GLL,llll.ll,a,yyyyy.yy,a,hhmmss.ss,a,m,*hh<CR><LF>
  912. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  913. Field Number:
  914. 1. Latitude
  915. 2. N or S (North or South)
  916. 3. Longitude
  917. 4. E or W (East or West)
  918. 5. UTC of this position
  919. 6. Status A - Data Valid, V - Data Invalid
  920. 7. FAA mode indicator (NMEA 2.3 and later)
  921. 8. Checksum
  922. Example: $GNGLL,4404.14012,N,12118.85993,W,001037.00,A,A*67
  923. === GNS - Fix data ===
  924. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  925. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
  926. | | | | | | | | | | | | |
  927. $--GNS,hhmmss.ss,llll.ll,a,yyyyy.yy,a,c--c,xx,x.x,x.x,x.x,x.x,x.x*hh
  928. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  929. Field Number:
  930. 1. UTC of position
  931. 2. Latitude
  932. 3. N or S (North or South)
  933. 4. Longitude
  934. 5. E or W (East or West)
  935. 6. Mode indicator (non-null)
  936. 7. Total number of satellites in use, 00-99
  937. 8. Horizontal Dilution of Precision, HDOP
  938. 9. Antenna altitude, meters, re:mean-sea-level(geoid).
  939. 10. Goeidal separation meters
  940. 11. Age of differential data
  941. 12. Differential reference station ID
  942. 13. Navigational status (optional)
  943. S = Safe
  944. C = Caution
  945. U = Unsafe
  946. V = Not valid for navigation
  947. 14. Checksum
  948. The Mode indicator is one to four characters, with the first and second
  949. defined for GPS and GLONASS. Further characters may be defined. For
  950. each system, the character can have a value (table may be incomplete):
  951. * A = Autonomous (non-differential)
  952. * D = Differential mode
  953. * E = Estimated (dead reckoning) Mode
  954. * F = RTK Float
  955. * M = Manual Input Mode
  956. * N = Constellation not in use, or no valid fix
  957. * P = Precise (no degradation, like Selective Availability, and hires)
  958. * R = RTK Integer
  959. * S = Simulator Mode
  960. Example: $GPGNS,112257.00,3844.24011,N,00908.43828,W,AN,03,10.5,,,,*57
  961. === GRS - GPS Range Residuals ===
  962. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  963. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
  964. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
  965. $ --GRS,hhmmss.ss,m,xx,xx,xx,xx,xx,xx,xx,xx,xx,xx,xx,xx,*hh<CR><LF>
  966. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  967. Field Number:
  968. 1. UTC time of associated GGA fix
  969. 2. 0 = Residuals used in GGA, 1 = residuals calculated after GGA
  970. 3. Satellite 1 residual in meters
  971. 4. Satellite 2 residual in meters
  972. 5. Satellite 3 residual in meters
  973. 6. Satellite 4 residual in meters (blank if unused)
  974. 7. Satellite 5 residual in meters (blank if unused)
  975. 8. Satellite 6 residual in meters (blank if unused)
  976. 9. Satellite 7 residual in meters (blank if unused)
  977. 10. Satellite 8 residual in meters (blank if unused)
  978. 11. Satellite 9 residual in meters (blank if unused)
  979. 12. Satellite 10 residual in meters (blank if unused)
  980. 13. Satellite 11 residual in meters (blank if unused)
  981. 14. Satellite 12 residual in meters (blank if unused)
  982. 15. Checksum
  983. The order of satellites MUST match those in the last GSA.
  984. Example: $GPGRS,024603.00,1,-1.8,-2.7,0.3,,,,,,,,,*6C
  985. Note that the talker ID may be GP, GL, or GN, depending on if the residuals
  986. are for GPS-only, GLONASS-only, or combined solution, respectively.
  987. === GST - GPS Pseudorange Noise Statistics ===
  988. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  989. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
  990. | | | | | | | | |
  991. $ --GST,hhmmss.ss,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,*hh<CR><LF>
  992. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  993. Field Number:
  994. 1. TC time of associated GGA fix
  995. 2. Total RMS standard deviation of ranges inputs to the navigation solution
  996. 3. Standard deviation (meters) of semi-major axis of error ellipse
  997. 4. Standard deviation (meters) of semi-minor axis of error ellipse
  998. 5. Orientation of semi-major axis of error ellipse (true north degrees)
  999. 6. Standard deviation (meters) of latitude error
  1000. 7. Standard deviation (meters) of longitude error
  1001. 8. Standard deviation (meters) of altitude error
  1002. 9. Checksum
  1003. Example: $GPGST,182141.000,15.5,15.3,7.2,21.8,0.9,0.5,0.8*54
  1004. === GSA - GPS DOP and active satellites ===
  1005. This is one of the sentences commonly emitted by GPS units.
  1006. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1007. 1 2 3 14 15 16 17 18
  1008. | | | | | | | |
  1009. $--GSA,a,a,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x.x,x.x,x.x*hh<CR><LF>
  1010. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1011. Field Number:
  1012. 1. Selection mode: M=Manual, forced to operate in 2D or 3D, A=Automatic, 2D/3D
  1013. 2. Mode (1 = no fix, 2 = 2D fix, 3 = 3D fix)
  1014. 3. ID of 1st satellite used for fix
  1015. 4. ID of 2nd satellite used for fix
  1016. 5. ID of 3rd satellite used for fix
  1017. 6. ID of 4th satellite used for fix
  1018. 7. ID of 5th satellite used for fix
  1019. 8. ID of 6th satellite used for fix
  1020. 9. ID of 7th satellite used for fix
  1021. 10. ID of 8th satellite used for fix
  1022. 11. ID of 9th satellite used for fix
  1023. 12. ID of 10th satellite used for fix
  1024. 13. ID of 11th satellite used for fix
  1025. 14. ID of 12th satellite used for fix
  1026. 15. PDOP
  1027. 16. HDOP
  1028. 17. VDOP
  1029. 18. Checksum
  1030. Example: $GNGSA,A,3,80,71,73,79,69,,,,,,,,1.83,1.09,1.47*17
  1031. Note: NMEA 4.1+ systems (in particular u-blox 9) emit an extra field
  1032. just before the checksum.
  1033. -----------------------------------------------
  1034. 1 = GPS L1C/A, L2CL, L2CM
  1035. 2 = GLONASS L1 OF, L2 OF
  1036. 3 = Galileo E1C, E1B, E5 bl, E5 bQ
  1037. 4 = BeiDou B1I D1, B1I D2, B2I D1, B2I D12
  1038. -----------------------------------------------
  1039. === GSV - Satellites in view ===
  1040. This is one of the sentences commonly emitted by GPS units.
  1041. These sentences describe the sky position of a UPS satellite in view.
  1042. Typically they're shipped in a group of 2 or 3.
  1043. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1044. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 n
  1045. | | | | | | | |
  1046. $--GSV,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,...*hh<CR><LF>
  1047. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1048. Field Number:
  1049. 1. total number of GSV sentences to be transmitted in this group
  1050. 2. Sentence number, 1-9 of this GSV message within current group
  1051. 3. total number of satellites in view (leading zeros sent)
  1052. 4. satellite ID number (leading zeros sent)
  1053. 5. elevation in degrees (-90 to 90) (leading zeros sent)
  1054. 6. azimuth in degrees to true north (000 to 359) (leading zeros sent)
  1055. 7. SNR in dB (00-99) (leading zeros sent)
  1056. more satellite info quadruples like 4-7
  1057. n) checksum
  1058. Example:
  1059. $GPGSV,3,1,11,03,03,111,00,04,15,270,00,06,01,010,00,13,06,292,00*74
  1060. $GPGSV,3,2,11,14,25,170,00,16,57,208,39,18,67,296,40,19,40,246,00*74
  1061. $GPGSV,3,3,11,22,42,067,42,24,14,311,43,27,05,244,00,,,,*4D
  1062. Some GPS receivers may emit more than 12 quadruples (more than three
  1063. GPGSV sentences), even though NMEA-0813 doesn't allow this. (The
  1064. extras might be WAAS satellites, for example.) Receivers may also
  1065. report quads for satellites they aren't tracking, in which case the
  1066. SNR field will be null; we don't know whether this is formally allowed
  1067. or not.
  1068. Example: $GLGSV,3,3,09,88,07,028,*51
  1069. === GTD - Geographic Location in Time Differences ===
  1070. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1071. 1 2 3 4 5 6
  1072. | | | | | |
  1073. $--GTD,x.x,x.x,x.x,x.x,x.x*hh<CR><LF>
  1074. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1075. Field Number:
  1076. 1. time difference
  1077. 2. time difference
  1078. 3. time difference
  1079. 4. time difference
  1080. 5. time difference
  1081. n) checksum
  1082. === GXA - TRANSIT Position - Latitude/Longitude ===
  1083. Location and time of TRANSIT fix at waypoint
  1084. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1085. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
  1086. | | | | | | | |
  1087. $--GXA,hhmmss.ss,llll.ll,a,yyyyy.yy,a,c--c,X*hh<CR><LF>
  1088. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1089. Field Number:
  1090. 1. UTC of position fix
  1091. 2. Latitude
  1092. 3. East or West
  1093. 4. Longitude
  1094. 5. North or South
  1095. 6. Waypoint ID
  1096. 7. Satellite number
  1097. 8. Checksum
  1098. (The GXA sentence is obsolete as of 3.01.)
  1099. === HDG - Heading - Deviation & Variation ===
  1100. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1101. 1 2 3 4 5 6
  1102. | | | | | |
  1103. $--HDG,x.x,x.x,a,x.x,a*hh<CR><LF>
  1104. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1105. Field Number:
  1106. 1. Magnetic Sensor heading in degrees
  1107. 2. Magnetic Deviation, degrees
  1108. 3. Magnetic Deviation direction, E = Easterly, W = Westerly
  1109. 4. Magnetic Variation degrees
  1110. 5. Magnetic Variation direction, E = Easterly, W = Westerly
  1111. 6. Checksum
  1112. === HDM - Heading - Magnetic ===
  1113. Vessel heading in degrees with respect to magnetic north produced by
  1114. any device or system producing magnetic heading.
  1115. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1116. 1 2 3
  1117. | | |
  1118. $--HDM,x.x,M*hh<CR><LF>
  1119. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1120. Field Number:
  1121. 1. Heading Degrees, magnetic
  1122. 2. M = magnetic
  1123. 3. Checksum
  1124. === HDT - Heading - True ===
  1125. Actual vessel heading in degrees true produced by any device or system
  1126. producing true heading.
  1127. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1128. 1 2 3
  1129. | | |
  1130. $--HDT,x.x,T*hh<CR><LF>
  1131. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1132. Field Number:
  1133. 1. Heading, degrees True
  1134. 2. T = True
  1135. 3. Checksum
  1136. Example: $GPHDT,274.07,T*03
  1137. === HFB - Trawl Headrope to Footrope and Bottom ===
  1138. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1139. 1 2 3 4 5
  1140. | | | | |
  1141. $--HFB,x.x,M,y.y,M*hh<CR><LF>
  1142. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1143. Field Number:
  1144. 1. Distance from headrope to footrope
  1145. 2. Meters (0-100)
  1146. 3. Distance from headrope to bottom
  1147. 4. Meters (0-100)
  1148. 5. Checksum
  1149. From <<GLOBALSAT>>. Shown with a "@II" leader rather than "$GP".
  1150. === HSC - Heading Steering Command ===
  1151. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1152. 1 2 3 4 5
  1153. | | | | |
  1154. $--HSC,x.x,T,x.x,M,*hh<CR><LF>
  1155. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1156. Field Number:
  1157. 1. Heading Degrees, True
  1158. 2. T = True
  1159. 3. Heading Degrees, Magnetic
  1160. 4. M = Magnetic
  1161. 5. Checksum
  1162. <<GLOBALSAT>> describes a completely different meaning for this
  1163. sentence, having to do with water temperature sensors. It is
  1164. unclear which is correct.
  1165. === ITS - Trawl Door Spread 2 Distance ===
  1166. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1167. 1 2 3
  1168. | | |
  1169. $--ITS,x.x,M*hh<CR><LF>
  1170. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1171. Field Number)
  1172. 1. Second spread distance
  1173. 2. Meters
  1174. 3. Checksum.
  1175. From <<GLOBALSAT>>. Shown with a "@II" leader rather than "$GP".
  1176. === LCD - Loran-C Signal Data ===
  1177. Obsolete.
  1178. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1179. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
  1180. | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
  1181. $--LCD,xxxx,xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx*hh<CR><LF>
  1182. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1183. Field Number:
  1184. 1. GRI Microseconds/10
  1185. 2. Master Relative SNR
  1186. 3. Master Relative ECD
  1187. 4. Time Difference 1 Microseconds
  1188. 5. Time Difference 1 Signal Status
  1189. 6. Time Difference 2 Microseconds
  1190. 7. Time Difference 2 Signal Status
  1191. 8. Time Difference 3 Microseconds
  1192. 9. Time Difference 3 Signal Status
  1193. 10. Time Difference 4 Microseconds
  1194. 11. Time Difference 4 Signal Status
  1195. 12. Time Difference 5 Microseconds
  1196. 13. Time Difference 5 Signal Status
  1197. 14. Checksum
  1198. === MDA - Meteorological Composite ===
  1199. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1200. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
  1201. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
  1202. $--MDA,n.nn,I,n.nnn,B,n.n,C,n.C,n.n,n,n.n,C,n.n,T,n.n,M,n.n,N,n.n,M*hh<CR><LF>
  1203. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1204. Field Number:
  1205. 1. Barometric pressure, inches of mercury, to the nearest 0.01 inch
  1206. 2. I = inches of mercury
  1207. 3. Barometric pressure, bars, to the nearest .001 bar
  1208. 4. B = bars
  1209. 5. Air temperature, degrees C, to the nearest 0.1 degree C
  1210. 6. C = degrees C
  1211. 7. Water temperature, degrees C (this field left blank by WeatherStation)
  1212. 8. C = degrees C
  1213. 9. Relative humidity, percent, to the nearest 0.1 percent
  1214. 10. Absolute humidity, percent
  1215. 11. Dew point, degrees C, to the nearest 0.1 degree C
  1216. 12. C = degrees C
  1217. 13. Wind direction, degrees True, to the nearest 0.1 degree
  1218. 14. T = true
  1219. 15. Wind direction, degrees Magnetic, to the nearest 0.1 degree
  1220. 16. M = magnetic
  1221. 17. Wind speed, knots, to the nearest 0.1 knot
  1222. 18. N = knots
  1223. 19. Wind speed, meters per second, to the nearest 0.1 m/s
  1224. 20. M = meters per second
  1225. 21. Checksum
  1226. Obsolete as of 2009.
  1227. === MSK - Control for a Beacon Receiver ===
  1228. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1229. 1 2 3 4 5 6
  1230. | | | | | |
  1231. $--MSK,nnn,m,nnn,m,nnn*hh<CR><LF>
  1232. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1233. Field Number:
  1234. 1. Beacon frequency to use, 283.5-325.0 kHz
  1235. 2. Frequency mode, A=auto, M=manual
  1236. 3. Beacon bit rate (25, 50, 100, 200)
  1237. 4. Bitrate, A=auto, M=manual
  1238. 5. Interval for MSS message status (null for no status), seconds
  1239. 6. Checksum
  1240. === MSS - Beacon Receiver Status ===
  1241. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1242. 1 2 3 4 5 6
  1243. | | | | | |
  1244. $--MSS,nn,nn,fff,bbb,xxx*hh<CR><LF>
  1245. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1246. Field Number:
  1247. 1. Signal strength (dB 1uV)
  1248. 2. Signal to noise ratio (dB)
  1249. 3. Beacon frequency,283.5-325.0 kHz
  1250. 4. Beacon data rate, 25, 50, 100, 200 bps
  1251. 5. Channel number
  1252. 6. Checksum
  1253. Example: $GPMSS,0,0,0.000000,200,*5A
  1254. === MTW - Mean Temperature of Water ===
  1255. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1256. 1 2 3
  1257. | | |
  1258. $--MTW,x.x,C*hh<CR><LF>
  1259. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1260. Field Number:
  1261. 1. Temperature, degrees
  1262. 2. Unit of Measurement, Celsius
  1263. 3. Checksum
  1264. <<GLOBALSAT>> lists this as "Meteorological Temperature of Water", which
  1265. is probably incorrect.
  1266. Example: $INMTW,17.9,C*1B
  1267. === MWV - Wind Speed and Angle ===
  1268. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1269. 1 2 3 4 5
  1270. | | | | |
  1271. $--MWV,x.x,a,x.x,a*hh<CR><LF>
  1272. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1273. Field Number:
  1274. 1. Wind Angle, 0 to 359 degrees
  1275. 2. Reference, R = Relative, T = True
  1276. 3. Wind Speed
  1277. 4. Wind Speed Units, K/M/
  1278. 5. Status, A = Data Valid, V = Invalid
  1279. 6. Checksum
  1280. === OLN - Omega Lane Numbers ===
  1281. Obsolete.
  1282. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1283. 1 2 3 4
  1284. |--------+ |--------+ |--------+ |
  1285. $--OLN,aa,xxx,xxx,aa,xxx,xxx,aa,xxx,xxx*hh<CR><LF>
  1286. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1287. Field Number:
  1288. 1. Omega Pair 1
  1289. 2. Omega Pair 1
  1290. 3. Omega Pair 1
  1291. 4. Checksum
  1292. (The OLN sentence is obsolete as of 2.30)
  1293. === OSD - Own Ship Data ===
  1294. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1295. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  1296. | | | | | | | | | |
  1297. $--OSD,x.x,A,x.x,a,x.x,a,x.x,x.x,a*hh<CR><LF>
  1298. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1299. Field Number:
  1300. 1. Heading, degrees True
  1301. 2. Status, A = Data Valid, V = Invalid
  1302. 3. Vessel Course, degrees True
  1303. 4. Course Reference B/M/W/R/P
  1304. 5. Vessel Speed
  1305. 6. Speed Reference B/M/W/R/P
  1306. 7. Vessel Set, degrees True
  1307. 8. Vessel drift (speed)
  1308. 9. Speed Units K/N
  1309. 10. Checksum
  1310. === R00 - Waypoints in active route ===
  1311. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1312. 1 n
  1313. | |
  1314. $--R00,c---c,c---c,....*hh<CR><LF>
  1315. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1316. Field Number:
  1317. 1. waypoint ID
  1318. ...
  1319. n) checksum
  1320. === RMA - Recommended Minimum Navigation Information ===
  1321. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1322. 12
  1323. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11|
  1324. | | | | | | | | | | | |
  1325. $--RMA,A,llll.ll,a,yyyyy.yy,a,x.x,x.x,x.x,x.x,x.x,a*hh<CR><LF>
  1326. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1327. Field Number:
  1328. 1. Status, A = Valid, V = Invalid
  1329. 2. Latitude
  1330. 3. N or S
  1331. 4. Longitude
  1332. 5. E or W
  1333. 6. Time Difference A, uS
  1334. 7. Time Difference B, uS
  1335. 8. Speed Over Ground, Knots
  1336. 9. Track Made Good, degrees True
  1337. 10. Magnetic Variation, degrees
  1338. 11. E or W
  1339. 12. Checksum
  1340. === RMB - Recommended Minimum Navigation Information ===
  1341. To be sent by a navigation receiver when a destination waypoint is active.
  1342. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1343. 14
  1344. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13| 15
  1345. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
  1346. $--RMB,A,x.x,a,c--c,c--c,llll.ll,a,yyyyy.yy,a,x.x,x.x,x.x,A,m,*hh<CR><LF>
  1347. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1348. Field Number:
  1349. 1. Status, A = Active, V = Invalid
  1350. 2. Cross Track error - nautical miles
  1351. 3. Direction to Steer, Left or Right
  1352. 4. Origin Waypoint ID
  1353. 5. Destination Waypoint ID
  1354. 6. Destination Waypoint Latitude
  1355. 7. N or S
  1356. 8. Destination Waypoint Longitude
  1357. 9. E or W
  1358. 10. Range to destination in nautical miles
  1359. 11. Bearing to destination in degrees True
  1360. 12. Destination closing velocity in knots
  1361. 13. Arrival Status, A = Arrival Circle Entered. V = not entered/passed
  1362. 14. FAA mode indicator (NMEA 2.3 and later)
  1363. 15. Checksum
  1364. Example: $GPRMB,A,0.66,L,003,004,4917.24,N,12309.57,W,001.3,052.5,000.5,V*0B
  1365. === RMC - Recommended Minimum Navigation Information ===
  1366. This is one of the sentences commonly emitted by GPS units.
  1367. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1368. 12
  1369. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11| 13
  1370. | | | | | | | | | | | | |
  1371. $--RMC,hhmmss.ss,A,llll.ll,a,yyyyy.yy,a,x.x,x.x,xxxx,x.x,a,m,*hh<CR><LF>
  1372. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1373. Field Number:
  1374. 1. UTC Time of position
  1375. 2. Status, A = Valid, V = Warning
  1376. 3. Latitude
  1377. 4. N or S
  1378. 5. Longitude
  1379. 6. E or W
  1380. 7. Speed over ground, knots
  1381. 8. Track made good, degrees true
  1382. 9. Date, ddmmyy
  1383. 10. Magnetic Variation, degrees
  1384. 11. E or W
  1385. 12. FAA mode indicator (NMEA 2.3 and later)
  1386. 13. Checksum
  1387. A status of V means the GPS has a valid fix that is below an internal
  1388. quality threshold, e.g. because the dilution of precision is too high
  1389. or an elevation mask test failed.
  1390. Example: $GNRMC,001031.00,A,4404.13993,N,12118.86023,W,0.146,,100117,,,A*7B
  1391. === ROT - Rate Of Turn ===
  1392. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1393. 1 2 3
  1394. | | |
  1395. $--ROT,x.x,A*hh<CR><LF>
  1396. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1397. Field Number:
  1398. 1. Rate Of Turn, degrees per minute, "-" means bow turns to port
  1399. 2. Status, A means data is valid
  1400. 3. Checksum
  1401. Example: $HEROT,0.0,A*2B
  1402. === RPM - Revolutions ===
  1403. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1404. 1 2 3 4 5 6
  1405. | | | | | |
  1406. $--RPM,a,x,x.x,x.x,A*hh<CR><LF>
  1407. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1408. Field Number:
  1409. 1. Source, S = Shaft, E = Engine
  1410. 2. Engine or shaft number
  1411. 3. Speed, Revolutions per minute
  1412. 4. Propeller pitch, % of maximum, "-" means astern
  1413. 5. Status, A = Valid, V = Invalid
  1414. 6. Checksum
  1415. === RSA - Rudder Sensor Angle ===
  1416. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1417. 1 2 3 4 5
  1418. | | | | |
  1419. $--RSA,x.x,A,x.x,A*hh<CR><LF>
  1420. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1421. Field Number:
  1422. 1. Starboard (or single) rudder sensor, "-" means Turn To Port
  1423. 2. Status, A = valid, V = Invalid
  1424. 3. Port rudder sensor
  1425. 4. Status, A = valid, V = Invalid
  1426. 5. Checksum
  1427. === RSD - RADAR System Data ===
  1428. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1429. 14
  1430. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13|
  1431. | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
  1432. $--RSD,x.x,x.x,x.x,x.x,x.x,x.x,x.x,x.x,x.x,x.x,x.x,a,a*hh<CR><LF>
  1433. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1434. (Some fields are missing from this description.)
  1435. Field Number:
  1436. 1. Origin 1 range
  1437. 2. Origin 1 bearing
  1438. 3. Variable Range Marker 1
  1439. 4. Bearing Line 1
  1440. 5. Origin 2 range
  1441. 6. Origin 2 bearing
  1442. 7. Variable Range Marker 2
  1443. 8. Bearing Line 2
  1444. 9. Cursor Range From Own Ship
  1445. 10. Cursor Bearing Degrees Clockwise From Zero
  1446. 11. Range Scale
  1447. 12. Range Units
  1448. 13. Display rotation (C = course up, H = heading up, N - North up)
  1449. 14. Checksum
  1450. === RTE - Routes ===
  1451. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1452. 1 2 3 4 5 x n
  1453. | | | | | | |
  1454. $--RTE,x.x,x.x,a,c--c,c--c, ..... c--c*hh<CR><LF>
  1455. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1456. Field Number:
  1457. 1. Total number of RE sentences being transmitted
  1458. 2. Sentence Number
  1459. 3. Sentence mode
  1460. c = complete route, all waypoints
  1461. w = working route, the waypoint you just left, the waypoint
  1462. you're heading to, then all the rest
  1463. 4. Route ID
  1464. 5. Waypoint ID
  1465. 6. Additional waypoint IDs
  1466. More waypoints follow. Last field is a checksum as usual.
  1467. The Garmin 65 and possibly other units report a $GPR00 in the same format.
  1468. Example: $GPRTE,1,1,c,0*07
  1469. === SFI - Scanning Frequency Information ===
  1470. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1471. 1 2 3 4 x
  1472. | | | | |
  1473. $--SFI,x.x,x.x,xxxxxx,c .......... xxxxxx,c*hh<CR><LF>
  1474. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1475. Field Number:
  1476. 1. Total Number Of sentences
  1477. 2. Sentence Number
  1478. 3. Frequency 1
  1479. 4. Mode 1
  1480. 5. Additional Frequency, Mode pairs
  1481. x. Checksum
  1482. === STN - Multiple Data ID ===
  1483. This sentence is transmitted before each individual sentence where
  1484. there is a need for the Listener to determine the exact source of data
  1485. in the system. Examples might include dual-frequency depth sounding
  1486. equipment or equipment that integrates data from a number of sources
  1487. and produces a single output.
  1488. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1489. 1 2
  1490. | |
  1491. $--STN,x.x,*hh<CR><LF>
  1492. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1493. Field Number:
  1494. 1. Talker ID Number
  1495. 2. Checksum
  1496. === TDS - Trawl Door Spread Distance ===
  1497. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1498. 1 2 3
  1499. | | |
  1500. $--TDS,x.x,M*hh<CR><LF>
  1501. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1502. Field Number)
  1503. 1. Distance between trawl doors
  1504. 2. Meters (0-300)
  1505. 3. Checksum.
  1506. From <<GLOBALSAT>>. Shown with a "@II" leader rather than "$GP".
  1507. === TFI - Trawl Filling Indicator ===
  1508. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1509. 1 2 3 4
  1510. | | | |
  1511. $--TFI,x,y,z*hh<CR><LF>
  1512. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1513. Field number:
  1514. 1. Catch sensor #1 (0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = no answer)
  1515. 2. Catch sensor #2 (0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = no answer)
  1516. 3. Catch sensor #3 (0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = no answer)
  1517. From <<GLOBALSAT>>. Shown with a "@II" leader rather than "$GP".
  1518. === TLB - Target Label ===
  1519. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1520. 1 2 (3) (4) 5
  1521. | | | | |
  1522. $--TLB,x.x,c--c,x.x,c--c,...,x.x,c--c*hh<CR><LF>
  1523. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1524. Field Number:
  1525. 1. Target Number (0-99)
  1526. 2. Label assigned to target
  1527. 3. (Target number 2)
  1528. 4. (Label assigned to target number 2)
  1529. 5. Checksum
  1530. Message can contain target number + label pairs up to maximum NMEA message length.
  1531. Target number references to target number in TTM (and/or TLL) messages.
  1532. === TLL - Target Latitude and Longitude ===
  1533. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1534. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  1535. | | | | | | | | | |
  1536. $--TLL,xx,llll.ll,a,yyyyy.yy,a,c--c,hhmmss.ss,a,a*hh<CR><LF>
  1537. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1538. Field Number:
  1539. 1. Target Number (0-99)
  1540. 2. Target Latitude
  1541. 3. N=north, S=south
  1542. 4. Target Longitude
  1543. 5. E=east, W=west
  1544. 6. Target name
  1545. 7. UTC of data
  1546. 8. Status (L=lost, Q=acquisition, T=tracking)
  1547. 9. R= reference target; null (,,)= otherwise
  1548. === TPC - Trawl Position Cartesian Coordinates ===
  1549. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1550. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  1551. | | | | | | |
  1552. $--TPC,x,M,y,P,z.z,M*hh,<CR><LF>
  1553. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1554. Field Number:
  1555. 1. Horizontal distance from the vessel center line
  1556. 2. Meters
  1557. 3. Horizontal distance from the transducer to the trawl along the
  1558. vessel center line. The value is normally positive assuming the
  1559. trawl is located behind the vessel.
  1560. 4. Meters
  1561. 5. Depth of the trawl below the surface
  1562. 6. Meters
  1563. 7. Checksum
  1564. From <<GLOBALSAT>>. Shown with a "@II" leader rather than "$GP".
  1565. This entry actually merges their TPC description with another
  1566. entry labeled (apparently incorrectly) TPT, which differs from the
  1567. TPT shown below.
  1568. === TPR - Trawl Position Relative Vessel ===
  1569. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1570. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  1571. | | | | | | |
  1572. $--TPR,x,M,y,P,z.z,M*hh,<CR><LF>
  1573. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1574. Field Number:
  1575. 1. Horizontal range relative to target
  1576. 2. Meters (0-4000)
  1577. 3. Bearing to target relative to vessel heading. Resolution is one degree.
  1578. 4. Separator
  1579. 5. Depth of trawl below the surface
  1580. 6. Meters (0-2000)
  1581. 7. Checksum
  1582. From <<GLOBALSAT>>. Shown with a "@II" leader rather than "$GP".
  1583. === TPT - Trawl Position True ===
  1584. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1585. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  1586. | | | | | | |
  1587. $--TPT,x,M,y,P,z.z,M*hh,<CR><LF>
  1588. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1589. Field Number:
  1590. 1. Horizontal range relative to target
  1591. 2. Meters (0-4000)
  1592. 3. True bearing to target (ie. relative north). Resolution is one degree.
  1593. 4. Separator
  1594. 5. Depth of trawl below the surface
  1595. 6. Meters (0-2000)
  1596. 7. Checksum
  1597. From <<GLOBALSAT>>. Shown with a "@II" leader rather than "$GP".
  1598. === TRF - TRANSIT Fix Data ===
  1599. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1600. 13
  1601. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12|
  1602. | | | | | | | | | | | | |
  1603. $--TRF,hhmmss.ss,xxxxxx,llll.ll,a,yyyyy.yy,a,x.x,x.x,x.x,x.x,xxx,A*hh<CR><LF>
  1604. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1605. Field Number:
  1606. 1. UTC Time
  1607. 2. Date, ddmmyy
  1608. 3. Latitude
  1609. 4. N or S
  1610. 5. Longitude
  1611. 6. E or W
  1612. 7. Elevation Angle
  1613. 8. Number of iterations
  1614. 9. Number of Doppler intervals
  1615. 10. Update distance, nautical miles
  1616. 11. Satellite ID
  1617. 12. Data Validity
  1618. 13. Checksum
  1619. (The TRF sentence is obsolete as of 2.3.0)
  1620. === TTM - Tracked Target Message ===
  1621. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1622. 11 13 16
  1623. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10| 12| 14 15 |
  1624. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
  1625. $--TTM,xx,x.x,x.x,a,x.x,x.x,a,x.x,x.x,a,c--c,a,a,hhmmss.ss,a*hh<CR><LF>
  1626. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1627. Field Number:
  1628. 1. Target Number (0-99)
  1629. 2. Target Distance
  1630. 3. Bearing from own ship
  1631. 4. T = True, R = Relative
  1632. 5. Target Speed
  1633. 6. Target Course
  1634. 7. T = True, R = Relative
  1635. 8. Distance of closest-point-of-approach
  1636. 9. Time until closest-point-of-approach "-" means increasing
  1637. 10. Speed/distance units, K/N
  1638. 11. Target name
  1639. 12. Target Status
  1640. 13. Reference Target
  1641. 14. UTC of data (NMEA 3 and above)
  1642. 15. Type, A = Auto, M = Manual, R = Reported (NMEA 3 and above)
  1643. 16. Checksum
  1644. <<GLOBALSAT>> gives this in a slightly different form, with 14th and
  1645. 15th fields conveying time of observation and whether target
  1646. acquisition was automatic or manual.
  1647. === VBW - Dual Ground/Water Speed ===
  1648. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1649. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 11
  1650. | | | | | | | | | | |
  1651. $--VBW,x.x,x.x,A,x.x,x.x,A,x.x,A,x.x,A*hh<CR><LF>
  1652. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1653. Field Number:
  1654. 1. Longitudinal water speed, "-" means astern, knots
  1655. 2. Transverse water speed, "-" means port, knots
  1656. 3. Status, A = Data Valid
  1657. 4. Longitudinal ground speed, "-" means astern, knots
  1658. 5. Transverse ground speed, "-" means port, knots
  1659. 6. Status, A = Data Valid
  1660. 7. Stern traverse water speed, knots *NMEA 3 and above)
  1661. 8. Status, stern traverse water speed A = Valid (NMEA 3 and above)
  1662. 9. Stern traverse ground speed, knots *NMEA 3 and above)
  1663. 10. Status, stern ground speed A = Valid (NMEA 3 and above)
  1664. 11. Checksum
  1665. === VDR - Set and Drift ===
  1666. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1667. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  1668. | | | | | | |
  1669. $--VDR,x.x,T,x.x,M,x.x,N*hh<CR><LF>
  1670. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1671. Field Number:
  1672. 1. Direction degrees, True
  1673. 2. T = True
  1674. 3. Direction degrees Magnetic
  1675. 4. M = Magnetic
  1676. 5. Current speed, knots
  1677. 6. N = Knots
  1678. 7. Checksum
  1679. === VHW - Water speed and heading ===
  1680. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1681. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
  1682. | | | | | | | | |
  1683. $--VHW,x.x,T,x.x,M,x.x,N,x.x,K*hh<CR><LF>
  1684. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1685. Field Number:
  1686. 1. Heading degrees, True
  1687. 2. T = True
  1688. 3. Heading degrees, Magnetic
  1689. 4. M = Magnetic
  1690. 5. Speed of vessel relative to the water, knots
  1691. 6. N = Knots
  1692. 7. Speed of vessel relative to the water, km/hr
  1693. 8. K = Kilometers
  1694. 9. Checksum
  1695. <<GLOBALSAT>> describes a different format in which the first three
  1696. fields are water-temperature measurements. It's not clear which
  1697. is correct.
  1698. === VLW - Distance Traveled through Water ===
  1699. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1700. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
  1701. | | | | | | | | |
  1702. $--VLW,x.x,N,x.x,N,x.x,N,x.x,N*hh<CR><LF>
  1703. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1704. Field Number:
  1705. 1. Total cumulative water distance, nm
  1706. 2. N = Nautical Miles
  1707. 3. Water distance since Reset, nm
  1708. 4. N = Nautical Miles
  1709. 5. Total cumulative ground distance, nm (NMEA 3 and above)
  1710. 6. N = Nautical Miles (NMEA 3 and above)
  1711. 7. Ground distance since reset, nm (NMEA 3 and above)
  1712. 8. N = Nautical Miles (NMEA 3 and above)
  1713. 9. Checksum
  1714. === VPW - Speed - Measured Parallel to Wind ===
  1715. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1716. 1 2 3 4 5
  1717. | | | | |
  1718. $--VPW,x.x,N,x.x,M*hh<CR><LF>
  1719. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1720. Field Number:
  1721. 1. Speed, "-" means downwind, knots
  1722. 2. N = Knots
  1723. 3. Speed, "-" means downwind, m/s
  1724. 4. M = Meters per second
  1725. 5. Checksum
  1726. === VTG - Track made good and Ground speed ===
  1727. This is one of the sentences commonly emitted by GPS units.
  1728. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1729. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  1730. | | | | | | | | | |
  1731. $--VTG,x.x,T,x.x,M,x.x,N,x.x,K,m,*hh<CR><LF>
  1732. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1733. Field Number:
  1734. 1. Course over ground, degrees True
  1735. 2. T = True
  1736. 3. Course over ground, degrees Magnetic
  1737. 4. M = Magnetic
  1738. 5. Speed over ground, knots
  1739. 6. N = Knots
  1740. 7. Speed over ground, km/hr
  1741. 8. K = Kilometers Per Hour
  1742. 9. FAA mode indicator (NMEA 2.3 and later)
  1743. 10. Checksum
  1744. Note: in some older versions of NMEA 0183, the sentence looks like this:
  1745. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1746. 1 2 3 4 5
  1747. | | | | |
  1748. $--VTG,x.x,x,x.x,x.x,*hh<CR><LF>
  1749. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1750. Field Number:
  1751. 1. True course over ground (degrees) 000 to 359
  1752. 2. Magnetic course over ground 000 to 359
  1753. 3. Speed over ground (knots) 00.0 to 99.9
  1754. 4. Speed over ground (kilometers) 00.0 to 99.9
  1755. 5. Checksum
  1756. The two forms can be distinguished by field 2, which will be
  1757. the fixed text 'T' in the newer form. The new form appears
  1758. to have been introduced with NMEA 3.01 in 2002.
  1759. Some devices, such as those described in <<GLOBALSAT>>, leave the
  1760. magnetic-bearing fields 3 and 4 empty.
  1761. Example: $GPVTG,220.86,T,,M,2.550,N,4.724,K,A*34
  1762. === VWR - Relative Wind Speed and Angle ===
  1763. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1764. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
  1765. | | | | | | | | |
  1766. $--VWR,x.x,a,x.x,N,x.x,M,x.x,K*hh<CR><LF>
  1767. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1768. Field Number:
  1769. 1. Wind direction magnitude in degrees
  1770. 2. Wind direction Left/Right of bow
  1771. 3. Speed
  1772. 4. N = Knots
  1773. 5. Speed
  1774. 6. M = Meters Per Second
  1775. 7. Speed
  1776. 8. K = Kilometers Per Hour
  1777. 9. Checksum
  1778. === WCV - Waypoint Closure Velocity ===
  1779. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1780. 1 2 3 4 5
  1781. | | | | |
  1782. $--WCV,x.x,N,c--c,a*hh<CR><LF>
  1783. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1784. Field Number:
  1785. 1. Velocity, knots
  1786. 2. N = knots
  1787. 3. Waypoint ID
  1788. 4. FAA Mode indicator, not null (NMEA 3 and above)
  1789. 5. Checksum
  1790. === WNC - Distance - Waypoint to Waypoint ===
  1791. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1792. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  1793. | | | | | | |
  1794. $--WNC,x.x,N,x.x,K,c--c,c--c*hh<CR><LF>
  1795. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1796. Field Number:
  1797. 1. Distance, Nautical Miles
  1798. 2. N = Nautical Miles
  1799. 3. Distance, Kilometers
  1800. 4. K = Kilometers
  1801. 5. TO Waypoint
  1802. 6. FROM Waypoint
  1803. 7. Checksum
  1804. === WPL - Waypoint Location ===
  1805. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1806. 1 2 3 4 5 6
  1807. | | | | | |
  1808. $--WPL,llll.ll,a,yyyyy.yy,a,c--c*hh<CR><LF>
  1809. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1810. Field Number:
  1811. 1. Latitude
  1812. 2. N or S (North or South)
  1813. 3. Longitude
  1814. 4. E or W (East or West)
  1815. 5. Waypoint name
  1816. 6. Checksum
  1817. === XDR - Transducer Measurement ===
  1818. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1819. 1 2 3 4 n
  1820. | | | | |
  1821. $--XDR,a,x.x,a,c--c, ..... *hh<CR><LF>
  1822. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1823. Field Number:
  1824. 1. Transducer Type
  1825. 2. Measurement Data
  1826. 3. Units of measurement
  1827. 4. Name of transducer
  1828. There may be any number of quadruplets like this, each describing a
  1829. sensor. The last field will be a checksum as usual.
  1830. Example:
  1831. $HCXDR,A,171,D,PITCH,A,-37,D,ROLL,G,367,,MAGX,G,2420,,MAGY,G,-8984,,MAGZ*41
  1832. === XTE - Cross-Track Error, Measured ===
  1833. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1834. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  1835. | | | | | | |
  1836. $--XTE,A,A,x.x,a,N,m,*hh<CR><LF>
  1837. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1838. Field Number:
  1839. 1. Status
  1840. - A - Valid
  1841. - V = Loran-C Blink or SNR warning
  1842. - V = general warning flag or other navigation systems when a reliable
  1843. fix is not available
  1844. 2. Status
  1845. - V = Loran-C Cycle Lock warning flag
  1846. - A = Valid
  1847. 3. Cross Track Error Magnitude
  1848. 4. Direction to steer, L or R
  1849. 5. Cross Track Units, N = Nautical Miles
  1850. 6. FAA mode indicator (NMEA 2.3 and later, optional)
  1851. 7. Checksum
  1852. Example: $GPXTE,V,V,,,N,S*43
  1853. === XTR - Cross Track Error - Dead Reckoning ===
  1854. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1855. 1 2 3 4
  1856. | | | |
  1857. $--XTR,x.x,a,N*hh<CR><LF>
  1858. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1859. Field Number:
  1860. 1. Magnitude of cross track error
  1861. 2. Direction to steer, L or R
  1862. 3. Units, N = Nautical Miles
  1863. 4. Checksum
  1864. === ZDA - Time & Date - UTC, day, month, year and local time zone ===
  1865. This is one of the sentences commonly emitted by GPS units.
  1866. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1867. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  1868. | | | | | | |
  1869. $--ZDA,hhmmss.ss,xx,xx,xxxx,xx,xx*hh<CR><LF>
  1870. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1871. Field Number:
  1872. 1. UTC time (hours, minutes, seconds, may have fractional subseconds)
  1873. 2. Day, 01 to 31
  1874. 3. Month, 01 to 12
  1875. 4. Year (4 digits)
  1876. 5. Local zone description, 00 to +- 13 hours
  1877. 6. Local zone minutes description, 00 to 59, apply same sign as local hours
  1878. 7. Checksum
  1879. Example: $GPZDA,160012.71,11,03,2004,-1,00*7D
  1880. === ZFO - UTC & Time from origin Waypoint ===
  1881. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1882. 1 2 3 4
  1883. | | | |
  1884. $--ZFO,hhmmss.ss,hhmmss.ss,c--c*hh<CR><LF>
  1885. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1886. Field Number:
  1887. 1. Universal Time Coordinated (UTC)
  1888. 2. Elapsed Time
  1889. 3. Origin Waypoint ID
  1890. 4. Checksum
  1891. === ZTG - UTC & Time to Destination Waypoint ===
  1892. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1893. 1 2 3 4
  1894. | | | |
  1895. $--ZTG,hhmmss.ss,hhmmss.ss,c--c*hh<CR><LF>
  1896. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1897. Field Number:
  1898. 1. UTC of observation
  1899. 2. Time Remaining
  1900. 3. Destination Waypoint ID
  1901. 4. Checksum
  1902. === Other sentences ===
  1903. There is evidence for the existence of the following NMEA sentences
  1904. on the Web:
  1905. |======================================================
  1906. |ACK - Alarm Acknowledgement
  1907. |ADS - Automatic Device Status
  1908. |AKD - Acknowledge Detail Alarm Condition
  1909. |ALA - Set Detail Alarm Condition
  1910. |ASD - Autopilot System Data
  1911. |BEC - Bearing & Distance to Waypoint - Dead Reckoning
  1912. |CEK - Configure Encryption Key Command
  1913. |COP - Configure the Operational Period, Command
  1914. |CUR - Water Current Layer
  1915. |DCR - Device Capability Report
  1916. |DDC - Display Dimming Control
  1917. |DOR - Door Status Detection
  1918. |DSC - Digital Selective Calling Information
  1919. |DSE - Extended DSC
  1920. |DSI - DSC Transponder Initiate
  1921. |DSR - DSC Transponder Response
  1922. |ETL - Engine Telegraph Operation Status
  1923. |EVE - General Event Message
  1924. |FIR - Fire Detection
  1925. |MWD - Wind Direction & Speed
  1926. |WDR - Distance to Waypoint - Rhumb Line
  1927. |WDC - Distance to Waypoint - Great Circle
  1928. |ZDL - Time and Distance to Variable Point
  1929. |======================================================
  1930. $CDDSC is described in <<CDDSC>>.
  1931. == Vendor extensions ==
  1932. This list is very incomplete.
  1933. === PASHR - RT300 proprietary roll and pitch sentence ===
  1934. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1935. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
  1936. | | | | | | | | | | | |
  1937. $PASHR,hhmmss.sss,hhh.hh,T,rrr.rr,ppp.pp,xxx.xx,a.aaa,b.bbb,c.ccc,d,e*hh<CR><LF>
  1938. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1939. Field number:
  1940. 1. hhmmss.sss - UTC time
  1941. 2. hhh.hh - Heading in degrees
  1942. 3. T - flag to indicate that the Heading is True Heading (i.e. to True North)
  1943. 4. rrr.rr - Roll Angle in degrees
  1944. 5. ppp.pp - Pitch Angle in degrees
  1945. 6. xxx.xx - Heave
  1946. 7. a.aaa - Roll Angle Accuracy Estimate (Stdev) in degrees
  1947. 8. b.bbb - Pitch Angle Accuracy Estimate (Stdev) in degrees
  1948. 9. c.ccc - Heading Angle Accuracy Estimate (Stdev) in degrees
  1949. 10. d - Aiding Status
  1950. 11. e - IMU Status
  1951. 12. hh - Checksum
  1952. <<PASHR>> describes this sentence as NMEA, though other sources say it
  1953. is Ashtech proprietary and describe a different format.
  1954. Example:
  1955. $PASHR,085335.000,224.19,T,-01.26,+00.83,+00.00,0.101,0.113,0.267,1,0*06
  1956. === PGRME - Garmin Estimated Error ===
  1957. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1958. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  1959. | | | | | | |
  1960. $PGRME,hhh,M,vvv,M,ttt,M*hh<CR><LF>
  1961. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1962. Field Number:
  1963. 1. Estimated horizontal position error (HPE),
  1964. 2. M=meters
  1965. 3. Estimated vertical position error (VPE)
  1966. 4. M=meters
  1967. 5. Overall spherical equivalent position error
  1968. 6. M=meters
  1969. 7. Checksum
  1970. Example: $PGRME,15.0,M,45.0,M,25.0,M*22
  1971. === PGRMZ - Garmin Altitude ===
  1972. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1973. 1 2 3 4
  1974. | | | |
  1975. $PGRMZ,hhh,f,M*hh<CR><LF>
  1976. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1977. Field Number:
  1978. 1. Current Altitude Feet
  1979. 2. f=feet
  1980. 3. Mode (1 = no fix, 2 = 2D fix, 3 = 3D fix)
  1981. 4. Checksum
  1982. Example: $PGRMZ,2282,f,3*21
  1983. === PMGNST - Magellan Status ===
  1984. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1985. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
  1986. | | | | | | | |
  1987. $PMGNST,xx.xx,m,t,nnn,xx.xx,nnn,nn,c
  1988. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1989. Field Number:
  1990. 1. Firmware version number?
  1991. 2. Mode (1 = no fix, 2 = 2D fix, 3 = 3D fix)
  1992. 3. T if we have a fix
  1993. 4. Numbers change - unknown
  1994. 5. Time left on the GPS battery in hours
  1995. 6. Numbers change (freq. compensation?)
  1996. 7. PRN number receiving current focus
  1997. 8. nmea_checksum
  1998. Only supported on Magellan receivers.
  1999. === PRWIZCH - Rockwell Channel Status ===
  2000. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2001. $PRWIZCH,n,s,n,s,n,s,n,s,n,s,n,s,n,s,n,s,n,s,n,s,n,s,n,s,c*hh<CR><LF>
  2002. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2003. Fields consist of 12 pairs of a satellite PRN followed by a
  2004. signal quality number in the range 0-7 (0 worst, 7 best).
  2005. Only emitted by the now-obsolete Zodiac (Rockwell) chipset.
  2006. === PUBX 00 - u-blox Lat/Long Position Data ===
  2007. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2008. $PUBX,00,hhmmss.ss,Latitude,N,Longitude,E,AltRef,NavStat,Hacc,Vacc,SOG,COG,Vvel,+ageC,HDOP,VDOP,TDOP,GU,RU,DR,*hh<CR><LF>
  2009. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2010. Example:
  2011. $PUBX,00,081350.00,4717.113210,N,00833.915187,E,546.589,G3,2.1,2.0,0.007,77.52,0+.007,,0.92,1.19,0.77,9,0,0*5F<CR><LF>
  2012. Only emitted by u-blox Antaris chipset.
  2013. === PUBX 01 - u-blox UTM Position Data ===
  2014. The $PUBX,01 is a UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator projection) version
  2015. of the $PUBX,00 sentence.
  2016. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2017. $PUBX,01,hhmmss.ss,Easting,E,Northing,N,AltMSL,NavStat,Hacc,Vacc,SOG,COG,Vvel,ag+eC,HDOP,VDOP,TDOP,GU,RU,DR,*hh<CR><LF>
  2018. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2019. Example:
  2020. $PUBX,01,075142.00,467125.245,E,5236949.763,N,498.235,G3,2.1,1.9,0.005,85.63,0.0+00,,0.78,0.90,0.52,12,0,0*65
  2021. Only emitted by u-blox Antaris chipset.
  2022. === PUBX 03 - u-blox Satellite Status ===
  2023. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2024. $PUBX,03,GT{,ID,s,AZM,EL,SN,LK},*hh<CR><LF>
  2025. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2026. Example:
  2027. $PUBX,03,11,23,-,,,45,010,29,-,,,46,013,07,-,,,42,015,08,U,067,31,42,025,10,U,19+5,33,46,026,18,U,326,08,39,026,17,-,,,32,015,26,U,306,66,48,025,27,U,073,10,36,+026,28,U,089,61,46,024,15,-,,,39,014*0D
  2028. Only emitted by u-blox Antaris chipset.
  2029. (There's no PUBX 02)
  2030. === PUBX 04 - u-blox Time of Day and Clock Information ===
  2031. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2032. $PUBX,04,hhmmss.ss,ddmmyy,UTC_TOW,week,reserved,Clk_B,Clk_D,PG,*hh<CR><LF>
  2033. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2034. Example:
  2035. $PUBX,04,073731.00,091202,113851.00,1196,113851.00,1930035,-2660.664,43,*3C<CR><+LF>
  2036. Only emitted by u-blox Antaris chipset.
  2037. === TMVTD - Transas VTS / SML tracking system report ===
  2038. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2039. $TMVTD,DDMMYY,hhmmss.ss,a,xxxx,c—c,llll.llll,a,yyyyy.yyyy,a,x.x,a,x.x,a,a*hh<CR><LF>
  2040. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2041. ‘TM’ indicates message generated by SML tracking system. ‘VTD’ is
  2042. name of the message.
  2043. Field Number:
  2044. 1. Day/month/year (two-digit year, unknown base century)
  2045. 2. Hour/minute/second to 0.1 sec precision, UTC.
  2046. 3. ‘R’ indicates that this is an update for a radar track. No other
  2047. values are valid
  2048. 4. Internal unique ID number. Can’t be changed even when target is
  2049. re-identified
  2050. 5. Target alias. Can be changed when the target identification data is
  2051. edited. Symbols “$”, “*” “,” and “.” are not allowed to be used
  2052. within the alias word. This field is variable length, at most 21v
  2053. characters.
  2054. 6. Latitude in degrees (two leading digits) and decimal minutes
  2055. (trailing digits).
  2056. 7. N or S for North or South latitude.
  2057. 8. Longitude in degrees (three leading digits) and decimal minutes
  2058. (trailing digits).
  2059. 9. E or W for East or West longitude.
  2060. 10. Target course in decimal degrees.
  2061. 11. Fixed to T, indicates true course.
  2062. 12. Target speed in decimal knots.
  2063. 13. Fixed to N, indicates decimal speed in knots.
  2064. 14. T or D. T = tracked, D = dropped. Message with status
  2065. “dropped” is sent only once after target is dropped.
  2066. 15. NMEA checksum.
  2067. Transas is a mnanufacturer of proprietary ECDIS systems.
  2068. Described in <<MALTESE>>, actually a Maltese government document.
  2069. == References ==
  2070. [bibliography]
  2071. - [[[BETKE]]]
  2072. "The NMEA 0183 protocol"
  2073. http://www.scribd.com/mcocco/d/6365285-The-NMEA-0183-Protocol
  2074. Probably the ancestor of this document. Compiled by Klaus Betke
  2075. and dated May 2000 with a revision in 2001.
  2076. - [[[CANBUS]]]
  2077. "Wikipedia: CAN bus"
  2078. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CAN_bus
  2079. - [[[NMEA2000]]]
  2080. "Wikipedia: NMEA 2000"
  2081. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NMEA_2000
  2082. - [[[KEVERSOFT]]]
  2083. http://www.keversoft.com/downloads/packetlogger_20120305_explain.txt
  2084. - [[[DEPRIEST]]]
  2085. "NMEA data"
  2086. http://www.gpsinformation.org/dale/nmea.htm
  2087. Used for PMGNST and the FAA mode code.
  2088. - [[[MX521]]]
  2089. "MX521 GPS/DGPS Sensor Installation Manual"
  2090. http://www.mx-marine.com/downloads/MX521_Install_manual_051804.pdf
  2091. Used for GBS, GRS.
  2092. - [[[MX535]]]
  2093. "MX535 UAIS Ship Borne Class A Transponder Unit Technical & Installation Manual"
  2094. http://www.mx-marine.com/downloads/mx535/MX535_Tech_Manual_Rev_E.pdf
  2095. Used for GNS.
  2096. - [[[ZODIAC]]]
  2097. "Zodiac Serial Data Interface Specification"
  2098. http://users.rcn.com/mardor/serial.pdf
  2099. Used for PRWIZCH.
  2100. - [[[GH79L4N]]]
  2101. "Specifications for GPS Receiver GH-79L4-N"
  2102. http://www.tecsys.de/db/gps/gh79l1an_intant.pdf
  2103. Used for GPDTM.
  2104. - [[[GIDS]]]
  2105. "GPS - NMEA sentence information"
  2106. http://aprs.gids.nl/nmea/
  2107. Used for BWC, MSK, MSS.
  2108. - [[[NMEAFAQ]]]
  2109. "The NMEA FAQ"
  2110. http://vancouver-webpages.com/peter/nmeafaq.txt
  2111. Used for R00.
  2112. - [[[UNMEA]]]
  2113. "Understanding NMEA 0183"
  2114. http://pcptpp030.psychologie.uni-regensburg.de/trafficresearch/NMEA0183/
  2115. Source for the claim that NMEA requires undefined data fields to
  2116. be empty.
  2117. - [[[NTUM]]]
  2118. "NemaTalker User Manual"
  2119. http://www.sailsoft.nl/NemaTalker/UserManual/InstrGPS.htm
  2120. Source for the claim that Mode Indicator dominates Status.
  2121. - [[[IEC61162-1]]]
  2122. "International Standard IEC 61162-1" (preview)
  2123. http://domino.iec.ch/preview/info_iec61162-1%7Bed2.0%7Den.pdf
  2124. - [[[SEATALK]]]
  2125. "SeaTalk Technical Reference"
  2126. http://www.thomasknauf.de/seatalk.htm
  2127. - [[[SATSTAT]]] "NMEA IDs" https://github.com/mvglasow/satstat/wiki/NMEA-IDs
  2128. - [[[PASHR]]]
  2129. "News - NMEA PASHR Output Format Added"
  2130. http://www.oxts.com/default.asp?pageRef=76&newsID=69
  2131. - [[[WAAS]]]
  2132. "WAAS Information"
  2133. http://gpsinformation.net/exe/waas.html
  2134. - [[[PPS]]]
  2135. "Pulse per second"
  2136. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulse_per_second
  2137. - [[[MALTESE]]]
  2138. "Procurement of a Fixed-Wing Maritime Patrol Aircraft"
  2139. https://secure2.gov.mt/eprocurement/Tenders/file.ashx?f=9832DB05E65C774258580284031EC72CC315D954A7108B5E.
  2140. - [[NMEA-ADVANCE]]
  2141. "NMEA 0183 Advancements" (describes 'P' value of FAA mode)
  2142. http://www.nmea.org/Assets/0183_advancements_nmea_oct_1_2010%20(2).pdf
  2143. - [[CDDSC]]
  2144. "Data Interface in Digital Selective Calling Class-D Radios"
  2145. http://continuouswave.com/whaler/reference/DSC_Datagrams.html
  2146. - [[ANON]]
  2147. Anonymous commentator(s) are persons who have volunteered information
  2148. about the NMEA standard(s) but do not wish to be identified.
  2149. - [[[NORWAY]]]
  2150. "Etterretninger for sjøfarende" Notices to Mariners, see p26
  2151. https://kartverket.no/efs-documents/editions/2015/efs01-2015.pdf
  2152. - [[[TALKERS]]]
  2153. "Talker Identifier Mnemonics"
  2154. https://www.nmea.org/Assets/NMEA%200183%20Talker%20Identifier%20Mnemonics.pdf