.gitignore 2.9 KB

  1. # Binaries
  2. cgps
  3. cgpxlogger
  4. gps2udp
  5. gpsctl
  6. gpsd
  7. gpsdctl
  8. gpsdecode
  9. gpsmon
  10. gpspipe
  11. gpsrinex
  12. gpxlogger
  13. lcdgps
  14. ntpshmmon
  15. ppscheck
  16. rtcmdecode
  17. contrib/clock_test
  18. *.exe
  19. # These are built from .in files
  20. android/gpsd_config
  21. contrib/ntpshmviz
  22. contrib/skyview2svg.py
  23. contrib/webgps
  24. control
  25. gegps
  26. gps/__init__.py
  27. gps/gps.py
  28. gps/packet.py
  29. gpscat
  30. gpsd.php
  31. gpsfake
  32. gpsprof
  33. jsongen
  34. maskaudit.py
  35. ubxtool
  36. valgrind-audit.py
  37. xgps
  38. xgpsspeed
  39. zerk
  40. # Unit tests
  41. test_bits
  42. test_float
  43. test_geoid
  44. test_gpsdclient
  45. test_gpsmm
  46. test_json
  47. test_json_wignore
  48. test_libgps
  49. test_matrix
  50. test_mkgmtime
  51. test_mktime
  52. test_packet
  53. test_qgpsmm
  54. test_timespec
  55. test_trig
  56. # Other generated files
  57. gpsd.rules
  58. gps.html
  59. gpscat.html
  60. gpsctl.html
  61. gpsd.html
  62. gpsd_json.html
  63. gpsdecode.html
  64. gpsfake.html
  65. gpsmon.html
  66. gpspipe.html
  67. gpsprof.html
  68. gps2udp.html
  69. gpxlogger.html
  70. ntpmon.html
  71. libgps.html
  72. libgpsd.html
  73. libgpsmm.html
  74. srec.html
  75. *.[1358]
  76. *.pyc
  77. *.pc
  78. *.sum
  79. *.i
  80. *.o
  81. *.obj
  82. *.os
  83. *.a
  84. *.lo
  85. *.la
  86. *.so
  87. *.so.[0-9.]*
  88. *.dylib
  89. *.dll
  90. *~
  91. *.swp
  92. *.egg-info
  93. *.gcno
  94. *.dSYM
  95. # Built sources
  96. .cproject
  97. gpsd_config.h
  98. gpsd_maskdump.c
  99. gpsd.spec
  100. gps_maskdump.c
  101. .kdbgrc.*
  103. packet_names.h
  104. .project
  105. tags
  106. # Python files
  107. build
  108. devtools/ppstest
  109. gpscatc
  110. gpsfakec
  111. gpsprofc
  112. xgpsc
  113. xgpsspeedc
  114. # Developer sandbox directory for patches that haven't been applied yet
  115. patches
  116. # build/test logs from devtools/do-build
  117. BUILD.*
  118. CHECK.*
  119. # SCons cruft
  120. config.log
  121. .sconsign.dblite
  122. .sconsign.*.dblite
  123. .sconf_temp
  124. .scons-option-cache
  125. stamp-python
  126. # Documentation/Web
  127. doc/explanation.html
  128. .public
  129. www/AIVDM.html
  130. www/client-howto.html
  131. www/faq.html
  132. www/gps2udp.html
  133. www/gpscat.html
  134. www/gpsctl.html
  135. www/gpsdctl.html
  136. www/gpsdecode.html
  137. www/gpsd.html
  138. www/gpsd-time-service-howto.html
  139. www/gpsfake.html
  140. www/gps.html
  141. www/gpsd-time-service-howto.adoc
  142. man/gpsdctl.xml
  143. www/gpsinit.html
  144. www/gpsmon.html
  145. www/gpspipe.html
  146. www/gpsprof.html
  147. www/gps_report.cgi
  148. www/gpsrinex.html
  149. www/gpxlogger.html
  150. www/hacking.html
  151. www/hardware-head.html
  152. www/hardware.html
  153. www/index.html
  154. www/installation.html
  155. www/internals.html
  156. www/libgpsd.html
  157. www/libgps.html
  158. www/libgpsmm.html
  159. www/NMEA.html
  160. www/ntpshmmon.html
  161. www/performance/performance.html
  162. www/ppp-howto.html
  163. www/ppscheck.html
  164. www/protocol-evolution.html
  165. www/protocol-transition.html
  166. www/pydoc
  167. www/README.html
  168. www/replacing-nmea.html
  169. www/srec.html
  170. www/SUPPORT.html
  171. www/time-service-intro.html
  172. www/troubleshooting.html
  173. www/ubxtool-examples.html
  174. www/ubxtool.html
  175. www/.upload-stamp
  176. www/writing-a-driver.html
  177. www/zerk.html
  178. # Controls for the flock tester
  179. devtools/.flocktest.ini
  180. # QT stuff
  181. libQgpsmm.prl
  182. libQgpsmm/binaries/*
  183. # C coverage-related files
  184. *.gcda
  185. # Python coverage-related files/directories
  186. .coverage*
  187. htmlcov/
  188. # misc files
  189. nohup.out
  190. *.bak
  191. tmp*
  192. # release files
  193. *.tar.?z
  194. *.tar.?z.sig
  195. *.zip
  196. # config file created by gpsd.php
  197. gpsd_config.inc
  198. # for systemd(umb)
  199. systemd/gpsdctl@.service
  200. systemd/gpsd.socket
  201. # for 3rd party packaging
  202. packaging/deb/etc_default_gpsd
  203. packaging/deb/etc_init.d_gpsd
  204. packaging/rpm/gpsd.init