12345678910111213141516171819202122232425 |
- #!/bin/sh
- #
- # Compare the results from running gpsfake on a logfile between this
- # machine and a remote one. Especially useful when remote and local
- # have different word lengths.
- #
- # This file is Copyright 2010 by the GPSD project
- # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-clause
- # BSD terms apply: see the file COPYING in the distribution root for details.
- #
- file=$1
- remote=$2
- directory=git/gpsd
- options="-D 4"
- ./gpsfake $options -s 38400 -1 -p $file >/tmp/fcmp-local-$$ 2>&1
- scp -q $file ${remote}:${directory}
- ssh $remote "cd ${directory}; PATH=$PATH:. ./gpsfake $options -s 38400 -1 -p $file" >/tmp/fcmp-remote-$$ 2>&1
- echo "*** Local:"
- cat /tmp/fcmp-local-$$
- echo "*** Diff:"
- diff -u /tmp/fcmp-local-$$ /tmp/fcmp-remote-$$
- rm /tmp/fcmp-local-$$ /tmp/fcmp-remote-$$