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  20. <code>gpsd</code> &mdash; a GPS service daemon
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  27. <a href="#news">News</a><br>
  28. <a href="#downloads">Downloads</a><br>
  29. <a href="#mailing-lists">Mailing lists</a><br>
  30. <a href="#documentation">Documentation</a><br>
  31. <a href="faq.html">FAQ</a><br>
  32. <a href="xgps-sample.html">Screenshots</a><br>
  33. <a href="#recipes">Recipes</a><br>
  34. <a href="#others">Other GPSDs</a><br>
  35. <a href="hardware.html">Hardware</a><br>
  36. <a href="for-vendors.html">For GPS Vendors</a><br>
  37. <a href="wishlist.html">Wish List</a><br>
  38. <a href="hall-of-shame.html">Hall of Shame</a><br>
  39. <a href="troubleshooting.html">Troubleshooting Guide</a><br>
  40. <a href="hacking.html">Hacker's Guide</a><br>
  41. <a href="references.html">References</a><br>
  42. <a href="protocol-transition.html">Application Compatibility</a>
  43. <a href="history.html">History</a><br>
  44. <a href="future.html">Future</a><br>
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  91. <h1>About <code>gpsd</code></h1>
  92. <p><code>gpsd</code> is a service daemon that monitors one or more
  93. GPSes or AIS receivers attached to a host computer through serial or
  94. USB ports, making all data on the location/course/velocity of the
  95. sensors available to be queried on TCP port 2947 of the host
  96. computer.</p>
  97. <p>With <code>gpsd</code>, multiple location-aware client applications
  98. can share access to supported sensors without contention or loss of
  99. data. Also, <code>gpsd</code> responds to queries with a format that
  100. is substantially easier to parse than the NMEA 0183 emitted by most
  101. GPSes. The <code>gpsd</code> distribution includes a linkable C
  102. service library, a C++ wrapper class, and a Python module that
  103. developers of <code>gpsd</code>-aware applications can use to
  104. encapsulate all communication with <code>gpsd</code>. Third-party
  105. client bindings for Java and Perl also exist.</p>
  106. <p>Besides <code>gpsd</code> itself, the project provides auxiliary
  107. tools for diagnostic monitoring and profiling of receivers and feeding
  108. location-aware applications GPS/AIS logs for diagnostic purposes.</p>
  109. <p>GPSD is everywhere in mobile embedded systems. It underlies the map
  110. service on Android phones. It's ubiquitous in drones, robot
  111. submarines, and driverless cars. It's increasingly common in recent
  112. generations of manned aircraft, marine navigation systems, and
  113. military vehicles.</p>
  114. <p>Applications that
  115. presently use <code>gpsd</code> include
  116. <a href="">Kismet</a>,
  117. <a href="">GpsDrive</a>,
  118. <a href="">gpeGPS</a>,
  119. <a href="">roadmap</a>,
  120. <a href="">roadnav</a>,
  121. <a href="">navit</a>,
  122. <a href="">viking</a>,
  123. <a href="">tangogps</a>,
  124. <a href="">foxtrot</a>,
  125. <a href="">obdgpslogger</a>,
  126. <a href="">geohist</a>,
  127. <a href="">LiveGPS</a>,
  128. <a href="">geoclue</a>,
  129. <a href="">qlandkartegt</a>,
  130. <a href="">gpredict</a>,
  131. <a href="">OpenCPN</a>,
  132. <a href="">gpsd-navigator</a>,
  133. <a href="">gpsd-ais-viewer</a>,
  134. and <a
  135. href="">firefox/mozilla</a>.
  136. In addition, the Android smartphone operating system (from version
  137. 4.0 onwards and possibly earlier; we don't know for sure when the
  138. change happened) uses GPSD to monitor the phone's on-board GPS, so
  139. every location-aware Android app is indirectly a GPSD client.</p>
  140. <p>GPSD is also extremely widely deployed in mobile embedded systems:
  141. it's a basic building block for navigation used by UAVs, robot
  142. submarines, and driverless cars as well as more conventional
  143. applications like marine navigation and military IFF systems.</p>
  144. <p>Under Linux, <code>gpsd</code> normally runs with zero
  145. configuration. Binary packages for this program install hotplug
  146. scripts that do the right thing when a USB device goes active,
  147. launching <code>gpsd</code> if needed and telling <code>gpsd</code>
  148. which device to read data from. Then, <code>gpsd</code> deduces a
  149. baud rate and GPS/AIS type by looking at the data stream.</p>
  150. <p><code>gpsd</code> is high-quality, carefully-audited code; see
  151. our <a href="reliability.html">notes on reliability engineering</a>. In
  152. January 2010, the GPSD project <a
  153. href="">won</a>
  154. the first Good Code Grant from the Alliance for Code Excellence.</p>
  155. <p>Statistics about the code volume, commit history, and contributors
  156. associated with this project are <a
  157. href="">available at OpenHUB</a></p>
  158. <p>Our development platforms are open-source Unixes &mdash; Linux, and
  159. the *BSD family. Presently Linux, OpenBSD and NetBSD are directly
  160. supported. The code is also extremely widely deployed on Android
  161. phones. We'll support proprietary Unixes if it's not too much work (and
  162. it usually isn't). Apple's OS X is supported in a limited fashion. Some
  163. older OS X drivers are buggy and prevent <code>gpsd</code> from being
  164. able to read from some USB-serial devices. No, we don't support Windows
  165. &mdash; get a better operating system.</p>
  166. <p>If you represent a GPS manufacturer interested in qualifying your
  167. device for use with Linux and other open-source operating systems,
  168. we are your contact point. We'll need (1) on-line access to interface
  169. documentation, (2) a few (as in, no more than three) eval units, and (3)
  170. an engineering contact at your firm. For more, see our page
  171. <a href='for-vendors.html'>welcoming vendor cooperation</a>.</p>
  172. <p>There are simple <a href="installation.html">installation
  173. instructions</a> for people running distributions with binary package
  174. systems. See the <a href='faq.html'>FAQ</a> for information on how to
  175. report bugs.</p>
  176. <p>If you appreciate GPSD, and especially if you make money from it,
  177. please @TIPLINK@.</p>
  178. <h1 id='news'>News</h1>
  179. <p>This web page was last updated on @DATE@. You can browse the
  180. project's <a href='NEWS'>news file</a> or <a href='TODO'>to-do
  181. list</a> here. Note: because of the way this website is maintained,
  182. these files may reflect the state of the repository tip (development
  183. version) rather than the latest released stable version.</p>
  184. <h1 id='downloads'>Repository, Downloads and Packages</h1>
  185. <dl>
  186. <dt><a href='@PROJECTPAGE@'>Repository</a></dt>
  187. <dd>Repository and project administration lives here.</dd>
  188. <dt><a
  189. href="@DOWNLOAD@">Releases</a></dt>
  190. <dd>Where to get release tarballs</dd>
  191. </dl>
  192. <p>If you are using a Debian-based distribution (including Ubuntu) you
  193. can probably install <code>gpsd</code> through your regular package
  194. manager or by typing <code>"sudo apt-get install gpsd"</code> at the command
  195. line.</p>
  196. <h1 id='mailing-lists'>Mailing Lists</h1>
  197. <p>There are four project mailing lists:</p>
  198. <ul>
  199. <li><a href="@MAILMAN@gpsd-announce">gpsd-announce</a>
  200. is for release announcements and project news.</li>
  201. <li><a href="@MAILMAN@gpsd-users">gpsd-users</a>
  202. is for questions and technical support on <code>gpsd</code>, including support
  203. for application builders using <code>gpsd</code> as a component.</li>
  204. <li><a href="@MAILMAN@gpsd-dev">gpsd-dev</a>
  205. is for <code>gpsd</code> developers.</li>
  206. <li><a href="@MAILMAN@gpsd-commit-watch">gpsd-commit-watch</a>
  207. sends automatic broadcast notifications of commits to the <code>gpsd</code>
  208. repository.</li>
  209. <li>There are searchable archives of the old GPSD mailing lists from
  210. Berlios at <a href="">MARC</a>:
  211. <a href="">gpsd-users</a>
  212. <a href="">gpsd-dev</a> and
  213. <a href="">gpsd-commit-watch</a>.</li>
  214. </ul>
  215. <h1 id='documentation'>Documentation</h1>
  216. <p>The following manual pages describe the code. Note: because of the
  217. way this website is maintained, these files will describe the state and
  218. features of the repository tip (development version) rather than the
  219. latest stable version.</p>
  220. <dl>
  221. <dt><a href="gpsd.html">gpsd.8</a></dt>
  222. <dd>The <code>gpsd</code> daemon.</dd>
  223. <dt><a href="gps.html">gps.1</a></dt>
  224. <dd>The <code>gpsd</code> sample clients. <code>cgps</code> using
  225. ncurses. <code>xgps</code> for X. <code>lcdgps</code> for use on 4x40
  226. LCD. <code>gegps</code> for use with Google Earth.</dd>
  227. <dt><a href="gps2udp.html">gps2udp.1</a></dt>
  228. <dd>Feed the take from <code>gpsd</code> to one or more aggregation
  229. sites via UDP.</dd>
  230. <dt><a href="gpsfake.html">gpsfake.1</a></dt>
  231. <dd>The <code>gpsfake</code> test harness simulating a GPS.</dd>
  232. <dt><a href="gpsctl.html">gpsctl.1</a></dt>
  233. <dd>The <code>gpsctl</code> tool for tweaking GPS settings.</dd>
  234. <dt><a href="gpscat.html">gpscat.1</a></dt>
  235. <dd>The <code>gpscat</code> tool dumps output from a serial
  236. device. Optionally, it can packetize the data.</dd>
  237. <dt><a href="gpsdecode.html">gpsdecode.1</a></dt>
  238. <dd>The <code>gpsdecode</code> packet decoder.</dd>
  239. <dt><a href="gpsmon.html">gpsmon.1</a></dt>
  240. <dd>The <code>gpsmon</code> real-time packet monitor and diagnostic
  241. tool. (This replaces the <code>sirfmon</code> tool in older versions.)</dd>
  242. <dt><a href="gpspipe.html">gpspipe.1</a></dt> <dd>A simple client that
  243. captures GPS output and/or <code>gpsd</code> reports and sends it to
  244. standard output.</dd>
  245. <dt><a href="gpsprof.html">gpsprof.1</a></dt>
  246. <dd>The <code>gpsprof</code> program for plotting spatial scatter of fixes
  247. and fix latency.</dd>
  248. <dt><a href="gpsrinex.html">gpsrinex.1</a></dt>
  249. <dd>The <code>gpsrinex</code> program for outputting raw measurements
  250. into a RINEX 3 file.</dd>
  251. <dt><a href="ntpshmmon.html">ntpshmmon.1</a></dt>
  252. <dd>Monitor the NTP shared-memory segments created by GPSD.</dd>
  253. <dt><a href="ubxtool.html">ubxtool.1</a></dt>
  254. <dd>Configure and ommunicate with u-blox GPS from the command line.</dd>
  255. <dt><a href="zerk.html">zerk.1</a></dt>
  256. <dd>An all purpose GREIS fitting. A command line tool for JAVAD GPS.</dd>
  257. <dt><a href="libgps.html">libgps.3</a></dt>
  258. <dd>An interface library that manages communication with the daemon.</dd>
  259. <dt><a href="libgpsmm.html">libgpsmm.3</a></dt>
  260. <dd>C++ class wrapper for the libgps C binding.</dd>
  261. <dt><a href="libQgpsmm.html">libgpsmm.3</a></dt>
  262. <dd>Qt wrapper for the libgps C binding.</dd>
  263. <dt><a href="gpsd_json.html">gpsd.5</a></dt> <dd>The request/response
  264. protocol of the <code>gpsd</code> daemon.</dd>
  265. <dt><a href="gpsdctl.html">gpsdctl.8</a></dt>
  266. <dd>Tool for sending commands to <code>gpsd</code> over its control socket.</dd>
  267. <dt><a href="gpsinit.html">gpsinit.8</a></dt>
  268. <dd>Initialize kernel modules for use with <code>gpsd</code> daemon.</dd>
  269. </dl>
  270. <p>Also, see the <a href="faq.html">FAQ</a>.</p>
  271. <p>We have a <a href='hardware.html'>list of compatible GPSses</a>
  272. with some technical information. We also have <a href='NMEA.html'>a
  273. list of NMEA sentences</a>.</p>
  274. <p>There is a <a href="hacking.html">Hacker's Guide</a> to the project
  275. philosophy, design, and code internals. You should read this if you
  276. want to contribute code.</p>
  277. <p>We maintain a <a href="hall-of-shame.html">GPS Hall of Shame</a>
  278. that describes particularly egregious vendor blunders.</p>
  279. <h1 id='realtime'>Real Time</h1>
  280. <p>Some of the developers hang out regularly on IRC at <a
  281. href="irc://">channel #gpsd at</a>.</p>
  282. <h1 id='white_papers'>White Papers</h1>
  283. <dl>
  284. <dt><a href="">GPSD</a></dt>
  285. <dd>An in-depth essay on the architecture and practices of GPSD,
  286. published in <cite>The Architecture of Open Source, Volume 2</cite>.</dd>
  287. <dt><a href="client-howto.html">GPSD Client HOWTO</a></dt>
  288. <dd>A programmer's guide to interfacing with <code>gpsd</code> from
  289. client applications. Explains the theory, points at working example
  290. source code, warns you what the edge cases and gotchas are.</dd>
  291. <dt><a href="gps-hacking.html">ESR's Guide to Hacking With GPS</a></dt>
  292. <dd>If you are new to GPS technology and don't quite understand what
  293. <code>gpsd</code> is about, you might find this interesting.</dd>
  294. <dt><a href="">Why GPSes suck, and what
  295. to do about it</a></dt>
  296. <dd>The designer of <code>gpsd</code> 2.0 rants in an at least
  297. semi-humorous way about everything that's wrong with GPS standards
  298. and vendors.</dd>
  299. <dt><a href="protocol-evolution.html">GPSD-NG: A Case Study in
  300. Application Protocol Evolution</a></dt>
  301. <dd>History and evolution of the GPSD-NG protocol, illuminating some
  302. larger trends in application protocol design.</dd>
  303. <dt><a href="protocol-transition.html">Moving to GPSD-NG: a Guide for Client Developers</a></dt>
  304. <dd>A practical explanation of GPSD-NG, and how to move to it as painlessly as
  305. possible.</dd>
  306. <dt><a href="replacing-nmea.html">Towards A Better GPS Protocol</a></dt>
  307. <dd>An analysis of what's wrong with NMEA 0183, and a simple way to fix
  308. it.</dd>
  309. <dt><a href="performance/performance.html">Where's the Latency? Performance analysis of GPSes and GPSD</a></dt>
  310. <dd>An analysis of latency in the GPS/GPSD system. Has implications for the
  311. design of <code>gpsd</code> and vendor claims about binary protocols.</dd>
  312. <dt><a href="writing-a-driver.html">Notes on Writing a GPSD Driver</a></dt>
  313. <dd>A guide for the perplexed by the author of the Jupiter-T driver.</dd>
  314. <dt><a href="internals.html">A Tour of the GPSD Internals</a></dt>
  315. <dd>A walk through the code of GPSD. Written in 2007 and out of date
  316. in spots, but still quite useful for anyone interested in modifying
  317. the code.</dd>
  318. <dt><a href="excellence.html">GPSD and Code Excellence</a></dt> <dd>An
  319. essay written for the "The Alliance for Code Excellence" on how GPSD
  320. drives out bad code.</dd>
  321. <dt><a href="">Scenes from the Life of a System Architect</a></dt>
  322. <dd>The GPSD lead describes some work in progress on the core code of
  323. GPSD. A slice of what doing software architecture is like in the
  324. real world, where history can weigh nearly as much as today's
  325. requirements list.</dd>
  326. <dt><a href="">GPSD 3.0 finally ships. It's been a long epic.</a></dt>
  327. <dd>What a long strange trip it's been. GPSD 3.0 ships, five years of
  328. effort pays off, and I think out loud about protocol transitions and
  329. ubiquity and what it's like to be an infrastructure gnome.</dd>
  330. <dt><a href="gpsd-time-service-howto.html">GPSD Time Service HOWTO</a></dt>
  331. <dd>Step-by-step instructions on setting up a Stratum 1 time server
  332. using GPSD and either ntpd or chrony. Documents the black art of
  333. tuning offsets for remote time servers.</dd>
  334. <dt><a href="time-service-intro.html">Introduction to Time Service</a></dt>
  335. <dd>All about time service, reference clocks, strata, chimers, and
  336. other mysteries. Written as a companion to <a
  337. href="gpsd-time-service-howto.html">GPSD Time Service HOWTO</a> for
  338. time-service novices.</dd>
  339. <dt><a href="ppp-howto.html">PPP HOWTO</a></dt>
  340. <dd>A guide to using <code>gpsd</code> and <code>gpsrinex</code> to
  341. determine your position to the cm level.</dd>
  342. </dl>
  343. <h1 id='recipes'>Recipes and related resources</h1>
  344. <p><code>gpsd</code> also works with some <a href="bt.html">bluetooth
  345. GPS</a> receivers. Warning: there are serious problems with the
  346. firmware in at least one family of Bluetooth implementations shipped
  347. by Holux that may result in <code>gpsd</code> bricking your GPS. See this
  348. <a href="upstream-bugs.html#bluetooth">bug warning</a> for a description
  349. of the problem.</p>
  350. <p>If you have an Android phone, it is possible to access its onboard
  351. GPS by pairing it as a Bluetooth device. Directions from <a
  352. href=""
  353. >Vargoville</a>. There is also a <a
  354. href=""
  355. >GPS Tether</a> app designed to work with GPSD, but it seems to be in early
  356. alpha.</p>
  357. <p>The <a href="">GPSDproxy
  358. project</a> is a small program which reads GPS data from a running
  359. gpsd process and forwards it to a remote server via an UDP
  360. connection. GPSDproxy is intended to be run on GPS enabled mobile
  361. devices.</p>
  362. <p>You can read detailed instructions on <a
  363. href="">
  364. Synchronizing ntpd to a Garmin GPS 18 LVC via gpsd</a>. This may be a
  365. useful tutorial even if your actual device isn't a Garmin 18; many
  366. of the setup steps and caveats will be the same.</p>
  367. <p>Diego Berge has written a prototype <a
  368. href="">Qt-based client</a>, basically
  369. <code>xgps</code> with a Qt look and feel.</p>
  370. <p>Egil M&#246;ller has written <a
  371. href="">agpsd</a>,
  372. a gpsd replication and logging daemon with support for KML.</p>
  373. <p>You can find Debian-unstable packages
  374. <a href=''>here</a>.</p>
  375. <p><code>gpsd</code> is carried in the OpenBSD ports tree.</p>
  376. <p><a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> is a wiki
  377. aiming to build a freely available, world-wide streetmap.</p>
  378. <p> is hosting a project called <a
  379. href="">geoclue</a>
  380. that aims to provide a location service layer for all D-Bus-using
  381. applications. It can use <code>gpsd</code> as a source for location
  382. info.</p>
  383. <h1 id='others'>Other GPSDs</h1>
  384. <p>There used to be three Linux-based forks of <code>gpsd</code> in the
  385. wild, but this GPSD project reabsorbed one and the other two are now
  386. defunct for unrelated reasons. You can read a brief <a
  387. href="history.html">history</a> of the <code>gpsd</code> project if
  388. you are curious.</p>
  389. <p>There was a project called <code>gps3d</code> that ships a gpsd
  390. with similar goals to ours, but which appears to be an independent
  391. development. There haven't been any releases since early 2002. Their
  392. website is archived at
  393. <a href="">
  394. the Internet Archive</a>.</p>
  395. <p>There is a <code>gpsd</code>-like hack hosted under <a
  396. href=''>Microsoft
  397. Windows</a>. It provides gpsd service from data in netstumbler under
  398. win32. This way programs such as <a
  399. href=''>JiGLE</a> can still get GPS data from
  400. netstumbler. This program is not genetically related to
  401. <code>gpsd</code>.</p>
  402. <p><a
  403. href=''>gpsfeed+</a> is a
  404. program that simulates the output of a GPS in motion, and can be used
  405. for testing GPS-aware applications.</p>
  406. <p>We aren't Green Parrot Software Development, nor are we the
  407. Greenville Public School District nor the Greater Peoria Sanitary
  408. District, nor even the Greater Portland Soccer District, nor the Green
  409. Party of San Diego, nor do we have anything to do with the General
  410. Product Safety Directive, the Guiding Principles of Sustainable
  411. Design, nor the Glatt Plagiarism Self-Detection Program.</p>
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