123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404 |
- /*****************************************************************************
- All of gpsd's assumptions about time and GPS time reporting live in this file.
- This is a work in progress. Currently (3.11) GPSD requires that the host
- system clock be accurate to within one second. It would be nice to relax
- this to "accurate within one GPS rollover period" for receivers reporting
- GPS week+TOW, but this isn't possible in general.
- = Begin Sidebar: Why Leap Seconds =
- Read this carefully, and if there are errors, please correct. An
- understanding of the following terms is critical to make sense of the
- situation, which would be farcical if it were not serious.
- We discuss four timescales:
- 1. TAI, International Atomic Time, which ticks smoothly
- at the rate of the SI second. TAI has no concept of a day, year, etc.
- TAI does not define "days" or large units, and is hence difficult
- for humans to parse. Also, TAI is not broadcast or generally available.
- 2. GPS Time, which ticks at at the rate of TAI, but has a constant offset
- from it. For other GNSS systems, the offset is different. The
- offset is of purely historical interest, being chosen by each
- GNSS operator for convenience when the systems were inaugurated.
- In other words, only the "epoch" differs between GPS Time and TAI.
- 3. UT1, a smoothed earth rotation angle, which MUST return to zero
- once a day, (why? Because you want the sun to be overhead *each*
- day at the same time on your watch, no?), and ticks SI seconds
- (a non-integeral number of seconds will occur in a UT1 day,
- obviously). For those of you who still say "GMT", UT1 is the
- closest modern timescale.
- 4. UTC, Coordinated Universal Time, which ticks SI seconds. An attempt is
- made to keep UTC aligned with the rate of flow of seconds (TAI), and
- the rate of flow of days (UT1).
- The reason UTC has to struggle has little to do with the fact that the earth's
- rotation is slowing down. Although the length of the day, as measured by UT1,
- is lengthening in terms of the SI second, this is a very long term slowdown,
- and since 1980, the earth has actually speeded up.
- The issue simply is that the term "second" is defined in two incompatible ways:
- Def 1. As a fixed number (9,192,631,770) of cycles of an atomic standard.
- We believe this is a constant, and evidence to the contrary may
- involve GPSD code review, and Nobel Prizes. This is the SI second.
- Def 2. As 1/86400 of a "day". The number 86400 arises from
- 1 day == 24 * 60 * 60 secs. This is what we learn in school.
- Both of these have been defined separately, and the issue of leap seconds,
- rubber seconds, Smoothed Leap Seconds, etc, arises because we are
- unwilling to change the definition of either to be a derived unit of the
- other.
- At the time the SI second was defined, it was believed that Def 2 was correct,
- and the number in Def 1 was derived. Because of ease of measurement, Def 1 was
- codified, and the problem was ignored for some time. Prior to 1972,
- complicated formulae were used to scale the SI second, with the attendant
- confusion and fear when the formula would be revised.
- Since 1972, the start of UTC, the decision to have leap seconds means that UTC
- ticks SI seconds. Every 86400 SI seconds, we declare a new day, and we let the
- error (UT1 - UTC) build up. This is of the order of a few ms each midnight, not
- always the same way (think earthquakes that move the earth's crust).
- Once the error has built up substantially, every few years, we (and by
- "we", I mean M. Daniel Gambis at the IERS) declare that a future
- day will have 86401 secs. This is the Leap Second. Note that this
- often overcorrects, but if we wait a few months, the error will disappear.
- An animation of this process is available at:
- http://space-geodesy.nasa.gov/multimedia/EarthOrientationAnimations/UT1.html
- Clear?
- Two last things:
- 1. Again, the earth slowing down is NOT the cause of leap seconds,
- except very indirectly. It is the conflict between the two
- definitions above that causes leap seconds
- 2. POSIX declares that there is no conflict, there are always 86400 SI
- secs in a day, and hence no leap seconds. The fact that ostriches
- survive in the wild indicates that this is not as mind-crushingly
- wrong as it may seem.
- = End Sidebar =
- Date and time in GPS is represented as number of weeks mod 1024 from
- 1980-01-06T00:00.00Z, and number of SI seconds into the week. GPS
- time is not leap-second corrected, and has a constant offset from TAI,
- but not from UTC.
- There are hence two issues with converting GPS Time to UTC:
- 1. We need to recover the epoch difference between TAI and GPS Time,
- which rolls over to 0 every 1024 weeks (approx 20 years). Think
- of this as analogous to the Y2K problem; we do not know if we are
- off by 1024 weeks. This is the "rollover" issue below.
- 2. Once we have the epoch right, we need to adjust for Leap Seconds
- that have been issued.
- (Complicating the issue is that most consumer devices may not apply
- the corrections when rollover occurs, as this may not be adequately
- tested. We hence have to accept the UTC time reported by the device,
- while checking it on the sly).
- Satellites also broadcast a current leap-second correction which is
- updated on (theoretically) three-month boundaries according to
- rotational bulletins issued by the International Earth Rotation and
- Reference Systems Service (IERS). Historically all corrections have
- been made on six-month boundaries.
- The leap-second correction is only included in the satellite subframe
- broadcast, roughly once ever 20 minutes. While the satellites do
- notify GPSes of upcoming leap-seconds, this notification is not
- necessarily processed correctly on consumer-grade devices, and will
- not be available at all when a GPS receiver has just
- cold-booted. Thus, the time reported from GPS devices, although
- supposed to be UTC, may be offset by an integer number of seconds
- between a cold boot or leap second and the following
- subframe broadcast.
- It might be best not to trust time for 20 minutes after GPSD startup
- if it is more than 500ms from current system time (that is long enough
- for an ephemeris to load) but this isn't actually implemented as the
- divergence will normally be only one second or less.
- GPS date and time are subject to a rollover problem in the 10-bit week
- number counter, which will re-zero every 1024 weeks (roughly every 20
- years). The first rollover was 1999-08-22T00:00:00; the most recent
- was 2019-04-07T00:00:00. Note that both these time stamps are in GPS
- Time, not UTC (the recent rollover occurred at 2019-04-06T23:59:42Z).
- Plans are afoot to upgrade the message format to 13 bits; this
- will delay the next rollover until 2173.
- For accurate time reporting, therefore, a GPS requires a supplemental
- time reference sufficient to identify the current rollover period,
- e.g. accurate to within 512 weeks. Many GPSes have a wired-in
- assumption about the UTC time of the last rollover and will thus report
- incorrect times outside the rollover period they were designed in.
- These conditions leave gpsd in a serious hole. Actually there are several
- interrelated problems:
- 1) Every device has some assumption about base epoch (date of
- last rollover) that we don't have access to. Thus, there's no way to
- check whether a rollover the device wasn't prepared for has occurred
- before gpsd startup time (making the reported UTC date invalid)
- without some other time source. (Some devices may keep a
- rollover count in NVRAM and avoid the problem; we can't tell when that's
- happening, either.)
- 2) Many NMEA devices - in fact, all that don't report ZDA - never tell
- us what century they think it is. Those that do report century are
- still subject to rollover problems. We need an external time reference
- for this, too.
- 3) Supposing we're looking at a binary protocol that returns week/tow,
- we can't know which rollover period we're in without an external time
- source.
- 4) Only one external time source, the host system clock, is reliably
- available, although it may not be accurate.
- 5) Another source *may* be available - the GPS leap second count, if we can
- get the device to report it. The latter is not a given; SiRFs before
- firmware rev 2.3.2 don't report it unless special subframe data reporting
- is enabled, which requires 38400bps. Evermore GPSes can't be made to
- report it at all. Furthermore, before the almanac load the GPS may report
- a fixed (and possibly out of date) offset.
- Conclusion: if the system clock isn't accurate enough that we can
- deduce what rollover period we're in, we're utterly
- hosed. Furthermore, if it's not accurate to within a second and only
- NMEA devices that don't emit ZDA are reporting, we don't even know
- what century it is!
- Therefore, we must assume the system clock is reliable to within a second.
- However, none of these caveats affect the usefulness of PPS, which
- tells us top of second to theoretical 50ns accuracy (actually about 1
- microsecond over RS232 and roughly one poll interval over USB) and can
- be made to condition a local NTP instance that does *not* rely on the
- system clock. The combination of PPS with NTP time should be reliable
- regardless of what the local system clock gets up to. That is, unless
- NTP clock skew goes over 1 second, but this is unlikely to ever happen
- - and if it does the reasons will have nothing to do with GPS
- idiosyncracies.
- This file is Copyright (c) 2010 - 2018 by the GPSD project
- SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-clause
- *****************************************************************************/
- #include "gpsd_config.h" /* must be before all includes */
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "gpsd.h"
- #include "timebase.h"
- void gpsd_time_init(struct gps_context_t *context, time_t starttime)
- /* initialize the GPS context's time fields */
- {
- /*
- * gpsd can't work with 'right' timezones (leapseconds inserted in
- * the timezone offset). Avoid this and all manner of other local
- * time issues by telling the system we want times returned in UTC.
- */
- (void)putenv("TZ=UTC");
- /*
- * Provides a start time for getting the century. Do this, just
- * in case one of our embedded deployments is still in place in
- * the year 2.1K. Still likely to fail if we bring up the daemon
- * just before a century mark, but that case is probably doomed
- * anyhow because of 2-digit years.
- */
- context->leap_seconds = BUILD_LEAPSECONDS;
- context->century = BUILD_CENTURY;
- context->start_time = starttime;
- context->rollovers = (int)((context->start_time-GPS_EPOCH) / GPS_ROLLOVER);
- if (GPS_EPOCH > context->start_time) {
- GPSD_LOG(LOG_ERROR, &context->errout,
- "system time looks bogus, dates may not be reliable.\n");
- } else {
- /* we've forced the UTC timezone, so this is actually UTC */
- struct tm *now = localtime(&context->start_time);
- char scr[128];
- timespec_t ts_start_time;
- ts_start_time.tv_sec = context->start_time;
- ts_start_time.tv_nsec = 0;
- /*
- * This is going to break our regression-test suite once a century.
- * I think we can live with that consequence.
- */
- now->tm_year += 1900;
- context->century = now->tm_year - (now->tm_year % 100);
- GPSD_LOG(LOG_INF, &context->errout, "startup at %s (%ld)\n",
- timespec_to_iso8601(ts_start_time, scr, sizeof(scr)),
- (long)context->start_time);
- }
- }
- void gpsd_set_century(struct gps_device_t *session)
- /*
- * Interpret "Date: yyyy-mm-dd", setting the session context
- * century from the year. We do this so the behavior of the
- * regression tests won't depend on what century the daemon
- * started up in.
- */
- {
- char *end;
- if (strstr((char *)session->lexer.outbuffer, "Date:") != NULL) {
- int year;
- unsigned char *cp = session->lexer.outbuffer + 5;
- while (isspace(*cp))
- ++cp;
- year = (int)strtol((char *)cp, &end, 10);
- session->context->century = year - (year % 100);
- }
- }
- #ifdef NMEA0183_ENABLE
- timespec_t gpsd_utc_resolve(struct gps_device_t *session)
- /* resolve a UTC date, checking for rollovers */
- {
- /*
- * We'd like to *correct* for rollover the way we do for GPS week.
- * In theory, comparing extracted UTC against present time should
- * allow us to compute the device's epoch assumption. In practice,
- * this will be hairy and risky.
- */
- timespec_t t;
- t.tv_sec = (time_t)mkgmtime(&session->nmea.date);
- t.tv_nsec = session->nmea.subseconds.tv_nsec;
- session->context->valid &=~ GPS_TIME_VALID;
- /*
- * If the system clock is zero or has a small-integer value,
- * no further sanity-checking is possible.
- */
- if (session->context->start_time < GPS_EPOCH)
- return t;
- /*
- * If the GPS is reporting a time from before the daemon started, we've
- * had a rollover event while the daemon was running.
- */
- if (session->newdata.time.tv_sec < (time_t)session->context->start_time) {
- char scr[128];
- (void)timespec_to_iso8601(session->newdata.time, scr, sizeof(scr));
- GPSD_LOG(LOG_WARN, &session->context->errout,
- "GPS week rollover makes time %s (%lld) invalid\n",
- scr, (long long)session->newdata.time.tv_sec);
- }
- return t;
- }
- void gpsd_century_update(struct gps_device_t *session, int century)
- {
- session->context->valid |= CENTURY_VALID;
- if (century > session->context->century) {
- /*
- * This mismatch is almost certainly not due to a GPS week
- * rollover, because that would throw the ZDA report backward
- * into the last rollover period instead of forward. Almost
- * certainly it means that a century mark has passed while
- * gpsd was running, and we should trust the new ZDA year.
- */
- GPSD_LOG(LOG_WARN, &session->context->errout,
- "century rollover detected.\n");
- session->context->century = century;
- } else if (session->context->start_time >= GPS_EPOCH && century < session->context->century) {
- /*
- * This looks like a GPS week-counter rollover.
- */
- GPSD_LOG(LOG_WARN, &session->context->errout,
- "ZDA year less than clock year, "
- "probable GPS week rollover lossage\n");
- session->context->valid &=~ CENTURY_VALID;
- }
- }
- #endif /* NMEA0183_ENABLE */
- /* gpsd_gpstime_resolv() convert week/tow to UTC as a timespec
- */
- timespec_t gpsd_gpstime_resolv(struct gps_device_t *session,
- unsigned short week, timespec_t tow)
- {
- timespec_t t;
- /*
- * This code detects and compensates for week counter rollovers that
- * happen while gpsd is running. It will not save you if there was a
- * rollover that confused the receiver before gpsd booted up. It *will*
- * work even when Block IIF satellites increase the week counter width
- * to 13 bits.
- */
- if ((int)week < (session->context->gps_week & 0x3ff)) {
- GPSD_LOG(LOG_INF, &session->context->errout,
- "GPS week 10-bit rollover detected.\n");
- ++session->context->rollovers;
- }
- /*
- * This guard copes with both conventional GPS weeks and the "extended"
- * 15-or-16-bit version with no wraparound that appears in Zodiac
- * chips and is supposed to appear in the Geodetic Navigation
- * Information (0x29) packet of SiRF chips. Some SiRF firmware versions
- * (notably 231) actually ship the wrapped 10-bit week, despite what
- * the protocol reference claims.
- */
- if (week < 1024)
- week += session->context->rollovers * 1024;
- /* sanity check week number, GPS epoch, against leap seconds
- * Does not work well because the leap_sconds could be from the
- * receiver, or from BUILD_LEAPSECONDS. */
- if (0 < session->context->leap_seconds &&
- 19 > session->context->leap_seconds &&
- 2180 < week) {
- /* assume leap second = 19 by 31 Dec 2022
- * so week > 2180 is way in the future, do not allow it */
- week -= 1024;
- GPSD_LOG(LOG_WARN, &session->context->errout,
- "GPS week confusion. Adjusted week %u for leap %d\n",
- week, session->context->leap_seconds);
- }
- // gcc needs the (time_t)week to not overflow. clang got it right.
- // if time_t is 32-bits, then still 2038 issues
- t.tv_sec = GPS_EPOCH + ((time_t)week * SECS_PER_WEEK) + tow.tv_sec;
- t.tv_sec -= session->context->leap_seconds;
- t.tv_nsec = tow.tv_nsec;
- // 2038 rollover hack for unsigned 32-bit time, assuming today is < 2038
- if (0 > t.tv_sec) {
- // recompute for previous EPOCH
- week -= 1024;
- t.tv_sec = GPS_EPOCH + ((time_t)week * SECS_PER_WEEK) + tow.tv_sec;
- t.tv_sec -= session->context->leap_seconds;
- GPSD_LOG(LOG_WARN, &session->context->errout,
- "2038 rollover. Adjusting to %lld. week %u leap %d\n",
- (long long)t.tv_sec, week,
- session->context->leap_seconds);
- }
- session->context->gps_week = week;
- session->context->gps_tow = tow;
- session->context->valid |= GPS_TIME_VALID;
- return t;
- }
- /* end */