1. The repo directory contains git configuration files and hooks as
  2. used at Berlios. Here follows a short description of the files and
  3. what they do:
  4. description: Description of the project as displayed by gitweb/cgit.
  5. config: Repository configuration, including config details for the
  6. hooks.
  7. hooks/post-receive: This script is run after receive-pack has accepted a
  8. pack and the repository has been updated.
  9. Currently passes stdin to
  10. which mails out commit messages to the commit
  11. mailing list. See the head of
  12. for a documentation of the config options for the
  13. hook.
  14. hooks/ see hooks/post-receive
  15. hooks/post-update: Runs after the update hook. Executes
  16. git update-server-info
  17. to update the auxiliary info file to help dumb
  18. servers (needed to clone via http)
  19. hooks/update-custom: Append to the standard update hook script. Calls
  20., which you must also install.
  21. The executable script "upload" can be used to update the repo copies with
  22. files from this directory. Give it arguments to upload specified filenames,
  23. for example
  24. upload config
  25. uploads the config file. With no arguments, uploads config and all hook scripts
  26. under hooks/ directory.