zerk.xml 14 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  2. <!--
  3. This file is Copyright (c) 2018 by the GPSD project
  4. BSD terms apply: see the file COPYING in the distribution root for details.
  5. -->
  6. <!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC
  7. "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN"
  8. "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.1.2/docbookx.dtd">
  9. <refentry id='zerk.1'>
  10. <refentryinfo>
  11. <date>18 Sep 2018</date>
  12. </refentryinfo>
  13. <refmeta>
  14. <refentrytitle>zerk</refentrytitle>
  15. <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
  16. <refmiscinfo class="source">The GPSD Project</refmiscinfo>
  17. <refmiscinfo class="manual">GPSD Documentation</refmiscinfo>
  18. </refmeta>
  19. <refnamediv id='name'>
  20. <refname>zerk</refname>
  21. <refpurpose>All purpose GREIS fitting</refpurpose>
  22. </refnamediv>
  23. <refsynopsisdiv id='synopsis'>
  24. <cmdsynopsis>
  25. <command>zerk</command>
  26. <arg choice='opt'>-? </arg>
  27. <arg choice='opt'>-c <replaceable>command</replaceable>
  28. </arg>
  29. <arg choice='opt'>-d <replaceable>disable</replaceable>
  30. </arg>
  31. <arg choice='opt'>-e <replaceable>enable</replaceable>
  32. </arg>
  33. <arg choice='opt'>-f <replaceable>file/device</replaceable>
  34. </arg>
  35. <arg choice='opt'>-h </arg>
  36. <arg choice='opt'>-O <replaceable>oaf</replaceable>
  37. </arg>
  38. <arg choice='opt'>-p <replaceable>preset</replaceable></arg>
  39. <arg choice='opt'>-R <replaceable>rawfile</replaceable>
  40. </arg>
  41. <arg choice='opt'>-r </arg>
  42. <arg choice='opt'>-S <replaceable>setspeed</replaceable>
  43. </arg>
  44. <arg choice='opt'>-s <replaceable>speed</replaceable>
  45. </arg>
  46. <arg choice='opt'>-V </arg>
  47. <arg choice='opt'>-v <replaceable>verbosity</replaceable>
  48. </arg>
  49. <arg choice='opt'>-W </arg>
  50. <arg choice='opt'>-w <replaceable>wait</replaceable>
  51. </arg>
  52. <arg choice='opt'>[server[:port[:device]]]</arg>
  53. </cmdsynopsis>
  54. </refsynopsisdiv>
  55. <refsect1 id='description'>
  56. <title>DESCRIPTION</title>
  57. <para>
  58. <application>zerk</application> is an all purpose GREIS fitting.
  59. If you do not have a Javad GPS that speaks the GREIS protocol then you
  60. can stop reading now.</para>
  61. <para>This tool operates with your Javad GPS at a very low level.
  62. To understand <application>zerk</application> you must first be familiar
  63. with your Javad GPS and the documentation for the GREIS protocol.
  64. <ulink url="http://www.javad.com/downloads/javadgnss/manuals/GREIS/GREIS_Reference_Guide.pdf">GREIS (GNSS Receiver External Interface Specification) Guide</ulink>.
  65. </para>
  66. <para>
  67. <application>zerk</application> can decode common GREIS messages,
  68. poll the GPS status, enable and disable GPS features, and send user
  69. generated commands to the GPS. It can read GREIS messages from a file. It
  70. can read and write directly through a serial device, or through a
  71. running gpsd instance.</para>
  72. </refsect1>
  73. <refsect1 id='options'>
  74. <title>OPTIONS</title>
  75. <para>The program accepts the following options:</para>
  76. <variablelist remap='TP'>
  77. <varlistentry>
  78. <term>-c COMMAND</term>
  79. <listitem>
  80. <para>Send a text string to the GPS. Accepts one parameter, COMMAND,
  81. the command string to send to the GPS. The string is sent verbatim, except
  82. a newline is appended.
  83. </para>
  84. </listitem>
  85. </varlistentry>
  86. <varlistentry>
  87. <term>-d OPTION</term>
  88. <listitem>
  89. <para>Disable an option in the GPS. Accepts one parameter, OPTION,
  90. the option to disable. <application>zerk</application> will exit after
  91. the GPS acknowledges the command, unless the -W is given.
  92. </para>
  93. <variablelist>
  94. <varlistentry>
  95. <term>4HZ</term>
  96. <listitem>
  97. <para>Disable basic GREIS messages at 4Hz. The messages are:
  98. [RT], [UO], [GT], [PV], [SG], [DP], [SI], [EL], [AZ], [EC], [SS], and
  99. [ET]</para>
  100. </listitem>
  101. </varlistentry>
  102. <varlistentry>
  103. <term>COMPASS</term>
  104. <listitem>
  105. <para>Disable use of the COMPASS (BeiDou) constellation.</para>
  106. </listitem>
  107. </varlistentry>
  108. <varlistentry>
  109. <term>CONS</term>
  110. <listitem>
  111. <para>Disable use of all constellations.</para>
  112. </listitem>
  113. </varlistentry>
  114. <varlistentry>
  115. <term>DEFMSG</term>
  116. <listitem>
  117. <para>Disable the default message set (/dev/msg) at 1Hz.</para>
  118. </listitem>
  119. </varlistentry>
  120. <varlistentry>
  121. <term>GALILEO</term>
  122. <listitem>
  123. <para>Disable use of the GALILEO constellation.</para>
  124. </listitem>
  125. </varlistentry>
  126. <varlistentry>
  127. <term>GLONASS</term>
  128. <listitem>
  129. <para>Disable use of the GLONASS constellation.</para>
  130. </listitem>
  131. </varlistentry>
  132. <varlistentry>
  133. <term>GPS</term>
  134. <listitem>
  135. <para>Disable use of the GPS constellation.</para>
  136. </listitem>
  137. </varlistentry>
  138. <varlistentry>
  139. <term>IPR</term>
  140. <listitem>
  141. <para>Disable all Integer Pseudo Range messages. These are
  142. [rx], [rc], [r1], [r2], [r3], [r5], [rl].</para>
  143. </listitem>
  144. </varlistentry>
  145. <varlistentry>
  146. <term>IRNSS</term>
  147. <listitem>
  148. <para>Disable use of the IRNSS constellation.</para>
  149. </listitem>
  150. </varlistentry>
  151. <varlistentry>
  152. <term>NMEA</term>
  153. <listitem>
  154. <para>Disable basic NMEA 4.1e messages at 4Hz. The messages are
  155. GBS, GGA, GSA, GST, GSV, RMC, VTG, and ZDA.</para>
  156. </listitem>
  157. </varlistentry>
  158. <varlistentry>
  159. <term>QZSS</term>
  160. <listitem>
  161. <para>Disable use of the QZSS constellation.</para>
  162. </listitem>
  163. </varlistentry>
  164. <varlistentry>
  165. <term>SBAS</term>
  166. <listitem>
  167. <para>Disable use of the SBAS constellation.</para>
  168. </listitem>
  169. </varlistentry>
  170. <varlistentry>
  171. <term>SNR</term>
  172. <listitem>
  173. <para>Disable all SNR messages, except [EC]. The messages
  174. disabled are: [E1], [E2], [E3], [E5], [El].</para>
  175. </listitem>
  176. </varlistentry>
  177. </variablelist>
  178. </listitem>
  179. </varlistentry>
  180. <varlistentry>
  181. <term>-e OPTION</term>
  182. <listitem>
  183. <para>Enable an option in the GPS. Accepts one parameter, OPTION,
  184. the option to enable. <application>zerk</application> will exit after
  185. the GPS acknowledges the command, unless the -W is given. -e accepts the
  186. same OPTIONs as -d, except the action is to enable the option.
  187. </para>
  188. </listitem>
  189. </varlistentry>
  190. <varlistentry>
  191. <term>-f FILE</term>
  192. <listitem>
  193. <para>Connect to a file or device. Accepts one parameter, FILE,
  194. the file or device to open. Files are opened read-only. Character
  195. devices are opened read/write, unless the -r parameter is given.
  196. Requires the pyserial module.
  197. </para>
  198. </listitem>
  199. </varlistentry>
  200. <varlistentry>
  201. <term>-h</term>
  202. <listitem>
  203. <para>Makes <application>zerk</application> print
  204. a usage message and exit.</para>
  205. </listitem>
  206. </varlistentry>
  207. <varlistentry>
  208. <term>-O OAF</term>
  209. <listitem>
  210. <para>Load an Option Authorization File (OAF) into the GPS. Accepts
  211. one parameter, OAF, command file to read. The OAF is just a special case
  212. of a .jpo (GREIS command file). -O will send any valid .jpo file to
  213. the GPS.
  214. </para>
  215. </listitem>
  216. </varlistentry>
  217. <varlistentry>
  218. <term>-p PRESET</term>
  219. <listitem>
  220. <para>Send a preset command the GPS. Accepts one parameter, PRESET,
  221. the name of the command to send. <application>zerk</application> will exit after
  222. the GPS acknowledges the command, unless the -W is given.
  223. </para>
  224. <variablelist>
  225. <varlistentry>
  226. <term>COLDBOOT</term>
  227. <listitem>
  228. <para>Coldboot the GPS.</para>
  229. </listitem>
  230. </varlistentry>
  231. <varlistentry>
  232. <term>CONS</term>
  233. <listitem>
  234. <para>Poll the enabled constellations.</para>
  235. </listitem>
  236. </varlistentry>
  237. <varlistentry>
  238. <term>DM</term>
  239. <listitem>
  240. <para>Disable all periodic GREIS messages..</para>
  241. </listitem>
  242. </varlistentry>
  243. <varlistentry>
  244. <term>ID</term>
  245. <listitem>
  246. <para>Poll the receiver ID.</para>
  247. </listitem>
  248. </varlistentry>
  249. <varlistentry>
  250. <term>IPR</term>
  251. <listitem>
  252. <para>Poll all Integer Pseudo Range messages. These are
  253. [rx], [rc], [r1], [r2], [r3], [r5], [rl].</para>
  254. </listitem>
  255. </varlistentry>
  256. <varlistentry>
  257. <term>OAF</term>
  258. <listitem>
  259. <para>Poll all OAF options.</para>
  260. </listitem>
  261. </varlistentry>
  262. <varlistentry>
  263. <term>RESET</term>
  264. <listitem>
  265. <para>Reset (reboot) the GPS.</para>
  266. </listitem>
  267. </varlistentry>
  268. <varlistentry>
  269. <term>SERIAL</term>
  270. <listitem>
  271. <para>Poll receiver serial number.</para>
  272. </listitem>
  273. </varlistentry>
  274. <varlistentry>
  275. <term>SNR</term>
  276. <listitem>
  277. <para>Poll all Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) messages.
  278. [EC], [E1], [E2], [E3], [E5], [El].</para>
  279. </listitem>
  280. </varlistentry>
  281. <varlistentry>
  282. <term>VENDOR</term>
  283. <listitem>
  284. <para>Poll GPS vendor.</para>
  285. </listitem>
  286. </varlistentry>
  287. <varlistentry>
  288. <term>VER</term>
  289. <listitem>
  290. <para>Poll GPS version.</para>
  291. </listitem>
  292. </varlistentry>
  293. </variablelist>
  294. </listitem>
  295. </varlistentry>
  296. <varlistentry>
  297. <term>-r</term>
  298. <listitem>
  299. <para>Read only. Do not send anything to the GPS.</para>
  300. </listitem>
  301. </varlistentry>
  302. <varlistentry>
  303. <term>-R RAW</term>
  304. <listitem>
  305. <para>Save all raw data from the GPS into the file RAW.</para>
  306. </listitem>
  307. </varlistentry>
  308. <varlistentry>
  309. <term>-S SPEED</term>
  310. <listitem>
  311. <para>Configure the GPS serial speed to SPEED bps.</para>
  312. </listitem>
  313. </varlistentry>
  314. <varlistentry>
  315. <term>-s SPEED</term>
  316. <listitem>
  317. <para>Set local serial port speed to SPEED bps. Default 115,200 bps.</para>
  318. </listitem>
  319. </varlistentry>
  320. <varlistentry>
  321. <term>-V</term>
  322. <listitem>
  323. <para>Print <application>zerk</application> version and exit.</para>
  324. </listitem>
  325. </varlistentry>
  326. <varlistentry>
  327. <term>-v VERBOSITY</term>
  328. <listitem>
  329. <para>Set verbosity level to VERBOSITY. Verbosity can be from 0
  330. (very quiet), to 4 (very noisy). Default 2.</para>
  331. </listitem>
  332. </varlistentry>
  333. <varlistentry>
  334. <term>-v VERBOSITY</term>
  335. <listitem>
  336. <para>Set verbosity level to VERBOSITY. Verbosity can be from 0
  337. (very quiet), 2 (decode messages), to 4 (very noisy). Default 1.</para>
  338. </listitem>
  339. </varlistentry>
  340. <varlistentry>
  341. <term>-W</term>
  342. <listitem>
  343. <para>Force waiting the entire wait time. No early exit for completion
  344. of -d, -e or -p command.</para>
  345. </listitem>
  346. </varlistentry>
  347. <varlistentry>
  348. <term>-w WAIT</term>
  349. <listitem>
  350. <para>Wait for WAIT seconds before exiting. Will exit early on command
  351. completion of -d, -e or -p command, unless -W is given. Default 2.0 second.</para>
  352. </listitem>
  353. </varlistentry>
  354. <varlistentry>
  355. <term>[server[:port[:device]]]</term>
  356. <listitem>
  357. <para>
  358. By default, <application>zerk</application> collects data from all compatible devices on
  359. localhost, using the default GPSD port 2947. An optional argument
  360. may specify a server to get data from. A
  361. colon-separated suffix is taken as a port number. If there is a
  362. second colon-separated suffix, that is taken as a specific device
  363. name to be watched. Further details on the
  364. <citerefentry>
  365. <refentrytitle>gps</refentrytitle>
  366. <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
  367. </citerefentry> man page.
  368. </para>
  369. </listitem>
  370. </varlistentry>
  371. <varlistentry>
  372. <term>-?</term>
  373. <listitem>
  374. <para>Makes <application>zerk</application> print
  375. a usage message and exit.</para>
  376. </listitem>
  377. </varlistentry>
  378. </variablelist>
  379. </refsect1>
  380. <refsect1 id='environment'>
  381. <title>ENVIRONMENT</title>
  382. <para>Options can be placed in the ZERKOPTS environment variable.
  383. ZERKOPTS is processed before the CLI options.</para>
  384. </refsect1>
  385. <refsect1 id='examples'>
  386. <title>EXAMPLES</title>
  387. <para>
  388. Print current Javad serial portC of GPS connected to local running gpsd::
  389. <programlisting>
  390. zerk -c "print,/cur/term"
  391. </programlisting>
  392. </para>
  393. <para>
  394. Decode raw log file:
  395. <programlisting>
  396. zerk -r -f greis-binary.log -v 2
  397. </programlisting>
  398. </para>
  399. <para>
  400. Change GPS port speed of device on /dev/ttyAMA0 to 230,400 bps::
  401. <programlisting>
  402. zerk -S 230400 -f /dev/ttyAMA0
  403. </programlisting>
  404. </para>
  405. <para>
  406. Watch entire GPS reset cycle:
  407. <programlisting>
  408. zerk -p RESET -v 2 -w 20 -W
  409. </programlisting>
  410. </para>
  411. <para>
  412. Poll SVs Status:
  413. <programlisting>
  414. zerk -W -w 2 -v 2 -c "out,,jps/{CS,ES,GS,Is,WS,QS}"
  415. </programlisting>
  416. Dump gpsd data from remote server:
  417. <programlisting>
  418. zerk -v 2 -w 5 server
  419. </programlisting>
  420. </para>
  421. </refsect1>
  422. <refsect1 id='see_also'>
  423. <title>SEE ALSO</title>
  424. <para>
  425. <application>zerk</application> is written to conform to the official
  426. Javad documentation for the GREIS protocol.
  427. <ulink url="http://www.javad.com/downloads/javadgnss/manuals/GREIS/GREIS_Reference_Guide.pdf">GREIS (GNSS Receiver External Interface Specification) Guide</ulink>.
  428. </para>
  429. <para>
  430. <citerefentry>
  431. <refentrytitle>gpsd</refentrytitle>
  432. <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>
  433. </citerefentry>,
  434. <citerefentry>
  435. <refentrytitle>gps</refentrytitle>
  436. <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
  437. </citerefentry>,
  438. <citerefentry>
  439. <refentrytitle>cgps</refentrytitle>
  440. <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
  441. </citerefentry>,
  442. <citerefentry>
  443. <refentrytitle>xgps</refentrytitle>
  444. <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
  445. </citerefentry>,
  446. <citerefentry>
  447. <refentrytitle>gpsfake</refentrytitle>
  448. <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
  449. </citerefentry>,
  450. <citerefentry>
  451. <refentrytitle>gpsctl</refentrytitle>
  452. <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
  453. </citerefentry>,
  454. <citerefentry>
  455. <refentrytitle>gpscat</refentrytitle>
  456. <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
  457. </citerefentry>,
  458. <citerefentry>
  459. <refentrytitle>gnuplot</refentrytitle>
  460. <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
  461. </citerefentry>.
  462. </para>
  463. </refsect1>
  464. <refsect1 id='maintainer'>
  465. <title>AUTHOR</title>
  466. <para>Gary E. Miller<email>gem@rellim.com</email>
  467. </para>
  468. </refsect1>
  469. </refentry>