gpsdctl.xml 3.0 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  2. <!--
  3. This file is Copyright (c) 2010 by the GPSD project
  4. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-clause
  5. -->
  6. <!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC
  7. "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN"
  8. "">
  9. <refentry id='gpsdctl.8'>
  10. <refentryinfo><date>25 Jun 2011</date></refentryinfo>
  11. <refmeta>
  12. <refentrytitle>gpsdctl</refentrytitle>
  13. <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>
  14. <refmiscinfo class="source">The GPSD Project</refmiscinfo>
  15. <refmiscinfo class="manual">GPSD Documentation</refmiscinfo>
  16. </refmeta>
  17. <refnamediv id='name'>
  18. <refname>gpsdctl</refname>
  19. <refpurpose>tool for sending commands to gpsd over its control socket</refpurpose>
  20. </refnamediv>
  21. <refsynopsisdiv id='synopsis'>
  22. <cmdsynopsis>
  23. <command>gpdsctl</command>
  24. <arg choice='plain'><replaceable>action</replaceable></arg>
  25. <arg choice='plain'><replaceable>device</replaceable></arg>
  26. </cmdsynopsis>
  27. </refsynopsisdiv>
  28. <refsect1 id='description'><title>DESCRIPTION</title>
  29. <para>This is a tool for sending an instance of
  30. <application>gpsd</application> commands over its control socket to
  31. add or remove devices from the daemon's device list. It is not
  32. intended to be called by users, but rather by the Linux hotplug
  33. system and similar facilities.</para>
  34. <para>The action argument may be "add" or "remove". If no daemon
  35. instance is running when an add is requested, this program will launch
  36. one.</para>
  37. <para>The "device" argument should be the pathname of a device. A
  38. device on the list will be opened to read sensor data whenever a
  39. client requests a watch.</para>
  40. <para>Two environment variables are
  41. interpreted. <envar>GPSD_SOCKET</envar> sets the location of the
  42. control socket. It defaults to
  43. <filename>/var/run/gpsd.sock</filename> if the effective user ID of
  44. this program is root, <filename>/tmp/gpsd.sock</filename>
  45. otherwise.</para>
  46. <para><envar>GPSD_OPTIONS</envar>
  47. may be a list of options to be passed to <application>gpsd</application>
  48. when this tool launches it. It defaults to an empty string.</para>
  49. </refsect1>
  50. <refsect1 id='exit_status'><title>RETURN VALUES</title>
  51. <para>1 if the action was unknown or the write to the control socket
  52. failed, 0 otherwise</para>
  53. </refsect1>
  54. <refsect1 id='see_also'><title>SEE ALSO</title>
  55. <para>
  56. <citerefentry><refentrytitle>gpsd</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry>,
  57. <citerefentry><refentrytitle>gpsctl</refentrytitle><manvolnum>1</manvolnum></citerefentry>,
  58. <citerefentry><refentrytitle>gps</refentrytitle><manvolnum>1</manvolnum></citerefentry>,
  59. <citerefentry><refentrytitle>libgps</refentrytitle><manvolnum>3</manvolnum></citerefentry>,
  60. <citerefentry><refentrytitle>libgpsmm</refentrytitle><manvolnum>3</manvolnum></citerefentry>,
  61. <citerefentry><refentrytitle>gpsprof</refentrytitle><manvolnum>1</manvolnum></citerefentry>,
  62. <citerefentry><refentrytitle>gpsfake</refentrytitle><manvolnum>1</manvolnum></citerefentry>.
  63. </para>
  64. </refsect1>
  65. <refsect1 id='maintainer'><title>AUTHOR</title>
  66. <para>Eric S. Raymond <email></email>.</para>
  67. </refsect1>
  68. </refentry>