123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374 |
- /*
- * DEPRECATED September 2019
- *
- * September 2019: Looks like Everymore converted most of their products
- * over to using to SiRF and u-blox chips a long time ago. They still offer
- * the EB-E26 and EB-E36-5Hz modules, but these appear to be NMEA only. Their
- * web site has not documentation: http://www.evermoregps.com.tw/
- *
- * May 2013: The binary bits were commented out. Then removed in
- * September 2019, but will live forever in the git history...
- *
- * This is the gpsd driver for EverMore GPSes. They have both an NMEA and
- * a binary reporting mode, with the interesting property that they will
- * cheerfully accept binary commands (such as speed changes) while in NMEA
- * mode.
- *
- * This driver seems to be a subset of driver_sirf.c. Is it needed at all?
- *
- * Binary mode would give us atomic fix reports, but it has one large drawback:
- * the Navigation Data Out message doesn't report a leap-second offset, so it
- * is not actually possible to collect a leap-second offset from it. Therefore
- * we'll normally run the driver in NMEA mode.
- *
- * About the only thing binary mode gives that NMEA won't is TDOP and raw
- * pseudoranges, but gpsd does its own DOPs from skyview. By default we'll
- * trade away raw data to get accurate time.
- *
- * The vendor site is <http://www.emt.com.tw>.
- *
- * This driver was written by Petr Slansky based on a framework by Eric S.
- * Raymond. The following remarks are by Petr Slansky.
- *
- * Snooping on the serial the communication between a Windows program and
- * an Evermore chipset reveals some messages not described in the vendor
- * documentation (Issue C of Aug 2002):
- *
- * 10 02 06 84 00 00 00 84 10 03 switch to binary mode (84 00 00 00)
- * 10 02 06 84 01 00 00 85 10 03 switch to NMEA mode (84 01 00 00)
- *
- * 10 02 06 89 01 00 00 8a 10 03 set baud rate 4800
- * 10 02 06 89 01 01 00 8b 10 03 set baud rate 9600
- * 10 02 06 89 01 02 00 8c 10 03 set baud rate 19200
- * 10 02 06 89 01 03 00 8d 10 03 set baud rate 38400
- *
- * 10 02 06 8D 00 01 00 8E 10 03 switch to datum ID 001 (WGS-84)
- * 10 02 06 8D 00 D8 00 65 10 03 switch to datum ID 217 (WGS-72)
- *
- * These don't entail a reset of GPS as the 0x80 message does.
- *
- * 10 02 04 38 85 bd 10 03 answer from GPS to 0x85 message; ACK message
- * 10 02 04 38 8d c5 10 03 answer from GPS to 0x8d message; ACK message
- * 10 02 04 38 8e c6 10 03 answer from GPS to 0x8e message; ACK message
- * 10 02 04 38 8f c7 10 03 answer from GPS to 0x8f message; ACK message
- *
- * The chip sometimes sends vendor extension messages with the prefix
- * $PEMT,100. After restart, it sends a $PEMT,100 message describing the
- * chip's configuration. Here is a sample:
- *
- * $PEMT,100,05.42g,100303,180,05,1,20,15,08,0,0,2,1*5A
- * 100 - message type
- * 05.42g - firmware version
- * 100303 - date of firmware release DDMMYY
- * 180 - datum ID; 001 is WGS-84
- * 05 - default elevation mask; see message 0x86
- * 1 - default DOP select, 1 is auto DOP mask; see message 0x87
- * 20 - default GDOP; see message 0x87
- * 15 - default PDOP
- * 08 - default HDOP
- * 0 - Normal mode, without 1PPS
- * 0 - default position pinning control (0 disable, 1 enable)
- * 2 - altitude hold mode (0 disable, 1 always, 2 auto)
- * 1 - 2/1 satellite nav mode (0,1,2,3,4)
- * 0 disable 2/1 sat nav mode
- * 1 hold direction (2 sat)
- * 2 clock hold only (2 sat)
- * 3 direction hold then clock hold (1 sat)
- * 4 clock hold then direction hold (1 sat)
- *
- * Message $PEMT,100 could be forced with message 0x85 (restart):
- * 10 02 12 85 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 87 10 03
- * 0x85 ID, Restart
- * 0x00 restart mode (0 default, 1 hot, 2 warm, 3 cold, 4 test)
- * 0x00 test start search PRN (1-32)
- * 0x00 UTC second (0-59)
- * 0x00 UTC Minute (0-59)
- * 0x00 UTC Hour (0-23)
- * 0x01 UTC Day (1-31)
- * 0x01 UTC Month (1-12)
- * 0x0000 UTC year (1980+x, uint16)
- * 0x0000 Latitude WGS-84 (+/-900, 1/10 degree, + for N, int16)
- * 0x0000 Longtitude WGS-84 (+/-1800, 1/10 degree, + for E, int16)
- * 0x0000 Altitude WGS-84 (-1000..+18000, meters, int16)
- * 0x87 CRC
- *
- * With message 0x8e it is possible to define how often each NMEA
- * message is sent (0-255 seconds). It is possible with message 0x8e
- * to activate PEMT,101 messages that have information about time,
- * position, velocity and HDOP.
- *
- * $PEMT,101,1,02,00.0,300906190446,5002.5062,N,01427.6166,E,00259,000,0000*27
- * $PEMT,101,2,06,02.1,300906185730,5002.7546,N,01426.9524,E,00323,020,0011*26
- * 101 - message type, Compact Navigation Solution
- * 2 - position status (1,2,3,4,5,6)
- * (1 invalid, 2 2D fix, 3 3D fix, 4 2D with DIFF, 5 3D with DIFF,
- * 6 2/1 sat degrade mode)
- * 06 - number of used satelites
- * 02.1 - DOP (00.0 no fix, HDOP 2D fix, PDOP 3D fix)
- * 300906185730 - date and time, UTC ddmmyyHHMMSS (30/09/2006 18:57:30)
- * 5002.7546,N - Latitude (degree)
- * 01426.9524,E - Longitude (degree)
- * 00323 - Altitude (323 metres)
- * 020 - heading (20 degrees from true north)
- * 0011 - speed over ground (11 metres per second); documentation says km per h
- *
- * This is an exampe of an 0x8e message that activates all NMEA sentences
- * with 1s period:
- * 10 02 12 8E 7F 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 15 10 03
- *
- * There is a way to probe for this chipset. When binary message 0x81 is sent:
- * 10 02 04 81 13 94 10 03
- *
- * EverMore will reply with message like this:
- * *10 *02 *0D *20 E1 00 00 *00 0A 00 1E 00 32 00 5B *10 *03
- * bytes marked with * are fixed
- * Message in reply is information about logging configuration of GPS
- *
- * Another way to detect the EverMore chipset is to send one of the messages
- * 0x85, 0x8d, 0x8e or 0x8f and check for a reply.
- * The reply message from an EverMore GPS will look like this:
- * *10 *02 *04 *38 8d c5 *10 *03
- * 8d indicates that message 0x8d was sent;
- * c5 is EverMore checksum, other bytes are fixed
- *
- * This file is Copyright (c) 2010-2018 by the GPSD project
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-clause
- */
- #include "gpsd_config.h" /* must be before all includes */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdbool.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include "gpsd.h"
- #if defined(EVERMORE_ENABLE) && defined(BINARY_ENABLE)
- #include "bits.h"
- static ssize_t evermore_control_send(struct gps_device_t *session, char *buf,
- size_t len)
- {
- unsigned int crc;
- size_t i;
- char *cp;
- /* prepare a DLE-stuffed copy of the message */
- cp = session->msgbuf;
- *cp++ = 0x10; /* message starts with DLE STX */
- *cp++ = 0x02;
- session->msgbuflen = (size_t) (len + 2); /* len < 254 !! */
- *cp++ = (char)session->msgbuflen; /* message length */
- if (session->msgbuflen == 0x10)
- *cp++ = 0x10;
- /* payload */
- crc = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- *cp++ = buf[i];
- if (buf[i] == 0x10)
- *cp++ = 0x10;
- crc += buf[i];
- }
- crc &= 0xff;
- /* enter CRC after payload */
- *cp++ = crc;
- if (crc == 0x10)
- *cp++ = 0x10;
- *cp++ = 0x10; /* message ends with DLE ETX */
- *cp++ = 0x03;
- session->msgbuflen = (size_t) (cp - session->msgbuf);
- return gpsd_write(session, session->msgbuf, session->msgbuflen);
- }
- static bool evermore_protocol(struct gps_device_t *session, int protocol)
- {
- char tmp8;
- char evrm_protocol_config[] = {
- (char)0x84, /* 0: msg ID, Protocol Configuration */
- (char)0x00, /* 1: mode; EverMore binary(0), NMEA(1) */
- (char)0x00, /* 2: reserved */
- (char)0x00, /* 3: reserved */
- };
- GPSD_LOG(LOG_PROG, &session->context->errout,
- "evermore_protocol(%d)\n", protocol);
- tmp8 = (protocol != 0) ? 1 : 0;
- /* NMEA : binary */
- evrm_protocol_config[1] = tmp8;
- return (evermore_control_send
- (session, evrm_protocol_config,
- sizeof(evrm_protocol_config)) != -1);
- }
- static bool evermore_nmea_config(struct gps_device_t *session, int mode)
- /* mode = 0 : EverMore default */
- /* mode = 1 : gpsd best */
- /* mode = 2 : EverMore search, activate PEMT101 message */
- {
- unsigned char tmp8;
- unsigned char evrm_nmeaout_config[] = {
- 0x8e, /* 0: msg ID, NMEA Message Control */
- 0xff, /* 1: NMEA sentence bitmask, GGA(0), GLL(1), GSA(2), GSV(3), ... */
- 0x01, /* 2: nmea checksum no(0), yes(1) */
- 1, /* 3: GPGGA, interval 0-255s */
- 0, /* 4: GPGLL, interval 0-255s */
- 1, /* 5: GPGSA, interval 0-255s */
- 1, /* 6: GPGSV, interval 0-255s */
- 1, /* 7: GPRMC, interval 0-255s */
- 0, /* 8: GPVTG, interval 0-255s */
- 0, /* 9: PEMT,101, interval 0-255s */
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* 10-15: reserved */
- };
- GPSD_LOG(LOG_PROG, &session->context->errout,
- "evermore_nmea_config(%d)\n", mode);
- tmp8 = (mode == 1) ? 5 : 1;
- /* NMEA GPGSV, gpsd */
- evrm_nmeaout_config[6] = tmp8; /* GPGSV, 1s or 5s */
- tmp8 = (mode == 2) ? 1 : 0;
- /* NMEA PEMT101 */
- evrm_nmeaout_config[9] = tmp8; /* PEMT101, 1s or 0s */
- return (evermore_control_send(session, (char *)evrm_nmeaout_config,
- sizeof(evrm_nmeaout_config)) != -1);
- }
- static void evermore_mode(struct gps_device_t *session, int mode)
- {
- GPSD_LOG(LOG_PROG, &session->context->errout,
- "evermore_mode(%d)\n", mode);
- if (mode == MODE_NMEA) {
- /* NMEA */
- (void)evermore_protocol(session, 1);
- (void)evermore_nmea_config(session, 1); /* configure NMEA messages for gpsd */
- } else {
- /* binary */
- (void)evermore_protocol(session, 0);
- }
- }
- static void evermore_event_hook(struct gps_device_t *session, event_t event)
- {
- if (session->context->readonly)
- return;
- /*
- * FIX-ME: It might not be necessary to call this on reactivate.
- * Experiment to see if the holds its settings through a close.
- */
- if (event == event_identified || event == event_reactivate) {
- /*
- * We used to run this driver in binary mode, but that has the
- * problem that Evermore binary mode doesn't report a
- * leap-second correction in the Navigation Data Out sentence.
- * So, run it in NMEA mode to getbUTC corrected by firmware.
- * Fortunately the Evermore firmware interprets binary
- * commands in NMEA mode, so nothing else needs to change.
- */
- (void)evermore_mode(session, 0); /* switch GPS to NMEA mode */
- (void)evermore_nmea_config(session, 1); /* configure NMEA messages for gpsd (GPGSV every 5s) */
- } else if (event == event_deactivate) {
- (void)evermore_nmea_config(session, 0); /* configure NMEA messages to default */
- }
- }
- static bool evermore_speed(struct gps_device_t *session,
- speed_t speed, char parity, int stopbits)
- {
- GPSD_LOG(LOG_PROG, &session->context->errout,
- "evermore_speed(%u%c%d)\n", (unsigned int)speed, parity,
- stopbits);
- /* parity and stopbit switching aren't available on this chip */
- if (parity != session->gpsdata.dev.parity
- || stopbits != (int)session->gpsdata.dev.stopbits) {
- return false;
- } else {
- unsigned char tmp8;
- unsigned char msg[] = {
- 0x89, /* 0: msg ID, Serial Port Configuration */
- 0x01, /* 1: bit 0 cfg for main serial, bit 1 cfg for DGPS port */
- 0x00, /* 2: baud rate for main serial; 4800(0), 9600(1), 19200(2), 38400(3) */
- 0x00, /* 3: baud rate for DGPS serial port; 4800(0), 9600(1), etc */
- };
- switch (speed) {
- case 4800:
- tmp8 = 0;
- break;
- case 9600:
- tmp8 = 1;
- break;
- case 19200:
- tmp8 = 2;
- break;
- case 38400:
- tmp8 = 3;
- break;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- msg[2] = tmp8;
- return (evermore_control_send(session, (char *)msg, sizeof(msg)) !=
- -1);
- }
- }
- static bool evermore_rate_switcher(struct gps_device_t *session, double rate)
- /* change the sample rate of the GPS */
- {
- if (rate < 1 || rate > 10) {
- GPSD_LOG(LOG_ERROR, &session->context->errout,
- "valid rate range is 1-10.\n");
- return false;
- } else {
- unsigned char evrm_rate_config[] = {
- 0x84, /* 1: msg ID, Operating Mode Configuration */
- 0x02, /* 2: normal mode with 1PPS */
- 0x00, /* 3: navigation update rate */
- 0x00, /* 4: RF/GPSBBP On Time */
- };
- evrm_rate_config[2] = (unsigned char)trunc(rate);
- return (evermore_control_send(session, (char *)evrm_rate_config,
- sizeof(evrm_rate_config)) != -1);
- }
- }
- /* this is everything we export */
- /* *INDENT-OFF* */
- const struct gps_type_t driver_evermore =
- {
- .type_name = "EverMore", /* full name of type */
- .packet_type = EVERMORE_PACKET, /* lexer packet type */
- .flags = DRIVER_STICKY, /* remember this */
- .trigger = NULL, /* recognize the type */
- .channels = EVERMORE_CHANNELS, /* consumer-grade GPS */
- .probe_detect = NULL, /* no probe */
- .get_packet = generic_get, /* use generic one */
- .parse_packet = generic_parse_input, /* parse message packets */
- .rtcm_writer = gpsd_write, /* send RTCM data straight */
- .init_query = NULL, /* non-perturbing query */
- .event_hook = evermore_event_hook, /* lifetime event handler */
- .speed_switcher = evermore_speed, /* we can change baud rates */
- .mode_switcher = evermore_mode, /* there is a mode switcher */
- .rate_switcher = evermore_rate_switcher, /* change sample rate */
- .min_cycle.tv_sec = 1, /* not relevant, no rate switch */
- .min_cycle.tv_nsec = 0, /* not relevant, no rate switch */
- .control_send = evermore_control_send, /* how to send a control string */
- .time_offset = NULL, /* no method for NTP fudge factor */
- };
- /* *INDENT-ON* */
- #endif /* defined(EVERMORE_ENABLE) && defined(BINARY_ENABLE) */