explan_packet_names.h.xml 807 B

  1. <sect1 id="packet_names.h"><title><filename>packet_names.h</filename></title>
  2. <informaltable frame='all' pgwide='1'>
  3. <tgroup cols='1'>
  4. <colspec colname='c1'></colspec>
  5. <colspec colname='c2'></colspec>
  6. <spanspec spanname='s1' namest='c1' nameend='c2'></spanspec>
  7. <tfoot>
  8. <row>
  9. <entry spanname='s1' align='left'>Notes based on code as of Tue Apr 6 10:17:55 2010 -0400.</entry>
  10. </row>
  11. </tfoot>
  12. <tbody>
  13. <row>
  14. <entry><para>This is a file generated by the <quote>make</quote>
  15. process from <function>packet_states.h</function>. It takes all the
  16. state names in that file and surrounds them with speech marks. These
  17. values are read into a table of packet names,
  18. <function>state_table[]</function>, in
  19. <function>packet.c</function>.</para></entry>
  20. </row>
  21. </tbody>
  22. </tgroup>
  23. </informaltable>
  24. </sect1>