explan_driver_rtcm2.c.xml 1.8 KB

  1. <sect1 id="driver_rtcm1.c"><title><filename>rtcm.c</filename></title>
  2. <informaltable frame='all' pgwide='1'>
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  4. <colspec colname='c1'></colspec>
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  8. <row>
  9. <entry>Functions:-</entry><entry>This is a decoder for the RTCM-104 serial protocol.</entry>
  10. </row>
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  12. <tfoot>
  13. <row>
  14. <entry spanname='s1' align='left'>Notes based on code as of Mon Apr 5 21:38:06 2010 -0400.</entry>
  15. </row>
  16. </tfoot>
  17. <tbody>
  18. <row>
  19. <entry><function>void rtcm2_unpack(struct rtcm2_t *tp, char *buf)</function></entry>
  20. <entry><para>Splits RTCM2 raw data into fields.</para></entry>
  21. </row>
  22. <row>
  23. <entry><function>bool rtcm2_repack(struct rtcm2_t *tp, isgps30bits_t *buf)</function></entry>
  24. <entry><para>Packs RTCM2 fields into a raw data stream.</para></entry>
  25. </row>
  26. <row>
  27. <entry><function>static bool preamble_match(isgps30bits_t *w)</function></entry>
  28. <entry><para>Tells if the preamble field in a message is valid or
  29. not.</para></entry>
  30. </row>
  31. <row>
  32. <entry><function>static bool length_check(struct gps_packet_t *lexer)</function></entry>
  33. <entry><para>Tells if the message length is valid or not.</para></entry>
  34. </row>
  35. <row>
  36. <entry><function>enum isgpsstat_t rtcm2_decode(struct gps_packet_t *lexer, unsigned int c)</function></entry>
  37. <entry><para>A simple call to <function>isgps_decode()</function>.</para></entry>
  38. </row>
  39. <row>
  40. <entry><function>void rtcm2_dump(struct rtcm2_t *rtcm2, char buf[], size_t buflen)</function></entry>
  41. <entry><para>Dump the contents of a parsed RTCM104v2 message.</para></entry>
  42. </row>
  43. <row>
  44. <entry><function>void rtcm2_output_magnavox(isgps30bits_t *ip, FILE *fp)</function></entry>
  45. <entry><para>Ship an RTCM2 message in the format emitted by Magnavox DGPS receivers.</para></entry>
  46. </row>
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  50. </sect1>