SConstruct 810 B

  1. # This is a skeleton recipe to simplify building some of these little
  2. # utilities. They probably won't be useful to many users, and they probably
  3. # won't get used on a daily basis, but someone might find them useful for
  4. # tinkering with their gear.
  5. # Note that ../gpsd_config.h is required and is built separately
  6. #
  7. # This file is Copyright 2010 by the GPSD project
  8. # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-clause
  9. ashctl = Program("ashctl", "ashctl.c")
  10. binlog = Program("binlog", "binlog.c")
  11. binreplay = Program("binreplay", "binreplay.c", parse_flags=['-lutil'])
  12. clock_test = Program("clock_test", "clock_test.c", parse_flags=['-lm'])
  13. lla2ecef = Program("lla2ecef", "lla2ecef.c", parse_flags=['-lm'])
  14. motosend = Program("motosend", "motosend.c")
  15. Default(ashctl, binlog, binreplay, clock_test, lla2ecef, motosend)