gpscap.ini 75 KB

  1. # GPS capability description file
  2. #
  3. # This file is Copyright 2010 by the GPSD project
  4. # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-clause
  5. #
  6. # Our apologies to all Unix hackers in advance for the grubby .INI syntax,
  7. # we're using it because the format has good cross-Unix support in Python.
  8. #
  9. # Each section may have the following capabilities
  10. #
  11. # type = "engine", "vendor", or "device"
  12. # date = date of submission
  13. # submitter = email of submitter, name may need quoting for RFC822
  14. # description = Human-readable description of this item
  15. # packaging = A device's form factor
  16. # techdoc = URL to technical documentation, or at least a spec sheet
  17. # vendor_site = URL of a vendor site
  18. # vendor = vendor name
  19. # eval_unit = Which GPSD devs have one for testing (list)
  20. # engine = GPS chipset (may reference another section)
  21. # subtype = engine subtype or firmware revision level
  22. # interfaces = interface types: USB, RS-232, Bluetooth, CF, TTL, CAN.
  23. # May be a list.
  24. # usbchip = USB I/O chipset
  25. # pps = supports pulse-per-second precision time reporting
  26. # pps_accuracy = claimed PPS accuracy
  27. # time_offset = NTP offset
  28. # configurable = can the device be bricked by speed changes?
  29. # tested = last gpsd tested, or "regression" if we have a test load
  30. # nmea = NMEA version this emits, if known
  31. # notes = Miscellaneous notes on this item. To be interpreted as HTML
  32. # rating = excellent, good, fair, poor, broken, other
  33. # discontinued = If True, product has been discontinued
  34. #
  35. # Capability strings:
  36. #
  37. # to_nmea = if present, how to switch to NMEA 0183 mode from native binary
  38. # to_native = if present, how to switch to native binary mode from NMEA
  39. # modeset = set protocol, baud rate, 8N1
  40. #
  41. # Inheritance
  42. #
  43. # To inherit capabilities from a specified section, name the section in
  44. # a "uses =" attribute. Use chains are followed recursively. An attribute
  45. # in a section overrides all attributes of the same name in all ancestor
  46. # sections.
  47. #
  48. # Certain escapes in capability strings are translated:
  49. #
  50. # %b - baud rate as ASCII numeral
  51. #
  52. # A string beginning with 0x is interpreted as a sequence of paired hex bytes,
  53. # leading 0x not included.
  54. #
  55. # Comment lines led with "#%" are vendor section marks to be used when
  56. # generating an HTML table from this file. Each should consist of a vendor
  57. # name.
  58. #
  59. # Further notes:
  60. # * In the packaging field, a "GPS mouse" is a standalone sensor in a
  61. # display-less case designed be used as an outbard peripheral. An
  62. # "OEM module" is an un-cased circuit board with edge connectors; a
  63. # "chipset" is what it sounds like.
  64. # A "handset" is a standalone GPS with a display and human-usable
  65. # controls. A "handsfree" is a hands-free unit with display designed for
  66. # mounting on a car windshield or boat dash.
  67. # * In the rating field:
  68. # "excellent" - gpsd recognizes the GPS rapidly and reliably,
  69. # reports are complete and correct.
  70. # "good" -- gpsd has minor problems or lag recognizing the device,
  71. # but reports are complete and correct.
  72. # "fair" -- Reports have minor dropouts or problems, including occasional
  73. # transient nonsense values.
  74. # "poor" -- Reports frequently have values that are wrong or nonsense.
  75. # "broken" -- gpsd frequently fails to recognize the device at all.
  76. # "other -- See Technical Notes.
  77. #
  78. # Chipsets (alphabetical)
  79. #
  80. [ANTARIS]
  81. type = engine
  82. engine = ANTARIS
  83. nmea = 2.3
  84. rating = good
  85. techdoc =
  86. discontinued = True
  87. notes = The ANTARIS chipset has been end-of-lifed.
  88. [ANTARIS4]
  89. type = engine
  90. engine = ANTARIS4
  91. techdoc =
  92. nmea = 2.3
  93. rating = good
  94. notes = Sends 'E' in second field of GSA record, not an NMEA value.
  95. Actually sends '6' in the GGA rating record for dead-reckoning fixes.
  96. (This behavior reported on the 4H chipset.)
  97. logs = ublox-lea-4h.log, ublox-lea-4s.log, ublox-lea-4t.log
  98. [BD960]
  99. type = engine
  100. engine = BD960
  101. nmea = 3.0?
  102. tested = 2.39
  103. notes = Spec sheet says it emits GSV, AVR, RMC, HDT, VGK, VHD, GGLK, GGA, GSA,
  104. ZDA, VTG, GST, and PIT in NMEA mode. Many of these are nonstandard.
  105. Also says: "JK and Binary: Trimble GSOF". Other web sources say
  106. it has RTK capability.
  107. rating = good
  108. [FastraX iTrax03]
  109. type = engine
  110. techdoc =
  111. engine = FastraX iTrax03
  112. rating = good
  113. logs = com-1289.log
  114. notes = Start of fix cycle is RMC, end is GGA (GSVs may come after).
  115. [Garmin-Native]
  116. type = engine
  117. engine = Garmin
  118. description = There are several versions; the differences are not clear.
  119. techdoc =
  120. rating = good
  121. [LEA-5H]
  122. type = engine
  123. engine = LEA-5H
  124. nmea = 2.3
  125. rating = good
  126. tested = 2.92
  127. notes = Appears not to have the ANTARIS4 GSA quirk.
  128. logs = ublox-lea-5h.log
  129. [LEA-6H]
  130. type = engine
  131. engine = LEA-6H
  132. nmea = 2.3
  133. rating = good
  134. tested = 3.9
  135. notes = Appears not to have the ANTARIS4 GSA quirk. Excellent indoors.
  136. [LEA-8H]
  137. type = engine
  138. engine = LEA-8H
  139. nmea = 2.3, 4.1
  140. rating = excellent
  141. tested = 3.15
  142. notes = Appears not to have the ANTARIS4 GSA quirk. Excellent indoors.
  143. logs = gr8013-w.log
  144. [MSB2122]
  145. type = engine
  146. engine = MSB2122
  147. nmea = 2.3
  148. rating = good
  149. techdoc =
  150. notes = Code-named "Poseidon 2", this appears to be a MIPS core. May
  151. ship with serious bugs that cause bogus fixes or hard crashes.
  152. [MT3339]
  153. type = engine
  154. nmea = 3.01
  155. engine = MT3339
  156. rating = good
  157. techdoc =
  158. notes = 10Hz update.
  159. [MTK]
  160. type = engine
  161. nmea = 3.01
  162. engine = MTK
  163. rating = good
  164. techdoc =
  165. notes = We have seen two versions of this, the MTK3301 and MTK3329. The
  166. technical-documentation link describes the 3329, but we think the 3301
  167. is compatible for GPSD purposes.
  168. [Nemerix]
  169. type = engine
  170. engine = Nemerix
  171. nmea = 3.01
  172. rating = good
  173. notes = NemeriX has gone into liquidation as of Jan 2009). It's funny, they
  174. didn't understand why they should give me an unencumbered protocol
  175. techdoc.
  176. [NovAtel-L1]
  177. type = engine
  178. engine = NovAtel-L1
  179. techdoc =
  180. nmea = 2.20
  181. rating = good
  182. notes = Seems to be built around the Zarlink GP4020.
  183. [Pilot Plug]
  184. type = engine
  185. engine = Pilot Plug
  186. rating = good
  187. [SE4100L]
  188. type = engine
  189. nmea = 3.01
  190. rating = fair
  191. notes = Does not handle dates after the 10-bit GPS week rollover in 2019 well.
  192. logs = gp-320fw-2019-03-28.log, gp-320fw-2019-03-28.log-overflow, gp-320fw-2019-03-28.log-coldboot
  193. [SirfGeneric]
  194. type = engine
  195. description = Capabilities generic to all SiRF chips
  196. # Sets 4800 baud shipping GGA+GSA+GSV+RMC
  197. to_nmea = 0xa0a200188102010100000101050101010000000100010001000112c00000b0b3
  198. to_native = $PSRF100,0,%b,8,1,0 # Sets 8N1 with specified speed
  199. [SiRF-1]
  200. type = engine
  201. description = Version 1 of the SiRF GPS engine
  202. engine = SiRF-1
  203. nmea = 2.2
  204. uses = SirfGeneric
  205. tested = 2.34
  206. rating = good
  207. logs = ublox-sirf1.log
  208. notes = ublox-sirf1.log was made from a device with ublox firmware and
  209. may not be typical of SiRF-1 chips.
  210. [SiRF-2]
  211. type = engine
  212. description = Version 2 of the SiRF GPS engine
  213. engine = SiRF-2
  214. # Later versions may do 2.3
  215. nmea = 2.2
  216. uses = SirfGeneric
  217. tested = 2.37
  218. rating = good
  219. logs = bu303b-nofix.log, bu303-climbing.log, bu303-moving.log,
  220. bu303-nofix.log, bu303-stillfix.log, haicom-305N.log, holux-gm-210.log,
  221. pharos-360.log, tn200-all.log, tn200.log, tn204.log
  222. notes = The bu* logs are in native binary format; the Haicom, Holux, Pharos,
  223. and TripNav logs in NMEA. NMEA starts with GGA and ends with RMC. The
  224. tn204 NMEA looks remarkably like older Garmin cruft and may be emulating
  225. one, including the split reporting cycle.
  226. [SiRF-3]
  227. type = engine
  228. description = Version 3 of the SiRF GPS engine
  229. engine = SiRF-3
  230. nmea = 3.01
  231. uses = SirfGeneric
  232. rating = good
  233. logs = blumax-gps009.log, gpslim236.log, motorola-t805.log, rgm3800.log, et-332.log, tomtom-mkII.log
  234. notes = The Blumax log is in NMEA mode. Start of cycle is GGA, End of cycle
  235. is RMC. Some variants (like the Blumax) emit ZDA before GGA; others
  236. (like the GPSlim 1236, Motorola T805, RGM3800) do not.
  237. [SiRF-4]
  238. type = engine
  239. description = Version 4 of the SiRF GPS engine
  240. engine = SiRF-4
  241. nmea = 3.01
  242. uses = SirfGeneric
  243. rating = poor
  244. logs = bu353s4.log
  245. notes = Low power usage, but poor sensitivity and very long startup.
  246. Resets to 4800N1 every time it is unplugged. Has a tendency to freeze
  247. when switched from binary to NMEA mode (unplugging it fixes this).
  248. [SiRF-5]
  249. type = engine
  250. description = Version 5 of the SiRF (Sirfstar V) GPS engine
  251. engine = SiRF-5
  252. nmea = Unknown
  253. uses = SirfGeneric
  254. rating = bad
  255. logs = sirfstarv.log
  256. notes = Undocumented by Qualcomm, thus unsupported in binary mode by
  257. gpsd.
  258. [SiRF-TriG]
  259. type = engine
  260. description = Chinese variant of the SiRF GPS engine
  261. engine = SiRF-TriG
  262. nmea = 4.00
  263. uses = SirfGeneric
  264. #rating = poor
  265. logs = beidou-bd.log, beidou-gb.log
  266. notes = SiRF-IV variant produced for the Chinese market; it handles the
  267. Beidou and GLONASS constellations as well as US GPS. The main
  268. variant is described by the Chinese standard "Technical
  269. Specification of Communication Protocol for BDS Compatible
  270. Positioning Module" (TSCPB) and uses the talker ID BD. This
  271. standard is not available in English translation. There is a
  272. variant with closer NMEA 4.00 conformance that uses the talker
  273. ID GB.
  274. [Skytraq S2525F8-BD-RTK]
  275. type = engine
  276. description = RTK Receiver with cm accuracy
  277. engine = Skytraq Venus 8
  278. nmea = 3.01
  279. rating = good
  280. tested = 3.16
  281. logs = skytraq.log, skytraq-fix.log
  282. notes = Supports GPS, BDS, QZSS, and SBAS. Tracks 28 satellites.
  283. gpsd 3.17 has basic support for some Skytraq binary.
  284. Can take RTCM 3.0, 3.1, or raw data from a base station for up to
  285. cm accuracy.
  286. Measured CEP(50) with partial sky view of 1.9m.
  287. RTCM/RAW mode untested with gpsd.
  288. [Skytraq Venus 6]
  289. type = engine
  290. nmea = 3.01
  291. rating = good
  292. tested = 2.90
  293. [Sony CXD2951]
  294. type = engine
  295. techdoc =
  296. engine = Sony CXD2951
  297. rating = good
  298. [STA8088]
  299. type = engine
  300. nmea = 2.2
  301. rating = good
  302. tested = 3.7
  303. notes = From ST Microelectronics
  304. [Touchstone ASIC]
  305. type = engine
  306. engine = Touchstone ASIC
  307. rating = good
  308. techdoc =
  309. [uNav]
  310. type = engine
  311. engine = uN3010
  312. nmea = 3.01
  313. notes = uNav was acquired by Atheros in 2007. They have inherited
  314. one GPS product, now designated uN3010.
  315. rating = good
  316. [UBLOX M8030-KT]
  317. type = engine
  318. engine = M8030-KT
  319. rating = good
  320. tested = 3.14
  321. notes = Supports GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou, QZSS and SBAS. a.k.a NEO-M8N
  322. logs = neo-m8n.log
  323. [UBLOX NEO-5Q]
  324. type = engine
  325. nmea = 2.3
  326. rating = good
  327. tested = 2.39
  328. notes = Supports WAAS.
  329. [Zodiac]
  330. type = engine
  331. engine = Zodiac
  332. nmea = 2.2
  333. tested = 2.0
  334. techdoc =
  335. notes = This chip was made by Rockwell International. It was
  336. also known as the Jupiter. It has been EOLed.
  337. rating = good
  338. logs = zodiac.log
  339. #
  340. # Vendors (alphabetical by vendor)
  341. #
  342. [Adafruit]
  343. type = vendor
  344. vendor_site =
  345. [Altina]
  346. type = vendor
  347. vendor_site =
  348. [Adapt Mobile]
  349. type = vendor
  350. vendor_site =>
  351. [Axiom]
  352. type = vendor
  353. vendor_site =
  354. [BeStar]
  355. type = vendor
  356. vendor_site =
  357. [Billionton]
  358. type = vendor
  359. vendor_site =
  360. [Bluenext]
  361. type = vendor
  362. vendor_site =
  363. [Canmore]
  364. type = vendor
  365. vendor_site =
  366. [Columbus]
  367. type = vendor
  368. vendor_site =
  369. [Central Pacific]
  370. type = vendor
  371. vendor_site =
  372. [Delorme]
  373. type = vendor
  374. vendor_site =
  375. [Digital Yacht]
  376. type = vendor
  377. vendor_site =
  378. [Eurotech]
  379. type = vendor
  380. vendor_site =
  381. [Fastrax]
  382. type = vendor
  383. vendor_site =
  384. [EuroTronics]
  385. type = vendor
  386. vendor_site =
  387. [Garmin]
  388. type = vendor
  389. vendor_site =
  390. [Geostar]
  391. type = vendor
  392. vendor_site =
  393. [GlobalSat]
  394. type = vendor
  395. vendor_site =
  396. [HAB Supplies]
  397. type = vendor
  398. vendor_site =
  399. [Haicom]
  400. type = vendor
  401. vendor_site =
  402. [Holux]
  403. type = vendor
  404. vendor_site =
  405. [Humminbird]
  406. type = vendor
  407. vendor_site =
  408. notes = These guys make fish-finders that incorporate GPSes
  409. [iTrek]
  410. type = vendor
  411. vendor_site =
  412. [Jackson Labs]
  413. type = vendor
  414. vendor_site =
  415. [LyconSys]
  416. type = vendor
  417. vendor_site =
  418. [Magellan]
  419. type = vendor
  420. vendor_site =
  421. notes = Now owns what used to be the Thales and Asht product lines
  422. [Motorola]
  423. type = vendor
  424. vendor_site =
  425. notes = Motorola has exited the GPS business. The OnCore line of
  426. GPSes is now sold by <a href="">Synergy Systems LLC</a>
  427. [Navcom]
  428. type = vendor
  429. vendor_site =
  430. [Navis Engineering Bureau]
  431. type = vendor
  432. vendor_site =
  433. [Navius]
  434. type = vendor
  435. vendor_site =
  436. notes = This vendor has also traded as "Navisky".
  437. [NaviLock]
  438. type = vendor
  439. vendor_site =
  440. [Navisys]
  441. type = vendor
  442. vendor_site =
  443. [NavMan]
  444. type = vendor
  445. vendor_site =
  446. [Nokia]
  447. type = vendor
  448. vendor_site =
  449. [NovAtel]
  450. type = vendor
  451. vendor_site =
  452. [Parrot]
  453. type = vendor
  454. vendor_site =
  455. [Pharos]
  456. type = vendor
  457. vendor_site =
  458. [Phonix]
  459. type=vendor
  460. vendor_site =
  461. [QGP Supply]
  462. type=vendor
  463. vendor_site=
  464. [Qstarz]
  465. type=vendor
  466. vendor_site =
  467. [RF Solutions]
  468. type = vendor
  469. vendor_site =
  470. [Rikaline]
  471. type = vendor
  472. vendor_site =
  473. [Royaltek]
  474. type = vendor
  475. vendor_site =
  476. [Saab]
  477. type = vendor
  478. vendor_site =
  479. [San Jose Navigation]
  480. type = vendor
  481. vendor_site =
  482. [Sejat]
  483. type = vendor
  484. vendor_site =
  485. [SkyTraq]
  486. type = vendor
  487. vendor_site =
  488. [Sure]
  489. type = vendor
  490. vendor_site =
  491. [Telit]
  492. type = vendor
  493. vendor_site =
  494. [Transystem]
  495. type = vendor
  496. vendor_site =
  497. [Techway]
  498. type = vendor
  499. vendor_site =
  500. notes = This vendor has dropped off the web
  501. [TomTom]
  502. type = vendor
  503. vendor_site =
  504. [Trimble]
  505. type = vendor
  506. vendor_site =
  507. [u-blox]
  508. type = vendor
  509. vendor_site =
  510. [UniTraq]
  511. type = vendor
  512. vendor_site =
  513. [Variotek]
  514. type = vendor
  515. vendor_site =
  516. [Wintec]
  517. type = vendor
  518. vendor_site =
  519. #
  520. # Devices (alphabetical by vendor)
  521. #
  522. #% Adafruit
  523. [Ultimate GPS HAT]
  524. type = device
  525. packaging = HAT
  526. vendor = Adafruit
  527. techdoc =
  528. interfaces = Raspberry Pi HAT
  529. tested = 3.14
  530. rating = excellent
  531. uses = MT3339
  532. pps = Yes
  533. submitter = Gary E. Miller <>
  534. notes = Built-in antenna with connector for external antenna. Good, not
  535. great sensitivity with built-in antenna. Built-in RTC and battery.
  536. #% Altina
  537. [GBT709]
  538. type = device
  539. vendor = Altina
  540. packaging = handset
  541. techdoc =;mainCatId=13&amp;subCatId=&amp;prId=19
  542. interfaces = Bluetooth
  543. configurable = insane
  544. tested = 2.35
  545. uses = SiRF-3
  546. submitter = Benoit Panizzon <>
  547. notes = Requires the "-b" flag to prevent mode switching. If the receiver locks
  548. up due to a mode switch, remove the battery for 5 to 10 minutes.
  549. #% Adapt Mobile
  550. [AD-500]
  551. type = device
  552. vendor = Adapt Mobile
  553. packaging = mouse
  554. techdoc =;spage_ID=1
  555. uses = Nemerix
  556. interfaces = Bluetooth, USB
  557. usbchip = pl2303
  558. tested = 2.32
  559. submitter = Dennis van Zuijlekom <>.
  560. discontinued = True
  561. #% Axiom
  562. [Sandpiper]
  563. type = device
  564. vendor = Axiom
  565. packaging = OEM module
  566. techdoc =;can=2&amp;q=
  567. uses = SiRF-1
  568. interfaces = RS-232
  569. tested = 2.34
  570. pps = True
  571. notes = The vendor is out of business, but there are lots of these still
  572. around in 2006. Complete documentation for this OEM module has been
  573. archived at the GPSD site.
  574. #% BeStar
  575. [BN-880]
  576. type = device
  577. vendor = BeStar
  578. packaging = OEM module
  579. uses = UBLOX M8030-KT
  580. interfaces = LV RS-232
  581. tested = 3.14
  582. rating = excellent
  583. submitter = Gary E. Miller <>
  584. pps = False
  585. notes = Vendor is in Shenzhen, China. Frequently on eBay. Sold as a
  586. 'Flight Control Module' as it also contains gyros and acceleromters
  587. in a separate I2C bus. Does not have PPS but some resellers claim PPS.
  588. #% Billionton
  589. [Billionton CF-GPS]
  590. type = device
  591. vendor = Billionton
  592. packaging = mouse
  593. techdoc =
  594. uses = SiRF-2
  595. interfaces = CF
  596. tested = 2.16
  597. submitter = Oleg Gusev <>.
  598. notes = Uses SiRF firmware version 220.006.000ES. Accepts WAAS Mode Disable
  599. (<code>$PSRF108,00*02</code>) and WAAS Mode Enable (<code>$PSRF108,01*03</code>)
  600. controls.
  601. #%Bluenext
  602. [BN-901S]
  603. type = device
  604. engine = Skytraq Venus 6
  605. date = 2010-06-10
  606. location =
  607. model = BN-901S
  608. packaging = mouse
  609. interfaces = Bluetooth
  610. rating = excellent
  611. submitter = Andrew Gray <>
  612. techdoc =
  613. tested = 2.39
  614. vendor = Bluenext
  615. notes = Device reports protocol as "Generic NMEA" without a version number.
  616. Purchased retail (30GBP) to work with a Nokia 5233 - which is does well.
  617. Best performing GPS receiver I have seen - fast fix and robust against
  618. obstructions to sky view.
  619. logs = bn-9015.log
  620. #% Canmore
  621. [GT-730F]
  622. type = device
  623. engine = SKYTRAK
  624. interfaces = USB
  625. nmea = 3.01
  626. packaging = mouse
  627. rating = good
  628. submitter = Rene Warren <>
  629. techdoc =
  630. tested = 2.33
  631. vendor = Canmore
  632. notes =
  633. #% Columbus
  634. [V900]
  635. type = device
  636. uses = MTK
  637. interfaces = Bluetooth
  638. model = V900
  639. packaging = mouse
  640. rating = fair
  641. submitter = Konstantin Ristl <>
  642. techdoc =
  643. tested = 2.38
  644. vendor = Columbus
  645. notes = Device is also a GPS-Logger
  646. #% Central Pacific
  647. [CPIT GP-27]
  648. type = device
  649. vendor = Central Pacific
  650. packaging = mouse
  651. techdoc =
  652. uses = Nemerix
  653. interfaces = Bluetooth
  654. tested = 2.28
  655. configurable = insane
  656. submitter = Tobias Minich <>
  657. notes = <ul>
  658. <li>There are proprietary PNMRX{30[0124],603} sentences that are only sent
  659. on change or by request</li>
  660. <li>Several sentences can be sent to the device to change settings or
  661. request information. DO NOT USE THE PNMRX100 SENTENCE TO CHANGE THE BAUD
  662. RATE! This is not supported by the bluetooth chip on the device.</li>
  663. <li>Settings are saved in flash powered by a backup battery and persistent
  664. over connections and when you turn it off.</li>
  665. <li>The syntax of the PNMRX303 message and part 4 of the PNMRX603 message
  666. may differ from the syntax found in several documents on the net.</li>
  667. </ul>
  668. #% Delorme
  669. [EarthMate USB]
  670. type = device
  671. vendor = Delorme
  672. packaging = mouse
  673. techdoc =
  674. uses = SiRF-2
  675. interfaces = USB
  676. usbchip = Cypress M8 CY7C64013
  677. tested = 2.5
  678. discontinued = True
  679. notes = This was the replacement for the old Zodiac version that spoke
  680. Rockwell binary protocol; it in turn has been discontinued. Some
  681. other sentences can be enabled. Requires a 2.6.10 or better
  682. kernel for the Cypress USB-HID support.
  683. [EarthMate]
  684. type = device
  685. vendor = Delorme
  686. packaging = mouse
  687. uses = Zodiac
  688. interfaces = RS-232
  689. discontinued = True
  690. rating = good
  691. notes = This device was supported by GPSD up to release 2.96, but some bug
  692. introduced after that interfered with it until support was restored
  693. after 3.6.
  694. [TripMate]
  695. type = device
  696. vendor = Delorme
  697. packaging = mouse
  698. techdoc =
  699. uses = Zodiac
  700. interfaces = RS-232
  701. discontinued = True
  702. notes = Discontinued sometime before November 1998.
  703. #% Digital Yacht
  704. [AIT250]
  705. type = device
  706. vendor = Digital Yacht
  707. engine = unknown
  708. packaging = handsfree
  709. techdoc =
  710. interfaces = RS-232
  711. discontinued = False
  712. tested = regression
  713. rating = good
  714. submitter = Jan Veninga <>
  715. notes = Both a Class B AIS transceiver and a GPS.
  716. logs = ait250.log
  717. #% Eurotech
  718. [Com-1289]
  719. type = device
  720. vendor = Eurotech
  721. packaging = OEM module
  722. techdoc =
  723. engine = FastraX iTrax03
  724. interfaces = RS-232
  725. tested = regression
  726. rating = good
  727. submitter = Simon Le Pape <>
  728. #% EuroTronics
  729. [Blumax GPS009]
  730. type = device
  731. vendor = EuroTronics
  732. packaging = mouse
  733. techdoc =
  734. uses = SiRF-3
  735. interfaces = Bluetooth
  736. configurable = insane
  737. tested = regression
  738. submitter = Hartmut Holzgraefe <>
  739. notes = Requires "-b" ... I had to totally drain the battery of the device
  740. and let it rest for a few days before i was able to use it again
  741. after a first attempt of using it with without "-b"
  742. #% Fastrax
  743. [IT520U]
  744. type = device
  745. vendor = Fastrax
  746. engine = MTK
  747. packaging = OEM module
  748. techdoc =
  749. date = 2011-02-21
  750. firmware = AXN_1.30,0145,Fastrax IT500
  751. interfaces = USB
  752. location = Kamp Lintfort, DE, 51deg 29min N, 6deg 32min E
  753. model = IT520
  754. rating = good
  755. submitter = Kai Scharwies <>
  756. tested = 2.95
  757. logs = mtk-3329.log
  758. #% Garmin
  759. [Foretrex 201]
  760. type = device
  761. engine = SiRF-3
  762. date = 2010-08-26
  763. interfaces = RS-232
  764. location = Ulb?lle, DK, 55.04N 10.25E
  765. model = Foretrex 201
  766. nmea = 3.0
  767. notes = This device is not a conventional handfrtee unut for a car; it looks
  768. like a bulky wristwatch and is meant for bicycle handlebars. It must
  769. be set to NMEA output in the settings->interface page.
  770. packaging = handset
  771. rating = excellent
  772. submitter = Anders Lund <>
  773. techdoc =
  774. tested = 2.95
  775. vendor = Garmin
  776. discontinued = True
  777. logs = foretrex-201.log
  778. [Garmin GPS 10x]
  779. type = device
  780. uses = SiRF-3
  781. date = 2010-07-18
  782. model = GPS 10x
  783. nmea = 2.0 and 2.30
  784. interfaces = Bluetooth
  785. packaging = mouse
  786. rating = excellent
  787. submitter = David Ludlow <>
  788. techdoc =
  789. tested = 2.95
  790. vendor = Garmin
  791. logs = garmin-10x.log
  792. [Garmin GPS-15]
  793. type = device
  794. packaging = OEM module
  795. vendor = Garmin
  796. techdoc =
  797. uses = Garmin-Native
  798. interfaces = RS-232
  799. tested = 2.33
  800. nmea = 2.0
  801. pps = True
  802. submitter = Jason Hecker <>
  803. notes = "$PGRMI,,,,,,,R" must be sent to reset the device before PPS
  804. works; after about 5 minutes the PPS signal is detected properly
  805. by GPSD.
  806. [Garmin GPS-16]
  807. type = device
  808. packaging = mouse
  809. vendor = Garmin
  810. techdoc =
  811. uses = Garmin-Native
  812. interfaces = RS-232
  813. tested = 2.38
  814. nmea = 2.0
  815. submitter = Reported by Ron Marosko, Jr. <>,
  816. Amaury Jacquot <>,
  817. Jeff Francis <>
  818. notes = DGPS information in GPGGA sentence is not returned. Satellite
  819. azimuths/elevations and magnetic variation information are not
  820. available in binary mode. Garmin uses a nonstandard 16-bit SNR
  821. scale for signal quality in GSA. Can be switched to NMEA 3.0
  822. with PGRMC1. .
  823. [Garmin GPS-17N]
  824. type = device
  825. packaging = mouse
  826. vendor = Garmin
  827. techdoc =
  828. uses = Garmin-Native
  829. interfaces = RS-232
  830. tested = regression
  831. nmea = 2.0 or 3.0
  832. submitter = Wojciech Kazubski <>.
  833. notes = The 17N has been discontinued and replaced by the 17HVS.
  834. The interface was RS-232 but used a custom RJ-45 jack.
  835. logs = garmin17n.log
  836. [Garmin GPS-17HVS]
  837. type = device
  838. vendor = Garmin
  839. packaging = mouse
  840. techdoc =;pID=8630
  841. engine = unknown
  842. interfaces = RS-232
  843. tested = 2.37
  844. rating = good
  845. nmea = 2.0 or 3.0
  846. notes = Reported by Ulrich Voigt (no email address)
  847. [Garmin GPS-18 USB]
  848. interfaces = USB
  849. nmea = N/A
  850. packaging = mouse
  851. submitter = Gary E. Miller <>
  852. techdoc =
  853. tested = 2.38
  854. type = device
  855. uses = Garmin-Native
  856. vendor = Garmin
  857. notes = The USB version requires the Linux kernel garmin_usb driver.
  858. usbfs is not required after gpsd version 2.39.
  859. DOP (Dilution of Precision) information is not available (Garmin protocol
  860. includes EPE only); gpsd uses EPE to approximate DOP. Magnetic variation
  861. information is not available. Garmin uses a nonstandard 16-bit SNR scale.
  862. The 18 series, unlike the 16, reports skyview via a packet 114. They will
  863. not operate indoors and require a good sky view.
  864. [Garmin GPS-18 (all but USB)]
  865. interfaces = RS-232
  866. nmea = 2.0 and 2.3
  867. packaging = mouse
  868. pps = True
  869. pps_accuracy = 1us
  870. time_offset = 0.125s
  871. submitter = Gary E. Miller <>
  872. techdoc =
  873. tested = 2.5
  874. type = device
  875. uses = Garmin-Native
  876. vendor = Garmin
  877. notes = The RS-232 versions can emit NMEA and are found by normal autoconfiguration.
  878. GPS-18 LVC and GPS-18 LVC/5m have PPS outputs. WAAS is supported.
  879. The 18 series, unlike the 16, reports skyview via a packet 114. They will
  880. not operate indoors and require a good sky view. NTP offset quoted is
  881. at 19200bps; drops to 0.525 at 4800bps.
  882. [GPS-25LP]
  883. type = device
  884. packaging = OEM module
  885. vendor = Garmin
  886. techdoc =
  887. uses = Garmin-Native
  888. interfaces = RS-232
  889. nmea = 2.0
  890. tested = regression
  891. discontinued = True
  892. submitter = Daniele Giangrazi <>
  893. notes = Discontinued embedded module.
  894. logs = garmin25lp.log
  895. [Garmin 38]
  896. type = device
  897. vendor = Garmin
  898. packaging = handset
  899. techdoc =
  900. uses = Garmin-Native
  901. interfaces = RS-232
  902. rating = excellent
  903. tested = regression
  904. nmea = 2.0
  905. discontinued = True
  906. submitter = Pascal F. Martin <>
  907. notes = Start-of-cycle is RMC. 2-second cycle time, 1 fix per cycle.
  908. logs = garmin38.log
  909. [Garmin 48]
  910. type = device
  911. vendor = Garmin
  912. packaging = handset
  913. techdoc =
  914. uses = Garmin-Native
  915. interfaces = RS-232
  916. nmea = 2.0
  917. discontinued = True
  918. rating = excellent
  919. tested = regression
  920. notes = Start-of-cycle is RMC. 2-second cycle time, 2 fixes per cycle, GLL
  921. reports second fix. The 48 has been discontinued. The Garmin
  922. 12XL and 45 are nearly identical and should work as well.
  923. Details on the Garmin proprietary protocol can be found at <a
  924. href="">here</a>.
  925. [Garmin GPS 60]
  926. type = device
  927. vendor = Garmin
  928. packaging = handset
  929. techdoc =
  930. uses = Garmin-Native
  931. interfaces = USB, RS-232
  932. tested = 2.33
  933. nmea = 3.01
  934. submitter = Diego Berge <>
  935. [Garmin GPS 76]
  936. type = device
  937. vendor = Garmin
  938. packaging = handset
  939. techdoc =
  940. uses = Garmin-Native
  941. interfaces = RS-232
  942. tested = 2.39
  943. nmea = 2.3
  944. submitter = Sebastian Niehaus <>,
  945. Geoff Childs <>
  946. notes = The device has a four pin socket described by Garmin as a serial
  947. interface. Connection to a standard 9 pin RS-232 computer socket
  948. is made using the special adaptor lead supplied by Garmin. Sebastian
  949. Niehaus says it annunces "Software Version 3.70". Geoff Childs adds:
  950. "The Garmin GPS 76 comms MUST be set to 'NMEA'. The kernel module
  951. garmin_gps is not needed and should not be specially loaded."
  952. [Geko 201]
  953. type = device
  954. vendor = Garmin
  955. packaging = handset
  956. techdoc =
  957. uses = Garmin-Native
  958. interfaces = RS-232
  959. tested = regression
  960. nmea = 3.0
  961. submitter = Jose Luis Domingo Lopez <>
  962. notes =
  963. logs = garmin-geko201.log
  964. [eTrex Vista]
  965. type = device
  966. vendor = Garmin
  967. packaging = handset
  968. techdoc =
  969. uses = Garmin-Native
  970. interfaces = RS-232
  971. tested = 2.32
  972. nmea = 3.0
  973. submitter = Reed Hedges <>
  974. notes =
  975. [Nuvi 650]
  976. type = device
  977. vendor = Garmin
  978. packaging = handsfree
  979. techdoc =
  980. uses = SiRF-3
  981. interfaces = USB
  982. tested = *
  983. nmea = 3.0
  984. rating = broken
  985. notes = This device does not have real-time data output, and is incompatible
  986. with GPSD.
  987. [GPSmap 76S]
  988. type = device
  989. vendor = Garmin
  990. engine = unknown
  991. packaging = handset
  992. rating = other
  993. techdoc =
  994. tested = 2.94
  995. nmea = 2.3
  996. date = 2011-10-24
  997. interfaces = USB
  998. submitter = Brad Skillman <>
  999. model = GPSmap 76S
  1000. notes = When the GPSmap 76S is placed into simulator mode, for some
  1001. unknown reason, both the xgps and cgps clients display "n/a" in
  1002. the time field. However, the lat., long., and altitude fields
  1003. are being displayed correctly. Using gpspipe -r is appears that
  1004. the $GPGLL message is sending out the UTC time in the HHMMSS
  1005. format (Note: There are no fractional seconds being generated)
  1006. logs = GPSmap-76S
  1007. [Montana 650t]
  1008. type = device
  1009. packaging = handheld
  1010. interfaces = USB
  1011. submitter = Richard Allen <>
  1012. vendor = Garmin
  1013. techdoc =
  1014. engine = STA2065
  1015. rating = good
  1016. tested = 3.6
  1017. [GPS 152]
  1018. type = device
  1019. submitter = Erkki Laasonen <>
  1020. vendor = Garmin
  1021. techdoc =
  1022. packaging = handheld
  1023. engine = unknown
  1024. firmware = 3.60
  1025. nmea = 2.3
  1026. interfaces = FTDI
  1027. tested = 3.6
  1028. rating = broken
  1029. location = Uusikaupunki, FI, 61N 21E
  1030. date = 2014-06-30
  1031. sample_notes: Log was taken on my moored boat.
  1032. #% Geostar Navigation
  1033. [GeoS-1M]
  1034. type = device
  1035. date = 2010-07-09
  1036. location = Minsk, Belarus, 53N 27E
  1037. model = GeoS-1M
  1038. engine = custom
  1039. interfaces = TTL
  1040. nmea = 3.01
  1041. packaging = OEM module
  1042. rating = good
  1043. sample_notes = NMEA output for a few minutes after power up.
  1044. submitter = Viktar Palstsiuk <>
  1045. techdoc =
  1046. tested = 2.90
  1047. vendor = Geostar
  1048. notes = GeoS-1M is the combined GPS/GLONASS OEM receiver board. Its
  1049. architecture includes 24 tracking channels.
  1050. logs = geos-1m.log
  1051. #% GlobalSat
  1052. [BC-307]
  1053. type = device
  1054. vendor = GlobalSat
  1055. packaging = mouse
  1056. techdoc =
  1057. uses = SiRF-2
  1058. interfaces = CF
  1059. tested = 2.35
  1060. nmea = 2.2
  1061. rating = fair
  1062. submitter = Chris Kuethe <>.
  1063. notes = Acceptably functional running firmware 231ES.
  1064. [BT-318]
  1065. type = device
  1066. vendor = GlobalSat
  1067. packaging = mouse
  1068. techdoc =;p_id=107
  1069. uses = SiRF-2
  1070. interfaces = Bluetooth
  1071. tested = 3.12
  1072. nmea = 2.2
  1073. rating = fair
  1074. configurable = insane
  1075. submitter = Frank Nicholas <>
  1076. notes = Requires the -b option.
  1077. [BT-338]
  1078. type = device
  1079. vendor = GlobalSat
  1080. packaging = mouse
  1081. techdoc =
  1082. uses = SiRF-3
  1083. interfaces = Bluetooth
  1084. tested = 2.13
  1085. rating = fair
  1086. submitter = Michal Panczyk <>
  1087. [BU-303]
  1088. type = device
  1089. vendor = GlobalSat
  1090. packaging = mouse
  1091. techdoc =;catid=13
  1092. uses = SiRF-2
  1093. interfaces = USB
  1094. usbchip = pl2303
  1095. tested = regression
  1096. rating = excellent
  1097. eval_unit = esr
  1098. nmea = 2.2
  1099. notes = Older versions of the BU-303 had a design defect that made it
  1100. likely to fail if subjected to vibration or hard shocks.
  1101. [BU-353]
  1102. type = device
  1103. vendor = GlobalSat
  1104. packaging = mouse
  1105. techdoc =;catid=17
  1106. uses = SiRF-3
  1107. interfaces = USB
  1108. usbchip = pl2303
  1109. tested = pre-2.29
  1110. rating = excellent
  1111. eval_unit = esr
  1112. nmea = 2.3
  1113. notes = This receiver does not support PPS timing output. Some versions of
  1114. firmware do not support WAAS, though updates may be available for a
  1115. fee from GlobalSat.
  1116. [BU-355]
  1117. type = device
  1118. vendor = GlobalSat
  1119. packaging = mouse
  1120. uses = SiRF-3
  1121. interfaces = USB
  1122. usbchip = pl2303
  1123. tested = 3.10
  1124. rating = good
  1125. eval_unit = esr
  1126. nmea = 2.3
  1127. notes = This receiver does not support PPS timing output. Does support
  1128. WAAS/EGNOS, unlike some 353s.
  1129. [BU-353-S4]
  1130. type = device
  1131. vendor = GlobalSat
  1132. packaging = mouse
  1133. techdoc =
  1134. uses = SiRF-4
  1135. interfaces = USB
  1136. usbchip = pl2303
  1137. tested = 3.11
  1138. rating = poor
  1139. eval-unit = esr,gary
  1140. nmea = 3.0
  1141. # Also tested by Paul Beard <>
  1142. # Hamilton, Waikato, 37.8S 175.3E 2014-12-31
  1143. notes = This receiver does not support PPS timing output. Much like the
  1144. BU-353 except for using a SiRFStar IV chip. Has poor
  1145. sensitivity and takes a lot longer to cold-start than the vendor
  1146. claim 45 of 45 seconds. Gary Miller rates this device "DO NOT
  1147. EVER BUY ONE!", observing "The big selling point of the SiRF IV
  1148. is the lower power needs. Looks like they made that happen at
  1149. the expense of sensitivity and timeliness of fixes." Also,
  1150. has the SiRF-IV tendency to freeze when switched from binary
  1151. to NMEA mode (power-cycling it unjams it).
  1152. [BT-359]
  1153. vendor = GlobalSat
  1154. uses = SiRF-3
  1155. interfaces = Bluetooth
  1156. nmea = 2.2
  1157. packaging = mouse
  1158. rating = excellent
  1159. submitter = Patrick Forristal <>
  1160. techdoc =;checkType=Manual
  1161. tested = 2.37
  1162. [ET-332 Engine Board]
  1163. type = device
  1164. engine = SiRF-3
  1165. firmware = unknown
  1166. model = ET-322 Engine Board
  1167. interfaces = TTL
  1168. notes = This is an OEM module but it is available in small quantities.
  1169. logs = et-332.log
  1170. packaging = OEM module
  1171. rating = good
  1172. submitter = Val Schmidt <>
  1173. techdoc =;gs_en_product_id=4&amp;gs_en_product_cnt_id=44&amp;img_id=110&amp;product_cnt_folder=4
  1174. vendor = GlobalSat
  1175. [ND-100S]
  1176. type = device
  1177. engine = SiRF-3
  1178. date = 2011-03-14
  1179. interfaces = USB
  1180. model = ND-100S
  1181. notes = SirfDemo can be used to configure the product.
  1182. packaging = mouse
  1183. rating = excellent
  1184. submitter = George E Farmer <>
  1185. techdoc =
  1186. tested = 2.95
  1187. vendor = GlobalSat
  1188. logs = nd-1005.log
  1189. [MR-350P]
  1190. date = 2010-02-03
  1191. interfaces = RS-232
  1192. nmea = 3.01
  1193. packaging = mouse
  1194. pps = True
  1195. pps_accuracy = 50ns
  1196. time_offset = ?
  1197. rating = excellent
  1198. submitter = Gary E. Miller <>, Tony Hain <>
  1199. techdoc =
  1200. tested = 3.3
  1201. type = device
  1202. uses = SiRF-3
  1203. vendor = GlobalSat
  1204. notes = May work inside wood frame buildings. PPS pulse is only 1uS wide,
  1205. but newer gpsd handles that fine. Be careful, there is also an MR-350
  1206. (no suffix P) that does NOT have PPS.
  1207. logs = mr-350p
  1208. [TripNav TN-200]
  1209. type = device
  1210. vendor = GlobalSat
  1211. packaging = mouse
  1212. techdoc =;catid=13
  1213. uses = SiRF-2
  1214. interfaces = USB
  1215. usbchip = FTDI FT232
  1216. tested = regression
  1217. rating = excellent
  1218. notes = We tested a version with SiRF Firmware level 231ES. The <a
  1219. href=''>FTDI USB-to-serial
  1220. chip</a> is supported only as alpha software not yet
  1221. incorporated into the Linux kernel, though it seems to be well
  1222. supported by OS X and various BSDs. It seems like the only
  1223. difference between this and the BU-303 is the different
  1224. USB-to-serial chip.
  1225. [TripNav TN-204]
  1226. type = device
  1227. vendor = GlobalSat
  1228. packaging = mouse
  1229. uses = SiRF-2
  1230. interfaces = CF
  1231. tested = regression
  1232. rating = excellent
  1233. submitter = Pascal F. Martin <>
  1234. notes = Sometimes sold under the brand name "Rayming", but that vendor
  1235. seems to have disappeared. Chipset said to be SiRF 2 but the
  1236. output looks more like old Garmin GPSes.
  1237. [ND100]
  1238. type = device
  1239. uses = MSB2122
  1240. interfaces = USB
  1241. usbchip = pl2303
  1242. nmea = 3.0
  1243. packaging = mouse
  1244. rating = excellent
  1245. submitter = Arnaud Le Meur <>
  1246. techdoc =
  1247. tested = 2.38
  1248. vendor = GlobalSat
  1249. notes = May ship with broken firmware that incorrectly reports the
  1250. current year (2009) as 1953. A firmware update is available
  1251. to resolve this issue.
  1252. #% HAB supplies
  1253. [HAB-GPSPI]
  1254. type = device
  1255. submitter =
  1256. vendor = HAB Supplies
  1257. techdoc =
  1258. packaging = OEM module
  1259. engine = unknown
  1260. firmware = unknown
  1261. interfaces = TTL
  1262. tested = 3.6
  1263. rating = excellent
  1264. location = Laxenburg, Austria, 48.06N 16.36E
  1265. date = 2015-06-21
  1266. sample_notes = This device was not moved as it is used as a NTP server.
  1267. logs=hab-gpspi.log
  1268. #% Haicom
  1269. [HI-204S]
  1270. type = device
  1271. vendor = Haicom
  1272. packaging = mouse
  1273. techdoc =
  1274. uses = SiRF-2
  1275. interfaces = USB
  1276. usbchip = pl2303
  1277. tested = 3.12
  1278. rating = excellent
  1279. eval_unit = esr
  1280. nmea = 2.2
  1281. notes = SiRF firmware level 231ES (XTrac). Haicom provided a test unit. Manual
  1282. states incorrectly that VTG is off by default.
  1283. [HI-204E]
  1284. type = device
  1285. vendor = Haicom
  1286. packaging = mouse
  1287. techdoc =
  1288. engine = Evermore BBP1202
  1289. interfaces = USB
  1290. tested = 2.6
  1291. rating = excellent
  1292. nmea = 2.2
  1293. notes = Probably uses PL2303 but we have not verified this.
  1294. [HI-303S]
  1295. type = device
  1296. vendor = Haicom
  1297. packaging = handsfree
  1298. techdoc =
  1299. uses = SiRF-3
  1300. interfaces = RS-232
  1301. tested = 2.25
  1302. nmea = 2.2
  1303. submitter = Denis Perchine <>
  1304. discontinued = True
  1305. notes = NMEA works, but SiRF binary does not. This device seems to ignore the
  1306. $PSRF100 mode switch command. (SiRF binary may be available on
  1307. the auxiliary serial port, but this is unconfirmed.) This
  1308. device ships with XTrac firmware.
  1309. [HI-305N]
  1310. type = device
  1311. vendor = Haicom
  1312. packaging = mouse
  1313. techdoc =
  1314. uses = Nemerix
  1315. interfaces = CF
  1316. tested = regression
  1317. discontinued = True
  1318. submitter = David Findlay <>
  1319. notes = Adaptors for RS-232, USB, and Bluetooth operation are available.
  1320. #% Holux
  1321. [GM-210]
  1322. type = device
  1323. vendor = Holux
  1324. packaging = mouse
  1325. techdoc =
  1326. uses = SiRF-2
  1327. interfaces = RS-232
  1328. tested = regression
  1329. nmea = 2.2
  1330. discontinued = True
  1331. submitter = Patrick L. McGillan <>.
  1332. [GR-230]
  1333. type = device
  1334. vendor = Holux
  1335. packaging = mouse
  1336. techdoc =
  1337. uses = SiRF-2
  1338. interfaces = Bluetooth
  1339. configurable = insane
  1340. tested = 2.19
  1341. nmea = 2.2
  1342. discontinued = True
  1343. notes = 4 color LED showing: Bluetooth, Navigation Update and Battery
  1344. and Charger Rating Indication. FLASH based program
  1345. memory. Firmware upgradeable through serial interface. Water
  1346. resistant.
  1347. [GPSlim 236]
  1348. type = device
  1349. vendor = Holux
  1350. packaging = mouse
  1351. techdoc =;target=bluetooth00&amp;level=grandsonson
  1352. uses = SiRF-3
  1353. interfaces = Bluetooth
  1354. tested = regression
  1355. rating = poor
  1356. nmea = 2.2
  1357. submitter = K&eacute;vin Redon <>
  1358. notes = Does not report altitude reliably.
  1359. Optional interfaces:
  1360. mini-USB -> USB, needing a special cable : GR230-A2 (USB data cable),
  1361. otherwise it will not work;
  1362. mini-USB -> RS-232, need cable GR230-A1(RS-232 data cable), I didn't
  1363. try it with a normal cable;
  1364. mini-USB -> PS2, need cable GR230-A3 (Mini USB port to PS2 port ), I
  1365. didn't try it with a normal cable.
  1366. [Holux GR-239]
  1367. type = device
  1368. vendor = Holux
  1369. packaging = mouse
  1370. techdoc =
  1371. uses = SiRF-3
  1372. interfaces = Bluetooth, USB
  1373. configurable = insane
  1374. tested = 2.36
  1375. rating = poor
  1376. nmea = 2.2
  1377. notes = Bluetooth operation requires -b option. Powered from a car
  1378. cigarette-lighter.
  1379. [M-241]
  1380. type = device
  1381. vendor = Holux
  1382. packaging = mouse
  1383. techdoc =
  1384. uses = MTK
  1385. interfaces = Bluetooth, USB
  1386. usbchip = CP2101
  1387. configurable = insane
  1388. tested = 2.37
  1389. btglitch = yes
  1390. submitter = Roland Ager <>
  1391. notes = gpsd crashes the device when autoprobing @ baud rate 9600 (unless
  1392. '-b'/broken-device-safety is enabled - need to unplug/reset the device).
  1393. 'stty -F /dev/ttyUSB1 ispeed 38400' helps avoiding too much autoprobing -
  1394. though stty complains about not being able to perform all requested
  1395. operations.
  1396. #% Humminbird
  1397. [Matrix-37]
  1398. type = device
  1399. vendor = Humminbird
  1400. packaging = handsfree
  1401. techdoc =
  1402. engine = unknown
  1403. interfaces = RS-232
  1404. discontinued = True
  1405. tested = regression
  1406. rating = good
  1407. submitter = Carl Brown <>
  1408. notes = Depth finder and water-temperature sensor.
  1409. logs = humminbird-M37.log
  1410. #% iTrek
  1411. [M3]
  1412. type = device
  1413. vendor = iTrek
  1414. packaging = mouse
  1415. techdoc =
  1416. uses = SiRF-3
  1417. interfaces = Bluetooth
  1418. tested = 2.28
  1419. submitter = Lance Fetters <>
  1420. notes = The product page points at a retail site carrying these
  1421. because the vendor site is in Japanese only. This GPS emits a
  1422. weirdly broken GSA sentence that crashed gpsd versions prior to
  1423. 2.28. Serial parameters default to 38400; 8, N, 1. May come
  1424. bundled with Microsoft Streets and Trips.
  1425. logs = iTrek.log
  1426. #% Jackson Labs
  1427. [Firefly-1a]
  1428. type = device
  1429. engine = UBLOX NEO-5Q
  1430. firmware = 0.918
  1431. interfaces = RS-232
  1432. pps = True
  1433. pps_accuracy = 50ns
  1434. packaging = OEM module
  1435. rating = excellent
  1436. submitter = Don Weeks <>,
  1437. Said Jackson <>
  1438. techdoc =
  1439. vendor = Jackson Labs
  1440. notes = Only outputs GGA and RMC NMEA strings. There are other proprietary
  1441. commands. See the gpsd-dev list for patches. GPSD works as far back
  1442. as the 0.914 version, which emitted \r\r\n terminations. All the
  1443. FireFly units are OCXO driven, so the 1PPS output stays accurate even
  1444. if GPS reception is lost.
  1445. [FireFly-II]
  1446. type = device
  1447. engine = UBLOX NEO-5Q
  1448. date = 2010-07-07
  1449. firmware = 2.18
  1450. interfaces = RS-232
  1451. pps = True
  1452. pps_accuracy = 50ns
  1453. time_offset = ?
  1454. model = FireFly-1A and FireFly-II GPSDO
  1455. notes = Uses ublox Antaris 5 with Kick Start and Super Sense,
  1456. soon movingto ublox-6. Defective \r\r\n string terminations
  1457. have been fixed in the 2.18 firmware version. All the
  1458. FireFly units are OCXO driven, so the 1PPS output stays accurate even
  1459. if GPS reception is lost.
  1460. packaging = OEM module
  1461. rating = good
  1462. sample_notes = Stationary state, roof-mounted antenna, three levels of
  1463. GPS distribution Amplifier between antenna and receiver.
  1464. submitter = Said Jackson <>
  1465. techdoc =
  1466. vendor = Jackson Labs
  1467. #% LyconSys
  1468. [GPSMOD1]
  1469. type = device
  1470. engine = ANTARIS5
  1471. firmware = ROM CORE 4.00 (25682)
  1472. interfaces = USB
  1473. model = GPSMOD1
  1474. nmea = 2.3
  1475. packaging = mouse
  1476. rating = excellent
  1477. submitter =
  1478. techdoc =
  1479. tested = 2.95
  1480. vendor = LyconSys
  1481. #% Magellan
  1482. [EC-10X]
  1483. type = device
  1484. vendor = Magellan
  1485. packaging = handset
  1486. techdoc =
  1487. uses = Zodiac
  1488. interfaces = RS-232
  1489. pps = True
  1490. tested = regression
  1491. discontinued = True
  1492. submitter = Gary E. Miller <>
  1493. notes = It was cool in its day, now a dinosaur mainly good for
  1494. regression testing. NMEA time is accurate to about 500mS.
  1495. Start of cycle is GPRMC on odd seconds, GPRMB on even seconds.
  1496. logs = magellan315.log
  1497. [315]
  1498. type = device
  1499. vendor = Magellan
  1500. packaging = handset
  1501. techdoc =
  1502. engine = unknown
  1503. interfaces = RS-232
  1504. tested = regression
  1505. rating = good
  1506. submitter = Angel Marques Mateu <>
  1507. notes =
  1508. logs = magellan315.log
  1509. [Meridian Platinum]
  1510. type = device
  1511. vendor = Magellan
  1512. packaging = handset
  1513. techdoc =
  1514. engine = Motorola
  1515. interfaces = RS-232
  1516. tested = 2.21
  1517. rating = excellent
  1518. nmea = v1.5 APA, v1.5 XTE, v2.1 GSA
  1519. discontinued = True
  1520. submitter = Chris S. Newell <>
  1521. [eXplorist 110]
  1522. type = device
  1523. vendor = Magellan
  1524. packaging = handset
  1525. techdoc =
  1526. engine = unknown
  1527. interfaces = USB
  1528. tested = regression
  1529. rating = good
  1530. nmea = 2.1
  1531. submitter =
  1532. logs = eXplorist110.log
  1533. [eXplorist 210]
  1534. type = device
  1535. vendor = Magellan
  1536. packaging = handset
  1537. techdoc =
  1538. engine = unknown
  1539. interfaces = USB
  1540. tested = regression
  1541. rating = good
  1542. nmea = 2.1
  1543. submitter = Paul van den Berg <>
  1544. notes = USB has 3 modes &mdash; NMEA data comm (3 submodes): outputs GPS data
  1545. (creates /dev/ttyACM0), USB file transfer: transfer files (creates
  1546. /dev/sdX and /dev/sdX1), or Power Only: use USB only for electrical
  1547. power. The APA and XTE extensions choke gpsd, so select V2.1 GSA
  1548. under "NMEA Data Comm>".
  1549. logs = eXplorist210.log
  1550. [Thales AC12]
  1551. type = device
  1552. vendor = Magellan
  1553. packaging = OEM module
  1554. techdoc =,%20Sensor%20&amp;%20ADU/A12,%20%20B12,%20&amp;%20AC12/Techdoc%20Material/A12,%20B12%20&amp;%20AC12%20RM%20rev%20E.pdf
  1555. engine = unknown
  1556. interfaces = TTL
  1557. nmea = 3.0
  1558. tested = regression
  1559. rating = good
  1560. pps = True
  1561. pps_accuracy = 250ns
  1562. time_offset = ?
  1563. submitter = Chris Kuethe <>
  1564. notes = Receiver comes up in silent mode, you may need to use ashctl to turn
  1565. on a default set of messages. Tested with firmware BQ00 and BQ04.
  1566. logs=ac12.log
  1567. [Triton 400]
  1568. type = device
  1569. vendor = Magellan
  1570. submitter = James Gerlach <>
  1571. techdoc =
  1572. packaging = handset
  1573. uses = SiRF-3
  1574. firmware = GSW3.2.4
  1575. nmea = 2.1
  1576. interfaces = USB
  1577. tested = 3.8 and 3.5
  1578. rating = good
  1579. location = Wellington, FL, USA
  1580. date: 2013-03-31
  1581. logs=triton400.log
  1582. #% Motorola
  1583. [Oncore GT+]
  1584. type = device
  1585. vendor = Motorola
  1586. packaging = OEM module
  1587. techdoc =
  1588. engine = Motorola
  1589. interfaces = RS-232 or TTL
  1590. tested = 2.20
  1591. nmea = 2.2
  1592. pps = True
  1593. pps_accuracy = 50ns
  1594. time_offset = ?
  1595. rating = good
  1596. discontinued = True
  1597. submitter = Wojciech Kazubski <>
  1598. notes = RTCM input, no WAAS. In binary mode can deliver differential
  1599. correction for another Oncore GT+. Similar Motorola Oncore UT
  1600. timing receiver has less functions but better timing
  1601. accuracy.
  1602. logs = oncore.log
  1603. [T805]
  1604. type = device
  1605. vendor = Motorola
  1606. packaging = mouse
  1607. techdoc =
  1608. uses = SiRF-3
  1609. subtype = <a href="">GSC3f-7879</a>
  1610. interfaces = Bluetooth
  1611. tested = 2.35
  1612. submitter = Reported by Olivier Lahaye <>
  1613. #% Navcom
  1614. [SF-2040G]
  1615. type = device
  1616. vendor = Navcom
  1617. packaging = survey
  1618. techdoc =
  1619. uses = Touchstone ASIC
  1620. interfaces = RS-232, Bluetooth, Radio (untested)
  1621. tested = 2.35
  1622. rating = good
  1623. nmea = 3.0
  1624. submitter = Diego Berge <>
  1625. #$ NaviSys
  1626. [GR601-W]
  1627. type = device
  1628. vendor = Navisys
  1629. packaging = mouse
  1630. techdoc =
  1631. engine = LEA-6H
  1632. interfaces = USB
  1633. tested = 3.12
  1634. pps = True
  1635. pps_accuracy = 1ms
  1636. time_offset = ?
  1637. rating = excellent
  1638. eval-unit = esr, gary
  1639. submitter = Eric S. Raymond <>.
  1640. notes = Also known as the Macx-1, this is the USB variant of the
  1641. GR601, customized for timing use by connecting 1PPS to DCD
  1642. and capable of delivering time to 1ms accuracy. The best
  1643. indoor performer I have tested. Has one odd quirk: UBX
  1644. reporting can be turned on, but NMEA cannot be turned off.
  1645. logs = gr601-w.log
  1646. [GR701-W]
  1647. type = device
  1648. vendor = Navisys
  1649. packaging = mouse
  1650. techdoc =
  1651. engine = ublox-7
  1652. interfaces = USB
  1653. tested = 3.21
  1654. nmea = 2.3
  1655. pps = True
  1656. time_offset = 88µs
  1657. rating = excellent
  1658. submitter = James Browning <>
  1659. logs = navisys-gr701-w.log
  1660. [GR8013-W]
  1661. type = device
  1662. submitter = Marc Thielemann <>
  1663. vendor = Navisys
  1664. techdoc =
  1665. packaging = mouse
  1666. engine = LEA-8H
  1667. firmware = 2.01
  1668. nmea = 2.3, 4.1
  1669. interfaces = PL2303
  1670. tested = 3.15
  1671. rating = excellent
  1672. location = Berlin, Germany, 5230.88669N 01327.85593E
  1673. date = 2015-06-19
  1674. logs = g8013-w.log
  1675. [EVK 6H]
  1676. type = device
  1677. vendor = u-blox
  1678. packaging = other
  1679. techdoc =
  1680. engine = LEA-6H
  1681. interfaces = USB, RS232
  1682. tested = 3.9
  1683. pps = True
  1684. pps_accuracy = 1ms
  1685. time_offset = ?
  1686. rating = excellent
  1687. eval-unit = esr
  1688. submitter = Eric S. Raymond <>.
  1689. notes = The u-blox eval kit for the LEA-6H. Has a TCXO on a miniboard in
  1690. a nice aluminum case with both USB and serial output. PPS on DCD
  1691. and DSR. Good Stratum 0 time source.
  1692. #% Navius
  1693. [NSA-U3]
  1694. type = device
  1695. vendor = Navius
  1696. packaging = mouse
  1697. techdoc =
  1698. uses = SiRF-2
  1699. interfaces = USB
  1700. usbchip = pl2303
  1701. tested = 2.24
  1702. rating = excellent
  1703. submitter = Jeff Francis <>
  1704. notes = Included with the horrible Windows navigation software from
  1705. Rand McNally.
  1706. #% NaviLock
  1707. [NL-209P]
  1708. type = device
  1709. vendor = NaviLock
  1710. packaging = mouse
  1711. techdoc =
  1712. uses = Sony CXD2951
  1713. interfaces = USB, RS-232, Bluetooth
  1714. configurable = insane
  1715. usbchip = pl2303
  1716. tested = 2.35
  1717. nmea = 2.2
  1718. submitter = Jason Curl <>
  1719. notes = When running, need to use the -b option, else the device will
  1720. hang during the GPSD probing phase and it needs to be unplugged
  1721. and reinserted. To use this device with NTPd, set the the
  1722. "fudge" factor to 0.840. There is no known PPS signal associated
  1723. with this device. While the technical information claims 1us
  1724. accuracy on the clock, the interface is undocumented, so there
  1725. is no way to know if there is a usable 1PPS signal.
  1726. [NL-302U]
  1727. type = device
  1728. vendor = NaviLock
  1729. packaging = mouse
  1730. techdoc =
  1731. uses = SiRF-3
  1732. subtype = GSW3.2.4_3.1.00.12-SDK003P1
  1733. interfaces = USB
  1734. usbchip = pl2303
  1735. nmea = 2.34
  1736. submitter = Beat Bolli <>
  1737. notes = <code>gpsprof</code> output can be found
  1738. <a href="">here</a>.
  1739. [NL-402U USB]
  1740. type = device
  1741. engine = u-blox5 GPS &amp; GALILEO SuperSense
  1742. date = 2008-07-24
  1743. location = Neustadt / Holstein 54.05N 10.49 E
  1744. model = NL-402U USB Empfänger
  1745. interfaces = USB
  1746. packaging = mouse
  1747. rating = excellent
  1748. submitter = Klaus Plöger <>
  1749. techdoc =
  1750. tested = regression
  1751. vendor = NaviLock
  1752. logs = nl402u.log
  1753. notes = Starts with RMC, ends with GLL.
  1754. [NL-551EUSB]
  1755. type = device
  1756. engine = u-blox5 GPS & GALILEO SuperSense
  1757. submitter = Bas van Duijnhoven <>
  1758. vendor = NaviLock
  1759. techdoc =
  1760. packaging = OEM module
  1761. interfaces = TTL
  1762. firmware = 6.02
  1763. nmea = 2.3
  1764. tested = 3.5
  1765. location = Rheden, NL, 52.002N 6.036E
  1766. date = 2012-07-03
  1767. rating = good
  1768. logs = nl551e.log
  1769. [BT-451]
  1770. type = device
  1771. engine= ANTARIS4
  1772. date = 2009-12-09
  1773. location = Lithuania, 55.8N 23.6E
  1774. model = BT-451
  1775. packaging = mouse
  1776. interfaces = USB
  1777. rating = good
  1778. submitter = Mindaugas <>
  1779. techdoc =
  1780. tested = 2.39
  1781. vendor = NaviLock
  1782. logs = bt451.log
  1783. notes = Uses the ANTARIS4 ATR062x variant.
  1784. [NL-8002U]
  1785. type=device
  1786. submitter = Manfred Günzl <>
  1787. vendor = NaviLock
  1788. techdoc =
  1789. packaging = mouse
  1790. engine = LEA-8H
  1791. firmware = SW 2.01 (75331),HW 00080000,PROTVER 15.00
  1792. nmea = V3.01
  1793. interfaces = Other
  1794. tested = 3.15
  1795. rating = excellent
  1796. location = Schramberg Sulgen, DE, 48.2N 8.4E
  1797. date = 2015-10-10
  1798. logs = nl2008u.log
  1799. #% NavMan
  1800. [Jupiter 20]
  1801. type = device
  1802. vendor = NavMan
  1803. packaging = chipset
  1804. techdoc =
  1805. uses = SiRF-2
  1806. subtype = Jupiter 21DR Firmware
  1807. interfaces = RS-232
  1808. tested = 2.32
  1809. nmea = 2.2
  1810. discontinued = True
  1811. submitter = Andreas Stricker <>
  1812. notes = Not a complete GPS, but a chipset. It is running with an external
  1813. gyro on a our self-developed board.
  1814. #%Navis Engineering Bureau
  1815. [CH-4711]
  1816. type = device
  1817. vendor = Navis Engineering Bureau
  1818. engine = CH-4706
  1819. date = 2009-11-21
  1820. firmware = m4706 03.10 02/06/09 | 12044 | M2002 05.01 02/06/09
  1821. nmea = 3.0?
  1822. packaging = mouse
  1823. interfaces = USB
  1824. usbchip = FTDI FT232
  1825. rating = good
  1826. submitter =
  1827. techdoc =
  1828. logs = ch-4711.log
  1829. notes = By default the device does not report 2d fixes; the vendor
  1830. configuration tool offers checkboxes to enable any combination of
  1831. none, 2D fixes, 3D fixes, or both. The devices has only a very
  1832. limited set of NMEA controls but speaks a proprietary vendor format
  1833. called BINR with more capabilities.
  1834. [NAVIOR-24]
  1835. type = device
  1836. engine = CH-4701
  1837. interfaces = TTL
  1838. date = 2008-05-29
  1839. location = Minsk, Belarus, 53N 27E
  1840. model = NAVIOR-24
  1841. packaging = OEM module
  1842. rating = good
  1843. submitter = Viktar Palstsiuk <>
  1844. techdoc =
  1845. vendor = Navis Engineering Bureau
  1846. notes = NAVIOR-24 is the single board 24-channel navigation OEM receiver
  1847. supporting GLONASS/GPS systems.
  1848. logs = ch-4701.log
  1849. #%Navisys
  1850. [GR-300]
  1851. type = device
  1852. uses = SiRF-3
  1853. date = 2009-07-03
  1854. firmware = GSW3.2.4Pat2_3.1.00.12-SDK001P1.00
  1855. interfaces = USB
  1856. location = East Haddon, Northampton, England, UK, 53.3N, 1.02W
  1857. model = GR-300
  1858. nmea = 3.0
  1859. packaging = mouse
  1860. rating = excellent
  1861. submitter =
  1862. techdoc =
  1863. tested = 2.38
  1864. vendor = Navisys
  1865. notes = Also includes an (untested) Bluetooth interface. Has two LEDs:
  1866. blue for bluetooth, green for rating. Solid green = on and searching
  1867. for satellite fixes. Blinking green = on and has 3D fix.
  1868. Also a similar GR-310 version available. It is possible that only GR-310
  1869. supports Bluetooth. Programs only seem to be able to communicate
  1870. with the dongle at 4800 baud rates, though this is autodetected by gpsd
  1871. with no problems. Approx &pound;40 per <a href="">dongle</a>.
  1872. #%Nokia
  1873. [LD-4W]
  1874. type = device
  1875. uses = SiRF-3
  1876. date = 2009-12-05
  1877. location = Oulu, FI, 65N 25E
  1878. model = LD-4W
  1879. interfaces = Bluetooth
  1880. noconfigure = yes
  1881. packaging = mouse
  1882. rating = fair
  1883. submitter =
  1884. techdoc =
  1885. tested = 2.39
  1886. vendor = Nokia
  1887. logs = nokia-ld-4w.log
  1888. notes = I first tried gpsd package from Ubuntu 9.10, which broke
  1889. device on probe. Luckily this device has 'reset' function by
  1890. pressing power button for 10 sec. Then I recompiled gpsd with
  1891. only support for Generic NMEA and SiRF binary and with fixed
  1892. speed (--enable-fixed-port-speed=9600). Now device works in sirf
  1893. mode, and does not break on probe.
  1894. #% NovAtel
  1895. [SuperStar II (202)]
  1896. type = device
  1897. vendor = NovAtel
  1898. packaging = OEM Module
  1899. uses = NovAtel-L1
  1900. techdoc =
  1901. tested = 2.38
  1902. discontinued = True
  1903. interfaces = RS-232
  1904. pps = True
  1905. submitter = Chris Kuethe <>
  1906. notes = There are quite a number of models of SuperStarII, this is a
  1907. 169-613955-202 (1Hz, Carrier Phase, Timing, 19200). Other SuperStarII
  1908. boards should work.
  1909. #% Parrot
  1910. [CK3300]
  1911. type = device
  1912. vendor = Parrot
  1913. packaging = handsfree
  1914. techdoc =
  1915. engine = unknown
  1916. interfaces = Bluetooth
  1917. tested = 2.35
  1918. rating = good
  1919. nmea = 2.?
  1920. submitter = Andy Brown <>
  1921. notes = In-car hands-free bluetooth phone and GPS device. Outputs NMEA
  1922. #% Pharos
  1923. [GPS-360]
  1924. type = device
  1925. vendor = Pharos
  1926. packaging = mouse
  1927. techdoc =
  1928. uses = SiRF-2
  1929. interfaces = USB
  1930. usbchip = pl2303
  1931. tested = regression
  1932. nmea = 2.3
  1933. discontinued = True
  1934. submitter = Robert Pouliot <>
  1935. notes = The Pharos comes with adaptors for SDIO, CF, USB and plain
  1936. RS-232. Usually ships with XTrac firmware. It is strongly
  1937. recommended that this device not be flashed with a different
  1938. firmware as all reflashed receivers tested thus far fail to work
  1939. afterward. May come bundled with Microsoft Streets and Trips.
  1940. [iGPS-500]
  1941. type = device
  1942. vendor = Pharos
  1943. packaging = mouse
  1944. techdoc =;cat=141
  1945. uses = SiRF-3
  1946. subtype = GSC3f
  1947. usbchip = PL2303
  1948. interfaces = USB
  1949. tested = 2.3
  1950. submitter = Aurelian Maga <>
  1951. #% Phonix
  1952. [BGR6205]
  1953. type = device
  1954. vendor = Phonix
  1955. packaging = mouse
  1956. techdoc =
  1957. uses = SiRF-2
  1958. interfaces = Bluetooth
  1959. configurable = insane
  1960. tested = 2.34
  1961. nmea = 2.2
  1962. notes = As this is a Bluetooth device, gpsd must either be run with "-b" or must
  1963. be compiled with fixed port speed, as the Bluetooth interface does not
  1964. tolerate port speed changes at all. Reported by Sebastiano Zabert
  1965. (no emal address)
  1966. #% QGP Supply
  1967. [Quescan Q1064]
  1968. type = device
  1969. vendor = QGP Supply
  1970. packaging = mouse
  1971. techdoc =
  1972. engine = ublox-8
  1973. interfaces = USB
  1974. tested = 3.21
  1975. time_offset = ?
  1976. rating = excellent
  1977. submitter = James Browning <>
  1978. #% Qstarz
  1979. [BT-Q818]
  1980. type = device
  1981. vendor = Qstarz
  1982. uses = MTK
  1983. interfaces = Bluetooth
  1984. date = 2010-06-03
  1985. location = +34d 1m 58.80sec, -117deg 44min 49.56sec
  1986. model = BT-Q818
  1987. notes = Had to use the -b option.
  1988. packaging = mouse
  1989. rating = excellent
  1990. sample_notes = Not moving. Left unit on a north facing window sill.
  1991. submitter =
  1992. techdoc =
  1993. tested = 2.92-4
  1994. logs=bt-q818.log
  1995. #% RF Solutions
  1996. [GPS-320FW]
  1997. type = device
  1998. engine = SE4100L
  1999. interfaces = TTL
  2000. nmea = 3.01
  2001. packaging = chipset
  2002. rating = fair
  2003. submitter = Stoo <>
  2004. techdoc =
  2005. vendor = RF Solutions
  2006. notes = Has a binary protocol documented at
  2008. Sat-simulator testing reveals that the chipset does not handle
  2009. dates after 2019 well; they wrap to 1999. The device sends out
  2010. "$PLCS,REV,PLN012054S07,070312,145743" at reset, not documented.
  2011. May actually be manufactured by Unitraq as the GP-320FW.
  2012. #% Rikaline
  2013. [GPS-6010 USB]
  2014. type = device
  2015. vendor = Rikaline
  2016. packaging = mouse
  2017. techdoc =
  2018. uses = SiRF-2
  2019. interfaces = USB
  2020. usbchip = pl2303
  2021. tested = 2.20
  2022. nmea = 2.2
  2023. notes = Uses SiRF firmware version 2.3.2-GSW2-2.05.024-C1Prod1.1. Manufacturer
  2024. claims it is waterproof (1 meter), WAAS and EGNOS are supported.
  2025. [GPS-6010-X5]
  2026. type = device
  2027. vendor = Rikaline
  2028. packaging = mouse
  2029. techdoc =
  2030. uses = SiRF-2
  2031. interfaces = USB
  2032. usbchip = PL2303
  2033. tested = 2.20
  2034. nmea = 2.2
  2035. submitter = Koos van den Hout <>
  2036. notes = The USB cable is a separate item to order. You can also order an
  2037. RS-232 cable or a PDA cable.
  2038. #% Royaltek
  2039. [Sapphire USB]
  2040. type = device
  2041. vendor = Royaltek
  2042. packaging = mouse
  2043. techdoc =
  2044. uses = SiRF-2
  2045. interfaces = USB
  2046. tested = 1.97
  2047. nmea = 2.2
  2048. notes = There is an RS-232 variant as well, not yet tested.
  2049. [RGM-3600]
  2050. type = device
  2051. uses = SiRF-3
  2052. firmware = GSW3.2.5_3.3.01.06_SDK001P1.00
  2053. interfaces = USB
  2054. nmea = 3.0
  2055. notes = Works out of the box.
  2056. packaging = mouse
  2057. rating = excellent
  2058. submitter = Stijn Ghesquiere <>
  2059. techdoc =;file=RGM-3600%20operational%20manual%20V1_1209966059.pdf
  2060. tested = 2.37
  2061. vendor = Royaltek
  2062. [RGM-3800]
  2063. type = device
  2064. techdoc =;id=23&amp;argPage=1&amp;argI=3
  2065. vendor = Royaltek
  2066. packaging = mouse
  2067. uses = SiRF-2
  2068. subtype = GSC3f/LP
  2069. interfaces = USB (PL2303)
  2070. tested = regression
  2071. nmea = 3.0
  2072. submitter = Philipp Klenze <>
  2073. notes = This is a GPS data logger with mouse functionality. Before it can be
  2074. used with gpsd, the mouse functionality has to be switched on. That
  2075. can be done with the rgm3800py utility by Karsten Petersen. The author of
  2076. said tool has been very helpful to me by describing how to do that on
  2077. the <a href="">
  2078. projectpage</a>. Basically, one needs to run " -d
  2079. /dev/ttyUSB0 gmouse on" before starting gpsd.
  2080. #% Saab
  2081. [Saab R4]
  2082. type = device
  2083. date = 2011-06-01
  2084. interfaces = Other
  2085. model = SAAB AIS GPS R4 positioning system
  2086. uses = Pilot Plug
  2087. notes = This is data from the PilotPlug, AIS + NMEA from various
  2088. instruments on a Transas bridge. This is not normal GPS
  2089. data. Pilotplugs are RS422, 38400 8N1. This data is obtained via
  2090. a Moxa UPort 1130 using Minicom. GPSD does not work well with
  2091. the UPort 1130, but the data is recognised (but not all NMEA
  2092. sentences). This is from a simulator but with real equipment.
  2093. packaging = other
  2094. rating = broken
  2095. submitter =
  2096. techdoc =
  2097. tested = 2.95
  2098. vendor = Saab
  2099. logs = saab-r4
  2100. #% San Jose Navigation
  2101. [FV-18]
  2102. type = device
  2103. vendor = San Jose Navigation
  2104. packaging = OEM module
  2105. techdoc =
  2106. engine = FV-18
  2107. interfaces = UART
  2108. tested = 2.0
  2109. rating = good
  2110. nmea = 2.3
  2111. notes = Special gpsd support uses 8N2 and requests sentences that gpsd requires.
  2112. OEM module only, not a retail product.
  2113. [FV-25]
  2114. type = device
  2115. vendor = San Jose Navigation
  2116. packaging = OEM module
  2117. techdoc =
  2118. uses = ANTARIS
  2119. subtype = TIM-LP
  2120. interfaces = UART
  2121. tested = 2.34
  2122. pps = True
  2123. notes = OEM module, available in small quantities from Tri-M
  2124. systems. The ANTARIS chipset is obsolete, replaced by
  2125. ANTARIS4. This module works in NMEA mode; gpsd also supports the
  2126. UBX binary protocol. Firmware updates are available from ublox;
  2127. the update is strongly recommended as it fixes a number of UBX
  2128. bugs, and adds useful new features.
  2129. [FV-M11]
  2130. type = device
  2131. vendor = San Jose Navigation
  2132. engine = MTK
  2133. packaging = OEM module
  2134. techdoc =
  2135. interfaces = UART
  2136. rating = good
  2137. tested = regression
  2138. submitter = Henk Fijnvandraat (no email address)
  2139. logs = mtk-3301.log
  2140. [GM-38/12V]
  2141. type = device
  2142. vendor = San Jose Navigation
  2143. packaging = mouse
  2144. techdoc =
  2145. engine = Furuno GN-77
  2146. interfaces = RS-232
  2147. tested = 2.21
  2148. nmea = 2.x
  2149. discontinued = True
  2150. rating = broken
  2151. notes = Ships bad packet checksums when it does not have a fix.
  2152. #%Sejat
  2153. [SJ-5210]
  2154. type = device
  2155. engine = SiRF-3
  2156. date = 2011-05-04
  2157. interfaces = USB
  2158. location = Boise, ID: 43deg 33min 52sec N / 116deg 13min 22sec W
  2159. model = SJ-5210
  2160. notes = Page that comes with it states: NMEA 0183 - CGA, GSA, GSV, RMC
  2161. Baud Rate - 4800 bps; Datum WGS-84
  2162. SiRF Star III 20-channel
  2163. -159 dBm sensitivity
  2164. Frequency L1, 1575.42 Mhz, C/A Code: 1023 Mhz Chip Rate
  2165. Acq time: Hot start 1 sec/ warm start 38 sec/cold start 42 sec (ave)
  2166. WAAS/EGNOS supported
  2167. Do not know (but doubt) device handles baud rate changes.
  2168. packaging = mouse
  2169. rating = excellent
  2170. submitter = rickyrockrat <>
  2171. techdoc =
  2172. tested = 2.92
  2173. vendor = Sejat
  2174. #%Skytraq
  2175. [Venus634LP]
  2176. type = device
  2177. engine = SkyTraq Venus 6
  2178. interfaces = TTL
  2179. date = 2010-02-05
  2180. firmware = ver,011023,rev,090210
  2181. location = Minsk, Belarus, 53N 27E
  2182. model = Venus634LP
  2183. nmea = 3.01
  2184. notes = Supports A-GPS from the SkyTraq FTP server.
  2185. packaging = OEM module
  2186. rating = good
  2187. submitter = Viktar Palstsiuk <>
  2188. techdoc =
  2189. tested = 2.90
  2190. vendor = SkyTraq
  2191. logs = venus634lp.log
  2192. #%Sure
  2193. [SKG16B]
  2194. type = device
  2195. users = MTK
  2196. engine = MTK
  2197. interfaces = Bluetooth, USB, RS-232
  2198. date = 2015-04-11
  2199. firmware = MTK-3301 AXN_1.36-0000
  2200. model = SKG16B
  2201. nmea = 3.01
  2202. notes = See David Taylor's page:
  2203. techdoc =
  2204. packaging = OEM module
  2205. rating = excellent
  2206. pps = True
  2207. pps_accuracy = 50ns
  2208. time_offset = ?
  2209. submitter = Sanjeev Gupta <>
  2210. tested = 3.14
  2211. vendor = Sure
  2212. #% Techway
  2213. [TP-051]
  2214. type = device
  2215. vendor = Techway
  2216. packaging = mouse
  2217. techdoc =
  2218. uses = SiRF-2
  2219. interfaces = USB
  2220. usbchip = pl2303
  2221. tested = 2.3
  2222. nmea = 2.x
  2223. discontinued = True
  2224. notes = Advertises that it is waterproof.
  2225. #% Telit
  2226. [SL869]
  2227. type = device
  2228. engine = STA8088
  2229. submitter = Arn <>
  2230. vendor = Telit
  2231. techdoc =
  2232. firmware = TELIT SW Version: SL869 v3.1.2.1 -STD -N96
  2233. packaging = OEM module
  2234. interfaces = TTL
  2235. location = Sydney, NSW, AU, -33.68 151.29
  2236. rating = good
  2237. date = 2012-11-25
  2238. logs = sl869.log
  2239. #% TomTom
  2240. [TomTom Go910]
  2241. type = device
  2242. vendor = TomTom
  2243. packaging = handsfree
  2244. techdoc =
  2245. engine = SiRF-3
  2246. interfaces = USB
  2247. nmea = None
  2248. rating = broken
  2249. notes = This device does not have real-time data output, and is incompatible
  2250. with GPSD.
  2251. [Mark II Bluetooth GPS]
  2252. type = device
  2253. vendor = TomTom
  2254. engine = SiRF-3
  2255. interfaces = Bluetooth
  2256. date = 2010-06-20
  2257. location = Veldhoven, NL
  2258. nmea = Version 2.2
  2259. packaging = mouse
  2260. rating = good
  2261. sample_notes = The unit was stationary (sorry). It is a putty log after connecting to port 2947.
  2262. submitter = Jose Baars
  2263. techdoc =
  2264. tested = 2.36
  2265. logs = tomtom-mkII.log
  2266. notes = I use this GPS as a time source. I use a time1 parameter of
  2267. -1.4 in /etc/ntp.conf, but then it appears to provide time
  2268. reliably within 100ms and only limited sky view.
  2269. #% Transystem
  2270. [iGPS-M]
  2271. type = device
  2272. vendor = Transystem
  2273. packaging = mouse
  2274. techdoc =;cat_no=32&amp;pno=10&amp;ver=en
  2275. uses = uNav
  2276. interfaces = USB
  2277. usbchip = pl2303
  2278. tested = 2.28
  2279. submitter = Romain Goyet <>
  2280. notes = Formerly sold under the corporate name "Bona CompuTech".
  2281. [737A+ Bluetooth]
  2282. type = device
  2283. uses = MTK
  2284. date = 2011-11-10
  2285. interfaces = Bluetooth
  2286. location = Bend, Oregon 44N, 121W
  2287. model = 737A+ Bluetooth
  2288. nmea = 3.01
  2289. notes = USB ID: 0e8d:3329. Bluetooth (V1.2) and USB (V2) output. Linux sees
  2290. the USB as a cell phone (/dev/ttyACM0). Seems a tad less
  2291. sensitive than a SiRF III, but has 66 channels. Uses
  2292. replaceable Lithium Ion battery that charges from the mini-USB
  2293. connector. Small yet 32 hour runtime on a single charge.
  2294. packaging = mouse
  2295. rating = excellent
  2296. sample_notes = Covered up with aluminum foil until lost lock, started capture,
  2297. removed foil and logged until a good fix.
  2298. submitter = Gary E. Miller <>
  2299. techdoc =
  2300. tested = 3.2
  2301. logs = tr737A+.log
  2302. vendor = Transystem
  2303. #% Trimble
  2304. [Trimble Lassen SK]
  2305. type = device
  2306. vendor = Trimble
  2307. packaging = OEM module
  2308. techdoc =
  2309. engine = Colossus RF ASIC, Scorpion DSP
  2310. interfaces = UART
  2311. tested = 2.26
  2312. rating = good
  2313. nmea = 2.1
  2314. notes = Reported by Rob Janssen (no email address)
  2315. [Trimble Lassen IQ]
  2316. type = device
  2317. vendor = Trimble
  2318. packaging = OEM module
  2319. techdoc =
  2320. engine = Colossus RF ASIC, IO-C33 (Epson C33 RISC)
  2321. interfaces = USB,RS-232
  2322. pps = True
  2323. pps_accuracy = 50ns
  2324. time_offset = 0.675s
  2325. usbchip = CP2102
  2326. tested = regression
  2327. rating = good
  2328. nmea = 3.0
  2329. submitter = Chris Kuethe <>
  2330. logs = trimble-lassen_iq-3dfix.log, trimble-lassen_iq-playacar.log,
  2331. trimble-lassen_iq.log
  2332. [Trimble BX960]
  2333. type = device
  2334. vendor = Trimble
  2335. packaging = OEM module
  2336. techdoc =
  2337. engine = BD960
  2338. interfaces = Ethernet
  2339. tested = regression
  2340. rating = good
  2341. submitter = Miika Ojanen <>
  2342. notes = Firmware versoon 4.00, dated 2009-03-10
  2343. [Accutime Gold]
  2344. type = device
  2345. packaging = other
  2346. submitter = Venkatesh Sandilya <>
  2347. vendor = Trimble
  2348. techdoc =
  2349. engine = Trimble custom
  2350. interfaces = RS-232
  2351. tested = 3.9
  2352. rating = excellent
  2353. date = 2013-08-28
  2354. #% u-blox
  2355. [ANTARIS LEA-4H]
  2356. type = device
  2357. vendor = u-blox
  2358. packaging = OEM module
  2359. techdoc =
  2360. uses = ANTARIS4
  2361. tested = regression
  2362. interfaces = RS-232
  2363. pps = True
  2364. submitter = Andreas Stricker <>
  2365. [ANTARIS LEA-4S]
  2366. type = device
  2367. vendor = u-blox
  2368. packaging = OEM module
  2369. techdoc =
  2370. uses = ANTARIS4
  2371. interfaces = USB,UART
  2372. tested = regression
  2373. submitter = Ali Utku Selen <>
  2374. [ANTARIS LEA-4T]
  2375. type = device
  2376. vendor = u-blox
  2377. packaging = OEM module
  2378. techdoc =
  2379. uses = ANTARIS4
  2380. interfaces = USB,UART
  2381. tested = regression
  2382. pps = True
  2383. pps_accuracy = 50ns
  2384. time_offset = ?
  2385. submitter = Chris Kuethe <>
  2386. [EVK-5H-0]
  2387. type = device
  2388. uses = LEA-5H
  2389. date = 2010-08-21
  2390. interfaces = USB
  2391. location = Rotterdam, NL, 51.9N 4.6E
  2392. model = EVK-5H-0
  2393. packaging = other
  2394. rating = other
  2395. submitter = Stephan Dierick <>
  2396. techdoc =
  2397. vendor = u-blox
  2398. [LEA 5Q]
  2399. type = device
  2400. engine = UBLOX NEO-5Q
  2401. date = 2011-02-02
  2402. interfaces = TTL
  2403. pps = True
  2404. pps_accuracy = 50ns
  2405. time_offset = ?
  2406. location = Adelaide, AU, 34.9S, 138.6E
  2407. model = LEA 5Q
  2408. notes = Sample contains GPGST (pseudorange noise statistics).
  2409. This had to be manually enabled by sending "$PUBX,40,GST,1,1,1,0*5A\n"
  2410. to the device.
  2411. packaging = OEM module
  2412. rating = excellent
  2413. submitter = Thomas Sprinkmeier <>
  2414. techdoc =
  2415. tested = 2.95
  2416. vendor = u-blox
  2417. logs = ublox-lea-5q.log
  2418. [EVK-6H-0]
  2419. type = device
  2420. uses = LEA-6H
  2421. date = 2013-10-24
  2422. interfaces = R232, USB
  2423. location = Malvern, PA, 40N 75W
  2424. model = EVK-6H-0
  2425. packaging = other
  2426. rating = excellent
  2427. pps_accuracy = 50ns
  2428. time_offset = ?
  2429. submitter = Eric S. Raymond <>
  2430. techdoc =
  2431. vendor = u-blox
  2432. notes = This is the u-blox eval kit for the LEA-6H. Has both USB and
  2433. RS232 with PPS outputs. Excellent indoor performance, and well
  2434. suited for time service even though the 6H is not specialized
  2435. for that.
  2436. #% UniTraq
  2437. [WGM-300U]
  2438. type = device
  2439. vendor = UniTraq
  2440. packaging = mouse
  2441. techdoc =;support_id=14
  2442. uses = Sony CXD2951
  2443. configurable = insane
  2444. interfaces = USB
  2445. usbchip = CP2101
  2446. tested = 2.35
  2447. nmea = 3.0
  2448. submitter = Reported by Ian Darwin <>
  2449. notes = This receiver operates as a generic NMEA device, the Sony
  2450. binary protocol is unsupported. The receiver seems to lock up if
  2451. too much data is thrown at it (ie. gpsd probes) thus it may
  2452. require a read-only (-b) instance of gpsd. (We say 'may' because
  2453. more recent instances of gpsd break the probe writes into pieces
  2454. interleaved with read, and may no longer trigger this problem)
  2455. [UD731]
  2456. type = device
  2457. vendor = UniTraq
  2458. packaging = dongle
  2459. techdoc =
  2460. engine = Skytraq Venus 524c
  2461. rating = excellent
  2462. interfaces = USB
  2463. usbchip = CP2101
  2464. tested = 3.4
  2465. nmea = 3.01
  2466. submitter = Reported by Eric S. Raymond <>
  2467. notes = Device has two variants; the basic receiver is 'R' and the
  2468. version with additional data-logger capability is N. Emits only NMEA.
  2469. Some Web sources incorrectly describe it as SiRF-3-based.
  2470. #%Variotek
  2471. [VT-BT-204]
  2472. type = device
  2473. engine = Skytraq Venus 6
  2474. date = 2010-03-20
  2475. model = VT-BT-204
  2476. packaging = mouse
  2477. interfaces = Bluetooth
  2478. #location = 48.13333 N 11.593281 E
  2479. #sample_notes = all time fixed
  2480. submitter = <> Claus Seitter
  2481. techdoc =
  2482. vendor = Variotek
  2483. rating = good
  2484. #% Wintec
  2485. [WBT-200]
  2486. type = device
  2487. vendor = Wintec
  2488. packaging = mouse
  2489. techdoc =
  2490. engine = FastraX iTrax03
  2491. interfaces = Bluetooth, USB
  2492. usbchip = CP2101
  2493. tested = regression
  2494. nmea = 3.0
  2495. rating = good
  2496. submitter = Chris Kuethe <>
  2497. notes = This receiver operates correctly as a generic NMEA device,
  2498. iTalk support is also functional, though switching between NMEA
  2499. and iTalk does not yet work, nor does any device configuration.
  2500. [WBT-201]
  2501. type = device
  2502. vendor = Wintec
  2503. packaging = mouse
  2504. techdoc =
  2505. uses = ANTARIS4
  2506. interfaces = Bluetooth, USB
  2507. usbchip = CP2101
  2508. tested = 2.33
  2509. submitter = Espen Talberg <>
  2510. notes = This receiver operates correctly as a generic NMEA device, UBX support
  2511. is also functional, though switching between NMEA and UBX does not yet
  2512. work, nor does any device configuration.
  2513. // vim: set expandtab shiftwidth=4